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Göbekli Tepe is well-known for its monumental buildings with anthropomorphic T-shaped pillars, decorated with reliefs of wild animals which have been featured prominently in earlier works. The abandonment which occurred some 1500 years... more
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      SedimentologyGeoarchaeologyLandscape ArchaeologyAnatolian Archaeology
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      Hellenistic PotteryArchaeology of destructionSite Abandonment (Archaeology)
Historical sources indicate Turks came into Anatolia starting from the middle of the 11th century. This must have had critical short- and long-term impacts on various aspects of life in the region. Based on the archaeological... more
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      Anatolian ArchaeologyMedieval ArchaeologyByzantine ArchaeologySite Abandonment (Archaeology)
The Blackwater River in Santa Rosa County, Florida, is host to numerous ship sites, many of which relate to Pensacola’s historic brick and lumber industry. Since the 1980s, the University of West Florida and Florida’s Bureau of... more
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      Environmental ScienceNautical ArchaeologyArchaeological Site Formation ProcessesSite Abandonment (Archaeology)
Site and scene: Evaluating visibility in monument placement during the Bronze Age of West Penwith, Cornwall, United Kingdom Chelsee Arbour (In)visible cities: The abandoned Early Bronze Age tells in the landscape of the Intermediate... more
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      Near Eastern ArchaeologyLandscape ArchaeologyUrbanism (Archaeology)Social and Collective Memory
Este trabajo de investigación no hubiese sido posible sin la enorme ayuda del Dr. Ernesto González Licón y de la Dra. Walburga Wiesheu Forster, de quienes sus comentarios, críticas y anhelos fueron siempre una motivación constante en la... more
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      ArchaeologyOaxaca (Archaeology)Site Abandonment (Archaeology)Isthmus of Tehuantepec
Honours thesis examining the groundstone assemblage recovered from the Pre-Pottery Neolithic A site of Zahrat adh-Dhraʻ 2 throughout the 1999-2002 excavation seasons.
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      Near Eastern ArchaeologyNeolithic ArchaeologyGround Stone TechnologySettlement Abandonment
Geoarchaeological analyses, including soil micromorphology and chemistry, were used to characterize the deposition history of a fourteenth-century Pueblo ceremonial structure (or kiva) at Fourmile Ruin, east-central Arizona. These... more
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      GeoarchaeologySouthwestern ArchaeologyArchaeology of RitualSite Abandonment (Archaeology)
Before/After explores various aspects related to transformation and change in the Roman and Late Antique world through the archaeological and historical evidence. The seven chapters of the volume range from the evolution of settlement... more
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      Ancient HistoryArchaeologyEnvironmental ArchaeologySettlement Abandonment
ISBN 978 1 78491 008 2 ISBN 978 1 78491 009 9 (e-Pdf)
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      Maya ArchaeologyHousehold ArchaeologySite Abandonment (Archaeology)
Before/After explores various aspects related to transformation and change in the Roman and Late Antique world through the archaeological and historical evidence. The seven chapters of the volume range from the evolution of settlement... more
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      Ancient HistoryArchaeologyEnvironmental ArchaeologySettlement Abandonment
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      TeotihuacanEpiclassic MesoamericaSite Abandonment (Archaeology)
This article examines Butrint under Venetian and Ottoman rule during the period of its final settlement and subsequent abandonment, before the start of archaeological excavations (a.d. 1386–1928). On the basis of excavated Venetian houses... more
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      Historical ArchaeologyArchaeobotanyMedieval urban historyMedieval Archaeology
This edited volume originated in a 2006 Leicester conference that highlighted new research into the latest phases of occupation of Roman towns that failed in, or soon after, late antiquity. It therefore joins the extensive body of recent... more
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      Urbanism (Archaeology)Late Antique ArchaeologyRoman Provincial ArchaeologyRoman Urbanism
Abandonment is the process by which a structure is transformed from systemic context – when it is occupied - to archaeological context. It is both a single event or moment in time when a structure’s context changes and all of the... more
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      GeoarchaeologyMaya ArchaeologySite Abandonment (Archaeology)
Supplemento di ArcHistoR 13/2020 a cura di Annunziata Maria Oteri Giuseppina Scamardì u n pa e s e c i v u o l e Studi e prospettive per i centri abbandonati e in via di spopolamento o n e n e e d s a t o w n S t u d i e s a n d p e r s p... more
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      Urban ConservationUrban Regeneration and ConservationAbandoned BuildingsArchitectural and urban conservation
The concept of abandonment is often framed within a biographical perspective where the house has the possibility to be understood in different ways throughout its use-life. Previous studies of abandonment mostly problematized how... more
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      Bronze Age Europe (Archaeology)Household ArchaeologySettlement archaeologySite Abandonment (Archaeology)
This chapter reviews the evidence of the collapse, abandonment and reoccupation of Teotihuacan, Central Mexico
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      TeotihuacanSite Abandonment (Archaeology)
Geoarchaeological analyses, including soil micromorphology and chemistry, were used to characterize the deposition history of a fourteenth-century Pueblo ceremonial structure (or kiva) at Fourmile Ruin, east-central Arizona. These... more
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      GeoArcheologySouthwestern ArchaeologySite Abandonment (Archaeology)
Shortly after 1300 A.C. small dispersed pueblos in the Grasshopper region of east-central Arizona were abandoned and succeeded over a short period of time by a settlement system characterized by large nucleated pueblos. This transition... more
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      Southwestern ArchaeologySite Abandonment (Archaeology)Interdisciplinary methodology in Archaeology
Rangitoto Island, Aotearoa/New Zealand, is the location of a graveyard of abandoned vessels and three communities of baches (circa 1910s–1930s)—small and modest holiday homes. In 2014, an archival and archaeological investigation of 11... more
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      Maritime ArchaeologyHistorical ArchaeologyNew Zealand StudiesAdaptive Reuse
This preliminary report describes the first two seasons of work at the abandoned farm-site known as Háls, on the lands of the farm Kollslækur in Hálsasveit, Borgarfjarðarsýsla, western Iceland. Work at the site in 1987 involved a short,... more
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      ArchaeologyHistorical ArchaeologyMedieval ArchaeologyNorth Atlantic archaeology
The 'Byzantine Bio-Archaeology Research Program of the Negev' (BYBAN), launched in 2015, aims to examine the underlying causes for the emergence, long-term persistence and ultimate collapse of Byzantine settlement in the Negev ). In order... more
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      Arid environmentsByzantine ArchaeologyEarly Islamic ArchaeologySite Abandonment (Archaeology)
Research master thesis. Written at the Groningen Institute of Archaeology (University of Groningen)
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      Settlement archaeologyIron AgeSite Abandonment (Archaeology)Bog finds
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      ArchaeologyHistorical ArchaeologyAutomotive HistoryUrbanism
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      Anatolian ArchaeologyByzantine StudiesByzantine ArchaeologyLate Roman Archaeology
A detectorist found a gilded bronze disc in Hellwege, Germany (13th century). The find was published as an accidental loss of a rider loosing part of his horse gear. A comparison with a Dutch find from the province of Drenthe undoubtedly... more
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      ReligionArchaeologyHistorical ArchaeologyMedieval Literature
Together, archaeological evidence and oral histories better inform our understanding of the interaction between abandoned vessel sites and communities. While the maritime and historic archaeological record can reveal salvage and reuse... more
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      ArchaeologyMaritime ArchaeologyHistorical ArchaeologyNew Zealand Studies
The stressors associated with the amount of water available to a society and its engineered landscape are shown to affect cultural longevity in a region. The long-term affects of aridity may actually accommodate occupation and... more
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      Maya ArchaeologySouthwestern ArchaeologySite Abandonment (Archaeology)Human Niche Construction
Understanding how archaeological sites are abandoned is a vital part of archaeology. This paper explores abandonment as a phenomenon in a worldwide context, particularly in relation to sites with evidence of fire, and with a special focus... more
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      ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyViolenceGeoarchaeology
The most archaeologically visible dimension of the Classic Maya Collapse is the abandonment of monumental royal courts. Yet, in some cases, non-elite populations lived for centuries in and around Classic Maya centers without rulers.... more
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      ArchaeologyMesoamerican ArchaeologyMaya ArchaeologyHousehold Archaeology
Houses in classical periods are traditionally studied from an architectural approach. Though other aspects, such as architectural elements, wall paintings, art and pottery are also investigated, these are analyzed from a morphological,... more
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      Household ArchaeologyHellenistic PotteryArchaeological Site Formation ProcessesSite Abandonment (Archaeology)
The abandonment of inhabited places is a phenomenon that concerns many countries worldwide and Italy particularly where a large number of deserted settlements are hosted. Many are the factors driving and conditioning the abandonment of a... more
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      GeographyHuman GeographyCultural HeritageResilience
The abandonment of inhabited places is a phenomenon that concerns many countries worldwide and Italy particularly where a large number of deserted settlements are hosted. Many are the factors driving and conditioning the abandonment of a... more
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      Cultural HeritageResilienceNatural HazardsLandslides
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      Maya ArchaeologySite Abandonment (Archaeology)
The North-Western Provinces of the Roman Empire were littered with a broad array of abandoned or reused stone buildings during the immediate post-Roman period. The history of many of these buildings is difficult to discern, and the... more
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      Late Roman ArchaeologySite Abandonment (Archaeology)
The most archaeologically visible dimension of the Classic Maya Collapse is the abandonment of monumental royal courts. Yet, in some cases, non-elite populations lived for centuries in and around Classic Maya centers without rulers.... more
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      HistoryArchaeologyMesoamerican ArchaeologyMaya Archaeology
Investigating Transformations through Archaeological Records in the Heart of Tuscany. The Roman Villa at Aiano between Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages (4th-7th c. AD) (M.
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      Ancient HistoryArchaeologyEnvironmental ArchaeologySettlement Abandonment
A theoretical approach to site abandonment in Late Prehistory.
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      Neolithic ArchaeologyIberian Prehistory (Archaeology)Settlement archaeologySite Abandonment (Archaeology)
My paper today has come out of a research interest in the causation and expression of what is often referred to in the popular media as " blight " ; urban abandonment and the dereliction of structures and sites, often built within living... more
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      ArchaeologyCultural HeritageContemporary ArchaeologyChernobyl (Environment)
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      Landscape ArchaeologySettlement PatternsRiversLate Roman Archaeology
This paper discusses the contexts in which material culture related to the production of iron in the Iron Age (e.g. smithing debris, slags, ingots) were deposited. We argue that metalworking 'debris' was used in offerings during the Iron... more
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      MetallurgyArchaeology of Ritual and MagicLate Iron Age (Archaeology)Iron Age
Collapse and abandonment dominate the popular literature on prehistoric societies, yet we know that reorganization is a more common process by which social and ecological relationships change. We explore the process of reorganization... more
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      Resilience (Sustainability)Archaeology of the U.S. SouthwestSite Abandonment (Archaeology)
Actas de II Congreso Nacional de Arqueología
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      Andean ArchaeologyArqueología AndinaSite Abandonment (Archaeology)Arquitectura Prehispánica Andina
This paper reports the results of recent investigations of ceramic figurines and musical instruments from Classic Belize River Valley site of Baking Pot, located approximately 8 km northeast of the modern town of San Ignacio in the Cayo... more
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      ArchaeologyRitualClassic Maya (Archaeology)Maya Archaeology
The end of the Aguada occupation in the Ambato valley and its subsequent abandonment of the several settlements is related to various fire events. In this sense, the proposal of this paper aims to contribute to the knowledge about the... more
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      ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyAnthropologySpatial Analysis
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      Cultural GeographyHistorical GeographySocial GeographyCultural Heritage
Vitrified hillforts are architectural monuments exhibiting evidence of significant in-situ high-temperature alteration in the form of dark, glassy, bubbly-textured inorganic material adhering to rock fragments. It was proposed that... more
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      Iron Age Britain (Archaeology)Iron AgeNorthern EnglandEarly Iron Age