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Professor Herman’s edition – Sir Philip Sidney’s An Apology for Poetry and Astrophil and Stella: Texts and Contexts – is an ambitious work, one that “attempts to situate” both texts “within their various cultural discourses” (51). As... more
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      Renaissance StudiesPoetrySir Philip SidneyBook Reviews
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      English LiteraturePoetrySir Philip Sidney
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      Critical TheoryBritish LiteratureCultural StudiesFeminist Theory
In his Defence of Poesie, Sidney insists on poetry as a means of attaining "fruitful knowledge" and thus he underlines its profitable nature. This seems quite coherent with the spirit of his narrative production, but reading closely his... more
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      Renaissance StudiesEarly Modern LiteratureSir Philip SidneyAstrophil and Stella
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      PoeticsSir Philip Sidney
Il pensiero e l'emozione La rappresentazione del sogno nella letteratura I Libri dell'Associazione Sigismondo Malatesta copertina: progetto grafico di Benedetto Longobardi Ruju TUTTI I DIRITTI RISERVATI È vietata la traduzione, la... more
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      ShakespeareSir Philip SidneyLucretius
Michael Scheffel, Formen selbstreflexiven Erzählens. Eine Typologie und sechs exemplarische Analysen. Tübingen (Niemeyer) 1997, 285 S.
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      NarratologyTheodor FontaneSir Philip SidneyChristoph Martin Wieland
This paper is about the influence of Petrarch and his sonnets on the Elizabethan sonnets such as the works of Wyatt, Surrey,  Spenser, Sidney, Shakespeare and Drayton.
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      SonnetsItalian Renaissance literatureThomas WyattHenry Howard, earl of Surrey
Thesis of the essay is 'Poetry deserves the highest regard as a means of human pursuit of knowledge'. Sidney is trying to argue to substantiate that thesis, though, as he himself acknowledges, poetry is in dim light now. However, for... more
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      Literary CriticismSir Philip SidneyLiterary Theory and CriticismAn Apology for Poetry
I show how the English authors of the 16th and 17th centuries consistently adapted and transformed Classical conceptions of the nature and purpose of poetry and literature. A collection of the most important source texts follows the... more
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      ClassicsPlatoRenaissance PlatonismEnglish Renaissance Literature
An introduction to Renaissance literature, including a discussion of the broader historical context of the Renaissance (humanism, the Reformation, the printing press etc.) as well as the historical context of the Renaissance in England... more
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      English LiteratureHumanitiesPlatoRenaissance Studies
An introduction to Elizabethan sonnet sequences, including discussions of the courtly love tradition, Neo-Platonism, Petrarchan sonnets, and an analysis of Sidney's Astrophil and Stella and Spenser's Amoretti.
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      English LiteratureHumanitiesSexuality and chivalry/courtly loveSonnets
A s part of the Christmas festivities of 1599-1600, a group of young men at St. John's College, Cambridge, performed the second part of a celebrated trilogy of student plays. The Parnassus Plays (1598-1601) are prominent examples of a... more
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      ShakespearePoeticsThomas WyattSir Philip Sidney
Sir Philip Sydney, Plato, Aristotle, Horace, Ufuk Ozdag
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      PlatoAristotleHoraceSir Philip Sidney
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      Sexuality and chivalry/courtly loveSir Philip SidneyEdmund SpenserLacanian psychoanalysis
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      Sir Philip SidneyApology
Love is a common theme in the Renaissance poetry dominating the writings of nearly all great writers of the time. Sir Philip Sidney is one of the most celebrated writers of this period who is able to create love poems at their highest... more
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      LoveRenaissance literatureSir Philip SidneyBeauty
The period of Sidney ownership of Penshurst Place, Kent, and their architectural reshaping of the medieval great house are traced from 1552 to c. 1700, and their creation of a major London house, Leicester House, from the 1630s. Penshurst... more
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      Early Modern HistoryArchitectural HistoryEnglish Renaissance LiteratureSir Philip Sidney
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      Sir Philip SidneyDramatic Theory and Criticism
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      RhetoricHistory of MathematicsShakespeareSir Philip Sidney
The 'art of war' was the subject of a voluminous and wide-ranging literature in Tudor England. Warfare in the sixteenth century underwent dramatic technological and conceptual changes: the former were the fruit of new techniques in... more
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      Early Modern HistoryEarly Modern EnglandMasculinityElizabethan Literature
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      Sir Philip SidneyEdmund SpenserWilliam Shakespeare
This article investigates the circulation and fame of Sannazaro’s Arcadia in early modern England, focusing first on Philip Sidney’s reception of the poem as part of an ongoing pastoral tradition. Sannazaro’s work thus contributed to... more
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      Sir Philip SidneySannazaroArcadiaSannazaro Arcadia
This essay reinterprets the interrelated importance of money and diplomatic fame for Philip Sidney’s political career, with an eye to his self-presentation within a grand chivalric spectacle, The Four Foster Children of Desire, performed... more
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      Diplomatic HistorySir Philip SidneyRobert Dudley, Earl of LeicesterQueen Elizabeth I
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      Economic HistoryBook HistoryHistory of the BookTypography
In this essay I make three related arguments. First, the ninth sonnet of Astrophil and Stella, “Queene Vertue’s Court,” serves as a virtual substitute for the prodigy house that Sir Philip Sidney hoped to inherit or build and carries out... more
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      Art HistoryWomen's StudiesCreativityGender
JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and... more
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      Book HistoryHistory of the BookBibliographyTypography
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      History of ScienceAlchemyEarly Modern Sonnet SequencesSir Philip Sidney
While advice-giving, educational treatises and pedagogical figures abound in sixteenth-century literature, Philip Sidney’s Astrophel and Stella presents its readers with unique claims of love, knowledge and education. Rather than... more
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      SonnetsEarly Modern LiteratureSir Philip Sidney
This paper examines Edmund Spenser’s role as part of a group of Protestants led by the earl of Leicester who pushed for greater English support for Protestant rebels in France and the Low Countries and opposed the negotiations for a... more
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      Tudor HistorySir Philip SidneyEdmund SpenserTudor Ireland
This is the first full-length critical study of country house entertainment, a genre central to late Elizabethan politics. It shows how the short plays staged for the Queen at country estates like Kenilworth Castle and Elvetham shaped... more
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      Theatre HistoryWomen's HistoryRenaissanceRenaissance drama
The sixteenth century was an age of historical , scientific , religious and arti stic exploration . More attention was directed towards the little world of man ; artists dwelled more on the human psyche as they attempted to examine and... more
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      LiteratureShakespearePoetrySir Philip Sidney
A presentation I worked on as part of my Bachelors in Comparative Literature. (UG-II)
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      Renaissance StudiesRenaissance HumanismThomas WyattSir Philip Sidney
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      Gender StudiesPetrarchLyric poetryEnglish Renaissance Literature
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      History of English LiteratureElizabethan LiteratureSir Philip SidneyMachiavelli
Argues that much Renaissance love poetry satirizes the male speakers who  pursue sexual favors from unmarried women,
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      PetrarchFeminismEarly Modern LiteratureRenaissance literature
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      Renaissance HumanismIntellectual History of the RenaissanceLaws of WarEpic poetry
Love is a common theme in the Renaissance poetry dominating the writings of nearly all great writers of the time. Sir Philip Sidney is one of the most celebrated writers of this period who is able to create love poems at... more
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      English LiteratureRenaissance literatureSir Philip Sidney
Sidney’s literary career is usually understood to have occurred in two phases: one as a manuscript author and another, posthumously, as a nationally revered print celebrity. This essay complicates that narrative by showing how Sidney’s... more
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      Print CultureEnglish Renaissance LiteratureSir Philip SidneyEdmund Spenser
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    • Sir Philip Sidney
Visibility is proposed in this article as an inverse corollary to Venuti's notion of invisibility and a site of methodological interest for translation history. By historicizing the visibility of translators and of other foreign elements... more
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      Translation StudiesMedieval LiteratureRenaissance StudiesMedieval English Literature
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      Sir Philip SidneyHafizPlatonic Love
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      Italian LiteratureEnglish Renaissance LiteratureSir Philip SidneyEnglish Renaissance Literature, Sir Philip Sidney, John Donne and others
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      English LiteratureBook HistoryHistory of the BookShakespeare
In his Defence of Poesie, Sidney insists on poetry as a means of attaining "fruitful knowledge" and thus he underlines its profitable nature. This seems quite coherent with the spirit of his narrative production, but reading... more
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      Renaissance StudiesEarly Modern LiteratureSir Philip SidneyAstrophil and Stella
Johannes Crato: Sidneyʼs forgotten mentor? The paper examines the influence of Johannes Crato and the seminal treatises on medicine and botany written by leading Central European scholars during the early modern period on the erudition... more
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      Intellectual and cultural historyEnglish Renaissance LiteratureSir Philip Sidney
makes one of his earliest and few appearances in English writing in this passage: "Chawcer undoubtedly did excellently in his Troilus and Creseid: of whome trulie I knowe not whether to mervaile more, either that hee in that mistie time... more
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      Sir Philip SidneySannazaroArcadiaSannazaro Arcadia