Sinitic Languages

124 papers
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Sinitic languages, also known as Chinese languages, are a branch of the Sino-Tibetan language family, primarily spoken in China and by Chinese communities worldwide. They are characterized by their tonal nature, use of logographic writing systems, and significant dialectal diversity, with Mandarin being the most widely spoken among them.
This topical section brings together five essays that cover different aspects in the intersection of language and society in contemporary Taiwan. Briefly outlining the contents of each essay, this introduction focuses on the question how... more
In this paper, “paper redemption(紙贖)” and “paper punishment(罰紙)” was discussed. In the literature of the Ming Dynasty, terms such as “paper redemption” and “paper punishment” did indeed cause some misunderstandings. This article first... more
В статье рассматривается система вопросительных местоимений категории предмета и лица на материале всех ветвей диалектов группы Минь сино-тибетской семьи. Главная задача исследования — выявить различные инновации в этой системе,... more
This article describes the 34th Sino-Tibetan Linguistics Conference held in Kunming, Yunnan China October 24-28, 2001 with emphasis on the Tibeto-Burman branch of this large language family. The Tibetan Studies Internet Newsletter was... more
This study is the first to comprehensively describe suffixing morphology in Zhangzhou Southern Min, an under-described Sinitic language spoken in southern China. Suffixation can be derivational in this language to create new lexemes and... more
A brief historical sketch is also made of Archaic Chinese (5 th c.-2 nd c. BCE) and in Medieval Chinese in the attempt to trace the origin of these different negative markers. We show that a syntactic, word-order based typology is... more
usually a strength, but there are moments when one wishes for a more critical attitude. Robert, perhaps, takes the glowing accounts of evangelical success he draws on too much at face value. It doesn't matter whether George Harris really... more
This article presents a typological survey of verbal numeral classifiers (VNCs) in languages of Eastern Eurasia. As classifiers of occurrence (e.g., to V once, to V twice), VNCs are prevalent in languages of East Asia and Southeast Asia,... more
This paper discusses the problems with the "noun-verb inclusion" hypothesis from the logical perspective. Based on the fundamental attributes of logical axiom,the author reveals the logical problems with the "noun-verb inclusion" Venn... more
An analysis of correlative constructions in Chinese that: (1) gives a principled account of the distribution of correlative markers; and (2) offers an explanation for some puzzling facts about distribution of anaphoric pronouns is... more
Gyoza in Japanese, which denotes Chinese dumpling, has based on the pronunciation of Jiaoliao Guanhua used at Shandong peninsula and Liaodong peninsula.
This article presents the results of a corpus-based investigation aimed at establishing the criteria defining the post-verbal position of a lexically encoded Subject in MWA, not only in relation to the Object, but to all post-verbal... more
Ли Ифан Теоретические основы варьирования китайского слога В статье рассматривается специфика соотношения лингвистических категорий слога, морфемы и слова в китайском языке для теоретического обоснования разных фонетических моделей одного... more
本文基于语源学研究,加以等韵对应规律等语音对应规律,证明汉语乌拉尔语言同源,呈现了汉语与乌拉尔语言之间的5 项等韵对应规律、3 项声调对应规律和2 项节首对应规律,以上语音对应规律共涉及23 则汉语与乌拉尔语言的对应字词(正字)。附加参考文化字汇,论证汉语与乌拉尔语同源的历史背景。文末附有汉语乌拉尔语言等语言100 基本词汇语源比正集成。
Studying the formation of primitive tribes, European scholars believe that initially there was a group of people with maternal blood relatives who gathered to form tribes. The tribe gradually grew larger, until one group split into a new... more
Dongxiang is a Mongolic language from a peripheral linguistic branch mainly spoken by 300,000 speakers in Southeast Gansu in the People’s Republic of China. The Dongxiang language has been particularly influenced by the neighboring... more
Presented paper deals with the morphological category of aspect in Cantonese. Given the lack of a morphological category of tense in Cantonese, aspect holds a particular position in this system, as it is the sole morphological means... more
This article is concerned with the problem of argument-function mismatch observed in the (apparent) subject-object inversion in Chinese consumption verbs, e.g., chi 'eat' and he 'drink', and accommodation verbs, e.g., zhu 'live' and shui... more
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University * The research reported here is conducted within the context of the project 'A comparative study on modification strategies in Chinese and English' (G-YX59), funded by The Hong Kong Polytechnic... more
Using etymological methods, the present study has identified ten (10) Hunnic (Xiongnu) etymologies (etyma) in Xia-Hunnic core member languages. Eight of ten Xiongnu etyma are identified in Yeniseian; seven in Sinitic; six in Hungarian.... more
Using etymological methods, the present study identifi ed three Sinitic and Slavic shared (Sino-Germanic) etymologies (etyma)【鹿, 露, 軸】. There three etyma form a a rhyme correspondence. This regular sound change validates the... more
This paper investigates semantic extensions of the two most significant polysemous function words in Hakka, bun and lau. Though totally unrelated in their original senses, together they came to express the beneficiary role and exhibit a... more
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This article intends to put forward the hypothesis that "ʃit5識" grammaticalized from a verb with the meaning of "knowing" to the experiential aspect marker through an analysis of the polysemous structure of the Taiwanese Hailu Hakka... more
As with most fields of life, China can trace its history of word standardization back to ancient times, when the first dictionaries (such as Erya, ca. 3 rd century B.C.) appeared. Modern Standard Chinese used in Mainland... more
The process of creating a modern national standard language for the whole of China has been long. It started in the beginning of the 20 th century, when it became clear that a common spoken tongue was needed to unite the Chinese people.... more
This paper evaluates the conventional approach to documenting Chinese dialects (方言 fāngyán), highlighting both its strengths and limitations. It suggests modifications that are tailored to specific sociolinguistic contexts, with an... more
Passives of oblique objects were claimed to be ungrammatical in sentences containing direct objects. No explanation was provided for this structural restriction. In this paper an explanation is attempted in terms of a clash over the role... more
S cholars studying the Chinese writing system, whether they be from the East or the West, agree that the earliest writing system in East Asia is that which appeared in the latter Shang period (ca. 1300-1050 bce) at Anyang 安陽. The... more
A través de métodos etimológicos, este estudio ha identificado seis etimologías (étimos) que tienen en común (sino-germánicas) las lenguas siníticas y las romances:【犬, 飯, 管, 滿, 挽, 全】. Estos étimos forman una correspondencia de rima. Este... more
In Mandarin Chinese, when the verbal perfect aspect marker le occurs with an individual-level predicate, it can denote unexpectedness, functioning as a mirative marker. The mirative le construction is syntactically different from a... more
Classifiers, both nominal and verbal, must be taken into consideration as a parameter in typological studies of the numeral classifier languages. Building on previous work, we will show that nominal and verbal classifiers are mutually... more
Overview of the contributions to the first-ever special issue of Sungkyun Journal of East Asian Studies
Nominal classification systems are found in the majority of the world's languages, yet there is no agreement as to whether these systems have a function (Singer 2018) or are just 'junk'; some kind of historical accretion (Trudgill 2011).... more
Adjectival comparatives like txiki baino txikiago 'smaller than small' in Basque exhibit some striking properties that present a challenge for previous analyses of inequality comparatives. The research on this unstudied type of adjectival... more
Despite a large body of research, the linguistic nature of exhaustivity in single wh-questions is unresolved. Moreover, little empirical evidence exists as to which related structures pattern with bare wh-questions regarding exhaustivity.... more
This paper argues that inalienable relational nouns in Mandarin Chinese, specifically kinship nouns (e.g. father, sister) and body-part nouns (e.g. head, face), have an implicit reflexive argument. Based on a syntactic comparison between... more
Анализируются контексты употребления синонимичных глаголов современного китайского языка со значением «делать». Основным методом исследования выступает расширенный вариант компонентного анализа с привлечением методов анализа словарных... more
by Wen LU
The morpheme ‘give’ is among the most well-studied lexical items in the realm of grammaticalization. This study sets out to provide a typological and areal analysis of the distinct forms and multiple functions of ‘give’ in 27 varieties of... more