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      Philosophy of MindSingular ThoughtNon-Existence
This is the introductory essay to the collection of essays: 'Acquaintance: New Essays' (eds. Knowles & Raleigh, forthcoming, OUP). In this essay I provide some historical background to the concept of acquaintance. I examine various... more
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      PhilosophyMetaphysicsPhilosophy of MindPhilosophy Of Language
This paper is largely exegetical/interpretive. My goal is to demonstrate that some criticisms that have been leveled against the program Gareth Evans constructs in The Varieties of Reference (Evans 1980, henceforth VR) misfire because... more
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      ReferenceSingular ThoughtGareth EvansDemonstratives
Keywords: communication, semantics/pragmatics, direct reference theory, singular thoughts, Russell's Principle, Generality Constraint, Husserl, Evans, Perry, twin examples, demonstratives, demonstrative identification, perception,... more
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      PerceptionContextualismEdmund HusserlContext
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      Philosophy Of LanguageSingular ThoughtGareth Evans
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      Cognitive PsychologySingular ThoughtPerceptual Acquaintance
Epistemic relativism comes in many forms, which have been much discussed in the last decade or so in analytic epistemology. My goal is to defend a version of epistemic relativism that sources the relativ-ity in the metaphysics of... more
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How is it that, as fiction readers, we are nonplussed by J. K. Rowling’s prescription to imagine Ronan, Bane, and Magorian, three different centaurs of the Forbidden Forrest at Hogwarts? It is usually held in the philosophical literature... more
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      FictionalityThomas ReidUniversalsHistory Of Modern Philosophy
Wie denken und sprechen wir eigentlich über einzelne Objekte in Raum und Zeit? Diese Frage rührt gleichermaßen an Grundprobleme der neueren sprachanalytischen Philosophie und der transzendentalen Phänomenologie Husserls. Unter dem Titel... more
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      PhilosophyPerceptionSemantics/PragmaticsSemantic Externalism
In this paper, I argue against two recent theories of singular thought:
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      PhilosophyPhilosophy of MindSingular ThoughtMental Files
The paper is a brief introduction to the discussion over individual concepts in language and thought.
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      SemioticsPhilosophy of MindPhilosophy Of LanguageProper Names
Føllesdal's much-discussed "Fregean" reading of Husserl's notion of noema has recently been criticized on the grounds that, on this reading, Husserl would be committed to either (1) a radical form of internalism about intentional... more
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      PhilosophyReferenceEdmund HusserlIntentionality
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      ReferenceSingular ThoughtMental Files
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      Philosophy Of LanguageLanguages and LinguisticsBertrand RussellProper Names
The chapter discusses Burge's views on de re representation.
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      PhilosophyPhilosophy of MindPhilosophy Of LanguageEpistemology
In der Philosophie des Geistes kann man unter »Externalismus« grob gesprochen die Idee verstehen, dass unsere propositionalen Akte und Einstellungenunsere Gedanken, wie ich weniger technisch sagen werde 1konstitutiv von den Aspekten der... more
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      Semantic ExternalismProper NamesJohn McDowellSingular Thought
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      MetaphysicsMoral PsychologyTortureSingular Thought
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      William OckhamSingular ThoughtFilosofia MedievalPensadores Franciscanos
reseñas ideas y valores · vol. lx · n. o 147 • diciembre de 2011 • issn 0120-0062 • bogotá, colombia [223] reseñas Santamaría, Freddy. Hacer mundos: el nombrar y la significatividad. Una investigación desde la filosofía analítica.... more
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      ReferenceSingular ThoughtGareth Evans
This paper explores the peculiar phenomenology of photographic pictorial experience. I begin with an attempt to clarify what exactly we mean by saying that photographs have a special phenomenology: identifying what kind of phenomenology... more
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      PhenomenologySingular ThoughtPerceptual ExperiencePictorial Experience
Imagine an empty world e. Dogs exist is obviously going to be false in a world like that.
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      OntologySaul KripkeSingular ThoughtPersonal Names
Why does language matter to philosophy?' is the name of a minor classic by Ian
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      Philosophy Of LanguageReferenceSingular Thought
In "Understanding Demonstratives", Gareth Evans bites the bullet regarding Rip van Winkle cases in cognitive dynamics: the fact that Rip sleeps for twenty years and completely loses track of time means he is unable to retain his original... more
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      PhilosophyMetaphysicsPhilosophy of MindPhilosophy Of Language
It is widely supposed that if there is to be a plausible connection between the truth of a de re attitude report about a subject and that subject's possession of a singular thought, then 'acquaintance'-style requirements on singular... more
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      ReferenceContextualismKnowledge by AcquaintanceSingular Thought
This paper investigates the question of how to correctly capture the scope of singular thinking. The first part of the paper identifies a scope problem for the dominant view of singular thought maintaining that, in order for a thinker to... more
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      Philosophy of MindMental RepresentationFunctionalismNumbers
Es un hecho que podemos tener pensamientos acerca de objetos materiales; podemos formar pensamientos demostrativos como el expresado por la oración “Eso es fastidioso” (refiriéndonos a un objeto que estamos percibiendo). Y también es un... more
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      Non-Conceptual ContentSingular ThoughtObject PerceptionGareth Evans
My aim in this paper is to examine how Kent Bach's theory of singular thought about material objects meets the requirements of transmitting de re thought. I identify a certain possible paradox haunting Bach"s move of extending... more
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      ReferenceMeaningSingular ThoughtDe re
Throughout the 1980s and 1990s, John Perry's direct reference theory of indexical thought, as presented in the late 1970s, generated a lot of debate. Unfortunately, the fact that Perry substantially revised this theory in the late 1980s,... more
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      Theories Of ReferenceIndexicalitySingular ThoughtDemonstratives
I explain what haecceities are and the role they play in our thought and talk about specific individual things, whether those things are concrete or abstract. Everything that can be referred to by using a singular term has a haecceity. I... more
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      MetaphysicsPhilosophy Of LanguageLogicSelf and Identity
Resumen: Estoy interesado en indagar ¿cómo es que nuestros pensamientos demostrativos dependientes directamente de la experiencia son acerca de ciertos objetos materiales? ¿Cuál es, y cómo es la relación entre un estado mental y cierto... more
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      Philosophy of perceptionSingular ThoughtDemonstratives and Indexicals
In this essay, I argue that in typical cases of singular thought, a thinker stands in an evidential relation to the object of thought suitable for providing knowledge of the object’s existence. Furthermore, a thinker may generate... more
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      PhilosophyPhilosophy Of LanguageEpistemologyReference
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      Philosophy of MindPhilosophy Of LanguagePropositional AttitudesSingular Thought
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      Philosophy of MindPhilosophy of Language (Humanities)Propositional AttitudesSingular Thought
My aim in this paper is to examine how Kent Bach's theory of singular thought about material objects meets the requirements of transmitting de re thought. I identify a certain possible paradox haunting Bach's move of... more
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      PhilosophyKnowledge by AcquaintanceSorites Paradox & VaguenessIndexicality
How do we inferentially unify separately acquired empirical information into a single comprehensive picture of the lives of persistent particulars? This paper argues that hidden in such inferences is a Fregean puzzle that can only be... more
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      Philosophy of MindPhilosophy Of LanguageMental Representation and ContentInference
What capacities for discrimination must a subject possess in order to entertain singular thoughts? Evans has suggested that a subject must be able to discriminate his referent from all other entities in order to be able to do so; what he... more
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      Philosophy of MindTheories Of ReferenceInferentialismSingular Thought
We argue that the most ambitious version of the me ntal files theory of singular thought, according to which mental files are a wide -ranging psychological natural kind underlying all and only singular thinking, is unsup ported by the... more
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      Cognitive ScienceMathematicsPhilosophy of MindPhilosophy Of Language
This paper defends Lewis’ (1979a) influential treatment of de se attitudes from recent criticism (Cappelen and Dever, 2013; Holton, 2015) to the effect that a key explanatory notion—self-ascription—goes unexplained. It is shown that... more
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      David K LewisIndexicalitySingular ThoughtDe se attitudes
Aristotle assumes in many contexts that we are able to have singular thoughts such as “Cleon is white.” However, one might be puzzled about whether this is really compatible with his theory of thought, which is commonly taken to explain... more
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      PhilosophyAristotleThomas AquinasGottlob Frege
When unknowingly experiencing a perceptual hallucination, a subject can attempt to think specifically about what is, as far as he or she can tell, the perceived object. Is the subject then deceived about his or her cognitive situation? I... more
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      DisjunctivismSingular Thought
Among Singularists, it has been widely accepted that one can have singular thought by acquaintance, and that acquaintance encompasses the perceptual acquiring, memorizing and communicating of singular thoughts. I defend the possibility of... more
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      Knowledge by AcquaintanceSingular ThoughtCausal Theory of Reference
My aim in this paper is to examine how Kent Bach's theory of singular thought about material objects meets the requirements of transmitting de re thought. I identify a certain possible paradox haunting Bach's move of extending... more
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      Knowledge by AcquaintanceSorites Paradox & VaguenessIndexicalitySingular Thought
Aristotle assumes in many contexts that we are able to have singular thoughts such as “Cleon is white.” However, one might be puzzled about whether this is really compatible with his theory of thought, which is commonly taken to explain... more
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      AristotleThomas AquinasGottlob FregeSingular Thought
Philosophers have justified extant theories of singular thought in at least three ways: they have invoked wide-ranging theories motivated by data from other philosophical areas, they have elicited direct intuitions about which thoughts... more
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      Philosophy of MindPhilosophy Of LanguageReferencePragmatics
I raise a problem for common-factor theories of experience concerning the demonstrative thoughts we form on the basis of experience. Building on an insight of Paul Snowdon 1992, I argue that in order to demonstratively refer to an item... more
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      Philosophy of MindNaive RealismSingular ThoughtDemonstrative reference