Recent papers in Singing
The yoik is a vocal technique practised by the Sámi of Northern Europe. It relies on circular melodies, chanted in everyday life and a cappella, with or without lyrics. Each melody evokes a particular being, usually a person, an animal... more
How To Sing From Your Diaphragm - How To Breathe From Your Diaphragm. In today's article I am going to discuss and demonstrate one of the basics of singing, how to breathe from your diaphragm. If you have been singing for a while you may... more
This study explored the personal narratives of six AFAB (“assigned female at birth”) singers – three cis and three trans/non-binary performers of varying ages, ethnicities and locales – to understand how their experiences informed their... more
Take voice lessons to improve your singing ability The appeal of singing is incontestable. Popular programs built on vocal skills are American Idol, The Voice, and of course the X Factor. The success of Karaoke in local bars and... more
Desde mediados del s. XX, la creciente disponibilidad de dispositivos electrónicos –tanto al interior como fuera de los ámbitos educativos– sumada al acceso masivo a información a través de Internet han favorecido la inserción de la... more
This article describes the process by which the author came to write a pedagogic text on practical acoustic pedagogy for the singing voice.
Patients with severe aphasia are rarely treated using speech therapy. We used music therapy to continue to treat a 79-year-old patient with chronic severe aphasia. Interventions 1, 2, and 3 were to practice singing a song that the patient... more
Time and Performer Training addresses the importance and centrality of time and temporality to the practices, processes and conceptual thinking of performer training. Notions of time are embedded in almost every aspect of performer... more
This short essay provides contextual background on Robert Burns's lyric, "Ae Fond Kiss," as well as critical analysis of the song.
Learn How To Connect With Your Lyrics - How To Sing With Emotion. In the music world, if you already have plenty of money, you can write any kind of song in any fashion. You can use your money in the marketing of the song, to make up for... more
Vocal training through singing and acting lessons is known to modify acoustic parameters of the voice. While the effects of singing training have been well documented, the role of acting experience on the singing voice remains unclear. In... more
Hormone therapy (HT) is the administration of hormones in an attempt to relieve gender dysphoria by obtaining the phenotype and vocal quality of one’s gender identi-ty. The information contained in this article is designed to help... more
Middle school general music is an experience that numerous music educators feel underprepared to teach. Because many undergraduate programs spend little time on this teaching scenario and because the challenges of middle school general... more
My heartfelt and eternal gratitude to Carolyn, my committee chair, faculty advisor, mentor, music therapy colleague, fellow Canadian in every way that counts, and long-time friend. Thanks for your supportive and nurturing encouragement,... more
This article summarizes currently available brain research concerning relationships between singing and language development. Although this is a new field of investigation, there are findings that are applicable to general music teaching... more
THE PREVIOUS INSTALLMENT OF "Mindful Voice," "Creativity in Crisis?," concluded with a look at some of the cognitive effects of digital technology, and what that technology's overuse may be wreaking upon human... more
This session begins with the group singing "Funga Alafia." a Nigerian Welcome Song.) After singing the following questions are posed to the group: What has or has not changed since we sang together? What was the importance of singing... more
Vuonna 2001 ilmestyneellä Vespertine-levyllä Björk laulaa: ”You’re trying too hard. Surrender. Give yourself in.” Undo-kappaleessa, josta kyseinen sitaatti on peräisin, tiivistyy yksi levyn keskeisistä teemoista – antautuminen. Björkillä... more
2010.07 - Κανελλάτου, Παρασκευή Γ. - Το Ελληνόφωνο Πολυφωνικό Τραγούδι στο Νότιο Τμήμα της Επαρχίας Πωγωνίου στην Ήπειρο Περίληψη: Εθνομουσικολογική μελέτη σχετικά με το ελληνόφωνο πολυφωνικό τραγούδημα του νοτίου τμήματος της επαρχίας... more
Resumo: O artigo em questão aborda as possíveis relações entre linguagem e música, trazendo como objeto de análise o improviso vocal, mais especificamente o Scat singing. O projeto parte de uma análise do discurso musical e como ele se... more
Infants who were 6 months of age were presented with extended audiovisual episodes of their mother's infant-8 directed speech or singing. Cumulative visual fixation of their mother's image and initial fixation times were longer 9 for... more
Sociology provides a contextual milieu for pedagogy and provides a cultural explanation for pedagogical motives and method. In the world of sociology, the figurative voices of women and other minority groups have been thoroughly examined... more
What you are about to read is a new theory about the cause, and prevention, of thyroid disease. We believe a simple lifestyle issue that characterizes modern life is leading to thyroid dysfunction. It’s something you can test for... more
This paper presents a puzzle game for early detection of dementia embedded with a singing interface for promoting mental health. In recent years, dementia has become a social problem worldwide, and early detection is regarded as a key for... more
Rendering Melodies with Overtones A single singer but two voices? Experience that situation by visiting and check the second movie with the title “Sehnsucht nach dem Frühlinge (Mozart) — Anna-Maria Hefele... more
El estudio de la voz está integrado por numerosos factores que determinan el resultado final. A la hora de abordar el estudio de la voz es conveniente contemplar el cuerpo humano como una fuente inagotable de recursos que potencian y... more
People with stroke or Parkinson's disease (PD) live with reduced mood, social participation and quality of life (QOL). Communication difficulties affect 90% of people with PD (dysarthria) and over 33% of people with stroke (aphasia).... more
The present work seeks to present a brief panorama of Brazilian choral compositions based on indigenous musical themes and, through a historical and musical analysis of some of these works, to comment on the compositional processes that... more
Dette essay præsenterer nogle overvejelser over de betingelser, inden for hvilke salmesang bliver til. I fokus er ikke så meget salmerne som tekstlige eller musikalske genrer, men i højere grad den gensidige afhængighed, som opstår mellem... more
Short programme notes on the historical, musical and textual background to the St John Passion, which I wrote in 2013 for a performance of this wonderful work by Summertown Choral Society.
Resumen: Raphael ha sido y es uno de los cantantes más destacados de la historia de España. Es conocido mundialmente por la temática de sus canciones (el amor y el desamor), por su timbre de voz y por su singular manera de interpretar.... more
The benefit of singing for people with acquired brain conditions is becoming wellestablished. The CeleBRation Choir at The University of Auckland's Centre for Brain Research was established in September 2009 for people with neurological... more
5.1 Einleitung: Singen als elementarer sprach-‐musikalischer Ausdruck Zu den Besonderheiten, die den Menschen von anderen höher entwickelten Primaten unterscheidet, gehört ein variationsreiches Potenzial an vokal-‐artikulatorischen... more
Breathing instruction for classical singing is becoming more physiologically focused, yet the effect of chest-wall kinematic directives on breathing behaviour is largely unexplored. Five female classical singers sang Caccini's Ave Maria... more
How To Properly Belt When Singing - How To Always Sing On Key. Many singers desire a vibrato in their voice because it lends a lovely quality. The question is if you do not have it naturally-can it be acquired? If so, how is it controlled... more
Integrative Performance serves a crucial need of 21st-century performers by providing a transdisciplinary approach to training. Its radical new take on performance practice is designed for a climate that increasingly requires fully... more
Communicating through caregiver singing during morning care situations in dementia care It is well known that persons with dementia (PWD) have problems expressing and interpreting communication, making interaction with others difficult.... more
Even if you are born with a great singing voice, it is still necessary to practice it to maintain or enhance it. Your voice is an instrument that needs training and practice so it improves. Fortunately, there are lots of exercises that... more