Singaporean Literature
Recent papers in Singaporean Literature
Some years ago, a visiting writer came to the Singaporean university where I was a lecturer in Renaissance literature. Such visitors came and went frequently under the auspices of the creative writing program there, and, wrapped up in my... more
We are pleased to present three of our donor collections in this issue-the Singapore Stock Exchange (SGX) Collection, the Jamshed & Parvati Fozdar Collection and the Lee Kim Long Collection. The SGX Collection is the largest single... more
Cf: a book: Christopher (AKA Krzysztof) K. Vorbrich , WSPOMNIENIA. 80. lat Sekcji Żeglarskiej Akademickiego Związku Sportowego w Poznaniu. Cf. research papers of. K.K. Vorbrrich on satellite navigation.
Special 30th anniversary of SARE, Southeast Asian Review of English, with particular emphasis on Singaporean and Malaysian literature. Special issue co-edited by Neil Murphy, Koh Tai Ann, and Susan Philip.... more
This paper probes the connection between the established structures of censorship operating in the narratives of race and culture and their psychological implications on the subjective interiority of the central character, Suwen, in... more
I'm going to begin by playing a video of the official theme song for the National Day Parade in Singapore in 2012, "Love at First Light," performed by Olivia Ong and Natanya Tan. As one would expect, the song presents a highly idealized... more