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      Feminist TheoryFeminist Literary Theory and Gender StudiesFeminism and Social JusticeFeminismo
El 1917 Max Weber va parlar del “desencant del món”. A grans trets, assenyalava la desaparició de la religiositat a conseqüència de la racionalització produïda per les formes d’organització social derivades, sobretot, del progrés... more
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      History of CapitalismCapitalismSilvia FedericiThe Commons
Préface à la traduction française de l'ouvrage de Silvia Federici : Beyond the periphery of the skin, Par-delà les frontières de la peau. Repenser, refaire et revendiquer le corps dans le capitalisme tardif, 2020, Paris : Divergences, pp... more
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      Histoire du corpsCapitalismeSociologie du travailMouvements des femmes/Mouvements féministes
En este artículo parto de Calibán y la Bruja, obra de la historiadora italiana Silvia Federici, para señalar una serie de insuficiencias en los principales paradigmas teóricos en torno a la modernidad y la opresión. En primer lugar,... more
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      Frantz FanonColonialismoGéneroCaliban
En el presente trabajo nos proponemos reponer y analizar las críticas que Silvia Federici levanta en su libro Calibán y la bruja contra la formulación estratégico-productiva del poder que desarrolla Michel Foucault en su libro La voluntad... more
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      Michel FoucaultCapitalismoPoderSilvia Federici
Revolución en punto cero (2013) de Silvia Federici es sin duda uno de los libros más importantes dentro de los debates políticos sobre el tema de la reproducción. Nacida en Italia, Federici es activista feminista, profesora emérita de... more
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      Reproductive LaborSilvia FedericiFeminist Marxism
Slide usado para a apresentação da Monografia de Conclusão de Curso em Filosofia pela Universidade de Brasília no ano de 2021.
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      Nick LandDecolonial ThoughtVandana ShivaAccelerationism
Korean translation of Silvia Federici, Caliban and the Witch: Women, the Body, and Primitive Accumulation (Seoul, 2011)
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      Women's StudiesWomen's HistoryAnthropology of the BodyFeminism
Avec HOMO INC. OPORATED, Sam Bourcier poursuit la réflexion menée dans la trilogie des Queer Zones. Mariage, procréation, travail, patrie, les bons homos ont basculé dans la sphère de la reproduction et de la production. Que reste-t-il du... more
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      Queer StudiesPerformance StudiesTransgender StudiesQueer Theory
Roteiro usado para a apresentação da monografia de conclusão de curso em Filosofia pela Universidade de Brasília em 2021
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      Feminist TheoryNick LandCosmopoliticsDecolonial Thought
This paper develops theory on stigma, capitals and the female reproductive body, explored through analysis of empirical research on the uptake of menstrual cups, a reusable menstrual technology. Conventional menstrual products are... more
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      StigmaPierre BourdieuMenstruationSilvia Federici
This practice-based research sets out to investigate and intervene in the tense relation between the production of socially as well as politically relevant design work and the socio-economic precariousness many designers experience.... more
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      DesignFeminist TheoryAction ResearchDesign education
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      CalibanAntropología del trabajoSilvia FedericiEl Calibán y la Bruja.Silvia Federicci
The contributors to The Anomie of the Earth explore the convergences and resonances between Autonomist Marxism and decolonial thinking. In discussing and rejecting Carl Schmitt's formulation of the nomos—a conceptualization of world order... more
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      Cultural StudiesSocial MovementsPolitical PhilosophyIndigenous Studies Considering the literature on feminist militancy and “domestic labor” of the late 1960s and early 70s from the perspective of Western visual culture, the artist Mierle Laderman... more
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      Visual CultureFeminismSocial reproductionSilvia Federici
Para responder à pergunta “Por que as mulheres brasileiras são criminalizadas pela interrupção voluntária da gravidez?”, mobilizou-se a teoria de Silvia Federici, numa revisão bibliográfica de O Calibã e a Bruxa: mulheres, corpo e... more
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      Silvia FedericiDireitos ReprodutivosEstudios De Género Y Feminismo
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      Kritische TheorieGeschlechterforschungSilvia FedericiMaria Mies
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      PhilosophyPolitical EcologyEcofeminismAnthropocene
Silvia Federici, "Genere e capitale. Per una lettura femminista di Marx", a cura di A. Curcio, DeriveApprodi, Roma 2020, pp. 132, ISBN 978-88-6548-301-5
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      Gender StudiesAntonio GramsciKarl MarxMarxismo
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      Philosophy of AgencyMarxismCritical Animal StudiesAgency Theory
Il partito nella 'Fabbrica Verde'. Note sulle lotte operaie nella Padana Irrigua", classe operaia, 4-5 (1965).-"Composizione del capitale e forza lavoro alla Olivetti", Quaderni rossi, 3 (1963).-"Composizione organica del capitale e... more
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      Visual StudiesMarxismItalian artCommunism
Índice Introducción Santiago Liaudat PRIMERA PARTE INTRODUCCIÓN A LA FILOSOFÍA DE LA LIBERACIÓN Capítulo 1 Filosofía de la Liberación, un acercamiento desde la obra de E. Dussel Ezequiel Asprella, César Baldoni y Darío Estévez... more
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      Enrique Dussel's liberation philosophyFilosofía de la LiberaciónEurocentrismPhilosophy of liberation
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    • Silvia Federici
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      Feminist TheoryAntonio NegriActivist Art20th century Italian art
A collectively written book about the politics of fashion. - As Hannah Arendt wrote, what is most difficult is to love the world as it is, as it is plagued by evil and suffering. Yet, as Arendt astutely acknowledges, it is this same love... more
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      Critical TheoryFashion designFashion TheorySocial Entrepreneurship
Disampaikan dalam Research Week Rumah Baca Komunitas (RBK) Yogyakarta pada Sabtu, 8 Mei 2021 via Google Meet pukul 16.00-17.40 WIB. Tema diskusi: "Poskolonial Feminisme dan Teror Kapitalisme terhadap Perempuan".
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      Feminist TheoryWitch Hunt StudiesFeminismeSilvia Federici
Aunque de momento resulte tan poco conocido como enormemente olvidado fue desde la Cuba Revolucionaria que tuvo lugar el desarrollo prístino de una teorización marxista-feminista del trabajo doméstico. Desde La Habana, a inicios de 1969... more
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      Cuban StudiesFeminismCuban RevolutionChe Guevara
« Se réapproprier le champ de la longue durée. Contribution écoféministe à une histoire après l'anthropocène » Mots clef : matriarcat, écoféminisme, anthropocène, Tsing, Haraway, Bachofen, anthropologie, d'Eaubonne, Engels, Federici... more
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      EcofeminismDonna HarawayFriedrich EngelsJ.J. Bachofen
¿Cuántos días, cuántas noches-tal cual-me quedé dormido estando de pie? Xu Lizhi, trabajador de Foxconn Resumen: En este artículo, presentaremos el trabajo de la pensadora y activista Silvia Federici (Parma, 1942), enfocándonos en lo que... more
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      MarxismEstudios de GéneroFilosofíaCapitalismo
IN COLLABORAZIONE CON MARTEDÌ 7 DICEMBRE ORE 14.30-18.00 SEMINARIO INTERNAZIONALE ONLINE Leon Battista Alberti è spesso associato alla nascita del progetto architettonico nella Firenze dell'Umanesimo. Discostandosi dalle interpretazioni... more
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      Architecture in Italian Renaissance and Baroque ArtAntonio NegriMarxist FeminismOperaismo
It's time for our second exclusive Spectre forum for our donors – this one scheduled for Wednesday, November 17 at 6 pm. The topic will be social reproduction theory. All of our donors have already received a link to attend. But there's... more
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      Feminist TheoryMarxismFeminism(s)Feminismo
Despite the importance that autonomist feminism has played in the development of autonomist politics and struggles it is commonly relegated to little more than a glorious footnotes of figures emerging out of operaisti thought (such as... more
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      GenderAffect StudiesAffectSocial reproduction
In his article ‘Postscript on the Societies of Control’, Gilles Deleuze reconfigures Foucault’s notion of disciplinary societies. Written in 1990, Deleuze had seen a change in the structures of power that Foucault had spent a career... more
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      Queer TheoryGilles DeleuzeFelix GuattariFeminism
The book All Knees and Elbows of Susceptibility and Refusal: Reading History From Below began as a discussion between two friends, Anthony Iles and Tom Roberts, about the politics of writing history. Neither are trained historians. They... more
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      HistoryMarxismLabour historySlavery
The secondary circuit of capital is the sphere of commodity circulation, exchange, and consumption. It is a major theme in urban studies because it highlights the structural economic dynamics of capitalist urbanization, especially the... more
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      SociologyPolitical EconomyPolitical EcologyBuilt Environment
Federici’s analysis of the European witch-craze in the C16th-C17th, by honing in on specific practices in relation to the (particularly female) body punished by the state as part of “primitive accumulation” - the violent transition from a... more
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      Feminist TheoryMarxismNecropoliticsHistory of Sexuality
Póster presentado en el I Seminario Internacional AKELARRE "Creencias heterodoxas en la literatura hispánica"
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      FeminismoHistoria De Las MujeresSilvia FedericiTeoría de género y feminismo
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      Family studiesCommonsKinship (Anthropology)Feminism
O intuito deste artigo é identificar no filme de média-metragem "Nichts ist erledigt" (2014) da Systrar Produções, um retrato do capitalismo neoliberal que atua como forma de controle sobre os corpos femininos em pleno século XXI. O... more
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      Film AnalysisFeminismIntersectionalityIntersectional Feminism
Moving within the productive / reproductive paradigm on the basis of the reflection carried out by the Marxist feminist, the experience of civic and collective urban use carried out by the community of the "ex Asilo Filangieri" of Naples... more
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      Feminist TheoryCommonsElinor OstromPaolo Virno
Κρίση αναπαραγωγής και η συγκρότηση ενός νέου " ex lege " προλεταριάτου. Συνέντευξη της Σίλβια Φεντερίτσι στη Φρατζέσκα Κόιν. H ιταλίδα μαρξίστρια-φεμινίστρια Σίλβια Φεντερίτσι, καθηγήτρια πολιτικής φιλοσοφίας στο Πανεπιστήμιο Χόφστρα... more
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      CommonsFeminismViolence Against WomenPrecarity
Critica della cultura a partire dal femminismo degli anni Settanta.
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      Arte ContemporaneaEsteticaSilvia FedericiFemminismo
Desde la publicación en 1998 de Calibán y la bruja (en 2004 su traducción al castellano), Silvia Federici se ha convertido en un referente internacional en lo que respecta a la revisión feminista de los procesos de cazas de brujas en... more
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      Gender StudiesFeminist TheoryWitch Hunt StudiesEuropean Witch Trials
La nature est révolutionnaire À propos de Le temps du paysage de Jacques Rancière, La Fabrique, 2020. Paul Guillibert Qu'on contemple les forêts qui brûlent ou les mers qui montent, rares sont les paysages qui offrent d'autres panoramas... more
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      Landscape EcologyCultural StudiesArt TheoryJacques Rancière
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    • Silvia Federici
Recensione a: Silvia Federici, "Caccia alle streghe, guerra alle donne", NERO, Roma 2020 Nel volume "Caccia alle streghe, guerra alle donne" tornano i due protagonisti abituali degli studi di Silvia Federici: non nominato ma presente al... more
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      Gender StudiesCapitalismFeminismMarxism (Political Science)
This paper was an invited response to Scott Shalkowski's paper, "No Cheating Allowed" (Abstract here: and was presented at the Northumbrian Triangle 2nd Colloquium on Philosophy of... more
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      Philosophy Of ReligionPhilosophical TheologySlavoj ŽižekSecularisms and Secularities