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      Metamorphic PetrologySilicate mineralogyMantle PetrologyTethys Realm In Iran and Adjacent Areas
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      New Zealand LiteratureVolcanologyNew Zealand StudiesGeothermal
El eterno dilema que supone la decisión de elegir entre materiales tradicionales y modernos viene ya desde lejos. La búsqueda de un equilibrio entre las dos posiciones puede determinar el éxito de cualquier intervención en conservación y... more
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      ArchitectureCultural HeritageRehabilitationConservation
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      GeologyCrystallographyStructural GeologySpace Geodesy
Горе вляво: Тъмнозелен и жълт яспис с червени петна (хелиотроп) (30х20х17 cm) от Неофит Бозвелиево, Източни Родопи (№9273, Национален природонаучен музей, БАН) Горе вдясно: Мьосбауеров спектър на жълт яспис с гьотит (образец aVu3,... more
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      MineralogySilicate mineralogyArchaeomineralogyQuartz
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      GeologyMineralogySilicate mineralogyMineralogy Geology
РЕЗЮМЕ. Настоящата работа предоставя данни за морфологията, размера и химичният състав на гранати от метаморфната рамка на Сакарския плутон. Изследвани са образци от районите на селата Орлов дол (слюдени шисти), Хлябово (слюдени и... more
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      MineralogyMorphometrySilicate mineralogyGarnets
The Jebel al-Ma'taradh and its surroundings contain exceptional deposits of lithic raw materials, including flint and chert, but especially chalcedony, agate, carnelian, and chrysoprase. These deposits were intensively exploited during... more
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      Mining EngineeringHuman GeographyArchaeologyExperimental Archaeology
Die Archäologische Staatssammlung präsentiert in ihrem Zweigmuseum RÖMERMUSEUM WEISSENBURG eine Auswahl antiker Gemmen, die auf dem Gebiet des heutigen Bayern gefunden wurden. Im Gegensatz zu den meisten Gemmen sind von allen in der... more
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      ArchaeologyMineralogySilicate mineralogyRoman Art
Chemical vapor deposition calcium silicate culm minerals a b s t r a c t Multiwalled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) were synthesized from bamboo charcoals by chemical vapor deposition in the presence of ethanol vapor. Fresh bamboo culms were... more
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      BiomassMineralsBIOCHARCarbon Nanotubes
Silica sinters, deposited from alkali chloride waters in the El Tatio geothermal field in northern Chile (22°20'S, 68°01'W), have been characterized by XRD, SEM, TG-DTA, and FTIR. The dominant silica phase is opal-A. Minor contents of... more
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      MineralogySedimentologySedimentary PetrographySedimentary Petrology
Transformation of metakaolinite to basic sodalite [Na4(AlSiO4)3Cl]2 in the presence of NaCl was investigated. Experimental synthesis was performed in alumina crucibles at 850°C and ambient pressure. Reaction progress was monitored by... more
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      Synthesis of nanoparticlesSilicate mineralogyZeolitesKaolinite Clay
Obsidian is a naturally occurring volcanic glass formed as an extrusive igneous rock. It is produced during the process of rapidly cooling of the extruded felsic lava from a volcano manifesting thereby minimal crystal growth. The subject... more
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      Volcanic GeologyObsidianSilicate mineralogyGeochemical Characterization of Obsidians
The physico-mechanical, chemical and mineralogical characteristics of volcanic glass (perlite) from the Mariovo region (Macedonia) as well as the mineralogical changes that occur during its thermal treatment were investigated to... more
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      GlassSilicate mineralogyGlass BeadsSilica
Tourmalines from the Kalinovka porphyry copper deposit with epithermal bismuth-gold-basemetal mineralization and the Michurino gold-silver-base-metal prospect have been studied in the South Urals. Tourmaline from the Kalinovka deposit... more
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      MineralogySilicate mineralogyPorphyryTourmaline
The biorelated degradability and clearance of siliceous nanomaterials have been questioned worldwide, since they are crucial prerequisites for the successful translation in clinics. Typically, the degradability and biocompatibility of... more
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      Materials EngineeringEvolutionary BiologyMarine BiologyMaterials Science
The electrical conductivity of San Carlos olivine has been measured at 1100 C under reducing conditions at controlled oxygen fugacity, inside and outside the olivine stability field, in order to study the kinetics of olivine... more
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      Materials EngineeringGeochemistryChemistrySpace Sciences
Príspevok prináša súhrn informácií zo štúdia nálezového fondu tehál získaných počas archeologického výskumu benediktínskeho kláštora sv. Kozmu a Damiána v Ludaniciach. Štúdium tehál bolo založené na viacerých prístupoch: matematická... more
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      Mathematical StatisticsMineralogyMedieval ArchaeologyBuilding Materials (Archaeology)
Eudialyte-group minerals (EGM) attract global interest as potential resources for high-field-strength elements (e.g. Zr, Nb, Ta, and rare-earth elements), i.e. critical materials for modern technologies. They are particularly valued for... more
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      GeologyMineralogyMaterials ScienceIgneous petrology
Article published in the trade journal Solids & Bulk Handling about the dangers associated with respirable crystalline silica dust and suggested control measures based on compliance with the Control of Substances Hazardous to Health... more
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      Silicate mineralogyPneumoconiosisPorous SilicaSilica
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      RadiationSilicate mineralogyX-ray DiffractionLuminescence
aBstraCt Roumaite, (Ca,Na‚□) 3 (Ca,REE,Na) 4 (Nb,Ti)[Si 2 O 7 ] 2 (OH)F 3 , a new mineral species, occurs as a late-stage product in cavities of peralkaline nepheline syenites on Rouma Island, in the Los Archipelago, in Guinea; associated... more
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      TitaniumSilicate mineralogyNiobium
Cuspidine and götzenite were found as accessories in the pegmatitoid facies of venanzite from the Pleistocene lava flow of Pian di Celle. The modal compositions of venanzite and its pegmatitoid facies have been defined through combined... more
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      TitaniumSilicate mineralogyZirconium Compounds
Diatomite is one of the most intensively examined raw materials in the materials industry with a broad range of various applications. The diatomite sample, collected from Vitačevo plateau in the vicinity of Kavadarci, was fully... more
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      Silicate mineralogyDiatomsSilicaTripoli
Two coexisting F-bearing K-richterites from the blueschist-facies metamorphic manganese ore deposit St. Marcel (Val d'Aosta, Italy) have been studied by combined EMPA and IR analytical techniques. Despite their different colors (pink and... more
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      MineralogyCrystallographySilicate mineralogy
We analyzed the official yearly mortality data due to malignant pleural meso-thelioma (MPM) from 1995 to 2002 in all 107 Italian provinces, and we related them to provincial resident population in the same years. The resulting ratios are... more
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    • Silicate mineralogy
The production of pottery represented a significant pyro-technological progress in the ancient world. Two types of characteristics pottery from the transitional period (Neolithic to Chalcolithic) found at the Tappeh Zaghe in northern Iran... more
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      Ceramic Analysis (Archaeology)Silicate mineralogySynchrotron RadiationClay Behaviour During Firing
This work relates the occurrence and the characterization of fibrous tremolite within the latest pyroclastic deposits of the Colli Albani (Alban Hills) volcano , to the southeast of Rome (Italy). These mineraliza-tions were observed... more
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    • Silicate mineralogy
Rice-DNDC (DeNitrification Decomposition) model is mainly used to calculate methane emission from rice ecosystem. It also calculates the water requirement and uptake by plants. The present study was carried out to simulate rice water... more
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      Silicate mineralogyBiological Nitrogen FixationMitigating Methane & nitrous oxide emissions from agricultural farming practicesBiosurfactants
Abstract: Runoff flows not only on magmatic rocks massifs surface but also through their internal discontinuities, which define the secondary permeability of the rock. The effects, especially erosive, of the water movement on surface are... more
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      GenomicsGeobiologyGeomicrobiologyComparative Genomics
Trepel is the local name for a mixture of diatomaceous earth and clay minerals. It represents a greyish, soft, very light, weakly cemented, fine biogenetic sedimentary rock. The studied material is taken from the vicinity of Bitola city... more
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      NanomaterialsSilicate mineralogyClay MineralsDiatoms
Würdigung des Kremser Museumsrestaurators Anton Stummer zu seinem 70. Geburtstag im Jahre 2000.
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      ZoologyMineralogyMineralsSilicate mineralogy
the crystal structure of baghdadite, ideally Ca3Zr(si2o7)o2, was refined using 1986 reflections to R = 0.034. Baghdadite is monoclinic, space group P21/a, with cell parameters a 10.432(3), b 10.163(2), c 7.356(2) Å, b 90.96(2)°. the... more
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      Silicate mineralogyZirconium
Tiragalloite occurs as small orange grains in veinlets cutting black massive aggregates of braunite and quartz from an abandoned manganese mine at Molinello near Chiavari, Liguria, Italy. The veinlets also contain quartz, manganiferous... more
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    • Silicate mineralogy
Diatomite is one of the most intensively examined raw materials in the materials industry with a broad range of various applications. The diatomite sample, collected from Vitačevo plateau in the vicinity of Kavadarci, was fully... more
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      Silicate mineralogyDiatomsSilicaTripoli
The geomorphic evolution of the upper basin of the Tigris (Dicle) River in southeastern Turkey reflects the interplay of surface processes and the development of topographic relief and lithospheric deformation since the closing of the... more
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Interactions between several silicate and metallic phases are studied by applying a self consistent thermodynamic approach and using recent thermody-namic data. We compute proportions and compositions of oxidized silicates and of reduced... more
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      Silicate mineralogyMetal-Silicate
Trepel is the local name for a mixture of diatomaceous earth and clay minerals. It represents a greyish, soft, very light, weakly cemented, fine biogenetic sedimentary rock. The studied material is taken from the vicinity of Bitola city... more
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      Silicate mineralogyClay MineralsSilicaClays
Sequential washing techniques using single or dual agents [sodium hydroxide (NaOH) and hydrochloric acid (HCl) solutions] were applied to arsenic-contaminated soils in an abandoned iron-ore mine area. We investigated the best remediation... more
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      Soil ScienceColloids and SurfacesArsenicInformation Extraction
We have inferred the deformation mechanisms of antigorite by high-resolution EBSD mapping of samples from Cerro del Almirez ultramafic massif (Betic Cordillera, SE Spain). Textural relations and phase diagram calculations constrain the... more
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      Metamorphic PetrologyHigh PressureDeformation and strainSilicate mineralogy
ABSTRACT The geomorphic evolution of the upper basin of the Tigris (Dicle) River in southeastern Turkey reflects the interplay of surface processes and the development of topographic relief and lithospheric deformation since the closing of... more
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      GeomorphologyMetamorphic PetrologyArid environmentsTectonics & Sedimentation
Very low frequency electromagnetic, magnetic, and induced polarization methods. The very low frequency electromagnetic resistivity data show high resistivity zones that correlate with siliceous units known to host the gold. The magnetic... more
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      GeologyGeochemistryEconomic GeologySilicate mineralogy
Chemical weathering of Mg, Ca-silicates and alumino-silicates contributes significantly to the drawdown of atmospheric CO 2 over long time scales. The present work focuses on how this mode of weathering may change in the presence of... more
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      Silicate mineralogyMetal-SilicateSurface PropertiesBiocontamination
Course name: Earth Systems I: Solid Earth Saint Louis University, Madrid Campus, Faculty: Science and Engineering Semester: Spring 2005. Course description: On the structure of our planet and the forming processes: plate tectonics,... more
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      GeologyMineralogyMineralsSilicate mineralogy
Heat treatment was performed on selected Fedominant tourmalines to establish the nature of any change in optical properties. Two tourmaline samples from Dolní Bory, Czech Republic (TDB) and Vlachovo, Slovakia (TVL) were heated at 450, 700... more
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      Silicate mineralogyTourmalineBorosilicates
Phosphorus from excess fertilizers and detergents ends up washing into lakes, creeks, and rivers. This overabundance of phosphorus causes excessive aquatic plant and algae growth and depletes the dissolved oxygen supply in the water. In... more
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      Water qualityWater PurificationAlgaeSilicate mineralogy
A new metal-free catalyst CaSiO3 was developed to grow carbon nanotubes (CNTs) on a pyrolytic graphite paper tape by an ethanol catalytic chemical vapor deposition method at 1200-1400 oC. The prepared CNTs with a droplet tip had a... more
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      CatalystsCarbon NanotubesSilicate mineralogyChemical Vapor Deposition