Silence Studies
Recent papers in Silence Studies
This article try to demonstrate how the silence takes shape : it becomes a dangerous character against whom the narrator has to act. In The Children’s Chamber, the silence is at first an ally, helping the young Georges to resist to the... more
Richard Wright's Native Son has often been read as a socially-oriented text, seemingly neglecting its existence as a literary construct. Such readings gear towards identifying the text with such societal ills as racism and... more
QUADERNS DE FILOSOFIA. Vol. III, núm. 1 (2016) Monográfico sobre el Silencio.
Recensión (en español) de dicho libro (traducción española del alemán).
Glaubt man den gängigen Drehbuchtheorien, gibt es insgesamt nicht mehr als zwanzig universale Geschichten zu erzählen, deren Variationen mit unermüdlichem Drang stets neu aufgerollt werden. So lassen sich jeder Handlung Grundthemen wie... more
In response to Kristallnacht, the world was _not_ silent. On the contrary, outrage and condemnation were widely expressed in newspapers and government statements. It didn't matter. I suggest that "one can argue that speaking out – at... more
The work of Toshio Hosokawa (born 1955 in Hiroshima) exemplifies a connection between silence and the sphere of the sacred which is characteristic of Far East cultures. The goal of this paper is to determine the role of silence in the... more
The unspeakable but meaningful other of speech, writing, and related performative acts.
L'article aborde la manière dont le roman Le Ravissement de Lol V. Stein de Marguerite Duras rend compte de l’absolu, se construisant depuis et autour de cette entité, et aménage paradoxalement, de par cet ancrage, le silence comme noyau... more
A bakhtinian approach to discursive study about silence. Firstly, the paper makes a historical discussion of the author´s concept, since his doctoral thesis. Afterwards, some assumptions are presented and, finally, the concept of silence... more
In conversation with Arvo Pärt Enzo Restagno rightly noted: ‘I believe that a real point of contact between Japanese musical tradition and your music is to be found in the role that silence plays in both.’ Indeed, the comparison of... more
Motivational interviewing (MI) is an increasingly prominent behavioral therapy that draws from and claims to synthesize two American therapeutic traditions long thought to be antithetical—“client-centered” and “directive” approaches. This... more
I recalled [the deported Jews] because of my friend Jankiel Wiadecki, who remained stuck in my head forever. I often tell my wife and children about him, about the conversations we used to have, about how it used to be. We liked each... more
Mistyczny wymiar ciszy stanowi przede wszystkim przedmiot doświadczenia, ale też zainteresowania artystów czy naukowców (zwłaszcza teologów, filozofów oraz psychologów religii). Zwraca na to uwagę już Izydora Dąmbska (1904-1983),... more
In their recent studies Barbara Newman and Cecila Panti have stressed the importance which the theme of voice assumes in the thought of Hildegard von Bingen. In the second book of Scivias, Trinity is described metaphorically by using the... more
This article analyses the modern vision of silence and its representation in Valère Novarina’s “holed writing”. His “verbal drama” aims todeprive the language of its communicative utilities and to restore its autonomy and theatricality,... more
"This book explores the phenomenon of silence in schools, considering a wide range of its appearances and uses. Starting from a discussion of the negative and coercive aspects of silence in schools, the discussion moves quickly onto... more
«Io sono innamorato della parola ‘lacuna’; parola squisitamente latina […] Nelle sue tre sillabe si condensa tutto ciò che di bello ed esem-plare ha per me l’antica lingua di Roma: robustezza, pregnanza sonora e semantica, e una capacità... more
The question of attention in theatre remains relatively unexplored. In redressing this, Theatre and Aural Attention investigates what it is to attend theatre by means of listening. Focussing on four core aural phenomena in theatre -... more
Ce travail s’intéresse à la place accordée au silence dans la littérature. Il vise à mettre en évidence les causes sociolangagières de l’intérêt qui lui est porté -un intérêt croissant depuis Mallarmé- et à rendre compte d’un ensemble de... more
"লেখক জাগা আর ঘুমনোর তফাত করতে না পেরে আতান্তরে পড়েছেন. মুস্কিলআসান করতে মান্ডুক্যোপনিষদ পড়তে বসলেন. এবং ব্যাক্তিগত অভিজ্ঞতা-র বর্ণনা দিতে গিয়ে কর্মের তত্ত্ব ব্যাখ্যা করলেন. শেষ করলেন লালন এর উদ্ধৃতি দিয়ে. এইভাবেই এক হয়ে গেল তথাকথিত উঁচু... more
The aim of this study was to explore how participants experience silence within the therapeutic setting, as well as their past and training experiences of silence. Data was collected via the participants’ discourse, during semi-structured... more
Forming a family and having children constitutes an adulthood rite of passage, one of the tacitly assumed requirements of a fulfilled life. What happens, then, when the "family dream" does not materialize? This article addresses the dark... more
"Arvo Pärt is a contemporary sacred composer who is recognized for developing what he has referred to as the ‘tintinnabuli’ compositional technique. His tintinnabuli technique has led him to great success both in and outside of the... more
How to cite: Syroyid Syroyid, B. (2018). The Silence Devices of Bill Evans's 1963 Solo Session: April in Paris, All the Things you are, and Ornithology. In A.Benetti, F. Monteiro & J. Salgado Correia (Eds.) Abstracts of the Research... more
Le droit français ignore le crime d’inceste. La pédocriminalité, la maltraitance des enfants et la transgression du tabou de l’inceste paraissent ne relever que de la criminalité ordinaire. Des journalistes travaillant loin de l’émotion... more
Silence has been studied in relation to basic cultural parameters, such as high/low context, collectivism/individualism, masculinity/femininity, high/low power distance. Thus, silence in Japan has often been attributed to the high... more
The author, as a member of linguist community, of this paper had tried decipher one song of Fakir Lalon Shah (1774–1890 A.D.), one of the line of which is like this “ When silence would swallow non-silence” by deploying various methods of... more
How to cite: Syroyid Syroyid, B. (2018). Analysis of the Constructive Functions of Notated and Acoustic Silences in Béla Bartók's Fifth String Quartet, First Movement, Allegro. In R. Parncutt and S. Sattmann (Eds.) 15th Internacional... more
El silencio musical es un concepto que se extiende a lo filosófico, debido a la complejidad de su significación como un elemento vacuo. El trasfondo teórico del silencio en la música permite repensar a su vez el sonido, y abre sus... more
Mahalaga ang paggamit ng sariling wika sa kapuwa pasalita, at hindi pasalitâng pakikipag-ugnayan upang matamo ang kapanatagan ng kalooban. Ang pananahimik nga ay isang epektibong paraan upang mapalalim ang ugnayan sa sarili, sa kapuwa at... more
Quelle place pour les temps d'arrêt, les vides, les friches, l'ombre et le silence, la vacance et l'ennui, le mystère et les opacités dans une société du 24/7, de l'accélé-ration et de la transparence ? Quelles sont les dynamiques à... more
What is the state of that which is not spoken? This book presents empirical research related to the phenomenon of reticence in the second language classroom, connecting current knowledge and theoretical debates in language learning and... more
for English version cf. The author of this paper did not bother about the (a)formal linguistic analysis (meta-speaking on... more
The silence in Beckett’s plays can be interpreted in many different ways. It often shows the anxiety of the characters faced with the vacuity in their lives. Left to themselves, they hardly manage to let go during these recurring silences... more
The Tale of the Eloquent Peasant, a narrative centered on the power of discourse, remarkably mentions silence in numerous and plot-significant passages, providing it with several different connotations. Alluding, each time, to... more
Tropes are generally understood to be fi gurative representations that invoke cultural understandings other than would be understood were the representations to be regarded in a prosaic and literal fashion. Symbolic expression, metaphor,... more
The paper discusses Derrida's concept of hospitality which perfectly describes the experience of loosing the sense of feeling at home and reveals the disintegrating entrance of the Otherness into a coherent home space. Jacques Derrida's... more
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In the 1990s we witnessed in different countries a trend in experimental music that can be acknowledged as a turn to silence. Such a trend is verified in the musical expression of the Wandelweiser Group; in the Berlin Reductionism style... more
This paper presents the perceptions of silence in two Romani (Gipsy) cultures in Europe-Bulgaria and Finland. On the basis of field studies and two in-depth interviews, conducted in the towns of Mikkeli (Finland) and Ihtiman (Bulgaria),... more
This presentation aims to discuss some of the key findings of the doctoral dissertation in musicology, “Analysis of Silences in Music: Theoretical Perspectives, Analytical Examples from Twentieth-Century Music, and In-Depth Case Study of... more