Signature Scheme

861 papers
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A signature scheme is a cryptographic protocol that enables an individual to sign a message or document, providing authenticity and integrity. It allows the recipient to verify the signer's identity and ensures that the message has not been altered, typically utilizing asymmetric key pairs for security.
Hard mathematical problems are at the core of security arguments in cryptography. In this paper, we study mathematical generalizations of the famous Rubik's cube puzzle, namely the factorization, representation and balance problems in... more
We present the design and implementation of a compiler that automatically generates protocols that perform two-party computations. The input to our protocol is the specification of a computation with secret inputs (e.g., a signature... more
Proxy signature schemes have been invented to delegate signing rights. The paper proposes a new concept of Identify Based Strong Bi-Designated Verifier threshold proxy signature (ID-SBDVTPS) schemes. Such scheme enables an original signer... more
Recently there has been an interest in zero-knowledge protocols with stronger properties, such as concurrency, simulation soundness, non-malleability, and universal composability. In this paper we show a novel technique to convert a large... more
The object of this paper is the concrete security of recent multivariate signature schemes. A major challenge is to reconcile some "tricky" ad-hoc constructions that allow to make short signatures, with regular provable security. The... more
Recently there has been an interest in zero-knowledge protocols with stronger properties, such as concurrency, unbounded simulation soundness, non-malleability, and universal composability. In this paper, we show a novel technique to... more
A Distributed Key Generation (DKG) protocol is an essential component of threshold cryptosystems required to initialize the cryptosystem securely and generate its private and public keys. In the case of discrete-log-based (dlog-based)... more
In the realm of secure and accessible data storage, the "QR CODE CRYPT'' project emerges as an innovative solution that seamlessly integrates Flutter, Java, and Python to address the challenges of offline data retrieval, verification, and... more
In this paper, we introduce Attribute-Based Signatures with User-Controlled Linkability (ABS-UCL). Attribute-based signatures allow a signer who has enough credentials/attributes to anonymously sign a message w.r.t. some public policy... more
This paper proposes a new efficient signature scheme from bilinear maps that is secure in the standard model (i.e., without the random oracle model). Our signature scheme is more effective in many applications (e.g., blind signatures,... more
Universal designated verifier signatures (UDVS) were introduced in 2003 by Steinfeld et al. to allow signature holders to monitor the verification of a given signature in the sense that any plain signature can be publicly turned into a... more
Zero-knowledge proofs have a vast applicability in the domain of cryptography, stemming from the fact that they can be used to force potentially malicious parties to abide by the rules of a protocol, without forcing them to reveal their... more
Efficiency of asynchronous optimistic fair exchange using trusted devices is studied. It is shown that three messages in the optimistic subprotocol are sufficient and necessary for exchanging idempotent items. When exchanging... more
Blind signature schemes, as important cryptographic primitives, are useful protocols that guarantee the anonymity of the participants. In this paper, a new blind signature based on the strong RSA assumption is presented. The new blind... more
Recently, Baseri et al. proposed a secure untraceable off-line electronic cash system. They claimed that their scheme could achieve security requirements of an e-cash system such as, untraceability, anonymity, unlinkability, double... more
In 2016 and 2017, Shi et al first proposed two protocols for the communication parties to establish a quantum session key. Both work by rotating the angle of one communicator’s private key on the other party's quantum public key. In... more
In this thesis we present a new method for building pairs of HFE polynomials of high degree, in such a way that the map constructed with this pair is easy to invert. The inversion is accomplished using a low degree polynomial of Hamming... more
Digital signatures are one of the most important cryptographic primitives. In this work we construct an information-theoretically secure signature scheme which, unlike prior schemes, enjoys a number of advantageous properties such as... more
We study the two party problem of randomly selecting a string among all the strings of length n. We want the protocol to have the property that the output distribution has high entropy, even when one of the two parties is dishonest and... more
A variant of Schnorr's signature scheme called RDSA has been proposed by I. Biehl, J. Buchmann, S. Hamdy and A. Meyer in order to be used in finite abelian groups of unknown order such as the class group of imaginary quadratic orders. We... more
After years of almost full confidence in the security of common hash functions such as MD5 and SHA-1, the cryptographic community is now facing the unprecedented threat of seeing practical security applications succumb to concrete... more
Balanced Oil and Vinegar signature schemes and the unbalanced Oil and Vinegar signature schemes are public key signature schemes based on multivariable polynomials. In this paper, we suggest a new signature scheme, which is a... more
� � Abstract. In this paper, we propose a Directed Threshold Multi-Signature Scheme. In this threshold signature scheme, any malicious set of signers cannot impersonate any other set of signers to forge the signatures. In case of forgery,... more
Cryptosystems play imperative role in securing and ensuring of confidential information related to the defensive activities of any country or an individual. This short article deals with hybrid cryptosystems to target three objectives. As... more
The notion of a Secretly Embedded Trapdoor with Universal Protection (SETUP) and its variations on attacking black-box cryptosysterns has been recently introduced. The basic definitions, issues, and examples of various setup attacks... more
The concept of concurrent signatures allows two entities to produce two signatures in such a way that, the signer of each signature is ambiguous from a third party's point of view until the release of a secret, known as the keystone. Once... more
The Hoffman's algorithm to test equivalency of linear codes is one of the techniques that have been used over the years; it is achieved by a comparison of codewords of the linear codes. However, this comparison technique becomes... more
Goldreich-Goldwasser-Halevi (GGH) public key cryptosystem is an instance of lattice-based cryptosystems whose security is based on the hardness of lattice problems. In fact, GGH cryptosystem is the lattice version of the first code-based... more
Vehicle Ad-hoc Networks (VANET) are considered among recent wireless communication technologies. Nowadays, vehicles are no more than simple means of transport, they are endowed with a source of intelligence through their interaction with... more
Vehicle Ad-hoc Networks (VANET) are considered among recent wireless communication technologies. Nowadays, vehicles are no more than simple means of transport, they are endowed with a source of intelligence through their interaction with... more
The notion of a universally utility-maximizing privacy mechanism was recently introduced by Ghosh, Roughgarden, and Sundararajan [STOC 2009]. These are mechanisms that guarantee optimal utility to a large class of information consumers,... more
We present a streaming problem for which every adversarially-robust streaming algorithm must use polynomial space, while there exists a classical (oblivious) streaming algorithm that uses only polylogarithmic space. This is the first... more
The notion of a universally utility-maximizing privacy mechanism was recently introduced by Ghosh, Roughgarden, and Sundararajan [STOC 2009]. These are mechanisms that guarantee optimal utility to a large class of information consumers,... more
In recent years there have been several attempts to build white-box block ciphers whose implementations aim to be incompressible. This includes the weak white-box ASASA construction by Bouillaguet, Biryukov and Khovratovich from Asiacrypt... more
In this paper we introduce a model for studying meet-in-the-middle attacks on block ciphers, and a simple block cipher construction provably resistant to such attacks in this model. A sideresult of this is a proper formalization for an... more
In this paper, we study the security of permutation based hash functions, i.e. blockcipher based hash functions with fixed keys. SMASH is such a hash function proposed by Knudsen in 2005 and broken the same year by Pramstaller et al. Here... more
In this paper, we study the Learning With Errors problem and its binary variant, where secrets and errors are binary or taken in a small interval. We introduce a new variant of the Blum, Kalai and Wasserman algorithm, relying on a... more
In this paper, we study the side-channel security of the field multiplication in GF(2 n). We particularly focus on GF(2 128) multiplication which is the one used in the authentication part of AES-GCM but the proposed attack also applies... more
In my first paper on the expansion to Dirichilet's theorem, the "Exemption Rule" allowed for us to identify which terms in an arithmetic progression described by an+b, where gcd(a,b)=1, would be prime. In the RSA algorithm, we require... more
To establish that a document was created after a given moment in time, it is necessary to report events that could not have been predicted before they happened. To establish that a document was created before a given moment in time, it is... more
Linkable ring signatures is a useful cryptographic tool for constructing applications such as ones relative to electronic voting (e-voting), digital cashes (e-cashes) as well as cloud computing. Equipped with linkable ring signatures,... more
Linkable ring signatures is a useful cryptographic tool for constructing applications such as ones relative to electronic voting (e-voting), digital cashes (e-cashes) as well as cloud computing. Equipped with linkable ring signatures,... more
The traditional method for generating new transforms is based on a set of special orthogonal funckions. By using the principle of dyadic symmetry and by maximising a particular transform performance index like transform elliciency used in... more
We present a simple to implement and efficient pseudorandom generator based on the factoring assumption. It outputs more than pn/2 pseudorandom bits per p exponentiations, each with the same base and an exponent shorter than n/2 bits. Our... more
In this paper, we study quantum query complexity of the following rather natural tripartite generalisations (in the spirit of the 3-sum problem) of the hidden shift and the set equality problems, which we call the 3-shift-sum and the... more
The aim of this paper is to provide an overview on the newest results regarding the design of key-policy attribute-based encryption (KP-ABE) schemes from secret sharing and bilinear maps.
Sanitizable signatures provide several security features which are useful in many scenarios including military and medical applications. Sanitizable signatures allow a semi-trusted party to update some part of the digitally signed... more