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Background: Cells interact with their environment and they have to react adequately to internal and external changes such changes in nutrient composition, physical properties like temperature or osmolarity and other stresses. More... more
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      Information TheorySystems BiologySignal IntegritySystem Biology
For many audiovisual applications, the integration and synchronization of audio and video signals is essential. The objective of this paper is to develop a system that displays the active objects in the captured video signal, integrated... more
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      Computer ScienceSignal ProcessingAudio Signal ProcessingSignal Integrity
Market and customer demands have continued to push the limits of CMOS performance. At-speed test has become a common method to ensure these high performance chips are being shipped to the customers fault-free. However, at-speed tests have... more
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      Vlsi DesignSignal IntegrityPower ManagementFault Detection
We present test results and characterization of a data transmission system based on a last generation FPGA and a commercial QSFP+ (Quad Small Form Pluggable +) module. QSFP+ standard defines a hot-pluggable transceiver available in copper... more
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      Signal IntegrityInstrumentationCopperData acquisition
Processor, memory, and I/O are three important segments in today's high-speed server platforms. Doubling of processor speed almost every two years and recent advancements in processor performance by developments such as multi-core... more
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      Computer ScienceSignal IntegritySensitivity AnalysisElectronic
Increasing complexity of the functionalities and the resultant growth in number of gates integrated in a chip coupled with shrinking geometries and short cycle time requirements bring in several challenges into the design of present day... more
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      Signal IntegrityData acquisitionMarket efficiencyCycle Time
The paper proposes an ABCD modeling approach to model the crosstalk coupling noise on the victim interconnect due to single / multiple aggressor(s) in deep sub-micron (DSM) chips. After the order reduction the crosstalk model is utilized... more
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      Vlsi DesignSignal IntegrityVLSIModel Order Reduction
A cascaded S-parameter method is proposed in this paper for signal/power integrity analysis of multiple vias in a multilayer printed circuit board (PCB). The proposed method enables efficient and accurate construction and simulation of... more
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      Signal ProcessingSignal IntegritySignal AnalysisPrinted Circuit Board
The area-I/O flip-chip package provides a high chip-density solution to the demand of more I/O's in VLSI designs; it can achieve smaller package size, shorter wirelength, and better signal and power integrity. In this paper, we introduce... more
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      Vlsi DesignIndustrial DesignSignal IntegrityRouting
Placing shields around a victim signal line is a common way to enhance signal integrity while minimizing delay uncertainty. For two coupled interconnects with a shield between the lines, the coupling noise can produce a peak noise of 15% of
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      Signal IntegrityNoise reductionCapacitanceCrosstalk
Noise coupled from switched-mode power supply to signal nets can cause severe signal integrity problems because of the existence of fast switching voltages and currents in the circuit. In this paper, noise coupling mechanism from a... more
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      Signal IntegrityPrinted Circuit BoardPower SupplyBuck Converter
Ultra-wide-band (UWB) communication based on the impulse radio paradigm is becoming increasingly popular. According to the IEEE 802.15 WPAN Low Rate Alternative PHY Task Group 4a, UWB will play a major role in localization applications,... more
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      Signal IntegritySystem on ChipImpulse RadioEnergy Detection
HDT (High Design Technology) has been a high-tech startup founded at the end of '80s for the development of state-of-the art predictive CAE tools in the field of wideband Signal/Power Integrity and EMC. Here the collection of posted... more
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      Power QualityElectronicsDesign for EMCSignal Integrity
The paper deals with the methods of simulation of signal propagation on transmission lines when skin effect is taken into account. Such simulations are useful when solving signal integrity issues in todays high-speed electronic circuits... more
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      Electrical EngineeringPartial Differential EquationsSignal IntegrityNumerical Analysis
—The paper deals with the methods of simulation of signal propagation on transmission lines when skin effect is taken into account. Such simulations are useful when solving signal integrity issues in todays high-speed electronic circuits... more
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      Electrical EngineeringPartial Differential EquationsSignal IntegrityNumerical Analysis
This paper proposes a global methodology combining electromagnetic (EM) analysis with chip power switching macro-modeling for accurate co-design of re-distribution layers (RDLs). Differences between segregated approach (where Chip, RDL... more
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      Signal IntegrityFrequency-domain analysisDesign MethodologyChip
This paper describes about signal integrity. This paper is base on the Eric Bogatin slides and presentations. The writings here refered to Eric Bogatin's Signal Integrity academy. This paper will explain about the right way to think about... more
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    • Signal Integrity
This paper gives an outline useful for introducing EMC (electromagnetic compatibility) design to first time students. It is based on the universal interference model and the concept of zoning. It structures the introduction to circuit... more
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      Electromagnetic CompatibilityEMC in Power ElectronicsSignal IntegrityElectromagnetic Interference
A novel method for practical prediction of interconnect conductor surface roughness effect on multi-gigabit digital signals is proposed. A differential impedance operator of a conductor is constructed with Trefftz finite elements and... more
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      Signal IntegrityComputational Electromagnetics
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      Signal IntegritySupply ChainPrinted Circuit BoardReliability
In this paper, a unique technical approach is presented to accurately analyze and optimize the address bus of an onboard DDR4 memory module by taking power plane induced noise and thermal effect simultaneously in the analysis. For... more
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      Signal IntegrityComputational ElectromagneticsDDR
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    • Signal Integrity
A comprehensive overview is given of the strengths, limitations, and applicability of the short-pulse propagation technique (SPP). SPP is shown to be able to extract the broadband characteristics of a wide range of interconnect... more
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      Signal IntegrityPrinted Circuit BoardComputer ApplicationPrediction Model
Characterizing materials used in Printed Circuit Board (PCB) manufacturing is becoming increasingly important in link path analysis as the data rates are increasing. The material properties governing the performance of the signal passing... more
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      Signal IntegrityPrinted Circuit BoardFrequency-domain analysisCalibration
The paper presents a computationally eficient method for modeling and simulating distributed systems with lossy transmission line (TL) including multiconductor ones, by a less conventional method. The method is devised based on 1D and 2D... more
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      Electrical EngineeringApplied MathematicsSignal ProcessingSignal Integrity
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      Aerospace EngineeringSignal IntegrityAviationAvionics
FEC SG simulation in PAM4 systems shows a certain deviation from hardware test, especially for ISI-dominated links. Analysis of QPRBS31 polynomial and four sets of regular seeds reveals the attenuation and repetition rules of the... more
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      Signal IntegrityError CorrectionHigh SpeedForward Error Correction
Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) can support the development of low-cost and high performance navigation and guidance architectures for Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) and, in conjunction with suitable data link technologies,... more
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      Aerospace EngineeringSignal IntegrityUnmanned Aircraft SystemsAviation
This paper investigates the synergies between a GNSS Avionics Based Integrity Augmentation System (ABIA) and a novel Unmanned Aerial System (UAS) Sense-and-Avoid (SAA) architecture for cooperative and non-cooperative scenarios. The... more
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      Aerospace EngineeringSignal IntegrityUnmanned Aircraft SystemsAviation
This paper presents a novel Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) Avionics Based Integrity Augmentation (ABIA) system architecture suitable for civil and military air platforms, including Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS). Taking the... more
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      Aerospace EngineeringSignal IntegrityAviationAerospace
The number of gates on a chip is quickly growing toward and beyond the one billion mark. Keeping all the gates running at the beat of a single or a few rationally related clocks is becoming impossible. In static timing analysis process... more
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      Signal IntegrityComputer HardwareElectronic Design AutomationAsynchronous circuit design
For the 56G and the forthcoming 112G PAM4 systems, it is no longer feasible to rely on SerDes alone to transmit data through channels up to 30dB in insertion loss to achieve the desired BER. FEC becomes mandatory to work jointly with the... more
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      Signal IntegrityError CorrectionForward Error CorrectionPAM4
— The paper deals with a simulation of nonlinear networks based on a classical approach of Volterra series expansion. It is known that a multidimensional Laplace transform (MLT) of a time-domain nonlinear impulse response results in the... more
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      Electrical EngineeringSignal IntegrityNonlinear ElectronicsMatlab
This paper presents a general strategy for the electrical performance and Signal Integrity assessment of electrically long multi-chip links. A black-box time-domain macromodel is first derived from tabulated frequency responses in... more
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      Signal IntegrityOptimizationFrequency-domain analysisAccuracy
In this paper, parasitic modes, such as slotline, parallel plane, and surface wave (SW) modes, commonly found on printed circuit boards (PCBs) will be analyzed and their effects on electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) and signal integrity... more
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      Electromagnetic CompatibilitySignal IntegritySignal AnalysisNumerical Simulation
Studies of noise activity, in chip substrates that are shared by digital and analog circuits, are aiding efforts to reduce crosstalk and to model noise isolation schemes.
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      Biomedical EngineeringSignal IntegrityModelingBoundary Element Methods
We present a multichip structure assembled with a medical-grade stainless-steel microelectrode array intended for neural recordings from multiple channels. The design features a mixed-signal integrated circuit (IC) that handles... more
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      Biomedical EngineeringSignal IntegrityMicroelectrode arrayData Communication
We present a new multilevel fast Fourier transform (MLFFT) method, and its application for the three dimensional (3D) structures capacitance extraction. The multilevel octree structure, multilevel interpolation/projection, and subdomain... more
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      Signal IntegrityMethod of MomentsFast solvers (Numerical Linear Algebra)Integral Equations
With increased operating frequencies and circuit component density, signal and power integrity problems caused by voltage bounces have become more important for high-speed digital systems. This paper presents a systematic macromodeling of... more
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      Signal IntegrityLow FrequencySwitchingNumerical Simulation
This paper provides a SPICE-compatible circuit model for characterizing electrostatic discharge (ESD) clamping performance of protection devices mounted on printed circuit boards (PCBs). An equivalent circuit model for a commercial ESD... more
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      Signal IntegrityPerformance AnalysisPrinted Circuit BoardCase Study
This dissertation presents a new systematic approach to flip-flop design using Internal Clock Gating, (ICG), and Adaptive Body-Bias, (ABB), in order to reduce power consumption. The process requires careful transistor resizing in order to... more
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      Signal IntegritySwitching Activity
This paper presents a selective survey of¯nite di®erence time domain (FDTD)-based interconnects modeling for signal integrity analysis problems. In spite of 47 years of its existence, researchers have focused on FDTD method with further... more
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      Wireless CommunicationsSignal IntegrityNumerical AnalysisTransient analysis
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      Image ProcessingSignal IntegrityFPGAField-Programmable Gate Arrays
Abstract—As the data rate is significantly increased, the effect of via discontinuity on the signal integrity of printed circuit boards has become more prominent and nonnegligible. In this paper, the artificial neural network approach to... more
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      Signal IntegrityNeural NetworkPrinted Circuit BoardManufacturing Engineering
Placing shields around a victim signal line is a common way to enhance signal integrity while minimizing delay uncertainty. An analytic model of the peak noise is developed for shielded interconnects based on a ¢ ¡ ¤ £ ¤ ¥ § ¦ © -model. A... more
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      Signal IntegrityVLSIElectromagnetic ShieldingDesign Methodology
This article presents the design of a novel and compact coplanar antenna using Metamaterials (MTM) and Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS). The antenna is based on coplanar waveguide (CPW) technology; therefore, the signal and ground... more
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      Smart AntennaSignal IntegrityMetamaterialsMicro Electro Mechanical System
An in detail design of digital window comparators is presented. This comparator can be used for the on-chip (and potentially on-line) response evaluation of analogue circuits. The analysis shows that if the design parameter β is in the... more
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      Signal IntegrityDFTChipDesign for Testability
For critical high speed applications, system designers budget electrical performance for each individual component within the integration. During the budgeting process, each component is treated as a black box, and are assigned target... more
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      Signal IntegritySystem DesignFrequency-domain analysisHigh Speed
—The paper describes a method of modelling lossy transmission lines with frequency dependent parameters in the fractional-order domain. It is shown that in high frequency systems the frequency dependence of the transmission line (TL) and... more
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      Electrical EngineeringSignal IntegrityNumerical MethodsFractional Differential Equations
This paper presents a method for fast and comprehensive simulation of signal propagation, power/ground noise, and radiated emissions by combining the merits of the physics-based via model, the modal decomposition technique, the contour... more
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      ElectromagnetismSignal ProcessingPackagingElectromagnetic Compatibility