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      Prognosis and health managementNondestructive testingLabour Economics: flexible working practices; job satisfaction; employee and company performance; training and promotion linkages; labour market trends.Condition monitoring and fault diagnosis of electric machinery
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      Mechanical EngineeringSignal ProcessingBook and Paper ConservationPattern Recognition
– This paper describes the development of an electronic system that automatically recognises the sound of a referee whistle in a nosy environment. It can be directly adapted to any robot on a robotic competition namely robotic football.... more
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      Signal ProcessingWhistleblowingControl SystemsSound Perception and Speech Recognition
Diagnosing the health of turbine aircraft engines is a form of preventive activity which is aimed at, among others, for the early detection of safety hazards in aircraft operation. The subject literature presents several methods and... more
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      Aerospace EngineeringExpert SystemsGAS TURBINENon Destructive Testing
Real-time vibration monitoring and diagnostics system is developed and supplied for the 5 stand 4-h tandem cold rolling mill 2030 NLMC. Mechanism of chatter regeneration due to high frequency strip thickness variation and stands... more
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      Chatter VibrationRolling MillPrognosis and health managementNondestructive testing
The monitoring systems presently available for vibration observation of civil engineering struc-tures are normally based on networks of accelerometers and strain gages distributed along the structure connected to one or more central... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringComputer VisionImage ProcessingPrognosis and health management
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      Parasocial RelationshipsSignal Analysis and Pattern Identification
The numerical simulation using Finite Element (FE) method is a main activity in the design - validation process of mechanical products. Using this method and CAD tools can give an efficient advantage in the CAD - Analysis loop. The... more
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      Geometry And TopologyAlgorithmsFinite Element MethodsComputer Aided Design
Dans le but de concevoir un système de diagnostic des défauts d'un moteur diesel 4 temps à combustion interne, l'incidence d'un défaut de distribution sur la vibration du moteur a été étudié. Ce défaut a été simulé en modifiant les jeux... more
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      Prognosis and health managementNondestructive testingCondition monitoring and fault diagnosis of electric machinerySignal Analysis and Pattern Identification
The following I listed some of computer science IEEE Journals that are relevant to our current works at Faculty of Computer Science, Universitas Indonesia. All links to the paper are given in the Journal Names. I also computed the... more
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      Information SystemsComputer ScienceComputer GraphicsArtificial Intelligence
The relentless competition among automotive companies and increased demands from customers for driver assistance functions, dynamically-controlled safety systems, driving comfort and infotainment services in vehicles are creating mounting... more
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      Cyber-Physical SystemsPrognosis and health managementNondestructive testingCondition monitoring and fault diagnosis of electric machinery
Deep learning and image processing are two areas of great interest to academics and industry professionals alike. The areas of application of these two disciplines range widely, encompassing fields such as medicine, robotics, and security... more
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      Computer ScienceScientific VisualizationArtificial IntelligenceComputer Vision
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      TribologyNon Destructive TestingPrognosis and health managementNondestructive testing
This paper builds on work relating to pattern languages for social change, such as in the papers titled Fourth generation pattern languages-patterns as epistemic threads for systemic orientation, and Pattern Literacy in support of Systems... more
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      SemioticsDesignParticipatory Action ResearchSystems Thinking
D e c e m b e r 2 0 0 8 The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy (Martin Luther King) -This thesis is dedicated to who has made... more
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      System IdentificationVibrationsVibrational dynamicsStructural Dynamics
Even though prognostics has been defined to be one of the most difficult tasks in Condition Based Maintenance (CBM), many studies have reported promising results in recent years. The nature of the prognostics problem is different from... more
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      ForecastingFailure AnalysisPrognosis and health managementNondestructive testing
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      Pattern RecognitionDesign PatternsOOAD, UML, Design Patterns, semantic interoperbility, ontology, serious games, e-learning, computer architectures, computer modelling and behavioural simulationMachine Learning and Pattern Recognition
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      Prognosis and health managementNondestructive testingCondition monitoring and fault diagnosis of electric machinerySignal Analysis and Pattern Identification
In my Plop 2018 paper, I proposed to consider patterns more assertively in their broad definition, as mediators between objects or events in the world and the ways we represent and interpret them. The objective being to better focus on... more
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      SemioticsDesignParticipatory Action ResearchSystems Thinking
‫پژمان‬ ‫چرانی‬ ‫رضایتی‬ -‫ارشد‬ ‫کارشناسی‬ ‫دوره‬ ‫مدرس‬ ‫تربیت‬ ‫دانشگاه‬ ، ‫راهنما:‬ ‫استاد‬ ‫دکتر‬ ‫سعید‬ ‫نجفی‬ ‫کاظمی‬ ‫گزارش‬ ‫چوب‬ ‫صنایع‬ ‫در‬ ‫مخرب‬ ‫غیر‬ ‫آزمونهای‬ ‫کاربرد‬ ‫درس‬ -3131 ‫گزارش‬ ‫چوب‬ ‫صنایع‬ ‫در‬ ‫مخرب‬ ‫غیر‬... more
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      Wood SciencePrognosis and health managementNondestructive testingCondition monitoring and fault diagnosis of electric machinery
In this paper we propose an approach for testing time-domain properties of analog and mixed-signal circuits. The approach is based on an adaptation of a recently developed test generation technique for hybrid systems and a new concept of... more
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      Analog CircuitsStatistical Signal ProcessingAudio Signal ProcessingHybrid Systems
In this work we investigate the different sensing schemes for detection of four targets as observed through a vector Poisson and Gaussian channels when the sensing time resource is limited and the source signals can be observed through a... more
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      Sensors and SensingSignal ProcessingAudio Signal ProcessingSensor
This paper proposed a method that combines Polar Fourier Transform, color moments, and vein features to retrieve leaf images based on a leaf image. The method is very useful to help people in recognizing foliage plants. Foliage plants are... more
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      Sound and ImageImage ProcessingDigital Signal ProcessingImage Features Extraction
The dermatoglyphical science analyses an individual’s innate potentials and talents based on the study of their fingerprints, soles and feet skin ridges. Since the fingers are connected to different lobes of the brain, responsible for... more
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      Pattern RecognitionObject Recognition (Pattern Recognition)Biomedical signal and image processingPattern Matching
The detection of misfire in an internal combustion diesel engine by vibration analysis has been investigated. In the experimental study, a diesel engine with six cylinders in line and cylinder head in 6 parts has been used. Vibration... more
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      Prognosis and health managementNondestructive testingCondition monitoring and fault diagnosis of electric machinerySignal Analysis and Pattern Identification
Automatic routines are the most difficult to change. However, they play a key role in the way individuals use electricity in their homes. Recognizing the impact of routines in electricity usage decisions, the research work presented in... more
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      Behavioral SciencesPattern RecognitionComputational Social ScienceSignal Analysis and Pattern Identification
Pattern discovery is an essential computational music analysis method for revealing intra-opus repetition and inter-opus recurrence. This chapter applies pattern discovery to a corpus of songs for the bagana, a large lyre played in... more
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      Ethiopian MusicSignal Analysis and Pattern Identification
The quality and quantity of acoustical data available to researchers are rapidly increasing with advances in technology. Recording cetaceans with a 500 kHz sampling rate provides a more complete signal representation than traditional... more
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      AcousticsBioacousticsSignal ProcessingAudio Signal Processing
An ambient vibration survey of the Humber Bridge was carried out in July 2008 by a combined team from the UK, Portugal and Hong Kong. The exercise had several purposes that included the evaluation of the current technology for... more
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      Civil EngineeringSystem IdentificationTime SeriesStructures and Fire Engineering
A strategy for adaptive control and energetic optimization of aerobic fermentors was implemented, with both air flow and agitation speed as manipulated variables. This strategy is separable in its components: control, optimization,... more
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      Information SystemsElectrical EngineeringElectronic EngineeringCommunication Engineering
Resumen. En bombas centrífugas, el fenómeno de cavitación, deteriora el impulsor y los álabes, acortando su vida útil y aumentando los costos de mantenimiento y operación. En el presente trabajo, se propone una técnica no invasiva para... more
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      Centrifugal pumpsCavitation in Centrifugal PumpInduction MachinesSignal Analysis and Pattern Identification
During the last years, a number of techniques aimed at the experimental identification of the dynamic characteristics of structures has been developed. Their use has progressively extended to various fields, such as aerospace, automotive... more
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      Civil EngineeringStructural EngineeringSystem IdentificationEarthquake Engineering
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      Prognosis and health managementNondestructive testingCondition monitoring and fault diagnosis of electric machinerySignal Analysis and Pattern Identification
In this paper we explore the content of high frequency dolphin click sequence (500kHz frequency sampling) by Gabor scalogram under the recent scattering toolkit. It is demonstrating, for the first time at our knowledge, that some formants... more
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      Computer ScienceModeling and SimulationLanguage ProcessingBiological Sciences
Experimental estimation of damping is currently not a comprehensively solved problem. Although modal frequencies and mode shapes can be confidently and quite easily measured by means of dynamic tests on civil structures, an accurate... more
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      Civil EngineeringStructural EngineeringSystem IdentificationEarthquake Engineering
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      Machine LearningIntelligent Maintenance SystemsPrognosis and health managementNondestructive testing
The spacecraft and ground systems monitoring processes at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory are described, focusing on the monitoring of spacecraft telecommunications subsystem health and telecommunications link status operations. A system... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceExpert SystemsAutonomous AgentesAutonomous Robotics
Metody przetwarzania sygnału EOG na użytek pomiaru stopnia zmęczenia osób Streszczenie. Celem prac raportowanych w artykule było zbadanie możliwości wykorzystania uproszczonego rejestratora EOG do detekcji i parametryzacji mrugnięć.... more
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      FatigueDriver FatigueSignal Analysis and Pattern IdentificationElectrooculogram (EOG) Signals
7th International Conference on Signal Processing and Pattern Recognition (SIPR 2021) is a forum for presenting new advances and research results in the fields of Digital Processing and Pattern Recognition. The conference will bring... more
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      BioinformaticsRemote SensingPattern RecognitionObject Recognition (Pattern Recognition)
Dans le but de concevoir un système de diagnostic des défauts d'un moteur diesel 4 temps à combustion interne, l'incidence d'un défaut de distribution sur la vibration du moteur a été étudié. Ce défaut a été simulé en modifiant les jeux... more
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      Prognosis and health managementNondestructive testingCondition monitoring and fault diagnosis of electric machinerySignal Analysis and Pattern Identification
This paper describes a unified data-driven prognostic framework that combines failure time data, static parameter data and dynamic (time-series) data. The approach employs Cox proportional hazards model (Cox PHM) and soft dynamic multiple... more
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      Time SeriesHealth ManagementVehicle DynamicsPrognosis and health management
Petri Nets is a technique used to model systems, and most of the references that can be found in the literature are related to computing systems. This Paper presents an explanation of the characteristics of Petri Nets and how they can be... more
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      Prognosis and health managementNondestructive testingCondition monitoring and fault diagnosis of electric machinerySignal Analysis and Pattern Identification
A new multi-channel dynamic monitoring system was recently installed in a long span concrete arch bridge that crosses the Douro River in the city of Porto, Portugal: the "Infante D. Henrique" bridge. This paper describes the experimental... more
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      Prognosis and health managementNondestructive testingCondition monitoring and fault diagnosis of electric machinerySignal Analysis and Pattern Identification