Recent papers in Sicily
Although scholars tend to draw a line of confrontation between the conquerors Normans and the conquered Muslims and Greeks in the kingdom of Sicily, the actual relationship among these people was not so simple. In the kingdom there was a... more
¿Cuánto puede contribuir el estudio de las imágenes y representaciones, ya sea como arte, ritos o simulacros, a comprender relaciones de poder y de agencia? Ésta es la pregunta que replantea el conjunto de estudios etnográficos en... more
During this ancient period of external influences, numerous Greek and Sicilian townships were named Megara, due to a strong following of the earth deity Megara (i.e. Demeter – Gaia’s underground mysteries). (T: 417-418.) “The women to... more
Il contributo affronta, tramite l'utilizzo di fonti archivistiche, il ruolo svolto dagli ebrei di Messina nel commercio degli schiavi in Sicilia tra tardomedioevo e prima età moderna. L'obiettivo è una prima ricostruzione dell'inserimento... more
Il vento del Sud-Est. Regionalismo, neosicilianismo e politiche del patrimonio nella Sicilia di inizio millennio Il fatto che la polemica continui accanita ed aspra significa dunque che sono in gioco "interessi attuali" e non interessi... more
The Italian nineteenth-century ethnographic fascination with regional folklore was a phenomenon linked, in part, to the country's unification. As Italians sought to define their new kingdom, popular and scholarly studies emerged on the... more
ECPR SGOC General Conference -University of Sofia
5-6 July 2019
5-6 July 2019
Il ruolo del colore nella rappresentazione delle eruzioni si inserisce nella più generale e vasta problematica della definizione di un codice cromatico per rappresentare in modo univoco le unità geologiche. Sebbene già nel XVII secolo... more
We report two novel mutations, c.230T>C (p.F77S) and c.64_69del (p.V22_D23del) within the HSR domain of the AIRE protein in two patients of Italian descent affected by APECED. Both mutations were found in the compound heterozygous state... more
As a result of recent collecting efforts and older unpublished data of one of us (AA), 32 ant species (including 2 morphospecies) new to the island of Sicily (Italy) were discovered. Seven of these taxa represent unequivocally exotic... more
Aujeszky's disease (AD), Porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome (PRRS) and Swine influenza (SI) are among the principal agents of respiratory diseases of pigs. The aim of the study was to determine the prevalence of antibodies... more
Libri, biblioteche e librerie sono degli ottimi specchi attraverso i quali cogliere l'evoluzione di una società e dei suoi cambiamenti. Le raccolte librarie permettono di leggere i mutamenti che caratterizzano il ruolo dei ceti dirigenti... more
In the last few decades, tourism has become one of the fastest growing economic sectors in the world, with an increasing economic, social and environmental role. It has been recognised as a strategic driver, able not only to heighten... more
The Master of every infrastructure, a monument to the waste of resources and land consumption, dream of omnipotence of an inept and parasitical political class. This is the bridge over the Strait of Messina, the "ecological monsters"... more
L'articolo affronta lo studio degli argenti della cattedrale di Caltanissetta, soffermandosi in particolare sulla commissione all'argentiere messinese Pietro Paparcuri, di un basamento argenteo, andato perduto, per il simulacro di San... more
Appendix 7 from Queens of Sicily (New York 2018)
When working with highly degraded DNA, validating the results of a slightly polymorphic system always complicates the analysis because of the difficulties in recognizing contamination and artifacts. Recognition can be greatly simplified... more
Recent changes of Sicilian agriculture . Between the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, with a radical transformation of land tenure in Sicily, it was a passing from the concentrations of the middle classes of the eighteenth century,... more
The island of Sicily has a long standing tradition in citrus growing. We evaluated the sustainability of orange and lemon orchards, under organic and conventional farming, using an energy, environmental and economic analysis of the whole... more
Sessione pomeridiana, ore 15:00 Vittorio Rizzone L' iscrizione di Iulia Florentina: peculiarità linguistiche ed epigrafiche Martino Ruggieri La morte di Iulia Florentina: ipotesi diagnostiche Elena Commodari Iulia Florentina e la mors... more
This paper discusses the chiton fauna (Mollusca, Polyplacophora) from some deposits at Altavilla Milicia (NW Sicily) presumably older than the late Upper Pliocene. The study material consists of 550 valves from 5 samples (ORTO1-2 and... more
During the II millennium BC (Castelluccio culture, 2200 / 2100-1440-1420 BC), the area where the Greek colony of Megara Hyblaea will be founded, was characterized by several indigenous settlements. Among these, the most important sites... more
Fleas (Insecta: Siphonaptera) are obligate bloodsucking insects, which parasitize birds and mammals, and are distributed throughout the world. Several species have been implicated in pathogen transmission. This study aimed to monitor red... more
correva Garibaldi coi suoi mille diavoli rossi. Noi Italiani di Sicilia udimmo il cannone di Marsala. Allora sentimmo che di Borboni non era più parola».
In November 1928 there was an erupfion of Mounf,Efna, Sicily, which led to lava largely desfroying the fown of Mascali, situated low on the easfern flank of fhe volcano. Destruction of fhe fown took jusf over a day buf there was an... more