Recent papers in Shoulder
Ultrasound of the shoulder is a powerful and accurate method for the examination of the rotator cuff, biceps mechanism and the synovium. This article describes the anatomy, standard examination technique, indications, pitfalls and... more
Instability of the glenohumeral joint can be associated with anteroinferior capsulolabral rupture. To understand its static stabilizing effect better, the collagen fiber orientation of the inferior glenohumeral ligament (IGHL), a... more
Purpose: To report a new technique of arthroscopic biceps tenodesis using bioabsorbable interference screw fixation and the early results. Type of Study: Prospective, nonrandomized study. Methods: Technique: The principle of arthroscopic... more
The application of tape to the skin overlying the lower fibres of trapezius is generally thought to facilitate this muscle. However, this facilitation has not been thoroughly investigated. In this study, the effect of tape upon trapezius... more
Motor improvements in chronic stroke recovery accrue from coupled protocols of bilateral movements and active neuromuscular stimulation. This experiment investigated coupled protocols and within-limb transfer between distal and proximal... more
Paliperidone palmitate (PP) is a long-acting injectable (LAI) antipsychotic, developed for monthly intramuscular (i.m.) administration into deltoid/gluteal muscle, approved for the treatment of schizophrenia in many countries. To assess... more
Surface electromyographic (EMG) amplitude and mean power frequency (MPF) were used to study the isometric muscular activity of the right versus the left upper trapezius muscles in 14 healthy right-handed women. The EMG activity was... more
A graphical description of the change in the role played by each of the scapulohumeral muscles with respect to spatial joint position is presented. Moment arms were collected from a biomechanical model using the tendon travel method. Data... more
The effects of breathing on body roll have been previously investigated for the roll of the whole trunk only. The purposes of this study were: to calculate separately the shoulder roll (SR) and hip roll (HR) of swimmers during front crawl... more
Today advances in techniques and materials for rotator cuff surgery allow the repair of a large variety of types or extensions of cuff lesions in patients from a wide range of age groups who have different kinds of jobs and participate in... more
Patients with gastric adenocarcinoma frequently develop hepatic metastases or peritoneal carcinosis but involvement of the skeletal muscle is extremely rare. We report the case of a 71-year-old man with a painful soft tissue mass in the... more
The aim of the study was to confirm the hypothesis that the longer a contraction is sustained, the larger are the changes in the spatial distribution of muscle activity. For this purpose, surface electromyographic (EMG) signals were... more
The importance of proximal-to-distal sequencing in human performance throwing has been reported previously. However, a comprehensive comparison of the proximal-to-distal sequence in team-handball throwing in athletes with different... more
Introduction: Shoulder stiffness is a frequent complication of surgical repair of rotator cuff tears. Post-operative stiffness negatively affects surgical outcomes leading to a substantial comorbidity and to the failure of surgical... more
Survivors of spinal cord injury need to reorganize their residual body movements for interacting with assistive devices and performing activities that used to be easy and natural. To investigate movement reorganization, we asked subjects... more
We aimed to determine the effect of manipulation under anesthesia in frozen shoulder patients. A blinded randomized trial with a 1-year follow-up was performed at 3 referral hospitals in Southern Finland. We randomly assigned 125 patients... more
Static superior shoulder instability is associated with long-standing rotator cuff tears. Factors or mechanisms which can prevent superior migration of the humeral head, and therefore allow preservation or restoration of shoulder function... more
• ▶ sports injury prevention • ▶ rotator cuff strength • ▶ isokinetic • ▶ overhead sports • ▶ strength imbalance Shoulder Strength Imbalances as Injury Risk in Handball handball related injuries, as the fourth most prominent overall [ 20... more
Hypothesis: Posterolateral rotatory instability (PLRI) of the elbow results from injury to the lateral collateral ligament complex from trauma or iatrogenic injury. The lateral pivot-shift test (PST) is standard for diagnosing PLRI, but... more
Background and Objective. Frozen shoulder syndrome (FSS) causes pain and restriction of movement in the shoulder. The aim was to assess changes in shoulder muscle isometric maximal voluntary contraction (MVC) force and active range of... more
Background and Objectives: This study reports our early experience with continuous cervical paravertebral block (CCPVB) using a stimulating catheter for the management of acute pain after shoulder surgery.
The accuracy of the Content should not be relied upon and should be independently verified with primary sources of information. Taylor and Francis shall not be liable for any losses, actions, claims, proceedings, demands, costs, expenses,... more
To determine practice patterns for shoulder dystocia and concepts dealing with brachial plexus palsy.
To delineate factors that differentiate shoulder dystocia with and without brachial plexus injury (BPI). A case-control study culled from an established shoulder dystocia database. Cases of shoulder dystocia-related BPI were identified... more
In recent years the popularity of disabled sports and competition among disabled athletes has grown considerably. With this rise in exposure of, and participation in wheelchair sports comes an increase in related stressors, including... more
To verify the precise anatomy of fhe radial tunnel, 60 cadaver elbows were dissected with special reference to 7 parameters: [I 1 the distance between the lateral intermuscular septum and he site of division of radial nerve into ik... more
Purpose: Radiation therapy for head-and-neck cancer requires a reliable immobilization for an accurate and consistent treatment setup. This prospective, randomized study was done to compare two types of Posicast thermoplastic face masks,... more
Hammersmith Infant Neurological Examination (HINE) is a set of tests used for grading neurological development of infants on a scale of 0 to 3. These tests help in assessing neurophysiological development of babies, especially preterm... more
Italian version of SIOT National Congress
S houlder dysfunction is the second most common musculoskeletal problem seen in physical therapy 42 and affects approximately 16% to 21% of the population. 22,43 It is a leading cause of sick days among young adults, 21 and its prevalence... more
Background: Shoulder osteoarthritis (OA) is a painful condition in which movement of the shoulder becomes restricted. Treatment is aimed at pain reduction and maintain or improve functions. Intra-articular steroid injections have proven... more
Shoulder stabilization is of utmost importance in upper extremity reanimation following paralysis from devastating injuries. Although secondary procedures such as tendon and muscle transfers have been used, they never achieve a functional... more
Objective: To ascertain whether brachial plexus palsy (BPP) that occurs without shoulder dystocia (SD) represents a traction injury during unrecognized SD or a natural phenomenon with a different mechanism of injury, we compared risk... more
Background: Effectiveness of any individualized therapeutic modality in reducing pain in frozen shoulder is questionable and the combination of therapies has contradictory results. Objectives: The purpose of this study was to check the... more
Objective: Shoulder sports injuries are relatively common in athletes who perform highly repetitive motions. The purposes of this study were to determine the prevalence of and risk factors for shoulder injuries and to analyze how... more
Background: Augmentation of rotator cuff tears aims to strengthen the repair and reduce rerupture, yet studies still report high failure rates. This study determines key mechanical properties of rotator cuff repair patches, including... more
We performed a retrospective review to evaluate acute medial collateral ligament injuries of the elbow in professional football players from 1991 to 1996 (5 seasons). There were 5 acute medial collateral ligament injuries in 4 players (1... more
We report the case of a 79-year-old female who underwent a cemented shoulder hemiarthroplasty for a comminuted proximal humerus fracture. She recovered well postoperatively until 35 hours post-surgery when she suddenly developed dyspnea... more
OBJECTIVE: A mathematic model was developed to estimate the compressive pressure on the fetal neck overlying the roots of the brechial plexus by the symphysis pubis during a shoulder dystocia event. The induced pressure was calculated for... more
The purpose of this study was to determine the biomechanical and anthropometric factors contributing to elbow valgus torque during pitching. Video data of 14 youth pitchers throwing fastballs were used to calculate shoulder and elbow... more