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The relationship between the Ndebele and the Shona needs a healing although on the surface it seems normal but the reality paint a different picture .One could even look at the legacy of colonialism as it had a hand in the divisions... more
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      EthicsEthnographyRace and EthnicityEthnicity and National Identity
Bantu languages, which are spoken throughout most of sub-Saharan Africa, permit wh-questions to be constructed in multiple ways, including wh-in-situ, full wh-movement, and partial wh-movement. Shona, a Bantu language spoken by about 13... more
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      Bantu LinguisticsSyntaxFormal syntaxMorphosyntax
During the early years of white administration in Southern Rhodesia, few whites spoke the local vernaculars. The state used those few, largely traders and farmers, to translate and interpret. Members of the Native Affairs Department were... more
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      HistoryLanguages and LinguisticsColonialismHistory of Missions
This is an account of the Seke Mutema tribe, its place within the Shava Museyamwa tribe, connection to the Munhumutapa Moyondizvo dynasty and how it influenced the shaping of modern Zimbabwe. This documentary results from the interviews I... more
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This report is about events at Shona Traditional Gatherings as revealed in a study carried out between 2005 and 2009 in Manicaland, Mashonaland Central, and Mashonaland East Provinces of Zimbabwe. People take part in such gatherings... more
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TRYMORE CHIKOTI RONDEDZERO YETSUMO MANGA CHENA INOPARIRA PARERE NHEMA. Manga chena inoparira parere nhema zvinoreva kuti kana munhu ukaita mhosva diki mukuferefetwa kwayo nekuongororwa kwayo inokwanisa kuzobudisa zvikuru zvanga... more
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    • Shona
Togarasei Munyika inyaya inorondedzera uye kunanganidza matambudziko akawira Zimbabwe kubva mugore ra2000 kusvika parinhasi. Pakurondedzera matambudziko aya, nyaya iyi inodenha vaverengi kuti vadzamise pfungwa pakunzwisisa matambudziko... more
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      African StudiesAfrican Diaspora StudiesSwahiliAfrican Politics
This paper presents a conditioned variant analysis of the tones on 29 of the most common Shona verbal inflections. After some discussion of perhaps the most detailed previous analysis of Shona verbal tones, that of Fivaz [1970], a summary... more
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This study was carried out in four provinces of Zimbabwe to improve people's understanding about the roles of spirit mediums in Zimbabwe, the spirit mediums' interpretation of concepts of Shona religion, the mediums' knowledge of the... more
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      RosicrucianismSpirit mediumshipRosicrucianShona
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      Teaching LiteratureShona
This volume, based on a PhD thesis submitted to the University of Zimbabwe, investigates the resilience of Shona religion and culture among ZAOGA Pentecostal Christians. Whereas the Pentecostal ideology suggests that ‘old things’ have... more
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      Womanist TheologyBiblical StudiesPentecostal TheologyPentecostalism
In Africa, religion shows no sign of disappearing or diminishing as development theorists have generally supposed. Africans have certain religious values which are sources of inspiration and strength. If incorporated, they can greatly... more
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      Development StudiesEnvironmental SustainabilityReligious StudiesAfrican Traditional Religions
Text to speech (TTS) is a form of speech synthesis that converts text into spoken voice output. Some of the uses of TTS are to aid the visually impaired, read out text to a multi-tasking person, language preservation. TTS voices can also... more
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      Software EngineeringOpen Source SoftwareAutomatic Speech SynthesisAfrican languages
Volume 13 of BiAS series brings out into prominence issues at the heart of dialogue between African and Christian attitudes to nature. The Shona notion of hierarchy of sacredness of nature as opposed to the intrinsic value of nature forms... more
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      EthicsBiblical StudiesEcologyZimbabwe
This article is an attempt to formulate an African Biblical theological model of reconciliation in Zimbabwe. The history of Zimbabwe testifies that political violence has become endemic. It is this background that informed recent calls... more
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      ZimbabweAssyriology, Ancient Near East, SemiticsArabsBantu
Mutokolwe is located in the northern part of South Africa. The site was occupied by Venda-speaking farmers during the Late Iron Age. One of the most unusual aspects from this faunal assemblage is the presence of complete metapodia of... more
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      ZooarchaeologyEthnographyAfrican HistoryArchaeozoology
Mutokolwe is located in the northern part of South Africa. The site was occupied by Venda-speaking farmers during the Late Iron Age. One of the most unusual aspects from this faunal assemblage is the presence of complete metapodia of... more
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      ArchaeologyEthnographyAfrican HistoryArchaeozoology
This paper analyses the semantics of causative constructions in Shona, employing the Event structure Approach . "The Logical Form of Action Sentences."). We argue that Shona can be accounted well through the neo-Davidsonian approaches... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsSemanticsSyntaxShona
This paper discusses the folly of cultural representation with specific reference to Ben Hanson’s Takadini. Focus is on the import that Takadini is an advocate for the acceptance of marginalized groups such as women and albinos. Indeed,... more
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      Children's LiteratureCultureZimbabweAlterity
This paper addresses partial wh-movement in Shona ([sna], Bantu, Zimbabwe), which is sensitive to islands below but not above the pronunciation site of the wh-phrase. This contrasts with partial wh-movement in languages such as... more
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      Bantu LinguisticsSyntaxFormal syntaxMorphosyntax
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      Bantu LinguisticsSyntaxFormal syntaxMorphosyntax
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      Philosophy Of ReligionAfrican PhilosophyAfricanaAfricana Studies
The object of this paper is to provenance a suite of potsherds from Mutokolwe to determine whether evidence can be found for firstly, the long distance exchange of pottery, perhaps mirroring the trade in cotton, metals and ivory for which... more
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      Social IdentityProvenanceArchaeometryEthnicity
It is well known that F0 at vowel onset can be influenced by a preceding consonant. That influence varies significantly across languages and consonant types, and may function as a perceptual signal to consonant manner. It has further been... more
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      PhoneticsBantu LinguisticsPhonetics and PhonologyShona language
anthropozoologica 2018 • 53 • 17 Munyadziwa MAGOMA, Shaw BADENHORST & Innocent PIKIRAYI Feasting among Venda-speakers of South Africa: the Late Iron Age fauna from Mutokolwe art. 53 (17) -Published on 7 December 2018... more
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      GeographyArchaeologyEthnographyAfrican History
The chemical profile of pottery samples covering the last 1000 years from geologically distinct regions north and south of the central Soutpansberg was characterised by means of non-destructive PIXE analysis. A combined chemical and... more
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      Social InteractionProvenanceArchaeometryArchaeological Chemistry
This paper addresses the superficially similar focus constructions in Shona ([sna], Bantu, Zimbabwe) and Kîîtharaka ([thk], Bantu, Kenya). Using a topicalization test from Abels & Muriungi (2008), I argue that Shona has a biclausal... more
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      Bantu LinguisticsSyntaxFormal syntaxMorphosyntax
The goal of this study is to identify, describe and analyze the morphosyntactic properties of Shona auxiliaries, rí, vá, nga and tì.
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      Bantu LinguisticsSyntaxMorphosyntaxMorphology
This paper addresses partial wh-movement in Shona ([sna], Bantu, Zimbabwe), which is sensitive to islands below but not above the pronunciation site of the wh-word. I argue for a composite derivation of this phenomenon: the wh-word moves... more
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      Bantu LinguisticsSyntaxFormal syntaxMorphosyntax
The primers and dictionaries that were produced in Southern Rhodesia at the start of the white occupation for native English speakers to learn the African vernaculars are informative as well as entertaining to the modern historian. This... more
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      HistoryLanguages and LinguisticsColonialismHistory of Missions
In modern Zimbabwe, tolerance and co-existence proves to be lacking in modern communities judging by violent cases especially those related to political differences. This paper is based on the hypothesis that Shona indigenous peace... more
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      Political SciencePeacebuildingPeace and Conflict ResolutionShona
This paper seeks to examine how the Shona traditional society conceptualised beauty; drawing from the meaning and content of the Shona proverb, suggesting that traditional society emphasised beauty as holistic to include such elements as... more
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This paper seeks to examine how the Shona traditional society conceptualised beauty; drawing from the meaning and content of the Shona proverb, suggesting that traditional society emphasised beauty as holistic to include such elements as... more
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Tom R. Chambers performed extensive curatorial work at the National Gallery of Zimbabwe. These exhibitions are just a few of the many he put together from the Gallery's Permanent Collection.
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      African StudiesArt HistoryAfrican PhilosophyMuseum Studies
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      PsychometricsQuality of lifeSocial SupportMedicine
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      ZooarchaeologyArchaeozoologyAfrican ArchaeologySouthern African archaeology
Submitted in fulfillment of the requirements of the degree of Doctor of Philosophy, Public Management (Peacebuilding), Durban University of Technology, Durban, South Africa, 2016.
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      Political ScienceShona
Shona is a Southern Bantu language that is spoken by about 75% of Zimbabweans. This article discusses the nature of metaphors that were created by Shona speakers in speaking of the Zimbabwean political and socioeconomic crisis. The data... more
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      ArtLinguisticsCognitive GrammarShona
This paper seeks to examine how the Shona traditional society conceptualised beauty; drawing from the meaning and content of the Shona proverb, suggesting that traditional society emphasised beauty as holistic to include such elements as... more
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