Shipping policy

43 papers
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Shipping policy refers to the set of guidelines and procedures established by a business or organization that govern the shipping and delivery of goods. It encompasses aspects such as shipping methods, costs, delivery times, and handling of returns, ensuring clarity and consistency in the fulfillment process for customers and stakeholders.
Delay on the approach and the carrying voyages. 1.2. Delay in the loading/discharging operations. 2. Time charterparties. 2.1. Delay on the prosecution of the voyage. 2.2. Delay and the payment of hire. 2.3. Delay and the off-hire... more
The vital role of container liner shipping in international trade suggests that understanding why container liner firms go bankrupt is crucial to the sustainability of the maritime supply chain to improve resilience. Considering the... more
The aim of this article is to dispel any nomenclatural confusion related to the notion of FSRU. Sometimes FSRUs are classified as ships or vessels; sometimes as stationary units. The article will attempt to explain in which case FSRUs may... more
Depuis 2007 l'UE essaie de mettre en place une politique maritime intégrée qui englobe des domaines aussi variés que la pêche, la navigation et les ports, le milieu marin, la recherche marine, la production d'énergie, les chantiers... more
Zaman carteri sozlesmesinde, teslimle birlikte donatilmis bir geminin ticari yonetimi belli bir ucret karsiliginda carterere tahsis edilmektedir. Carterer anlasilan carter suresi boyunca gemiyi carter sozlesmesinde belirtilen cografi... more
Covid-19 impacts on beaches and coastal water pollution: Management proposals post pandemic.
This paper addresses the evolution of maritime transport demand in response to global climate change mitigation and adaptation efforts. The complexity of the global shipping system makes predicting volumes and patterns of long-term future... more
Fossil fuel as the beacon of industrialization emits carbon dioxide more than any other source of energy. Carbon dioxide emission among other Green House Gases is the dominant gas responsible for global warming and damaging impact of... more
The COVID-19 pandemic has obliged Governments all around the world to take confinement and social 13 distancing measures. The reduction of leisure and production activities on beaches and ports have 14 disappeared direct and indirect... more
Natural gas is relatively cheap, environmentally friendlyand energetically efficient fossil fuel that is gaining in attractivenessdaily as it can be used in many sectors. As not all consumerscan be reached by pipelines the technique of... more
At present, throughout the world LNG investments are abounding. In particular, the US and the EU are trying to facilitate their security of natural gas supply. For this reason, LNG enables importers to extend their gas suppliers'... more
The Paris Agreement has exerted tremendous pressure on the maritime industry to reduce carbon emissions. Since then, the industry has experimented with numerous technological, operational and incentive methods. Even though todate no... more
Publisher: Elsevier NOTICE: this is the author's version of a work that was accepted for publication in Transport Policy. Changes resulting from the publishing process, such as peer review, editing, corrections, structural formatting, and... more
I certify that all the material in this dissertation that is not my own work has been identified, and that no material is included for which a degree has previously been conferred on me. The contents of this dissertation reflect my own... more
Companies preparing their financial statements under International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) have to adopt the newly issued IFRS 15—Revenue from Contracts with Customers and IFRS 16—Leases. This paper examines what significant... more
The ever-increasing tendency toward economic globalization highlights the importance of sustainable container transport networks to a country’s international trade, especially for an economy that is highly dependent on exports. This paper... more
This paper addresses the evolution of maritime transport demand in response to global climate change mitigation and adaptation efforts. The complexity of the global shipping system makes predicting volumes and patterns of long-term future... more
Government initiatives during the COVID-19 outbreak had a significant impact on global energy consumption patterns. Many international borders were blocked, and individuals were confined to their homes, restricting mobility and changing... more
desired transport services. The article begins with a brief discussion and definitions for the marketing of shipping companies. Then, the framework of customer orientation in shipping companies is analyzed. The paper is based on an... more
At every financial period CFOs are requested by shareholders to present the financial results not only just as formal financial statements but also as useful information in relation to their competitors or the market. Despite the best... more
Up until the recent oil and commodity price crash in 2015, there has been exponential growth in global shipping and trade, and this increase means that prompt action is required to reduce vessel-sourced greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.... more
At every financial period CFOs are requested by shareholders to present the financial results not only just as formal financial statements but also as useful information in relation to their competitors or the market. Despite the best... more
The marine environment has deteriorated to an extent that it has begun to impact human health and the planet itself.  The primary cause of this deterioration as identified are, an increasing population, the industrial revolution and the... more
At every financial period CFOs are requested by shareholders to present the financial results not only just as formal financial statements but also as useful information in relation to their competitors or the market. Despite the best... more
This research evaluated the demurrage policies and charges of selected shipping companies and terminal operators in the Lagos ports and the implications in the economy and shipping industry in Nigeria. It adopted the survey approach to... more
This paper presents a logistic simulation study in order to evaluate technical feasibility and operative costs (demurrage hours) associated to several operating strategies of transshipments in remote sites in order to assure a certain... more
Yubing Shi, my sincere gratitude. The dinner table sessions at ANCORS were most enlightening. I also extend my appreciation to all members of the ANCORS academic and support staff. Without the unwavering support, many of us would have... more
Freight is the term generally used for the remuneration payable to a carrier/ shipowner, 1 whether payable by the shipper, consignee, sender or charterer. 2 In time charter or bareboat charter the remuneration is normally referred to as... more
At every financial period CFOs are requested by shareholdersto present the financial results not only just as formal financial statements but also as useful information in relation to their competi-tors or the market.... more
We show how the evolution of crude oil tanker freight rates depends on the employment status and geographical position of the fleet of very large crude oil carriers (VLCCs). We provide a novel measure of short-term capacity in the voyage... more
The shipping industry has gone through some extraordinary negative changes during the last 10 years. A drastic decline in freight and time charter rates have become apparent after the global financial crisis (GFC). A serious fall in fuel... more
The International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) is an intergovernmental organisation that supports countries in their transition to a sustainable energy future, and serves as the principal platform for international cooperation , a... more
The objective of this paper was to propose a functional simulation model for the operation of floating storage and regasification units (FSRUs) used for the import of liquefied natural gas (LNG). The physical operation of an FSRU is... more
Handling vessels within the agreed time limits at a port with an optimal exploitation of its quays plays an important role in the improvement of port effectiveness as it reduces the stay time of vessels and avoids the payment of... more
This paper examines the problem of evaporation of Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) occurring at different places in the LNG supply chain. Evaporation losses in the LNG supply chain are one of the key factors for LNG safety, technical and... more
The MV Ever Given’s stranding in the Suez Canal in March 2021 prompted renewed awareness of the heightened risk of marine accidents in narrow channels as global shipping companies continuously expand vessel sizes. However, there has been... more
The objective of this paper was to propose a functional simulation model for the operation of floating storage and regasification units (FSRUs) used for the import of liquefied natural gas (LNG). The physical operation of an FSRU is... more
At present, throughout the world LNG investments are abounding. In particular, the US and the EU are trying to facilitate their security of natural gas supply. For this reason, LNG enables importers to extend their gas suppliers'... more
Climatologists around Meinshausen [1] calculated in a probabilistic approach that for a given probability to stay below 2° global warming, there is a certain budget of CO2 emissions worldwide, which must not be exceeded. If this is true,... more
This paper examines the problem of evaporation of Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) occurring at different places in the LNG supply chain. Evaporation losses in the LNG supply chain are one of the key factors for LNG safety, technical and... more
The Paris Climate Agreement defined an ambition of limiting global warming to 1.5°C above preindustrial levels. This has triggered research on stringent emission reduction targets and corresponding mitigation pathways across energy... more
International shipping has finally set a target to reduce its CO 2 emission by at least 50% by 2050. Despite this positive progress, this target is still not sufficient to reach Paris Agreement goals since CO 2 emissions from... more
The Global Carbon Budget is the cumulative carbon emissions that human activities can generate while limiting the global temperature increase to less than 2°C. On this basis, most countries ratified the Paris Agreement 2015, pledging... more
Oceans that provide global mobility to trade and humans have been responsible for the spread of pandemics since ships have moved on the seas. Be it the infamous plague (1347–1352), cholera (1817), yellow fever (1845–1846), typhus (1892),... more
The nature of legal personality is relative when it comes to the issue of ships. It is mostly accepted that a ship possesses corporate personality by creating a legal fiction under domestic laws. Ships lack legal personality in... more
Singapore Court of Appeal decision on whether liens over sub-freights are floating charges which must be registered under the Singapore Companies Act
Presentation provided to undergraduate studentes of the Aeronautical Infrastructure Course at Technological Institute of Aeronautics (ITA)
The GHG footprint of LNG is worse than this of the current conventional fuels, argues Mr. Panos Zachariadis, Technical Director of Atlantic Bulk Carriers Management. With this respect, LNG should be viewed only as a SOx and NOx compliant... more
Slow ship speed has been proposed as a regulatory method to reduce GHG emissions from shipping. Not so fast!