Sheet Metal Forming
Most cited papers in Sheet Metal Forming
Ferritic–martensitic dual phase (DP) steels deform spatially in a highly heterogeneous manner, i.e. with strong strain and stress partitioning at the micro-scale. Such heterogeneity in local strain evolution leads in turn to a spatially... more
The idea of incremental forming technique has been investigated for production of sheet metal components. With this technique, the forming limit curve (FLC) appears in a different pattern, revealing an enhanced formability, compared to... more
In order to obtain competitiveness in the "eld of industrial manufacture, a reduction in the development period for the small batch manufacture of products is required. In order to meet these requirements, an incremental sheet metal... more
The derivation of anisotropic yield functions based on the approach of linear transformations of a stress tensor is investigated for general and plane stress states. The number of coefficients available for the description of plastic... more
Necking has been the dominant failure mode in sheet metal forming industry and several analytical and numerical tools were developed to predict the onset of necking. However, the introduction of Advanced High Strength Steels (AHSS) with... more
We discuss methods to map crystallographic textures in crystal plasticity finite element simulations. Fourier-type series expansion methods which use spherical harmonic library functions as well as the direct pole figure inversion methods... more
The paper starts with a brief historical overview to the attempts of numerical simulation of sheet metal forming. Comparison between bulk and sheet metal forming processes from the simulation point of view is given. Basic requirements of... more
The main goal of this study is to evaluate the influence of work-hardening modeling in springback prediction in the first phase of the Numisheet’05 “Benchmark 3”: the U-shape “Channel Draw”. Several work-hardening constitutive models are... more
Optimization of process parameters in sheet metal forming is an important task to reduce manufacturing cost. To determine the optimum values of the process parameters, it is essential to find their influence on the deformation behaviour... more
Discrete dies have been investigated for sheet metal forming since the early part of the 20th century. The reconfigurable nature of these dies lends itself well to flexible manufacturing systems; unfortunately, the state of knowledge on... more
The reduction of size for mechanical parts is more and more important in metal forming processes. The optimisation of such processes needs more comprehensive use of simulation and FE analysis. The classical modelling used for large and... more
The intent of this paper is to show that a two dimensional (2D) Arbitrary Lagrangian Eulerian (ALE) finite difference computer code can accurately predict the dynamics of the electromagnetic sheet metal forming process. The challenging... more
Adaptive response surface method Particle swarm optimization intelligent sampling Sheet metal forming Metamodel a b s t r a c t In this study, the previously developed adaptive response surface method (ARSM) is suggested for construction... more
It is recognized that fracture and wrinkling in sheet metal forming can be eliminated via an appropriate drawbead design. Although deterministic multiobjective optimization algorithms and finite element analysis (FEA) have been applied in... more
The Marciniak-Kuczynski (MK) forming limit model is extended in order to predict localized necking in sheet metal forming operations in which Through-Thickness Shear (TTS), also known as out-of-plane shear, occurs. An example of such a... more
Treatment of contact between a sheet and tools is one of the most difficult problems to deal with in finite-element simulations of sheet forming processes. In order to obtain more accurate tool models without increasing the number of... more
The electromagnetic forming (EMF) process relies on a driving force that is induced by eddy current and magnetic field, both of which are generated in the workpiece by a transient current in a nearby coil. The high deformation rates... more
The failure prediction in sheet metal forming is typically realized by evaluating the so called forming limit curves (FLC). The standard experimental method is the Nakajima test, where sometimes also the Marciniak test setup is used. Up... more
The aim of this paper is to determine if the Space Mapping technique using surrogate models together with response surfaces is useful in the optimization of crashworthiness and sheet metal forming. In addition, the efficiency of... more
Sheet metal forming processes generally involve large deformations together with complex loading sequences. In order to improve numerical simulation predictions of sheet part forming, physically-based constitutive models are often... more
Sheet metal forming of tribologically difficult materials such as stainless steel, Al-alloys and Ti-alloys or forming in tribologically difficult operations like ironing, punching or deep drawing of thick plate requires often use of... more
The present paper aims at reviewing some recent progress in developing advanced constitutive models which are devoted to the description of the anisotropic work-hardening behaviour under strain-path changes at large strains of metallic... more
We present a fully embedded implementation of a full-field crystal plasticity model in an implicit finite element (FE) framework, a combination which realizes a multiscale approach for the simulation of large strain plastic deformation.... more
To reduce the computational time of ÿnite element analyses for sheet forming, a 3D hybrid membrane/shell method has been developed and applied to study the springback of anisotropic sheet metals. In the hybrid method, the bending strains... more
As failure criterion for sheet metal forming, conventional forming limit diagrams (FLD) are often used. The FLD is a strain based criterion, which evaluates the principal deformations at failure. Different investigations show that the FLD... more
Springback remains a major concern in sheet metal forming process. Springback, shape discrepancy between fully loaded and unloaded configuration due to elastic recovery of material, is mainly affected by geometrical parameters, material... more
Accurate prediction of springback is essential for the design of tools used in automotive sheet stamping operations. The plane strain stretch/draw operation presents a complex form of springbaek occurring in sheet metal forming since the... more
This work presents an experimental characterization of the mechanical behaviour of the EK4 deep drawing steel. The experimental procedure encompasses spectrometry, metalography, tension testing and hardness measurements. Special attention... more
Sheet metal forming processes often involve complex loading sequences. To improve the prediction of some undesirable phenomena, such as springback, physical behavior models should be considered. This paper investigates springback behavior... more
Keywords: Forming limit diagram Strain path Punch geometry Microstructure Strain rate Temperature A B S T R A C T Sheet metal forming industry widely adopted the forming limit curve (FLC) as a limiting criterion in sheet metal forming.... more
One of the most sensitive features of sheet metal forming processes is the elastic recovery during unloading, called spring-back, which leads to some geometric changes in the product. This phenomenon will affect bend angle and bend... more
The authors propose a model for the study of a hot rolling process, and the approach is based on thermo-mechanical analysis using the Finite-Element Method (FEM). The model can be used to speed up and improve the design and evaluation of... more
The importance of an accurate material modeling for the accuracy and reliability of sheet forming simulations has become increasingly evident during the last years. More advanced material models have, however, to be supported by novel... more
Different numerical optimization strategies were used to find an optimized parameter setting for the sheet metal forming process. A parameterization of a time-dependent blank-holder force was used to control the deep-drawing simulation.... more
Materials resistance to edge fracture in intricate shape forming is commonly quantified by hole expansion ratio (HER). Hole expansion test is normally used to evaluate HER. To date, the governing factors of HER have not well understood... more
The joinability of different rigid thermoplastic polymers with aluminium AA6082-T6 alloy sheets by mechanical clinching is investigated. The polymers were heated using a convective source prior of clinching. Experimental tests were... more
In this article, we investigated the effect of martensite morphology on the mechanical properties and formability of dual phase steels. At first, three heat treatment cycles were subjected to a low-carbon steel to produce... more
The deep drawing process is one of the important sheet-metal forming processes. Using this operation, many parts are manufactured in various industries. In this paper, different methods of analysis such as analytical, numerical and... more
Constrained groove pressing (CGP) was used for the production of fine-grained brass sheets in different conditions. The process was conducted up to two cycles on brass sheets at room temperature and then half cycle at the temperature of... more
Sheet metal forming Springback Bauschinger effect Finite element method Kinematic hardening a b s t r a c t An accurate modeling of the sheet metal deformations including the springback is one of the key factors in the efficient... more
In this paper, the authors present a new numerical approach to optimize the shape of the initial blank, which plays an important role on the quality of the final 3D workpiece obtained by the deep drawing of thin sheets. This new approach... more