Sheet Metal Forming
Recent papers in Sheet Metal Forming
This paper addresses the simulation of ductile damage and fracture in metal forming processes. A combined continuous-discontinuous approach has been used, which accounts for the interaction between macroscopic cracks and the surrounding... more
SUMMARY: Springback is one of the major causes for fabrication parts rejection in sheet metal forming. This is a geometrical defect that occurs on the drawn part after removing all the stamping tools, and is caused by elastic strain... more
The reconfigurable surface tooling is based on the concept of discrete approximation of a die continuous surface with a number of closely spaced rigid pins. The heights of the pins can be adjusted to approximate the desired surface shapes... more
Blank design is an important task in sheet metal forming process optimization. The initial blank shape has direct effect on the part quality. This paper presents a deformation based blank design approach to determine the initial blank... more
This paper presents a formal graph representation scheme for stamping operation sequencing for sheetmetal progressive dies and a graph theoretic method for automatic determination of the stamping operation sequence. Operation relations... more
Today, a significant portion of steel production worldwide is coming from recycling practices. It is inevitable that the smelting process during steel recycling operations is expensive and consumes a tremendous amount of energy.... more
We use a texture component crystal plasticity finite element method for the simulation of plane strain compression (maximum thickness reduction 95%) of a ferritic stainless steel (X6Cr17, AISI 430, 1.4016). The method incorporates the... more
It is widely accepted that stamping process planning for the strip layout is a key task in progressive die design. However, stamping process planning is more of an art rather than a science. This is in spite of recent advances in the... more
Optimization of process parameters in sheet metal forming is an important task to reduce manufacturing cost. To determine the optimum values of the process parameters, it is essential to find their influence on the deformation behaviour... more
The paper is focused on the development of a new phenomenological yield criterion able to describe the inelastic response of sheet metals subjected to cold forming. The model consists in two components: the equivalent stress and the... more
It is recognized that fracture and wrinkling in sheet metal forming can be eliminated via an appropriate drawbead design. Although deterministic multiobjective optimization algorithms and finite element analysis (FEA) have been applied in... more
Ferritic–martensitic dual phase (DP) steels deform spatially in a highly heterogeneous manner, i.e. with strong strain and stress partitioning at the micro-scale. Such heterogeneity in local strain evolution leads in turn to a spatially... more
Hole expansion ratio (HER) is extensively used in the sheet metal forming industry to assess the sheet metal's stretch-frangibility limit. Cold-rolled dual-phase steel (DP 590) showed planar anisotropy during the uniaxial tensile test.... more
A recently proposed plane stress yield function [Yld2000-2d; Int. J. Plasticity 19 (2003) 1297-part I of this work] that well describes the anisotropic behavior of aluminum alloy sheets was implemented in a finite element code. A short... more
Traditional houses of American work reemigrants in Eastern Slovakia of interwar period. Typology, constructions, materials, structural members, master-builders.
A process design technique is presented for the formability assessment of sheet metal stamping parts and feasibility analysis of process conditions. The proposed approach is based on numerical simulation of stamping processes by using... more
Improving the drawing limits of the material is an important issue, especially when forming materials with limited formability. Heating the material up to a temperature where the yield strength decreases and formability increases... more
Post-print of "SM Mirfalah-Nasiri, A Basti, R Hashemi (2016) Forming limit curves analysis of aluminum alloy considering the through-thickness normal stress, anisotropic yield functions and strain rate, Abstract Based on three anisotropic... more
Ada beberapa kegiatan dalam sheet metal working seperti: o Cutting o Bending
In the current paper, numerical results of cylindrical cup drawing of aluminum-lithium sheets using the commercial software abaqus/explicit are presented. This software permits investigating physical models of real procedures putting... more
The idea of incremental forming technique has been investigated for production of sheet metal components. With this technique, the forming limit curve (FLC) appears in a different pattern, revealing an enhanced formability, compared to... more
Flex sensor has multiple applications like most sensors. Even though it is widely used as a goniometer in rehabilitation research, its applications can be seen in different fields like, human machine interfaces, geology and musical... more
Bản Việt hóa của tài liệu "A review on material fracture mechanism in incremental" của các tác giả Sheng Ai và Hui Long ; nghiên cứu về công nghệ SPIF nói riêng và ISF nói chung This is a Vietnamese version (translation) of "A review on... more
The automotive industry, in countries such as Brazil, China and India, in contrast to the North American and European markets, is in full expansion. Due to the huge competition in the globalized automotive market, such countries face a... more
Discrete dies have been investigated for sheet metal forming since the early part of the 20th century. The reconfigurable nature of these dies lends itself well to flexible manufacturing systems; unfortunately, the state of knowledge on... more
Sheet metal forming of tribologically difficult materials such as stainless steel, Al-alloys and Ti-alloys or forming in tribologically difficult operations like ironing, punching or deep drawing of thick plate requires often use of... more
Materials resistance to edge fracture in intricate shape forming is commonly quantified by hole expansion ratio (HER). Hole expansion test is normally used to evaluate HER. To date, the governing factors of HER have not well understood... more
التحليل المورفولوجي هو أحد أبرز الأساليب الإبداعية الفعالة في مجال الأستشراف والتنبؤ والتعرف على البدائل المحتملة والسيناريوهات الممكنة، جرى تطبيقه في العديد من الحقول المعرفية وبخاصة ذات الطبيعه الكيفية مثل الإبداع والتصميم والنمذجة.... more
— In today’s world, technologies with automation are the future and there is a need for pneumatics for small scale industries and labs due to higher demand. Sheet metal cutting operation does not require sophisticated devices but are very... more
Puji dan syukur penulis panjatkan kehadirat Allah SWT, yang telah memberikan rahmat dan Hidayah-Nya serta nikmat sehat sehingga penulis dapat menyelesaikan laporan praktik ini. penulisan laporan ini dilakukan dalam rangka memenuhi salah... more
This is a study on grain-scale micromechanics of polycrystal surfaces during plastic straining. We use Al–Mg–Si sheets (alloy AA6022) as model material. The work aims at understanding the relationship between microstrain heterogeneity and... more
Most of the phenomena in life, such as heat transfer, wave propagation, thermoelectricity, sheet materials, multifunctional material properties, etc., can be expressed through mathematical equations or partial differential equations... more
In the modern practice of stamping simulation of complex industrial parts the prediction of springback still lacks accuracy. In commercial software packages various empirical constitutive laws for stamping are available. Limited to simple... more
Meningkatnya permintaan produk dari konsumen membuat aktifitas produksi padat, namun disisi lain ada beberapa permasalahan pada produktifitas yang belum terselesaikan membuat aktifitas produksi terhambat dan harus menambah jam kerja... more
La ceinture : le support de pièces métalliques La ceinture est un des principaux accessoires qui complètent le costume médiéval, qu'il soit militaire, religieux ou civil. Portée par toutes les classes sociales, par les deux sexes et à... more
We discuss methods to map crystallographic textures in crystal plasticity finite element simulations. Fourier-type series expansion methods which use spherical harmonic library functions as well as the direct pole figure inversion methods... more
We present a fully embedded implementation of a full-field crystal plasticity model in an implicit finite element (FE) framework, a combination which realizes a multiscale approach for the simulation of large strain plastic deformation.... more
Au sud de la Loire, la cathédrale de Clermont-Ferrand est l’unique témoin connu et conservé qui ait été couvert d’une toiture en plomb sur le modèle des cathédrales de Chartres, Paris, Rouen, Beauvais, Reims, Saint-Denis ou Senlis... more
A texture component crystal plasticity finite element method (TCCP-FEM) is used for the simulation of cup drawing of a ferritic stainless steel sheet (X6Cr17, AISI 430, EN 1.4016). The simulation includes the through-thickness texture... more
Necking has been the dominant failure mode in sheet metal forming industry and several analytical and numerical tools were developed to predict the onset of necking. However, the introduction of Advanced High Strength Steels (AHSS) with... more
This paper discusses the results of the numerical study of rectangular cup drawing of steel sheets using finite element methods. To be able to verify the results of the numerical solutions, an experimental study was done where the... more
Know-how on mechanical behaviour of sheet metal forming operations like deep drawing etc., are very much essential for quality production of articles having wide industrial and domestic applications such as automobile, beverage, aerospace... more
This paper reports preliminary work to investigate the suitability of using a blackboard framework as a problem-solving model for stamping process planning in progressive die design. The model is described at two levels: knowledge level... more
Deep drawing of sheet metal is one of the most important transformation's process in which a sheet metal blank is drawn into a forming die via a punch force. The conventional deep drawing of sheet metal techniques, known for their wide... more