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To contribute to discussions of the collective enterprise of identity making, we turn to online retail spaces and to communicative practices articulated therein. We argue that identity does not emerge spontaneously from atomised market... more
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      EngineeringMusic and identityCyberspaceCollective Identity
BMS Serampore Mission and the Beginning of the Chinese Version of the Bible(Helin WU)
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Copyright and moral rights for the publications made accessible in the public portal are retained by the authors and/or other copyright owners and it is a condition of accessing publications that users recognise and abide by the legal... more
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      GeographyHuman GeographyEconomic GeographyUrban Studies
Translation of the work "Biographies of Two Distinguished Foreigners" by the Treaty Port Intellectual Jiang Dunfu (1808–1867). The work consists of two biographies of Julius Caesar and George Washington in written in classical literary... more
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      TranslationLate Imperial-Modern ChinaJulius CaesarLate Imperial China
tle 1I I;o !>it.I[ c t de LI l' u,m l.t1il )ll de P)HH Ano uc h ( 1"I1I11; V .u i.tII (.,( v., ~' nc Dcla uu« n u\! " 1l1l 1 pc-n ui... de... ( 1l!.. '-( l 'lt :ù n.. 1'I...'" u11;1(" du rt• <.. l'n ~{ •lm •nl dh llllp,rap iliqlll' de... more
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    • Geography
During the nineteenth century, large numbers of Catholic medals with Chinese inscriptions were produced to sensitise European children to missionary activities in the far east. Medals with Chinese inscriptions were also designed... more
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      Catholic Missionary HistoryMissionary HistoryHistory of Roman CatholicismWorld Christianity and Chinese Christianity
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      BusinessEngineeringChinaAutomotive Industry
This editorial argues that the modern and contemporary Shanghai cityscape revolves around the dialectical reconciliation of opposing forces, such as communism and capitalism, east and west, colonial and cosmopolitan, in line with the... more
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      Chinese StudiesSurrealismShanghai
During the nineteenth century, large numbers of Catholic medals with Chinese inscriptions were produced to sensitise European children to missionary activities in the far east. Medals with Chinese inscriptions were also designed... more
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      Catholic Missionary HistoryMissionary HistoryHistory of Roman CatholicismWorld Christianity and Chinese Christianity
You are reminded of the following: • Copyright owners are entitled to take legal action against persons who infringe the ir copyright. • A reproduction of material that is protected by copyright may be a copyright infringement. • A court... more
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      GeographyPoetryChinaAustralian Poetry
and educated in country schools and Perth Modern School, he graduated from UWA with First Class honours in Education and MEd (1968) and gained a PhD from Edith Cowan University in 2007. Glen taught English for more than 50 years in CAEs... more
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The objective of this study was to investigate the frequency, clinical characteristics, and comorbidity of borderline personality disorder (BPD) among psychiatric outpatients in two clinics at Shanghai Mental Health Center. A... more
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      PsychologyClinical PsychologyPsychiatryPersonality
Urban heritage sites in central cities are most difficult to protect during rapid and large scale urban (re)development. Rising land values from property development conflict with and constrain heritage preservation. Compared with many... more
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      Political ScienceUrban PlanningIndustrial HeritageUrban Regeneration
The aim of this study was to investigate the geographic variation in mortality indicators in Songjiang District of Shanghai under rapid change with urbanization. Geographic Information System (GIS) was used to visualize the distributions... more
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      GeographyDentistryChinaCommunicable Diseases
Archives: In Process "Archives: In Process" is a recurring segment within the Multimedia column of Perspectives in Architecture and Urbanism. The segment focuses on the work of contemporary practitioners in urban and rural China,... more
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      ArchitectureIndustrial HeritageDesign Process (Architecture)Adaptive Reuse
This presentation of my book "Madmen in Shanghai" was given as part of the Chinese Business History Webinar Series, organized by the Hong Kong Institute for the Humanities and Social Sciences.
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      Business HistoryAdvertisingModern ChinaShanghai
This research explores how to understand the concept of 'liveable streets' in the context of Shanghai. It follows the Chinese State Council's call (2015) for ungated communities and dense street networks, meant to improve liveability in... more
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      GeographyUrban managementLandscape ArchitectureUrban Planning
It is a great pleasure to introduce for the public the results of the 2005-06 China International Crime against Business Survey (China ICBS) conducted by the team of ANU professors and researchers in Hong Kong. The general aim of the... more
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      BusinessCriminologyCriminal JusticeChina
Cet ouvrage met en lumière la révolution qu’a produite l’industrie publicitaire sur le développement de la presse et la transformation des villes chinoises, de la fin de l’empire (1905-1911) aux premières années de la République Populaire... more
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      Historical GISUrban HistoryModern ChinaShanghai
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In this chapter, we analyze the working conditions of domestic helpers (ayi) and coin the term "working-single" to refer to their affective experiences in laboring in the private urban households, where they are being isolated, and,... more
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      Gender StudiesTrustGenderChina
China's economic rise has engendered fresh inquiries about new possible development models. The Reform and Opening policy, initiated in 1978, has allowed China to explore market strategies that align with its socialist planned economy.... more
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      Urban PlanningUrbanismChinaSpecial Economic Zones
Xiaolin: An Exploration of Jokes and Humor in Ancient Chinese Culture This article is based on the study of the book "Xiaolin" (The Forest of Laughter) by Handan Chun 邯鄲淳 (ca.132-ca.221) of the Cao Wei 曹魏 period in the Eastern Han... more
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    • Translation Studies
In this short intervention addressing the impact of crises on geographical knowledge practices, we, members of GenUrb (a multi-sited, longitudinal, partnered urban research project), ask, "what counts as crisis?", sketching out... more
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      Urban GeographyFeminism
Fr. Angelo A. Zottoli S.J. (1826–1902) reached the village of Xujiahui 徐家匯, known also as Zi-ka-wei, in September 1848. Immediately after his arrival, the young Zottoli was asked to teach theology there. As a result, starting from 1849,... more
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      Missionary HistoryJesuit historyChinaSociety of Jesus
Working Paper, n°21-19, mars 2021This research examines the complex nature of housing requisition and the extent of residents’ consultation and participation in a housing requisition project in Shanghai. Centered on a single case study,... more
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      Decision MakingParticipationUrban GovernanceUrban Redevelopment
has defined intercultural "contact zones" as "the space of colonial encounters, the space in which peoples geographically and historically separated come into contact with each other and establish ongoing relations." 3 I agree with... more
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      HistoryTransnational HistoryMay Fourth MovementShanghai
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      TimbreTwelve-Tone TechniqueContemporary Chinese Music
En el terreno personal, debo agradecer el apoyo y estima de mis padres, de mi familia extensa (o, debería decir familias, puesto que ya son cuatro, Brasó, Broggi, Rossich y Rodríguez) y también de mis amigos íntimos. Y, claro está, a... more
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      HumanitiesArtPolitical ScienceShanghai
This article explores the consequences of the Austro-Hungarian Empire's end through the tumultuous biography of a philanthropic entrepreneur and quasi-consul community leader known today for assisting thousands of Jewish refugees during... more
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      DiasporasHabsburg StudiesChinaInterwar Period History
Following a period of relative hiatus in the relation between Iran and China, efforts were made its revival during the first Pahlavi I era. Merchants and governments of the two countries, in an attempt to resume relations, attempted for... more
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      ChinaIranShanghaiTea Trade
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      HumanitiesPolitical ScienceMultidisciplinaryMigrations
Ma Xiangbo’s life was associated with both Chinese and European culture, and it is difficult to say which of the two he was closer to. Current research on Ma focuses on his life, his writings and his contributions to the education and... more
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      History of EducationWorld HistoryLate Imperial-Modern ChinaShanghai
This special issue, a collection of papers presented and debated at an Urban Studies Foundation-funded workshop on Global Gentrification in London in 2012, attempts to problematise contemporary understandings of gentrification, which is... more
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      SociologyHuman GeographyAsian StudiesComparative Literature
《上海俄文生活报》为1919一1922年间在上海发行的俄文大报,同 时也是一份由社会觉人创建并最终转变为布尔什维克机关报的报纸。 该报在当时的上海俄侨群体中可以说是众人皆知,无论是布尔什维 克 的同情者,还是极右派的保皇觉成员。但学界对于该报的讨论并不多。 笔者一直关注该报的相关研究,并发现了一批关于《生活报»在沪发行 的新史料,在已掌握的报纸、档案资料基础上,将该批史料结合中俄学 者对该报的研究成果,细致梳理《生活报› 沪发行历史,重点探讨在沪... more
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      Russian StudiesChinese StudiesShanghaiChinese Communist Party
In this paper, we identify and discuss some of the ethical problems associated with digital sensors used to detect water contamination and air pollution in the United States. Such safety devices are often deployed unsystematically and... more
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      Air pollutionEnvironmental Remote SensingWater PollutionSurveillance
In January 2024, the online magazine SHINE, a known city magazine of Shanghai, was scrutinized statistically and contextually in order to obtain data about the significance and representation of performing arts (music, theatre, cinema,... more
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      Music EducationMusicologyEthnomusicologyUrban Studies
Here is the intro chapter to my new book Rocking China
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      Youth SubculturesContemporary ChinaBeijingShanghai
Les divisions de la ville Christian Topalov (dir.
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      SociologyHumanitiesArtPolitical Science
Habsburg Refugees in China: Postimperial Diaspora, Diplomacy, and Orientalism in the Republican Era (1918-1949) is a study of displacement, humanitarian assistance, and diaspora formation in a twentieth-century Sino-Central European... more
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      Diplomatic HistoryRefugee StudiesSinologyHabsburg Studies
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      Cross border cooperationWien
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Le Viêt Nam connaît actuellement une phase d'urbanisation accélérée qui se traduit par la construction de grands ensembles en périphérie des villes. Ces «nouvelles zones urbaines» engendrent des ruptures sociospatiales et... more
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      GeographyHumanitiesHousing in Developing AreasUrban History
Introduction 3 redeveloped them for urban functions. The pace of change greatly accelerated in the 2000s, following the designation of this zone as an urban administrative district. Soon new bridges were built and large avenues penetrated... more
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      GeographyPolitical SciencePoliticsMultidisciplinary
本文为“道”译Logos早期接受史研究的一部分;该研究意在展现“道”译Logos形成的历史处境,以弥补过往探讨对义理的偏重。传统上认为,“道”译Logos... more
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    • Chinese Bible Translation
A physical model based on similarity principles has been constructed for simulating the RH degasser of Companhia Siderú rgica de Tubarã o (CST), Vitó ria, ES, Brazil. The influence of gas injection through nozzles in the upleg with... more
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      Materials EngineeringMaterials ScienceFluid flowIronmaking and Steelmaking
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      GeographyAsian StudiesMultidisciplinary
Oral and craniomaxillofacial diseases contain conditions affecting both the soft and hard tissues of face and also dentalarches. Exploiting the bioactive nanomaterials (NMs) in clinical utility has been extensively evolved. The NMs offer... more
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    • Nanomaterials
With China's fast urbanization, the study of the walkability of residents' life circles has become critical to improve people's quality of life. Traditional walkability calculations are based on Lawrence Frank's theory. However, the... more
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      Computer ScienceMachine LearningWalkability