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This book is the first of its kind to use historical studies and architectural research to outline Shanghai’s pragmatic developments dominated largely by its politics. Professor Reinhard Goethert from Massachusetts Institute of Technology... more
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      HistoryAnthropologyChinese StudiesUrban Politics
Abstract: The concept of ‘Neoliberliasm’ origins from economic politics which believes in the ethics of market in maximizing wealth and efficiency. Under the banner of ‘Reform and Open Policy’, a shift from planned economy to market... more
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The objective of this study was to investigate the frequency, clinical characteristics, and comorbidity of borderline personality disorder (BPD) among psychiatric outpatients in two clinics at Shanghai Mental Health Center. A... more
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      PsychologyBorderline Personality DisorderShanghaiBorderline Personality Disorder and Relationships
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... WEI Ji-He(C&~), YU Neng-Wen(;~:~ FAN Yang-Yi(~), YANG Sen-Long(~&~), ... E 8 ] Hanna RK, Jones T, Blake RI and Millman M S. Water modelling to aid improvement of degasser performance for production of ultralow carbon... more
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      Mass TransferTwo Phase FlowHigh Energy Density PhysicsShanghai
Biography of a British policeman in Shanghai in the 1930s, highly recommended. China Review, magazine of Great Britain-China Centre (ceased publication).
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      Chinese StudiesChinaChina studiesShanghai
Migrant domestic workers in Hong Kong, Taipei, and Shanghai suffer from a variety of abuse from their employers, often in complicity with brokers. How have governments and civil society responded? This chapter reports on a comparative... more
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      GenderTaiwan StudiesInternational MigrationHong Kong
Shanghai's modern urban identity is strongly affected by the assimilation of Western cultural models. Modern Shanghai, mainly developing in the second half of the 19 th century, fused the Western architectural culture and practices with... more
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      Modern Chinese HistoryCross-cultural transfersArchitectural DesignModern China
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      Urban StudiesGeorg SimmelChinese Modern LiteratureShanghai
This paper mainly discusses the Shanghai Jazz fusion music culture originated in the 1930s named Shidaiqu.
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      MusicMusicologyArt HistoryPopular Music Studies
This paper explores hyperreal spatial experiences produced through the dialectics of original and copy in terms of object, atmosphere, and public space. It focuses on two collaborative projects by Bjarke Ingels Group (BIG), namely Danish... more
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      AuthenticityWalter BenjaminHyperrealityVandalism
This thesis addresses the development of the pictorial genre known as the ‘victory picture’ (Ch. desheng tu 得勝圖, zhangong tu 戰功圖) in 19th century China. Largely associated with production under the patronage of the Qianlong emperor (r.... more
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      Art HistoryChinese StudiesChinese ArtSino-Japanese War
Scholars of entrepreneurship can agree that 'context matters. ' However, there is little consensus regarding the processes through which context and entrepreneurship are mutually constructive. While the influence of top-down forces on... more
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      EntrepreneurshipBusiness HistoryNationalismUrban Studies
In the past decade, urban regeneration policy makers and practitioners have faced a number of difficult challenges, such as sustainability, budgetary constraints, demands for community involvement and rapid urbanization in the Global... more
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      Cultural StudiesUrban GeographyAfrican StudiesLatin American Studies
Contemporary art, urban CuLture, and the fashioning of gLobaL shanghai Lin ABOVE SEA Shanghai, long known as mainland China's most cosmopolitan city, has recently emerged as a global capital. Above sea offers the first in-depth... more
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      DesignFashion designGlobalizationContemporary Art
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      Jewish HistoryChinaHolocaust StudiesHolocaust and Genocide Studies
Responding to China's astronomical growth in car ownership, several Chinese cities are actively controlling car ownership to reduce congestion and air pollution. Shanghai pioneered car ownership control by adopting a license auction... more
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      Transportation PolicyTime series analysisShanghai
The Metropolis of Manila has poor wastewater management practices which costs the economy around AUD$ 2 Billion per year, results in around a third of all recorded illnesses and has left the rivers biologically dead. However, with a... more
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      EngineeringEnvironmental EngineeringChemical EngineeringUrbanization in Developing Areas
Haşhaş bitkisi ve ondan elde edilen afyon, dünyanın en eski tıbbî ve sanayi ürünlerinden biri olarak kabul edilir. Haşhaşın kullanım alanının zaman içerisinde artması ve afyonun bağımlılık yapıcı özelliğinin keşfedilmesiyle birlikte, 16.... more
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Shanghai continues to encounter the stresses and opportunities of a rapidly urbanizing country – even as urban planning has changed from being a high socialist provider of social goods and welfare to a supporter of China's expansion... more
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      Real EstateHistorySociologyAnthropology
Présentation donnée dans le cadre du séminaire de l'IrAsia sur les experts en Asie. Cette recherche suggère que les publicitaires ne constituent pas une profession au sens strict mais plutôt un groupe semi-professionnel aux frontières... more
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      AdvertisingSociology of ExpertiseSociology of ProfessionsShanghai
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      ArchitectureGlobalizationUrban StudiesUrbanism
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      Cultural StudiesCultural GeographyFashion TheoryGlobalization
This paper discusses Aurora College for Women, which was under the management of the Sisters of the Sacred Heart in Shanghai from 1937 to 1951. It was an American-style university-college like other Sacred Heart colleges in the United... more
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      Gender StudiesWomen's StudiesCatholic Missionary HistoryChina
Tutto è iniziato nel 1985 "presi il mappamondo lo feci girare e puntai il dito, dove avrebbe indicato li sarei andata e fu Cina per diversi anni, viaggiando da sola con itinerari che spesso cambiavano a causa della burocrazia, dopo il... more
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There are number of cases when buildings collapse, because of various reasons. The majority of such cases result from natural disasters. However, these situations are expected and should be taken into account by engineers from the... more
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      Civil EngineeringSafety EngineeringEarthquake EngineeringDisaster risk management
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      ArchitectureContemporary ArtUrbanismChinese contemporary art
Rem Koolhaas étant quelqu’un d’extrêmement productif mais surtout évolutif, il est difficile voir impossible de résumer sa production graphique à un style ou a une manière de faire. Le texte ci-dessous se focalise sur la dialectique... more
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      Critical TheoryArchitectureCritical ThinkingUtopian Studies
This paper presents a comprehensive study of large-scale, master-planned urban developments in Asia and Europe. Increasing in numbers all over the world since the 1980's, these urban mega-projects—here referred to as Grands Projets—have... more
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      Urban GeographyUrban PlanningUrban RegenerationUrban Studies
Cada muro infiere un contrato social. Un grado de privatización colectiva del espacio metropolitano."
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This report analyzes the way four high-performing systems provide professional learning to their teachers. Shanghai, British Columbia, Singapore, and Hong Kong all score near the top of all jurisdictions tested in mathematics, reading and... more
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      EducationTeacher EducationInternational EducationSingapore
I was invited to contribute to a book on four decades of development of Chinese museums. The book appeared in 2019: Museum development in China, Rowman and Littlefield, edited by Gail Dexter Lord et al. I contributed a chapter. My... more
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      Museum StudiesCultural TourismChinaMuseums and Exhibition Design
Although Eileen Chang, one of China's most popular twentieth-century writers, never visited Nanyang (lit., the South Sea, referring principally to Southeast Asia), Nanyang and huaqiao (Chinese sojourners) are mentioned frequently in her... more
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      Hong KongShanghaiNanyangEileen Chang
This study traces the historical development of Shanghai Museum (RAS), which was established by the British and American expatriate-led North China Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society in 1874.
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      Museum StudiesHistory of Natural HistoryHistory of MuseumsChina studies
Having emerged in the 1920s, the Russian community in Shanghai left a lasting and transformative effect on the food production and dining culture of the city. Created virtually from scratch in the dormant residential area of the French... more
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      HistoryDiasporasShanghaiRussian emigration
Negli anni precedenti la Seconda guerra mondiale, la “Parigi d’Oriente” è la grande metropoli delle concessioni straniere, un crocevia vivacissimo di avventurieri, di artisti, di intellettuali impegnati, di belle donne, di imprenditori,... more
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      ShanghaiShanghai Urban StudiesHistory and Urban Culture of Shanghai
shared their knowledge and skills.
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      ArchitectureUrban StudiesUrban EcologyHong Kong
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      Film Music And SoundTransnationalismAdaptationFilm Adaptation
This report was developed within the Horizon2020 project ECHOES: European Colonial Heritage Modalities in Entangled Cities as part of its work package 3 on ‘City Museums and Multiple Colonial Pasts.’ This work package conducts in-depth,... more
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      Museum StudiesHeritage StudiesPost-ColonialismChina studies
• Lena Scheen writes a lucid and compelling account of literature written amidst Shanghai’s sweeping transformations from 1990-2010. She evokes lived experiences of the city via literary and cultural analysis informed by field research on... more
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      Chinese StudiesUrban StudiesMental MapsUrban Transformation
The article explores the theory of "Urban Acupuncture" as an alternative approach for Urban Renewal Development. Taken from the traditional Chinese medical theory, acupuncture involves small-scale interventions within the city to have a... more
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      ArchitectureUrban PlanningChinaEgypt
Examining the rise of Pudong and its role in re-creating Shanghai as a global city, Global Shanghai Remade utilises this important case study to shed light on contemporary globalisation and China’s integration with the world since the... more
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      ShanghaiShanghai Urban Studies
China is urbanizing at an unprecedented speed. Filmmakers, artists, musicians, and writers all try to come to terms with the changes of their city. How is the Chinese city-as-spectacle, visualised and thus imagined and reimagined, if not... more
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      Popular Music StudiesChinese StudiesGuy DebordSpectacle
Within the context of understanding the opening up of the People’s Republic of China and the city of Shanghai, the aim of the study is to explore ‘space’ in Chinese Communist Party rhetoric, Shanghai spatial planning discourse and... more
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      Cultural StudiesPostcolonial StudiesSpatial SociologyChina studies
Excerpted from Mikkel Bindslev, Anna Greenspan, Amy Ireland, and Nick Land, Šum #13: Shanghai Frequencies.
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      Artificial IntelligenceGilles DeleuzeOccultismWarfare
China’s One Belt One Road (OBOR) is one of the largest projects ever undertaken. The proposed chain of roads, ports, fiber optic cables, and pipelines was designed to increase economic activity from China to South and Southeast Asia,... more
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China's rise is one of the transformative events of our time. Aspects of Urbanization in China: Shanghai, Hong Kong, Guangzhou examines some of the aspects of China's massive wave of urbanization - the largest the world has ever seen. The... more
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      Social SciencesUrban StudiesChinaHong Kong
This chapter suggests that the musical concept of timbre can function as an ideational “trading zone,” or Unscharfer Begriff. It explores some diverse treatments of timbre in Western and in Chinese music performance practice, in... more
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      EthnomusicologyAuditory CultureSound studiesVagueness
While previous scholars have paid much attention to the maritime history of Guangdong, Fujian, and Zhejiang in southern China, by contrast, there are no monographs or articles focusing on maritime history of Shandong in northern China in... more
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      SinologyMaritime HistoryEast Asian HistoryShanghai