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... miles on main roads between cities. Editors such as Jill L. Levenson have assumed that “presently” means that Balthazar left Verona “immediately” after Juliet's funeral (Oxford, 2000, p. 331n.). But “immediately” is... more
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      ShakespeareLiterary studiesEnglish Literary Renaissance
JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and... more
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      English LiteratureShakespeareThe Merchant of Venice
How does a father manage the death of his son or his father? What might a playwright do? This article proposes that confronted with the multiple loss of his son Hamnet and subsequently his father John, William Shakespeare experienced a... more
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      ShakespeareTranspersonal PsychologyPsychology & SpiritualityLoss and Trauma
A consideration of melancholy and its connection to genius in 'Melencolia I' and 'Hamlet'.
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      ShakespeareMelancholyAlbrecht DürerHamlet
Our time is characterized by a crisis of representational practice, fuelled by unprecedented technological and economic changes on a global level. Narrative, therefore, takes a wide variety of forms. This course examines the aesthetics... more
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      American LiteratureBritish LiteratureWorld LiteraturesComparative Literature
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      HistoryLanguages and LinguisticsShakespeareMedieval England
Empathy is a subject that could easily fi nd a home in any one of the sections of this volume. After all, early modern thinking about emotional identifi cation with another person -whether described as pity, compassion, or fellow-feeling... more
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      ShakespeareHistory Of EmotionsEnglish Renaissance LiteratureClassical Reception Studies
Despite being recognized as one of the greatest playwrights of all time, Shakespeare is well known to have many problematic relationships to power that are extended into his texts. One example of this is patriarchy and his portrayal of... more
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      SociologyEnglish LiteratureLiteratureShakespeare
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      Early Modern HistoryShakespeareEarly Modern EnglandEarly Modern Literature
Review of "Where You Go Is Not Who You'll Be: An Antidote to the College Admissions Mania" by Frank Bruni and "The End of College" by Kevin Carey
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      Women's StudiesWomen's HistoryShakespeareWomen and Gender Studies
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      Theatre StudiesShakespeareDramaActing
The purpose of my thesis has been to establish the reasons for adapting Shakespeare for children in the modern age and to see if adaptations are influenced by the time they are written. From my analysis of forty- two adaptations for... more
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      ShakespeareAdaptation (Literature)English language and literatureShakespeare adaptation
This paper analyzes the characterization of female characters of William Shakespeare's four famous plays—Hamlet, Twelfth Night, Romeo and Juliet, Henry VI Part I—and the Dark Lady in his sonnets to establish him as protagonist of feminism... more
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Early literary instances of artificial humanoid and intelligent systems anticipate in a general way the kinds of thematic issues that cyborgs, androids, and intelligent networks like supercomputers bring up for the contemporary notion of... more
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      Critical TheoryPhilosophyEnglish LiteratureAristotle
En este trabajo se analizará en Shakespeare, sobre todo a partir de King Lear, aquellos rasgos que lo acercan al movimiento barroco -y su posible explicación desde el contexto histórico-, por comparación con los dramaturgos españoles y a... more
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This dissertation will argue that the early modern theatre and the early modern church were both concerned with keeping the attention of their audiences, and that one of the ways that dramatic interest in Christopher Marlowe's and William... more
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      ShakespeareEnglish ReformationEarly Modern LiteratureChristopher Marlowe
SESSION I: INTERTEXT AND GENERIC FORM (sponsored by RSA's Humanism discipline) "Parody and the Abstraction of Character" Samuel Fallon, SUNY Geneseo, USA "Characters in Search of a Plot: Intertextual Dynamics in Gascoigne’s... more
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      Medieval StudiesShakespeareEnglish History
This essay examines the plural nature and meaning of the word "bond" in Shakespeare’s Merchant of Venice, dispelling popular readings of the play as anti-market. The Merchant of Venice is open to an array of interpretations... more
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      English LiteratureTheatre StudiesShakespeareEnglish
The paper – given at this year's annual IFTR conference in Hyderabad – discusses the question of cultural ownership in the German discourse about Shakespeare.
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      Theatre StudiesShakespeareShakespearean performance historyShakespeare in Performance
A comparison of Shakespeare's The Tempest with Marina Warner's rewriting, Indigo to explore the concept of proto-colonialism. The re-writings of characters as colonisers-colonised will be explored with regards to postcolonial theories to... more
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      English LiteratureLiteraturePostcolonial StudiesShakespeare
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      ShakespeareLiterary studies
Dealing with themes of forgiveness, revenge, responsibility, and self-interest, Cianfrance's film is unabashedly, relentlessly and almost defiantly sentimental. It wears its sentimentalism like a badge of honor and makes it work by... more
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      Film StudiesLiterature and cinemaShakespeareFilm Analysis
In Capital Vol. 1, Karl Marx seeks to explain away the ‘dazzling’ quality of the money-form through an analysis of a simple equation. But even after the veil has been lifted, the mystical force of money remains. In this paper, I suggest... more
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      Critical TheoryPolitical TheoryMarxismShakespeare
Anche a proposito del "Macbeth", come delle maggiori tragedie shakespeariane, va detto che è anzitutto necessario non ingabbiare -e così snaturare -l'opera nello schema di una definizione psicologica. Troppo spesso, anche sulla scorta... more
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    • Shakespeare
This book addresses the motif of literary twinship from the Shakespearean age until today. Twins have all too often been discussed as mere footnotes to the allegedly more nuanced motif of the doppelganger, or as a kind of 'embarrassing'... more
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      ComedyShakespeareAdaptationVictorian Literature
Hamlet's "to be or not to be" soliloquy is almost as varied and divergent as interpretations of the play itself.
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      ShakespeareShakespearean DramaHamletWilliam Shakespeare
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      ShakespeareHamletRichard II
The final performance-based project in my Shakespeare and Introduction to Shakespeare classes. (Presented recently at MLA 2016)
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      ShakespeareTeaching ShakespeareShakespeare in Performance
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      MetaphysicsShakespeareReformation StudiesMagic
This reflection essay was commissioned by Mount St. Mary's University in 2001, and examines some conceptual overlap between two generically bending and historically separated texts, Shakespeare's much discussed play "The Merchant of... more
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      Philosophy of AgencyShakespeareThe Merchant of Venice
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      English LiteratureRenaissance StudiesShakespeareHistory Of Emotions
This article disrupts present-day readings of women’s experience of and diagnoses with depression by reading them in the light of the patriarchally inscribed experience of melancholia in the early modern period as explored in Shakespeare... more
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      PsychiatryMental HealthShakespeareDepression
This essay explores how Shakespeare was used in a variety of ways during the Brexit campaign by both the Leave- and the Remain-party of the campaign.
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      ShakespeareShakespeare adaptationWilliam ShakespeareBrexit
Commentary of two poems-epistles where Donne is related to Thomas Nashe as the enemy of Gabriel Harvey, in confirmation of DINS theory as stated in Ver, begin (2015) and Sex & Fun in The Faerie Queene (2019).
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      ShakespeareElizabethan LiteratureJohn DonneEdmund Spenser
The Avignon Off and the Edinburgh Fringe Festival have a favourite Shakespearean play: Romeo and Juliet. Between 2011 and 2014, the play has been staged fourteen times at the Edinburgh Fringe and thirteen at the Avignon Off. This success... more
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      Popular CultureShakespeareAdaptationFestivals
Shakespeare 13.3 (2017): 285-87. Print.
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      Theatre StudiesShakespeareApplied TheatreApplied Drama/Theatre
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      HistoryShakespeareNumismaticsMedieval numismatics
In this short essay, I outline the coincidence of phenomenology and tragedy, starting with its origins in the romantic thought of Friedrich Schelling and the coincidence of dialectics and the tragic in Hegel.
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      ShakespearePhenomenologyFriedrich Wilhelm Joseph SchellingG.W.F. Hegel
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      ChaucerShakespeareMedievalismMedieval English Literature
“언제 어떻게 하나의 기록이 문학이 되는가? 그때 무슨 일이 일어나는가? 이는 무엇 때문이며 누구 때문인가?” “프랑스가 지구상에 배출한 가장 위대한 철학자 중 한 사람”(자크 시라크)이자 ‘해체주의’를 창시하여 기존 서양 철학의 전통을 뒤엎으며 현대 철학의 새로운 지평을 열어젖힌 자크 데리다. 그의 문학론을 묶어 펴낸 흥미로운 책이 문학과지성사에서 ‘현대의 문학 이론’ 시리즈로 출간되었다. 한 편의 인터뷰와 열 편의... more
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      PhilosophyJames JoyceShakespeareDeconstruction
From Oregon Shakespeare Festival's "Illuminations" magazine. ("Illuminations: A Guide to the 2016 Plays.")
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This paper investigates the double standard of brothers and others present in two economic activities, usury and opium trade. Nelson indicated that the double standard of brothers and others refers to the unification of brothers and... more
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      ShakespeareOpium WarUsuryThe Merchant of Venice
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      ShakespeareDramaShakespearean DramaTheatre
Wisdom traditions around the world share an ethic of lovingkindness, grounded in the belief of Oneness, a belief in spiritual oneness, corresponding to the notion that everything partakes the same constituting principle—energy,... more
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      BuddhismShakespeareCompassionWisdom Traditions