Seyyed Hossein Nasr

155 papers
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Seyyed Hossein Nasr is an Iranian philosopher, theologian, and scholar known for his work in Islamic philosophy, mysticism, and comparative religion. He emphasizes the importance of spirituality and traditional wisdom in contemporary thought, advocating for a synthesis of science and spirituality while critiquing modernity's materialism.
[The whole volume of the special issue is accessible in open access here:] The thought of the Andalusian Muslim and mystical scholar Ibn ʿArabi (1165–1240)1 has... more
This article examines how the work of the Andalusian Sufi Ibn ʿArabi (1165-1240) became a site of contention between two influential contemporary interpretations of Sufism. This dissension involved the pioneering French scholar of Islamic... more
Seyyed Hossein Nasr is one of the most renowned Islamic thinkers of the modern era. He has been a professor of Islamic Studies at George Washington University for the past forty years and is the author of over fifty books and over five... more
Juist in de klimaatcrisis is geschiedschrijving essentieel, want een historisch perspectief kan veranderingen bij uitstek helpen vatten. Maar de geschiedschrijving is net als het maatschappelijk debat vastgelopen in twee verhalen:... more
This paper is a review of a fundamental book of Christian Wolff [Christian Wolff, Discours préliminaire sur la philosophie en general, Vrin, Paris 2006], witch original Latin title was “Discursus praeliminaris de philosophia in genere”.... more
Görmek, aynı zamanda bir dil oluşturmak anlamına geliyor. Varlığın, görünenler üzerinden işletilmeye başladığı, Heidegger’in “bir dünya tasviri” olarak baktığı modernite çağında, görsel üzerine kurulan dil ve o dili okumak/görmek... more
Perennial philosophy holds that there is something hidden in all transcendent matters that does not belong to a particular period of history and to a particular geographical location. Rather, it exists at all times and is transferred from... more
The aim of this paper is to verify, through the analysis of Nasr’s book “Conoscenza Sacra” [Seyyed Hossein Nars, Conoscenza sacra, Mediterranee, Roma 2021], if the traditional though really conceives a explicit ontology. Nasr, however,... more
The aim of this paper is to verify if the “sacred knowledge” could be the basis for a sacred theory of knowing. So, we analysed the book of Seyyed Hossein Nasr [Seyyed Hossein Nars, Conoscenza sacra, Mediterranee, Roma 2021] in search of... more
This paper provides a perspective and analysis of the notion of 'redeeming Islam' -Islam as the subject of attempts by others to save it. The paper challenges the contemporary scholarship undertaken in the academy in respect of the Study... more
First Paragraph: With the death of Fuat Sezgin (1924-2018) not only Turkey, but all of the Islamic world and in fact the fields of Islamic studies and the history of science as a whole have lost one of their great scholars, a person who... more
First paragraph: This book is the fourth volume of a massive anthology, dealing roughly with the period from the 13th to the 16th century. This late medieval period is receiving more and more attention lately, and so this anthology is... more
Perennial philosophy holds that there is something hidden in all transcendent matters that does not belong to a particular period of history and to a particular geographical location. Rather, it exists at all times and is transferred from... more
The fundamental objective of this research is to explicate the uniqueness of esoteric interpretation in The Study Quran: A New Translation and Commentary (2015) written by Seyyed Hossein Nasr and his team. This library research applies... more
“Her dergi bir okuldur.” diyordu Cemil Meriç. İnsanlar yetiştirir. Fikirler doğurur. Okul aynı zamanda ekol demekti. Meriç’in en çok yakındığı da, yaşadığı topraklarda bir “gelenek” yani bir “ekol”, bir başka ifadeyle bir “okul”... more
The meridian is one of the most famous great circles imagined on both the celestial sphere and the earth. On the celestial sphere, the altitude of celestial bodies is measured along the meridian with reference to the horizontal... more
Adopting a rigid perspective toward post Cartesian modernity, traditionalists have referred to a type of knowledge which has a supernatural quality and is related to degrees of existence. Rejecting the efficacy of experience and argument... more
سنت‌های الهی مجموعه قوانینی است که نظام‌بخش سلسله‌ای از رخدادهای جامعه و تاریخ انسانی بوده که شناخت آن‌ها ما را با علل پدیداری رخدادها و آثار و پیامدهای آن تحت قوانین مستمر آشنا می‌کند. در مقاله حاضر اجتماعی بودن سنت‌ها به حیثیات مختلفی... more
В статье подводятся итоги первого этапа освоения в России трудов Г. Оберхаммера (род.1929) - австрийского философа, индолога, организатора науки. Изучение его в России началось в 2016 г. публикациями первой исследовательской статьи и... more
The study of Islamic esotericism, particularly the concept of al-bāṭiniyya, remains fragmented. While often studied under various labels like "mysticism" and "occultism," it is widely equated to Sufism. Scholars still hesitate to use the... more
Touted as ‘the single best idea that anyone has ever had’, Charles Darwin’s idea — that living organisms have originated and evolved from a common biological ancestor by a mechanism of natural selection acted on by random mutations – has... more
Bu çalışma, modern dünyanın bir realitesi olan geleneği modernlik söylemi dışında ve ona rağmen anlamlandırmanın imkânlarının mevcut olduğu iddiası ekseninde bir gelenek müdafaasını içermektedir. Çalışma, gelenek kavramına dair farklı... more
Het karakter van de Profeet Mohammed De Profeet Mohammed praat beleefd en glimlacht altijd. Wanneer hij naast mensen liep, begroette hij hen. Bij de vergaderingen hechtte hij waarde aan de ideëen van anderen. Met overleg probeerde hij... more
تعارض های اخلاقی (کتاب)
The aim of this study is to investigate and analyze the content of the ‘Religion and Life’ secondary school textbook with regard to Islamic unity parameters. The approach in this study is mixed method approach and the measurement... more
We hebben zojuist een evangelieverhaal gehoord dat behoorlijk populair is bij mensen buiten de kerk. Hoe vaak hebben mensen mij al niet verteld dat Jezus heus niet een heilig boontje was, zoals de kerkmensen graag denken. Maar dat hij... more
Regarding the way of facing the West and modernity, Ahmed Fardid is among the thinkers who, by adopting a philosophical and judgmental approach, rejects modernity, philosophy, and western civilization in its entirety. Fardid considers... more
در دنیای حاضر، دیگر کمیت تبلیغات مهم نیست و تبلیغات به‌سوی کیفی‌سازی پیش می‌روند؛ به‌عبارت دیگر، اثربخشی تبلیغ، حرف اول و آخر را می‌زند؛ در این میان دو متغیر مهم «برداشت نخستین مشتری از شخصیت فرد تبلیغ‌کننده» و «تجانس خودانگارۀ مشتری با... more
Present article tries to review and appreciate the Persian translation of two chapters of the History of Islamic Philosophy. This book edited by S. H. Nasr and O. Leaman and printed by Routledge in 1996. Apart from editors who are experts... more
With the arrival of the modern era in west civilization and with major changes took place in the social, cultural, artistic, and other fields. The effects of this trend in the field of art are visible as one of the concepts of the new era... more
With the arrival of the modern era in west civilization and with major changes took place in the social, cultural, artistic, and other fields. The effects of this trend in the field of art are visible as one of the concepts of the new era... more
Religious pluralism is an increasingly significant phenomenon in our global society. As religious diversity continues to grow, it's essential to understand and appreciate different religious traditions and their beliefs. This thesis aims... more
Seyyed Hossein Nasr is one of the thinkers of religious theology, the most prominent contemporary Muslim thinker in the international world, who pays much attention to the problems of modern humans. His criticism of modern humans is quite... more
این یادداشت آخرین متنی است که پیش از استعفای دسته‌جمعی هیآت تحریریهٔ کتاب ماه در سال ۱۳۸۴ در این مجله منتشر شد و منظور از وضعیت جدید در بندهای آخر، آغاز ریاست جمهوری احمدی نژاد است..
Cosmology is one of the philosophical and scientific objects that become attention in Greek philosophers, especially Aristotle. However, with the times, this cosmology was found in The Qur’an, exactly in the concept of the sky and earth... more
One of phenomena that can be analyzed in modern life of human being nowadays is the dysfunction of religion in the social sphere and the development of science and technology. In the context of getting a solution on such modernity crisis,... more
Artikel ini berisikan ulasan singkat tentang latar belakang surah Al-Mujadalah. Bahwa surah ini turun berkenaan dengan seorang sahabat perempuan yang mengadukan permasalahannya kepada Allah dan Rasul-Nya. Kemudian, Allah menjawabnya... more
Technology and Civilization Controversy: A case study of Aryamehr University (Sharif) during the Pahlavi period بررسی تاریخی نشان می‌دهد که پروبلماتیک تکنولوژی و تمدن از مسائل بنیادینی است که بویژه در بین دو جنگ جهانی اول و... more
Modern humans are human beings who are slaves to material things, are materialistic, hedonistic and want to overpower all aspects of life. Modern humans are also humans who deny the voice of conscience and the call of human nature. As a... more
Seyyed Hossein Nasr seorang pemikir asal Iran yang terkenal dengan pemikiran-pemikirannya yang cemerlang seperti, studi sejarah dan filsafat sains, studi agama, studi Islam, dan filsafat perenial.
Makalah Teologi Agama-Agama
Religious pluralism is an increasingly significant phenomenon in our global society. As religious diversity continues to grow, it's essential to understand and appreciate different religious traditions and their beliefs. This thesis aims... more
الهیات طبیعی می‌تواند زمینه‌ساز الهیات وحیانی باشد. اما نگرانی الهی‌دانان وحیانی این بود (و هم‌چنان این است) که الهیات طبیعی، جای الهیات وحیانی را بگیرد. الهی‌دانان طبیعی اما، در مقابل، نگران این بودند (و هم‌چنان هستند) که الهیات وحیانی... more
When we survey the scene of Muslim responses to the pandemic, one noticeable lacuna is in the area of philosophy of religion. This conference, From the Divine to the Human: New Perspectives on Evil, Suffering, and the Global Pandemic,... more