Paternal depression during pregnancy causes increased incidence of psychiatric disorders, anxiety disorders, and impaired development of the child. Thus, considering the importance of psychological health of fathers in the psychological... more
Paternal depression during pregnancy causes increased incidence of psychiatric disorders, anxiety disorders, and impaired development of the child. Thus, considering the importance of psychological health of fathers in the psychological... more
Préfacé par ses deux co-directeurs (Manuel Boucher, Hervé Marchal) et postfacé par Michel Wieviorka, cet ouvrage sociologique est subdivisé en treize chapitres et séquencé autour de trois parties principales : « contrôler les déviances et... more
Through the investigation of a rich, qualitative dataset of 484 self-reported genital piercing stories, we significantly expand an understanding of the characteristics, motivations, experiences, and outcomes of persons with genital... more
Permission to Use In presenting this thesis in partial fulfillment of the requirements for a Postgraduate degree from the University of Saskatchewan, I agree that the Libraries of this University may make it freely available for... more
Purpose Research into paedophilia mainly uses offender samples; thus, little is understood about non-offending paedophiles. The limited body of research has been conducted in North America or Europe whose health and legal systems differ... more
4. Abstrak Artikel ini membahas dua fenomena kontroversial dalam konteks seksualitas dewasa, yakni gangguan abnormal geronto seksualitas dan gangguan abnormal wife swapping. Gangguan abnormal geronto seksualitas mengacu pada... more
Eettisen ennakkosäätelyn toimintaan ei juuri vaikuta se, millä normitasolla siitä säädetään. Sitä vastoin sillä on merkitystä, miten hyvin valmistelussa on otettu huomioon eri tieteiden ominaispiirteet.
A fetish case is a case in which the perpetrator has sexual aberrations with body parts or an object (called a fetish) in order to get sexual stimulation and satisfaction. The perpetrator will be stimulated on a body part or an object... more
A fetish case is a case in which the perpetrator has sexual aberrations with body parts or an object (called a fetish) in order to get sexual stimulation and satisfaction. The perpetrator will be stimulated on a body part or an object... more
A fetish case is a case in which the perpetrator has sexual aberrations with body parts or an object (called a fetish) in order to get sexual stimulation and satisfaction. The perpetrator will be stimulated on a body part or an object... more
This paper describes one of the first systematic focused attempts to elicit the views of sexual offenders about the treatment that they have received. The paucity of previous research in this area is suggested to be the result of negative... more
Kasus pelecehan di Indonesia semakin hari semakin meningkat dan sangat mengkhawatirkan. Terlebih akhir-akhir ini marak sekali pemberitaan mengenai pelecehan ini baik di media elektronik maupun media cetak, termasuk media sosial. Pelecehan... more
Kasus pelecehan di Indonesia semakin hari semakin meningkat dan sangat mengkhawatirkan. Terlebih akhir-akhir ini marak sekali pemberitaan mengenai pelecehan ini baik di media elektronik maupun media cetak, termasuk media sosial. Pelecehan... more
A fetish case is a case in which the perpetrator has sexual aberrations with body parts or an object (called a fetish) in order to get sexual stimulation and satisfaction. The perpetrator will be stimulated on a body part or an object... more
Sexual deviance or paraphilia constitute a social problem in our contemporary society. The concept implies the departure from socially accepted sexual behaviour. The raising and reported occurrence of the act among the youth is attributed... more
Child sexual abuse is a public health issue that has been associated with a variety of negative health outcomes. Child sexual abusers constitute a heterogeneous population of individuals. This review lays out an overview of the current... more
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Parades are public displays of identity, where the performances of diverse bodies and the phantasmagoric “body politic” do their thing in a complex, sometimes confounding choreography. Our queer parades were chaotic and joyful,... more
iv, 90 pages. Thesis (M.S.W.)-Smith College School for Social Work, 2014. Includes bibliographical references (pages 82-90)
There are five core objectives to this seminar. The objectives are to: • Define exposure to social-sexual deviance as a psychological toxin. • Understand the sequential injuries children incur from their exposure to social-sexual... more
Background and Objective Paraphilia is one of the disorders without precise statistics in Iran. One of the most important sexual injuries is the lack of abilities and skills required in the sexual management of children and adolescents.... more
Tässä katsausartikkelissa esittelen, miten suomalaisen varhaismodernin magiaperinteen tut-kimusta voi täydentää kognitiotieteellisellä lähestymistavalla.
A fetish case is a case in which the perpetrator has sexual aberrations with body parts or an object (called a fetish) in order to get sexual stimulation and satisfaction. The perpetrator will be stimulated on a body part or an object... more
Although dynamic risk factors are considered important in the assessment and treatment of adult male sex offenders, little is known about their interrelationships. We apply network analysis to assess their associations and to provide an... more
A fetish case is a case in which the perpetrator has sexual aberrations with body parts or an object (called a fetish) in order to get sexual stimulation and satisfaction. The perpetrator will be stimulated on a body part or an object... more
The majority of the approximately 20,000 Swedish Jews are not immediately recognisable as Jews, and pass as ordinary Swedes. In this article, with inspiration from Critical Whiteness Studies, this invisibility is analysed in terms of... more
Child sexual abuse is a public health issue that has been associated with a variety of negative health outcomes. Child sexual abusers constitute a heterogeneous population of individuals. This review lays out an overview of the current... more
This research examines the influence of Emotional Congruence with Children and Compulsive Sexual Behavior towards Re-offend Prediction of Child Sexual Offenders. The research was conducted on 111 residents of correctional facilities for... more
The EPQ and a lifestyle questionnaire were completed by 77 members of the Paedophile Information Exchange (PIE), a self-help club for men who are sexually attracted to children. Compared with control males the paedophiles were... more
Tämän numeron myötä Elore liittyy Tieteellisten seurain valtuuskunnan (TSV) ylläpitämässä ilmestyvien tiedejulkaisujen joukkoon, johon tällä hetkellä kuuluu jo noin 60 suomalaista tieteellistä lehteä ja vuosikirjaa.... more
Les pratiques de sexualite collective heterosexuelle, apprehendees par les (rares) femmes qui s’y engagent de facon independante, sont analysees a partir de la theorie des « scripts sexuels » (Gagnon & Simon). On decouvre les cadres de... more
A partir du concept de dispositif de sexualité, Michel Foucault montre à quel point la société occidentale distingue le bien et le mal en fonction des attitudes et comportements sexuels. Si le terrain des luttes politiques est aujourd'hui... more
Abstract: Attitudes toward victimless deviance, predominantly drug use and various sexual behaviors, are explored using data from forty-nine semi-structured in-depth interviews with participants from various social and cultural... more
This bachelor thesis focuses on the topic of sex in the selected works of American authors J.D. Salinger and Tennessee Williams, and immigrants - Charles Bukowski and Vladimir Nabokov. Firstly, two concepts of sexuality and its... more
takas revealed themselves as imperfect, yet forgiving of their mistakes; sometimes confused and vulnerable, yet always willing to learn and grow. It is from such openness that we can all learn to better handle our failures, to become more... more
with signs of increased anxiety, but more often Situations requiring novel responses or greater levels of autonomy than a person with mental retardation (MR) is comfortable with can set the stage for a developmental crisis and precipitate... more
Cet article aborde l'échangisme, une sphère particulièrement florissante et lucrative du commerce du sexe qui se développe aujourd'hui, pour une clientèle hétérosexuelle, de manière parallèle au commerce gay et à la transformation de la... more
According to the Good Lives Model (Ward, 2002) it is imperative that offenders in rehabilitation recognize which life goals are important to them and how they can achieve a ‘good life.’ Including the evaluation of life goals in treatment... more
Adult men’s height reflects, not only their genetic endowment, but also the conditions that were present during their development in utero and in childhood. We compared the adult heights of men who committed one or more sexual offenses... more
Correlations are the simplest and most commonly understood effect size statistic in psychology. The purpose of the current paper was to use a large sample of real-world data (109 correlations with 60,415 participants) to illustrate the... more
This study investigates the relationship between engagement, denial, and treatment progress among a sample of 61 male sex offenders in outpatient group therapy. Three hypotheses were posed: (1) that denial is inversely related to... more
As Internet accessibility and use increase dramatically, more and more people are turning to it for sexual purposes. This growing use of the Internet for sexual purposes indicates that the proportion of Internet sexual offences also will... more
The current study reports on the development of a self-report measure of disclosure strategies in adult male prisoners (violent and acquisitive offences) and its association with personality and self-esteem. Design: The study employed an... more
This study compared levels of emotional loneliness between sexual murderers and rapists who had not gone on to kill their victim/s. All participants were life-sentenced prisoners in the United Kingdom. Assessment consisted of a... more