Sexual Offenders
Recent papers in Sexual Offenders
Most explanations of child sexual abuse perpetration have been premised on assumptions of the individualist/monological paradigm. Child abuse prevention programs, including treatment for people known to pose a risk of sexual harm to... more
Übersicht: Das psychoanalytische Konzept der Perversion als psychopathologische Struktur ist nach wie vor aktuell, vor allem wenn man es mit der psychoanalytischen Theorie der Persönlichkeitsorganisation verbindet. Perversionen können... more
The first book dedicated specifically to group therapy with adult sexual abusers. This comprehensive guidebook and resource manual includes: -- How to utilize the unique power of group relationships and group cohesion to achieve... more
Validität ist von zentraler Bedeutung im forensischen Kontext, da entscheidungsorientierte forensische Diagnostik weitreichende Auswirkungen sowohl auf die Probanden als auch die Gesellschaft im Allgemeinen hat. Selbstauskünfte als häufig... more
Key Points ◦ Early theorists, especially those from a psychoanalytic background, saw firesetting arising out of sexual dysfunction. ◦ Some firesetters are sexually motivated and show sexual arousal to fire-related stimuli. ◦ While a... more
Un agresor sexual es aquel que psicológicamente se muestra una personalidad heterogénea en el que puede mostrar motivaciones de diversa índole-no solo sexual-y en su gran mayoría buscan humillar y dominar a sus víctimas. Por lo que hace... more
Abstract The development of sex offender residence restriction legislation was predicated on the assumption that sex offenders pose an increased risk to the public. The goal of such legislation was to create “sex-offender-free” zones in... more
Therapy can be confusing: two people converse in a private room, one in distress, the other described as a helpful expert. At least one of the two is likely to express thoughts and feelings usually kept secret. In other circumstances, the... more
This study is an ethnography and sociological analysis of the apparatus developed in France since the 1990s to deal with the sexual offenders. It analyses especially the way justice and psychiatry have been articulated in this apparatus,... more
In this article, we study the question raised by the care of the sex psychopaths between justice and psychiatry. We show the ambiguity of the so-called pathology to which this care is supposed to be directed: a pathology that is not a... more
Este artículo plantea algunos de los problemas con que se enfrenta la metodología etnográfica en los entornos virtuales. Partiendo del concepto de "comunidad" como locus de trabajo de la etnografía, propongo que el proceso de la... more
La prise en charge des auteurs d'infraction à caractère sexuel rencontre des difficultés matérielles, tant en raison de la surcharge des centre médico-psychologiques de secteur, que de leurs difficultés d'accès à l'introspection. Créer un... more
Social scientific research on child sexual abuse (CSA) began in earnest in the late 1970s. Since that time, the scale of the challenges posed by CSA have only become more, rather than less, apparent. CSA remains prevalent, harmful and... more
Scholars are of differing views regarding the presumptions given under the POCSO Act. Some scholars have termed them draconian presumptions and some others have found them as essential for bringing the intent of the POCSO Act into... more
The major aim of the current paper is to expand on the practice elements of the Good Lives Model-Comprehensive (GLM-C) of offender rehabilitation and to provide a detailed examination of its assessment and treatment implications. First we... more
The resilient and complex ways in which parents navigate the criminal justice system (CJS) after their children have sexually offended are largely undocumented in critical criminological literature. With relatively few notable exceptions... more
Sexual offending is seen as a deeply emotive and gripping crime which can have a profound, long lasting impact on the victim, as well as wider society, which is committed by both male and female offenders. The problem to be addressed... more
The alarm raised by some crimes and the dramatic harms they can cause brought some legislators to conceive medical treatment as a possible way to prevent re-offending. In Italy the so-called security measures are characterized by clinical... more
Sexual offenders against children are generally inadequate in their social functioning and diverse in their psychopathology. The degree to which this inadequate functioning and psychopathology influences therapeutic interventions brings... more
Las imágenes con niños consideradas pornográficas y que son intercambiadas y comercializadas en Internet constituyen el objeto del consumo erótico de una importante y clandestina minoría sexual, la generalmente conocida como pedofilia. La... more
This essay considers adolescent sexting from a media ecology standpoint, suggesting that in addition to the technologizing of sexuality one must also begin to consider the sexualizing of technological systems.
Este artículo plantea algunos de los problemas con que se enfrenta la metodología etnográfica en los entornos virtuales. Partiendo del concepto de "comunidad" como locus de trabajo de la etnografía, propongo que el proceso de la... more
Scholars have long noted the role of the media in the sexualization of children and adolescents. However, with the advent of new media technologies such as the internet and cellular phones, children and adolescents are no longer merely... more
The U.S. military rate of sexual assault continues unabated, in spite of the efforts of advocate groups, Senators, Representatives and others to direct and implement policy change. Through a qualitative analysis, including an analysis of... more
Sexual violence remains a pervasive and persistent social problem. In 1996, Congress enacted Megan’s Law, dictating mandatory community notification and potential civil commitment for those deemed by the State to be dangerous sexual... more
En 2008, je pensais vraiment que la prise en compte de la parole des victimes de viols évoluerait positivement en la faveur de leur écoute et de la prise en charge de leurs souffrances. Près de 10 ans après, je constate qu'il n'en est... more
Fueled by a "moral panic" that evolved through the 1990s and into the mid-2000s, the war on "sex offenders" paralleled the war on drugs and was slated to eventually replace it as the drug war seemed to wane in popularity and success.... more
In der internationalen forensischen Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie gibt es seit Anfang der 1990er Jahre eine zunehmend lebendige Forschungsdynamik, die im wesentlichen davon gespeist wird, dass sich der gesellschaftliche Umgang mit... more
Background: Research evidence on unprofessional relationships across the caring professionsc onsiders a range of activities and definitions (Halter, Brown & Stone, 2007). The evidence on sexual boundary violations (SBVs) in psychological... more
The Internet has changed how humans get information and interact with one another. While it provides huge benefits it also poses great dangers if it is abused. This essay looks at the growing amount and type of pornography on the Internet... more
This information sheet explores feelings of sexual attraction to clients, the importance of recognising and dealing with them appropriately and ethically, and guidance on managing these when they arise.
ABSTRACT This article critically assesses the legal issues surrounding the contemporary act of adolescent sexting via the philosophical methodology of ontology. Through this methodology the article aims to highlight the significance of... more
This study examines the predictive validity of the Level of Service/Case Management Inventory (LS/CMI) on a sample of sexual offenders extracted from a large cohort of offenders and compares predictive validities with nonsexual offenders... more
Despite being over 15 years old researchers have been slow to adopt the competency or expertise perspective advocated by Ward (1999) as a complimentary viewpoint to the dominant deficit model of sexual offending. A growing body of... more