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It is important to understand potential reasons for the small, but consistent, gender differences in reading skill, so that supports aimed at redressing these differences are targeted most effectively. However, understanding group... more
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      GenderReadingSex Differences
This was a research paper for a course entitled Feminist and Multicultural Theologies. I unpack what gender complementarianism is, examine its history, and compare it to how Scripture and earlier Christian Tradition understood gender.... more
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      HistoryGender StudiesEthicsNormative Ethics
This is a bibliography of primary sources in translation prepared as a guide for students doing research projects for my undergraduate course, HST 362, on concepts of sex and gender in the Middle Ages. The version posted here was last... more
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      Gender StudiesMedieval HistoryWomen's HistoryHistory of Science
Policy debates have focused on who can participate in or access single-sex activities or services. This article describes how science of the biology of sex is relevant to three major policy areas: parenting (including leaves), sports, and... more
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      Sex and GenderSexual and Reproductive HealthTransgender StudiesReproduction
Boys with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) demonstrate disruptive behaviour at significantly higher rates compared to girls. Disruptive behaviour often develops as a result of negative interaction patterns within the... more
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      Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity DisorderADHD (Psychology)Gender Differences in ADHDGender Differences
Feeding neophobia represents a cautious behavior towards unknown food. Although men and women show behavioral differences, relating feeding neophobia data on neophobic response are controversial. In this study, in order to investigating... more
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      Evolutionary PsychologyFoodEvolution and Human BehaviorHuman Ethology
Previous studies on sex-differentiated mate preferences have focused on univariate analyses. However, because mate selection is inherently multidimensional, a multivariate analysis more appropriately measures sex differences in mate... more
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      Sex DifferencesMate Preferences
It is a well-known and widely lamented fact that men outnumber women in a number of fields in STEM (science, technology, engineering and maths). The most commonly discussed explanations for the gender gaps are discrimination and... more
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      PsychologyEvolutionary PsychologyDiscriminationGender
Objectives. The current study investigated mental health literacy in an Australian sample to examine sex differences in the identification of and attitudes towards various aspects of mental illness. Method. An online questionnaire was... more
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      LiteracyMental HealthMental IllnessSex Difference
The authors assess sex differences in the importance of 10 basic values as guiding principles. Findings from 127 samples in 70 countries (N ϭ 77,528) reveal that men attribute consistently more importance than women do to power,... more
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      MarketingPsychologyCognitive ScienceSocial Psychology
• Friendships are as essential to our happiness and well being as family and career. • Men and women have different expectations about friendships and manage them accordingly. • The roots of these sex differences in friendship patterns... more
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      FriendshipSex Differences
Purpose: The aim of this study was to examine the effect of adolescents' exposure to media portraying antisocial and risk behavior on cyberbullying behavior over time. Previous research established relatively high prevalence of... more
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      Developmental PsychologyEducationCyberbullyingAdolescent Health
This study focused on adjustment difficulties of college freshmen with reference to sex and age and was conducted in a state college during the First Semester of School Year 2010-2011. Adjustment difficulties are believed to be one of the... more
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      StressAgenda-setting TheorySex Differences
The Ape That Understood the Universe is the story of the strangest animal in the world: the human animal. It opens with a question: How would an alien scientist view our species? What would it make of our sex differences, our sexual... more
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      ReligionEvolutionary BiologyEvolutionary PsychologyGene Culture Coevolution
Females in the general population on average have a stronger drive to empathize, and males in the general population on average have a stronger drive to systemize. Evidence related to these claims is reviewed. People with autism spectrum... more
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      PsychiatryAutismAutism Spectrum DisordersEmpathy
Reynolds' (2021) Target Article is impressive in the breadth of the literature covered and analysis undertaken. In this Commentary, my primary aim is to further the conversation with regard to competition and relationships among women,... more
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      Human EvolutionMating SystemsSexual SelectionEvolution
Artykuł stanowi teoretyczne rozważania na temat genezy psychologicznych różnic płciowych w kontekście ewolucji ludzkiej płciowości.
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      Evolutionary PsychologySexual SelectionSex Differences
Utilizing MRI and cognitive tests data from the Human Connectome project (N = 900), sex differences in general intelligence (g) and molar brain characteristics were examined. Total brain volume, cortical surface area, and white and gray... more
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      IntelligenceBrainSex DifferencesBrain Structure
Evidence suggests that there are differences in the capacity for empathy between males and females. However, how deep do these differences go? Stereotypically, females are portrayed as more nurturing and empathetic, while males are... more
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      Developmental PsychologySex and GenderEmpathy (Psychology)Evolution
Sexual selection theory and parental investment theory suggest that partner physical attractiveness should more strongly affect men's relationship outcomes than women's relationship outcomes. Nevertheless, the contextual nature of this... more
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      MarketingPsychologyCognitive ScienceEvolutionary Psychology
Surprising new findings indicate that many conclusions about sex differences and similarities in cognitive abilities need to be reexamined. Cognitive sex differences are changing, decreasing for some tasks whereas remaining stable or... more
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      EndocrinologySociologyCognitive PsychologySocial Psychology
We gathered data that would allow us to examine evolutionarily informed predictions regarding emotional and physical responses to a breakup—a cluster of correlated responses we refer to as postrelationship grief (PRG). We tested... more
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      Evolutionary PsychologyRomantic RelationshipsInterpersonal RelationshipsEvolution and Human Behavior
Tytarenko, T. M., Dvornyk, M. S., Larina, T. O., Myronchak, K. V., Savinov, V. V., Hundertaylo, J. D., & Vella, G. S. (2021). Citizens Obtaining Psychosocial Support during the COVID-19 Pandemic in Ukraine: A Cross-Sectional Study.... more
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      Art TherapyMental HealthPsychiatric & Mental Health NursingTelehealth
Drawing on the theoretical and empirical foundations of two evolutionary models, we argue that, among humans and other mammals, a twofold selection process would parsimoniously account for sex-linked advantages in spatial contexts. In... more
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      Evolutionary BiologySexual SelectionNavigationSpatial Abilities
Background: Body dissatisfaction is associated with impairment in women’s quality of life (QoL). To date, research has not examined the relationship between body dissatisfaction and men’s QoL, or sex differences in this relationship.... more
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      PsychologyAbnormal PsychologyClinical PsychologyObesity
In selecting opposite-sex friends (OSFs), men prioritize physical attractiveness, whereas women prioritize physical prowess and economic resources. This parallel with mate preferences suggests mating mechanisms may partially drive OSF... more
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      Evolutionary PsychologyFriendshipSex DifferencesHuman Mating
On average, men show larger brain volumes than women. Regional differences have been also observed, although most of the available studies apply voxel-based morphometry (VBM). Reports applying surface-based morphometry (SBM) have been... more
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      Brain ImagingIntelligenceCognitionAdolescent
In samples from America, Brazil, and Hungary (N = 937), we examined the associations between the Dark Triad traits (i.e., narcissism, psychopathy, and Machiavellianism) and individual differences in excitement (i.e., valuing personal... more
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My talk for the IMD conference. I discuss how patriarchy evolved out of women's reproductive interests and preferences. I discuss how reproductive differences positioned men and women differently as parents. I outline how this has... more
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      Social EvolutionPatriarchySex DifferenceSex Differences
The femoral neck-shaft angle (NSA) varies widely among modern human populations. Factors which may affect NSA have proven difficult to identify, due to limited sampling and issues with measuring the angle. Potential factors include sex,... more
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      Comparative AnatomyAnthropologyBiological AnthropologyClimate Change Adaptation
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      Sex and GenderSexualitySex DifferenceSex Differences
Biological differences between men and women contribute to many sex-specific illnesses and disorders. Historically, it was argued that such differences were largely, if not exclusively, due to gonadal hormone secretions. However, emerging... more
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The present study 1 aims to find whether sex 2 differences exist in foreign language (FL) proficiency and in language aptitude as measured by the Catalan version of the Modern Language Aptitude Test -Elementary (MLAT-E, Carroll & Sapon,... more
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      Sex DifferencesAptitudeYoung LearnersLanguage Aptitude
Biological differences between men and women contribute to many sex-specific illnesses and disorders. Historically, it was argued that such differences were largely, if not exclusively, due to gonadal hormone secretions. However, emerging... more
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As part of the International Sexuality Description Project, 16,954 participants from 53 nations were administered an anonymous survey about experiences with romantic attraction. Mate poaching—romantically attracting someone who is already... more
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      SexualityGender and SexualityCross-Cultural PsychologySex Differences
The preschool age is called the golden age of drawing; drawing is a “golden” mediator of literacy development. In this article, we focus on the content the preschool children put into their drawings. The goal of study has been the... more
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      Sex DifferencesPreschool Children
The Empathizing–Systemizing (E-S) theory of typical sex differ- ences suggests that individuals may be classified based on empa- thy and systemizing. An extension of the E-S theory, the Extreme Male Brain (EMB) theory suggests that... more
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      AutismEmpathyBig DataSex Differences
We examined the developmental trajectory of trait hope and self-esteem over 4 years and the impact of gender and perceived parental styles on these trajectories. Participants were 884 high school students. There was a general decline in... more
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      HopeLongitudinal ResearchSelf-EsteemSelf-concept
"Que la conducta de hombres y mujeres sea diferente es un hecho fácilmente demostrable: preferimos pasatiempos diferentes, elegimos carreras distintas, escogemos colores disímiles en ropa y juguetes, y hasta optamos por géneros diversos... more
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      Human EvolutionGenderCultural EvolutionSexual dimorphism
Negative postcoital emotions (NPEs) are understood as a disorder by some authors, but little is known about their evolutionary significance, etiology, and prevalence. We surveyed samples from the United States, Canada, Brazil, and Norway... more
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      EmotionEvolutionary PsychologyPersonal RelationshipsCross-Cultural Studies
Jealousy evokes strong psychological responses, but little is known about physiological effects. This study investigated whether actively thinking about a jealousy-provoking situation would result in a testosterone (T) response, and what... more
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      Personal RelationshipsGender and SexualityGenderSocial Neuroscience
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY)
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      MitochondriaSex chromosomesSex DifferencesParent-Offspring Conflict
We report a direct replication of our earlier study looking at how people react to research on sex differences depending on whether the research puts men or women in a better light. Three-hundred-and-three participants read a fictional... more
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      GenderSocial PerceptionSexismSex Differences
During human evolution, men and women faced distinct adaptive problems, including pregnancy, hunting, childcare, and warfare. Due to these sex-linked adaptive problems, natural selection would have favored psychological mechanisms that... more
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      Evolutionary PsychologyFriendshipInterpersonal RelationshipsSex Differences
An evolutionary perspective predicts that the intensity of the disgust response should depend on the ancestral costs and benefits of coming into contact with disease vectors. Previous research advanced the compensatory behavioral... more
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      EmotionEvolutionary PsychologyStressDisgust
Nous voudrions ici, analyser les conditions psychologiques et sociales d'émergence concrète de compétences, dans la gestion des événements de la vie quotidienne, chez les adolescents des deux sexes. En d'autres termes, qu'est-ce qui amène... more
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      Adolescence (Psychology)CopingSex Differences
Cultural theorists (e.g., Jantzen, Ostergaard, & Sucena Vieira, 2006) suggest that lingerie has shifted from being solely worn for the pleasure of men to being a way for women to claim their feminine identities. Due to these new feminine... more
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      Human EthologySex Differences
It is a well-known and widely lamented fact that men outnumber women in a number of fields in STEM (science, technology, engineering and maths). The most commonly discussed explanations for the gender gaps are discrimination and... more
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      PsychologyEvolutionary PsychologySex Differences
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      PsychologyDevelopmental PsychologySex and GenderPrenatal and Perinatal Psychology