Settlement & Landscape research
Recent papers in Settlement & Landscape research
m a g a z i n z u r r e g i o n a l e n k u l t u r u n d g e s c h i c h t e a u s g a b e 1 -2 0 1 3 saargeschichte|n e i n z e l p r e i s 4 , -e u r o i s s n 1 8 6 6 -5 7 3 x Ein Hauch von Weltgeschichte Ältestes römisches... more
The Kyklades or Cycladic Islands have always been popular amongst archaeologists working on the Aegean Bronze Age and the 'glorious' Classical Greek past. In contrast, not much light has been shed upon aspects of post-Roman life on the... more
The cultural landscape in the vincinity of Oświn lake [NE Poland]
Content AD GLORIAM S. V. Beletsky, N. I. Platonova (Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation) Anatoliy Nikolaevich Kirpichnikov. Life and Works17 L. M. Vseviov (Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation) List of Scientific Works by A.... more
Content AD MEMORIAM I. O. Gavritukhin (Moscow, Russian Federation) The Danube “Stratum” of the Early Slavic Archaeology. A Word from the Editors 17 D. Jelínková (Brno, Czech Republic), I. O. Gavritukhin (Moscow, Russia) Lubor... more
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I can´t publish the pdf of the paper before 2014.
Zusammenfassung: Die Entwicklungen von Subsistenz und Siedlungsverhalten sind charakteristische Parameter zur Definition des Mesolithikums. Der frühholozäne Landschaftswandel bedingte Innovationen in der Landschaftsnutzung, die auf die... more
Geoarchaeology of Lower River Loire in Western France.
Architectures and funerary practices from the second half of the forth and the beginning of the third millennium B.C. are quite different from those in use during the previous middle Neolithic period, in many places in occidental Europe.... more
The purpose of this study is to quantify, evaluate and interpret recently collected and processed ceramic evidence about settlement location, rural- and domestic-life throughout the Greek Early Middle Ages in the Aegean region, i.e.... more
CONTENTS Researches and Publications Khuzin F.Sh., Valiulina S.I., Shakirov Z.G. (Kazan, Russian Federation). 50th Anniversary of Bilyar Archaeological Expedition: results and issues of Great Town investigation ...8 Beisenov A.Z.,... more
Azlin Samsudin, Tarmiji Masron, Mokhtar Saidin, Jeffrey Abdullah and Saiful Shahidan.(2010). LEMBAH BUJANG, SEBUAH KERAJAAN LAMA YANG BERPUSAT: DARI PERSPEKTIF SISTEM MAKLUMAT GEOGRAFI (GIS).IN: Seminar Prosiding: Penanda Arasan... more
i Preface This study is the result of research undertaken between the years 1999 and 2002. It attempts to identify cave-settlements utilised for human and animal habitation and water resources and management techniques adopted in the late... more
CONTENTS From the Editorial Board Eugene P. Kazakov – 80 years old!6 FINNO-UGRICA Rudenko K.A. Issues of medieval archaeology of the Middle Volga region in E.P. Kazakov’s researches 10 Shipilov A.V. History of research of the... more
Barrows, as burial markers, are ubiquitous throughout North-Western Europe. In some regions dense concentrations of monuments form peculiar configurations such as long alignments while in others they are spread out extensively, dotting... more
Zuraina Majid, Ang Bee Huat and Jaffrie Ignatius (1998). Late Pleistocene-Holocene Sites in Pahang: Excavations of Gua Sagu and Gua Tenggek:IN (Editor: Zuraina Majid) Archaeological Research and Museums In Malaysia. Malaysia Museums... more
Dwellings and settlements in Thuringia from the Final Neolithic period and the Early Bronze Age between 2500 and 1500 BC The millennium during which the transition from the Neolithic period to the Bronze Age took place is very well... more
The different work done from January 2006 to December 2008 by de Fundació Marina d’Or de la Comunitat Valenciana has enabled the excavation of over 100.000 square metres. Some aspects whose importance makes them deserve special mention... more
un'ampia area geografica collinare che si colloca nell'entroterra pisano ed è compresa tra il Valdarno a Nord e Volterra a Sud .
La Valdera: ricerca storica e ricerca archeologica. Questo contributo intende offrire una sintesi, basata necessariamente sull'edito, della ricerca archeologica condotta in questi anni in Valdera attraverso le attività di tutela della... more
The discovery of the Sungai Batu complex by the Centre for Global Archaeological Research, Universiti Sains Malaysia in 2007 is of great significant in understanding the early civilisations in Malaysia. The complex was found during a... more
Die Reihe "Universitätsforschungen zur prähistorischen Archäologie" trägt dem Bedürfnis Rechnung, Examensarbeiten und andere Forschungsleistungen in die Öffentlichkeit zu tragen. Thematisch findet darin die ganze Breite des Faches vom... more
The current study employs insights and methods from the field of landscape archaeology, which is relatively underutilized in Byzantine studies, to illuminate the changes. Through the study of surface ceramics and surviving architecture in... more
The study of aspects related to site location, land use, production and consumption or non-elite material culture was generally neglected by Medieval Archaeology in Greece until a couple of decades ago, at a time when priority was given... more
This article offers a basic model and background methodological approaches to the establishment and development of Ottoman Archaeology in rural Greece, by presenting two surveyed ciftlik-estates in the region of Tanagra and their... more
[ES] Los pastizales de altura de la Cordillera Cantábrica han sido un importante recurso para las comunidades que han ocupado estos territorios a lo largo de los siglos. En este artículo presentamos los resultados iniciales de un proyecto... more
Herausgeber sind derzeit: Die Reihe "Universitätsforschungen zur prähistorischen Archäologie" soll einem in der jüngeren Vergangenheit entstandenen Bedürfnis Rechnung tragen, nämlich Examensarbeiten und andere Forschungsleistungen... more
Archaeological research conducted along the south-west coast of Sicily has identified a number of villages situated near river mouths, datable to the 4th/6th centuries AD. These rural settlements, it seems, were part of a network... more