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      Computer ScienceComputer EngineeringComputer NetworksSecurity
— In this paper we propose an Android application for finding missing person.This is an android application for Free Dedicated to Missing Peoples. This android application will be used by Jeevan Vikas Charitable Trust for the purpose of... more
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      ServerAndroid ApplicationDatabase
Cloud computing is a highly adaptable and efficient infrastructure for running endeavor and web applications. Energy consumption expenditure and concurrent effects on environment are the dynamic challenges regarding to cloud computing.... more
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      VirtualizationGreen ITCloudEfficiency
Puji syukur kami panjatkan kehadirat Allah SWT yang telah memberikan rahmat serta karunia-Nya kepada kami sehingga kami berhasil menyelesaikan Makalah ini.
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    • Server
Hadirnya teknologi streaming memudahkan pendengar dalam mengakses radio favorit mereka dari berbagai belahan dunia. Sehingga memberikan ide membangun aplikasi radio klien Android Client Radio Streaming (ACRS) yang berjalan pada perangkat... more
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    • Server
This study aims at exploring the role oftipping in the server-customers interactions in restaurant settings. A qualitative research methodology consisting of documentary analysis, focus group meetings, and interviews was used. Together... more
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Automatic annotation is offering a standards base for retrieving information from web services. It has been observed that many existing protocol e.g. Annotea did not support the fully automatic annotation directly or the process to be... more
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      OntologyMetadataXMLSemantic Web
This work will demonstrate a case study of a secure multiple bank transaction log. In particular we have implemented and evaluate a multiple bank transaction maintenance log. In this application we have implemented a transaction catalog... more
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      Computer ScienceInformation SecurityDatabase SystemsSecurity
Electronic mail, commonly called email or e-mail, is a method of exchanging digital messages from an author to one or more recipients. Modern email operates across the Internet or other computer networks. Some early email systems required... more
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Abstrak Global Positioning System merupakan teknologi yang berguna untuk navigasi elektronik yang menerima informasi dari satelit dan sangat cocok dimanfaatkan di lingkungan outdoor. Untuk dilingkungan indoor sangat cocok dimanfaatkan... more
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This poster outlines a technical infrastructure internship experience by a final year Bachelor of Computing Systems student studying at the Eastern Institute of Technology. This internship involved working in the role of a systems... more
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Pervasive fish farming are gaining its importance and booming out in Today's world. Modernized fish farming has gained a lot of maturity and is attracting, increasing the interest in research community. There is a urgent need for... more
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      Fisheries ManagementMicrocontrollerGatewayServer
The Sybil attack in computer security is an attack where in a reputation system is subverted by forging identities in peer-to-peer networks. The name was suggested in or before 2002 by Brian Zill at Microsoft Research. In a Sybil attack... more
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      Computer ApplicationsServer
In our day-to-day life we have to appear for various types of online examination and while appearing for examination, candidates are able to switch between many different programs. One such program can be a Web Browser or an Informative... more
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The Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) is gaining importance as most technologies and applications are integrated with the IIoT. Moreover, it consists of several tiny sensors to sense the environment and gather the information. These... more
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      Computer ScienceAnalytical ChemistryComputer SecurityInternet of Things
In today's digital era, database systems are becoming a mandatory thing that is used in every industry field to improve the performance of the industry, over time with the increasing need for databases, single databases and single servers... more
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      Computer ScienceRelational DatabaseNoSQLScalability
Wireless Sensor Networks due to their vast area of application being used in current research areas. In agricultural field like Greenhouses, various Climatic Condition Parameters are essential to monitored for regulation of crop... more
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Virtualization is the concepts by which we can easily run the multiple virtual machines on a single physical machine by sharing the resources.By using the concept of virtualization the “unsigned ” memory which is waste also utilize [1].If... more
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      VirtualizationWebVirtual MachineServer
Machine learning promotes the continuous development of signal processing in various fields, including network traffic monitoring, EEG classification, face identification, and many more. However, massive user data collected for training... more
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      Computer ScienceArtificial IntelligenceArchitectureCloud Computing
The data is an important asset of an organization and it is essential to keep this asset secure. It requires security in whatever state is it i.e. data at rest, data in use, and data in transit. There is a need to pay more attention to it... more
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      Computer ScienceComputer SecurityData SharingServer
— A web search engine is designed to search for information on the World Wide Web. Search engines maintain real-time information by running an algorithm on a web crawler. The aim of this project is to design a simple web crawler for small... more
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      SearchSearch EngineServerWeb Crawler
The use of Deep Packet Inspection (DPI) equipment in a network could simplify the conventional workload for system management and accelerate the control action. The authors proposed a congestion control method that uses DPI equipment... more
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      Servers (Computer Science)Social NetworksMobile Ad Hoc NetworksSocial Networking
We present the Database of Disordered Protein Prediction (D 2 P 2), available at (including website source code). A battery of disorder predictors and their variants, VL-XT, VSL2b, PrDOS, PV2, Espritz and IUPred, were run... more
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      ConservationBiologyBiological SciencesEnvironmental Sciences
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      Computer ScienceOPERATING SYSTEMServer
Over the past several years, virtualization has evolved from a popular buzzword into a formidable strategic technology that many organizations have adopted and many others are strongly considering. This study paper revolves around the... more
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      Information SecurityVirtualizationPerformanceComputer Security
In the world of web technology the safety of connections between the client users and the server cannot be ensured to a great extent in a shared LAN environment. The users can get access to any webpage or website if it is not controlled... more
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      Software EngineeringImage ProcessingNetwork SecurityComputer Networks