Serial Homology
Recent papers in Serial Homology
The current situation in philosophy of science generally, and in philosophy of biology in particular, is most unsatisfactory. There are at least three general problems that many philosophers thought themselves near to solving twenty years... more
Homology in cladistics is reviewed. The definition of important terms is explicated in historical context. Homology is not synonymous with synapomorphy: it includes symplesiomorphy, and Hennig clearly included both plesiomorphy and... more
Most geophilomorph centipedes have segmental clusters of exocrine glands whose opening pores are arranged in more or less well-defined sternal pore areas. We describe here the cuticular structures forming and:or accompanying the gland... more
Advances in developmental genetics and evo-devo in the last several decades have enabled the growth of novel developmental approaches to the classic theme of homology. These approaches depart from the more standard phylogenetic view by... more
Homology is the fundamental determinant of the sameness of biological characters or traits. When two characters stand in a relation of homology, they belong to the same character kind. For example, the eyes of humans and birds are... more
The proximal articular surface angle of orientation (AO) of proximal phalanges of the hand and foot has been used to infer the locomotor profile of extinct Miocene catarrhines and early hominins. Previous work has found that joint... more
Canalization and developmental stability refer to the tendency of developmental processes to follow particular trajectories, despite external or internal perturbation. Canalization is the tendency for development of a specific genotype to... more
In this study, new ultrastructural data on the nephridiogenesis in Epiperipatus biolleyi (Onychophora) are provided, and the general distribution of nephridial organs, their vestigia, and derivatives within the onychophoran body is... more
Mammals exhibit a similar pattern of integration among homologous limb elements, the strength of which is believed to vary in response to selection for functional coordination or similarity. Although integration is hypothesized to... more
A unique set of morphological characters based on the hemipteran (sensu lato) thorax are used to define the pleuron of Psylloidea. New external and internal topographical descriptions of pleurites of all three thoracic segments are... more
Mammals exhibit a similar pattern of integration among homologous limb elements, the strength of which is believed to vary in response to selection for functional coordination or similarity. Although integration is hypothesized to... more
ABSTRACT In segmented animals it is possible to define morphological complexity as the degree of morphological differentiation of segments. A quantitative method for measuring morphological complexity of segmental patterns was devised by... more
A unique set of morphological characters based on the hemipteran (sensu lato) thorax are used to define the pleuron of Psylloidea. New external and internal topographical descriptions of pleurites of all three thoracic segments are... more