Banhara, que não mediram esforços para meu êxito. Provavelmente por mais que tente não encontrarei palavras para expressar minha gratidão, mas assim mesmo tentarei... Apesar de todas as dificuldades vencemos e hoje lhes ofereço este... more
Purpose: To measure binocular interaction in amblyopes using a rapid and patient-friendly computer-based method, and to test the feasibility of the assessment in the clinic. Methods: Binocular interaction was assessed in subjects with... more
Despite a growing body of research on perinatal sensory abilities, data on the extent of tactile sensitivity and more particularly passive touch (i.e. sensitivity to a stimulation imposed on the skin) are relatively limited, and the... more
Texture and structure of breads have been related to oral processing (FOP) performance and sensory perceptions, but moisture content might play a significant role. To evaluate the real impact of breads texture and structure, eliminating... more
Written to accompany an exhibition in 2022-2023, this catalog offers an introductory essay to the art of William Louis Sonntag. The catalog considers Sonntag in his local context and within the evolving practices of the American Landscape... more
Introduction. In the context of the need to search for new means and methods of improving the training process of adolescent tennis players, which are practically exhausted in terms of improving physical fitness and technical skills, a... more
Distalni symetricka senzitivni a motoricka polyneuropatie je nejcastějsim typem diabeticke neuropatie, se kterou se v klinicke praxi setkavame. Prevalence kolisa v zavislosti na použitých diagnostických instrumentech od 22,7 do 54 % u... more
This is a repository copy of On relating rheology and oral tribology to sensory properties in hydrogels.
Kepercayaan diri merupakan hal yang penting untuk dimiliki setiap individu, termasuk remaja putri. Kepercayaan diri merupakan milik pribadi yang sangat penting bagi pertumbuhan dan perkembangan. Rasa percaya diri juga ikut menentukan... more
PURPOSE. To determine the changes in corneal sensitivity to different stimulus modalities in diabetes mellitus (DM)1 and DM2 patients with retinopathy, and to explore whether argon laser photocoagulation exacerbates sensitivity loss in... more
Perception, cognition, and emotion do not operate along segregated pathways; rather, their adaptive interaction is supported by various sources of evidence. For instance, the aesthetic appraisal of powerful mood inducers like music can... more
This paper reviews my exhibition, The Silent Blue Filter, part of the Satellite Exhibition 2022 at the Hong Kong International Photo Festival. The exhibition highlights my use of traditional film for underwater photography, contrasting... more
Courtyard housing is one of the oldest forms of domestic development spanning at least 5,000 years and occurring in a distinctive form in many regions of the world. Traditionally associated with the Middle East where climate and culture... more
This study reviews the literature on TOUCH to establish an analytical framework for the study of TOUCH in communication through language. Two questions are at the heart of the study-an ontological and a methodological one: What counts as... more
This paper presents an experiment designed to investigate the influence of a creativity support tool on music creation. Twenty five participants were asked to harmonise two very similar melodies, the first on their own and the second... more
Visual associations with auditory stimuli have been the subject of numerous studies. Colour, shape, size, and several other parameters have been linked to musical elements like timbre and pitch. In this article, we aim to examine the... more
The aim of the dissertation entitled Neuro-Developmental Stimulation in special education teachers work is to explain a lesser-known phenomenon (persistent primary reflexes and sensory-sensitive integration disorders in children) to... more
To conduct spatial research on the ocean, is to attempt to gain access to a world where we do not belong. While Rachel Carson reminds us that the evidence of our oceanic origins runs through our very system–that the sodium, potassium and... more
LOOP is an interactive sound object made from green polyester strapping tape. The sound that arises from the interaction with the object is picked up by a contact microphone and amplified. Due to the material qualities of the polyester... more
This paper explores sensory perception in classrooms, and the relationship between classrooms and nature in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. First, it argues that this crisis provides a unique opportunity to rethink how we perceive... more
Agradeço a todo o curso de Arqueologia da Universidade Federal de Sergipe pelos anos de estudos e conhecimentos, que entre tantos acertos e erros, está me formando e formando outros iguais a mim para melhor contribuir com a Arqueologia e... more
I work across various mediums including traditional and contemporary photographic processes to explore ideas of impermanence, control, selfhood, communication, and the act of portraiture. Human-touch, traces we leave and the anxiety of... more
The perceptual matching (same-different judgment) paradigm was used to investigate precision in position coding for strings of letters, digits, and symbols. Reference and target stimuli were 6 characters long and could be identical or... more
First coined in modernity, the aesthetic is a vague, polysemic and contested concept whose complexities arise from the variety of the ways it has been defined in the history of its theorization, but also in its formative prehistory in... more
We conducted a survey about the 2014 FIFA World Cup that measured attitudes about FIFA, players, and officials in 18 languages with 4600 respondents from 29 countries. Sixty percent of respondents perceived FIFA officials as being... more
Resumo: O objetivo do presente estudo foi verificar o efeito agudo da eletroestimulação transcutânea (TENS) na contração voluntária máxima. O estudo foi composto por 30 indivíduos divididos em dois grupos: o GAT, composto por praticantes... more
maître de conférences en psychologie clinique et psychopathologie, habilité à diriger des recherches, équipe d'accueil 3278, laboratoire LPCLS, centre de lettres et sciences humaines,
Human sensory orders are recalibrated when faced with the reduced illumination levels of the night; it is harder to judge depth and distance, details are obscured, colours muted, and one is obliged to compensate for this loss of visual... more
The skin is the interface that allows us to interact with the external environment through the sense of touch. Researchers in the field of neuromorphic engineering are looking for sensory models with the same biological efficiency as... more
Materials experience in design involves the meanings that materials convey to users through its expressive characteristics. Such meaning evoking patterns are influenced by parameters such as context, product (e.g.shape) and user.... more
A relatively new regression method, L-partial least squares regression (L-PLSR), is used to model aggregate liking for 17 varieties of fresh tomatoes. Four missing value estimation methods were evaluated and the ''winner'' applied to the... more
All individuals need to have the ability of appropriate sensory processing for proper functioning in the environment and participation in daily activities. Moreover, behavioral functions can be affected by sensory processing problems.... more
Is there a universal hierarchy of the senses, such that some senses (e.g., vision) are more accessible to consciousness and linguistic description than others (e.g., smell)? The long-standing presumption in Western thought has been that... more
Open science can provide researchers diverse opportunities to collaborate, disseminate their research results, generate important impacts in the scientific community, and engage in effective and efficient science for the benefit of... more
Date-tamarind fruit leathers with varied textural characteristics were prepared by drying a paste containing hydrocolloid (starch, pectin, dextrin or guar gum) and water at 70℃ for 28, 42, 56, 70 and 84 h. Hardness, cohesiveness,... more
Communication is important in carrying out every activity. Especially in lecturing activities for students. Students who have just entered experience a lot of adaptation processes. One of them is the adaptation of communication that is... more
ABSTRACTStandard texture rating scales of hardness, adhesiveness, fracturability, cohesiveness, and denseness were modified during the training of a Texture Profile panel. New reference materials were selected for each scale to better... more
This study investigated the effect of substituting sunflower oil with two starch-based fatreplacers on the rheological, lubricating properties, as well sensory properties of reduced fat mayonnaise-type emulsions. Lipid-modified maize... more
Resumo Introdução: Sistemas de estimulação elétrica funcional (FES) são usados na prática clínica para o fortalecimento muscular, assim como para a recuperação e preservação funcional dos músculos enfraquecidos. Porém, uma das... more
This study assessed the usefulness of the miniature Kramer shear cell to determine relevant instrumental parameters of solid foods and bolus counterparts, examining their relationships with oral processing behaviors to obtain greater... more
The concept of sense perception constitutes considerable part of Aristotle’s De anima. As such, this concept is abundant source of his philosophical thoughts. In this paper, I shall focus on two Aristotle’s propositions about sense... more