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This paper presents a home-based Senior Fitness Test (SFT) measurement system by using an inertial sensor and a depth camera in a collaborative way. The depth camera is used to monitor the correct pose of a subject for a fitness test and... more
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      Human Computer InteractionWearable ComputingHealth CareSenior Health
Na przestrzeni ostatnich kilkudziesięciu lat można zaobserwować dynamiczne zmiany nie mające do tej pory miejsca w historii w sferach takich jak: ekonomia, polityka, opieka spo-łeczna, czy też kultura. Jednym z obszarów podlegającym... more
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      Adult EducationAndragogyPedagogySenior Health
National Strength-based fitness program for Seniors
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      Senior HealthStrength Training
This research focuses on what constitutes culturally competent health care delivery for seniors who self-identify as Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transsexual, Transgender, Two-Spirit, Intersex, Queer and Questioning (LGBTQ). Following a... more
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      Health PromotionLGBT IssuesSenior Health
The most important conceptualizations of quality of life have three basic pillars in their definitions: psychical dimension, psychological dimension, and social dimension. We focus our attention on the social dimension and specifically on... more
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      Quality of lifeSenior HealthQuality of Life and Elderly PeopleLife Long Learning
Objectif : Evaluer l’impact de la « séniorisation » d’un service d’accueil des urgences (SAU) sur la qualité de prise en charge des patients de la salle d’accueil des urgences vitales (SAUV). Matériel et méthode : Etude rétrospective,... more
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      Emergency MedicineTrauma StudiesSenior HealthEmergency Management
Much attention has been given in recent years to the “silver tsunami” of aging U.S. Baby Boomers. Born between 1946 and 1964, the Boomers are the largest cohort of Americans in history, numbering more than 77 million (Tomasa, 2013). It... more
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      Gender EqualityEquality and DiversityEqualityDiversity Management
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      Comparative PoliticsOlder People And TransitionPoliticsSocial Care For Older People
In this study we explored the experience of competing in the Senior Games and the resultant contributions to the successful aging of older adults. We used in-depth interviews with older adults who participated in the National Senior... more
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      Cultural StudiesSocial ChangeHealth PromotionHealth Behavior
The increasing cost of healthcare represents a serious challenge to most developed countries. Telehealth has been widely promoted as a technology to make healthcare more effective and affordable. However, current telehealth systems suffer... more
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      TelehealthSenior HealthConsumer Health Informatics
Residents in private old age homes (POAHs) usually adopt a sedentary lifestyle, making them prone to physical deconditioning. This study examined the effects of a short-term mobility exercise programme on the balance and mobility of... more
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      PhysiotherapyGeriatricsSenior HealthPhysical Education
The health of citizens in communities is a paramount concern of parks and recreation professionals. Although opportunities for physical activity have been ubiquitous in public recreation programs, their potential is more important today... more
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      Recreation & Leisure StudiesPhysical ActivitySenior Health
Abstract. The objective of this paper is to establish social network typologies of Polish elderly people based on empirical data. Moreover, the aim is to determine the frequency of occurrence of particular network types in Poland and... more
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      EducationAdult EducationEducational PsychologyEducational Research
The health of citizens in communities is a paramount concern of parks and recreation professionals. Although opportunities for physical activity have been ubiquitous in public recreation programs, their potential is more important today... more
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      Health PromotionHealth BehaviorRecreation & Leisure StudiesPhysical Activity
The health of citizens in communities is a paramount concern of parks and recreation professionals. Although opportunities for physical activity have been ubiquitous in public recreation programs, their potential is more important today... more
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      Recreation & Leisure StudiesPhysical ActivitySenior Health
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      Senior HealthProcessi decisionali, Psicologia della Salute e del Benessere, Analisi qualitativaEmilia RomagnaPartecipazione politica
The health of citizens in communities is a paramount concern of parks and recreation professionals. Although opportunities for physical activity have been ubiquitous in public recreation programs, their potential is more important today... more
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      Recreation & Leisure StudiesPhysical ActivitySenior Health
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      Adult EducationLifelong LearningAgingSocial Policy For Older People