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Você já se perguntou como Moisés pronunciava o Nome Sagrado de Deus? Esta obra ousa explorar as profundezas da gramática do hebraico arcaico e bíblico para responder a essa questão, oferecendo uma análise rigorosa e embasada nas regras... more
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      Dead Sea Scrolls (Religion)MidrashEvolutionary LinguisticsPhonetics and Pronunciation
In dieser Dissertation wurde das Ziel verfolgt, sämtliche theophoren Personennamen in den bisher veröffentlichten dadanischen Inschriften sowie Graffiti – soweit mir diese zugänglich waren – zu analysieren. Ausgehend davon sollte eine... more
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      ArtSemitic languagesSemitic EpigraphyAncient North Arabian Linguistics
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    • Cultural Studies
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    •   18  
      Semitic languagesComparative Semitic LinguisticsAramaic DialectologyAramaic
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    • Ancient South Arabian Art
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      HistoryAncient HistoryArchaeologyMedical and Health Sciences
Despite the considerable research carried out in the field of bilingual lexicography, several aspects of the Arabic-English dictionary targeting translators remain a largely uncharted area. One such area is “idioms” and their various... more
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      Computer ScienceArtificial IntelligenceNatural Language ProcessingArabic
Tous droits réservés Composition et mise en pages Emmanuelle Capet, UMR 8167 Couverture Carte de l'Arabie d'après les différents morceaux qu'a donnés M. Niebuhr de cette partie de l'Asie et d'après M. Danville pour l'intérieur des terres,... more
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      Syriac StudiesSyriac ChristianityAncient South Arabia
Revue annuelle publiée par l'Association Semitica & classica, avec le concours du CNRS et le soutien de l'UMR 8167 « Orient & Méditerranée » (Mondes sémitiques, Antiquité classique et tardive, Monde byzantin, Médecine grecque, Islam... more
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      HistoryRainwater HarvestingJordanWater Management
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1977), 16 f. (Nr. 22 und 24).4 Unterhalb des Reliefs ist die Oberfläche des mittleren Marmor¬ stücks größtenteils beschriftet. Dagegen ist der untere Teil der Stele bis auf drei (?) Zeichen am rechten 5 Rand-ungefähr auf halber Höhe... more
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      HumanitiesArtKadmosHistorical Studies
Im Februar 1997 hat Frau Kristin Kleber eine altsü darabische Inschrift im Hof eines Hauses in Tulā fotografiert. Sie hat mir freundlicherweise das Foto der Inschrift zur Verfü gung gestellt, wofü r ihr der geziemende Dank ausgesprochen... more
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      ArchaeologyArtMedical and Health Sciences
Au cours de notre étude collective des inscriptions phéniciennes en vue de la préparation d 'un Manuel d 'épigraphie phénicienne, nous avons accum ulé un certain nombre d 'observations ponctuelles et de notes brèves d 'ordre épigraphique,... more
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      HumanitiesArtCyprus StudiesCyprus
Study of the poetic form of the short version of the Loyalist Teaching, preserved on Sehetepibre's stela (CGC 20538). The study implies that the short version is primary relative to the long version (Teaching of Kairsu), not the other way... more
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      EgyptologyMiddle EgyptianAncient Egyptian HistoryAncient Egyptian Literature
The texts carved in wooden sticks from Ancient Yemen comprise legal and business documents, correspondence by letter as well as records from religious practice and school exercises. These texts provide unique glimpses of daily life in the... more
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      Semitic languagesManuscript StudiesHistory of Daily LifeHistory of Everyday Life
Literacy was widespread in large areas of ancient Arabia, as shown by the huge numbers of graffiti by both settled people and nomads. But, it is still extremely difficult to establish a reliable chronology for the literate periods of... more
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      HistoryLiteracySemitic languagesWriting
Au cours de notre étude collective des inscriptions phéniciennes en vue de la préparation d 'un Manuel d 'épigraphie phénicienne, nous avons accum ulé un certain nombre d 'observations ponctuelles et de notes brèves d 'ordre épigraphique,... more
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      HumanitiesArtCyprus StudiesCyprus
During regular excavations in the modern town of Tavira (Portugal) under the direction of Maria and Luis Maia a Phoenician ostracon engraved on the two faces of a sherd (6 x 5 cm) of local pottery was found. The text is not complete and... more
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      ArtPhoeniciansPhoenicianAncient Near East
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Abstract The discovery of a limited number of inscriptions in the ancient Canaanite settlement of Lachish has drawn new attention on the status of alphabetic writing in southern Canaan at the beginning of the first millennium BCE. The... more
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    • Cultural Studies
A pre-Roman Iberian-Celtic inscription is translated here for the first time in a completely new way.
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      Rock Art (Archaeology)Celtic LanguagesIberian language
Ālayavijñāna that supports our body and mind is the key in the mind-body transformation (āśrayaparivṛtti) through meditative practice.
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      Yogacara BuddhismYogacaraAlayavijnana
This research is an analytical study of eleven thamudic inscriptions found in Samarmada valley at the al-Jafr region in south Jordan. These inscriptions have been presented here in transcription, and facsimile together with a discussion... more
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      Cultural StudiesSemitic languagesComparative Semitic LinguisticsNorthwest Semitic Epigraphy
Despite the considerable research carried out in the field of bilingual lexicography, several aspects of the Arabic-English dictionary targeting translators remain a largely uncharted area. One such area is "idioms" and their various... more
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One of the features of Arabic is the distinction between the pharyngeals ʕ / ḥ and the velar/uvular fricatives ġ / ḫ. The present article will focus on a number of Arabic roots containing one of these four consonants. Such a comparison... more
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Scholars of various disciplines have focused their attention on European Medieval and Early Modern graffiti during the last decade, thus confirming and reinforcing the value of this peculiar written evidence. Their contributions... more
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      GraffitiArchaeological MethodologyMedieval graffiti
The golden tablets of Pyrgi, reading and interpretation of the Punic part.
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      Northwest Semitic EpigraphySemitic Epigraphy
Dieser Artikel befasst sich mit acht neuen altnordarabischen Inschriften, die im Jahr 2004 in Jordanien gefunden wurden. Neben der Veröffentlichung dieser neuen Inschriften geht der Artikel auf die Beziehung zwischen dem Fundort und den... more
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      ArchaeologySemitic languagesArabic Language and LinguisticsMultidisciplinary
A brief survey of Southern Hebrew Inscriptions and some thoughts on the orthography, particularly the personal names and the use of maters. It needs some work but was used to fulfill my ThM Degree.
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      Hebrew Bible and Ancient Near EastSemitic LinguisticsHebrew inscriptions
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      PhotogrammetryGreek EpigraphyLatin EpigraphyBilinguism and Multilinguism
This article re-examines three graffiti published in and argues that they are examples of the Dadanitic script being used away from the area of al-ʿUlā.
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      Ancient North Arabian inscriptionsDadanitic
Some comments on the Inscription of Zuhayr, allegedly mentioning the death of Caliph Umar. Final proofs, to appear in M. Groß & K.-H. Ohlig, Die Entstehung einer Weltreligion V, Der Koran als Werkzeug der Herrschaft; INÂRAH, Schriften zur... more
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      PalaeogeographyIslamic StudiesIslamic HistoryUmayyads (Islamic History)
Ontologies have become core components of many large applications. It's part of the Semantic Web framework. Many disciplines now develop standardized ontologies that domain experts can use to share and annotate information in their... more
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      Machine LearningData Science
A new West Semitic inscription from Khirbet Qeiyafa is presented. It was incised in Canaanite alphabetic script on a pottery storage jar before firing. Radiometric dating of the relevant layer has yielded a date of ca. 1020–980 b.c.e. The... more
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      Archaeology of Ancient IsraelIron AgeSemitic EpigraphyPersonal Names
It is rather unusual for inscriptions with the name of a biblical settlement in the Land of Israel to be found at the actual site to fix its identification conclusively. It is fortunate if one such inscription is found. In the case of... more
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      Archaeology of Ancient IsraelBiblical StudiesGreek EpigraphySecond Temple Period
Terms for 'gift' in the Classical Ethiopic language are analyzed here.
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      Ethiopian StudiesClassical EthiopicEthiopian Christianity
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      Ancient HistoryArchaeologyAncient Indo-European LanguagesEurasia
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The paper describes the main challenges faced and the solutions adopted in the frame of the project DASI – Digital archive for the study of pre-Islamic Arabian inscriptions. In particular, it discusses the methodological and technological... more
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      Digital HumanitiesLexicographyAncient Near EastDigital Heritage
The present book reveals the riches of the earliest known astrological autobiography, authored by Henry Bate of Mechelen (1246–after 1310). Exploiting all resources of contemporary astrological science, Bate conducts in his Nativitas a... more
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval StudiesPersonhoodHistory of Astronomy
This research is an analytical study of a new collection of Safaitic inscriptions recently collected by the authors form al-cAwshaji al-Janoubi at al Safawi in the Northeastern Bādyia of Jordan. The study aims to analyze the inscriptions,... more
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      Roman HistoriographyAncient Greek HistoriographyAugustusNicolaus of Damascus' historical and philosophical works
Abstract of a lecture concerning the authenticity of the Zuhayr-Inscription.
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      Semitic languagesArabic Language and LinguisticsEpigraphy (Archaeology)Islamic Studies
Published in: P. M. Michèle Daviau  (ed.), A Wayside Shrine in Northern Moab: Excavations in Wadi ath- Thamad, Oxbow Books, 2017, 243
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      Semitic languagesArabic Language and LinguisticsComparative Semitic LinguisticsOnomastics
This research is an analytical study of a new collection of Safaitic inscriptions recently collected by the authors form al-cAwshaji al-Janoubi at al Safawi in the Northeastern Bādyia of Jordan. The study aims to analyze the inscriptions,... more
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the field team Mohammad I. Ababneh and Rafe Harah-sheh. During the epigraphic survey in 2007 in the region of Eastern Badiyah, we have recorded a collection of Safaitic inscriptions and drawings from the area of Tall ar-Rāhib.
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Die Präfixkonjugation des Sabäischen besitzt zwei verschiedene Konjugationsreihen, das "einfache" und das um -n erweiterte, sogenannte N-Imperfekt, die graphisch als yqtl und yqtln realisiert werden1.
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    • Ancient South Arabia
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    • Ancient South Arabia
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