This paper explores seventeen Icelandic teachers' perspectives and strategies for supporting the plurilingual development of children from first-generation immigrant families attending compulsory schools in Iceland. The data emerges from... more
Una ricerca a integrazione delle conoscenze sul lessico dei gessai in Sicilia (Castiglione 2012) mi ha condotto ad approfondire alcuni momenti del processo ergologico, in particolare quello relativo alle fasi del fuoco. A tal fine, sono... more
An ad hoc data source is any semistructured data source for which useful data analysis and transformation tools are not readily available. Such data must be queried, transformed and displayed by systems administrators, computational... more
Semistructured data is now widely used in both web applications and database systems. Much of the research into this area defines algorithms that transform the data and schema, such as data integration, change management, view definition,... more
Semistructured data is typically represented using XML. However, little semantic information can be captured using XML. Other data models, such as the Object Relationship Attribute data model for Semistructured data (ORA-SS), have been... more
Semistructured data has become prevalent with the growth of the Internet. The development of new web applications that require efficient design and maintenance of large amounts of data makes it increasingly important to design "good"... more
The rapid growth of the World Wide Web has resulted in a dramatic increase in semistructured data usage, creating a growing need for effective and efficient utilization of semistructured data. In order to verify the correctness of... more
The rapid growth of the World Wide Web has resulted in a dramatic in- crease in semistructured data usage, creating a growing need for effective and efficient utilization of semistructured data. In order to verify the correctness of... more
Existing systems that support semistructured views do not maintain semantics during the process of designing the views. Thus, these systems do not guarantee the validity and reversibility of the views. In this paper, we propose an... more
Semistructured data has become prevalent with the growth of the Internet. The development of new web applications that require efficient design and maintenance of large amounts of data makes it increasingly important to design "good"... more
Semistructured data has become prevalent in both web applications and database systems. This rapid growth in use makes the design of good semistructured data essential. Formal semantics and automated reasoning tools enable us to reveal... more
Semistructured data is typically represented using XML. However, little semantic information can be captured using XML. Other data models, such as the Object Relationship Attribute data model for Semistructured data (ORA-SS), have been... more
Semistructured data is becoming increasingly important for web applications with the development of XML and related technologies. Designing a "good" semistructured database is crucial to prevent data redundancy, inconsistency and... more
Semistructured data is now widely used in both web applications and database systems. Much of the research into this area defines algorithms that transform the data and schema, such as data integration, change management, view definition,... more
The dramatic expansion of semistructured data has led to the development of database systems for manipulating the data. Despite its huge potential, there is still a lack of formality and verification support in the design of good... more
Semistructured data is now widely used in both web applications and database systems. There are many research challenges in this area, such as data integra- tion, change management, view definition, and data normalization. Traditionally... more
The rapid growth of the World Wide Web has resulted in more data being accessed over the Internet. In turn there is an increase in the use of semistructured data, which plays a crucial role in many web applications particularly with the... more
Semi-structured data is becoming increasingly important with the introduction of XML and related languages and technologies. The recent shift from DTDs (document type de nitions) to XML-Schema for XML data highlights the importance of a... more
The rapid increase in semistructured data usage has lead to the development of various database systems for semistructured data. Web services and applications that utilize large amounts of semistructured data require data to remain... more
XML is a rather verbose representation of semistructured data, which may require huge amounts of storage space. We propose a summarized representation of XML data, based on the concept of instance pattern, which can both provide succinct... more
While most business applications typically operate on structured data that can be effectively managed using relational databases, some applications use more complex semistructured data that lacks a stable schema. XML techniques are... more
Temporal XML is a timestamped instance of an XML data model or, more literally, an XML document in which specially-interpreted timestamps are present. In general an XML data model instance is a tree or graph in which each node corresponds... more
Motivated to a large extent by the substantial and growing prominence of the WorldWide Web and the potential benefits that may be obtained by applying database concepts and techniques to web data management, new data models and query... more
We describe a configurable tool for extracting semistructured data from a set of HTML pages andfor converting the extracted information into database objects. The input to the extractor is adeclarative specification that states where the... more
This paper proposes an approach for representing and querying semistructured Web data, which is based on nested tables allowing internal nested structural variations. Our motivation is to reduce the complexity found in typical query... more
e vf hg ai Ed hj lk a k a m ©n Y og pi q rj l as j t og vu a vw vs yx k p z v vw vs i %k a rg vj {w hw eg p ri % cw | if hk v} ~ %d t g pf hg a © g v r Tk af d x 4f h vi q vf hi q I ¦ r a c rg v y rg pf e v a r t rg pu p vw # v © p p od... more
This paper is about a special version of PDL, designed by Marcus Kracht for reasoning about sibling ordered trees. It has four basic programs corresponding to the child, parent, left-and right-sibling relations in such trees. The original... more
Introduction. Social Semantic software, for example Semantik Wikis, combines collaborative work and social interaction between users with Semantic Web technologies. Reasoning, seen as the generation of new data from declarative... more
The paper presents the development of a virtual database for the genotypic selection of cereal cultivars starting from phenotypic traits. The database is realized by integrating two existing web databases, Gramene 1 and Graingenes 2 , and... more
Data integration is the problem of combining data residing at distributed heterogeneous sources, including multimedia sources, and providing the user with a unified view of these data. Ontology based Data Integration involves the use of... more
Web warehousing plays a key role in providing the managers with up-to-date and comprehensive information about their business domain. On the other hand, since XML is now a standard de facto for the exchange of semi-structured data,... more
Finding optimum and near optimum edit scripts between an XML document and a schema is essential to correcting invalid XML documents. In this paper, we consider finding K optimum edit scripts between an XML document and a regular tree... more
In this paper, we present, to our knowledge, the first known I/O efficient solutions for computing the k-bisimulation partition of a massive directed graph, and performing maintenance of such a partition upon updates to the underlying... more
Building large Web sites is similar in many ways to building knowledge and database systems. In particular, by providing a declarative, logical view of a Web site's data and structure, many of a site builder's tasks, such as creating... more
In this paper, we proposed a new approach, called FiVaTech for the problem of Web data extraction. FiVaTech is a page-level data extraction system which deduces the data schema and templates for the input pages generated from a CGI... more
We develop an algorithmic framework to decompose a collection of time-stamped text documents into semantically coherent threads. Our formulation leads to a graph decomposition problem on directed acyclic graphs, for which we obtain three... more
In the last few years an interest in native XML databases has surfaced. With other authors we argue that such databases need their own provisions for concurrency control since traditional methods are inadequate to capture the complicated... more
One of the most common datasets used by many corporations to gain business intelligence is event log files. Oftentimes, the records in event log files are temporally ordered, and need to be grouped by user ID with the temporal ordering... more
In this paper, we will deal with quantitative and qualitative data collected throughout the last quarter of the 20th century in Sicily. We will focus on the mapping of the latest sociolinguistic results obtained by means of an ample... more
In a scenario with "traditional" and "multimedia" data sources, this position paper discusses the following question: "How can a multimedia local source (e.g., Windsurf) supporting ranking queries be integrated into a mediator system... more
There are many database applications that require users to coordinate and communicate. Friends want to coordinate travel plans, students want to jointly enroll in the same set of courses, and busy professionals want to coordinate their... more
We present an architecture to coordinate the construction of the context within which meaningful information between heterogeneous information systems can be exchanged. We call this coordinator SCOPES (Semantic Coordinator Over Parallel... more
Now that the use of XML is prevalent, methods for mining semi-structured documents have become even more important. In particular, one of the areas that could greatly benefit from in-depth analysis of XML's semi-structured nature is... more