Semiotics of Music
Recent papers in Semiotics of Music
This thesis focuses on a particular stylistic period of Frederic Chopin. The 1840s show an important evolution of Chopin’s musical language and correspond to an aesthetic turning point, characterized by a difficult historical and... more
La musica si offre al nostro orecchio e al nostro esserne gli interpreti bilanciando sempre quelle che sembrano essere le sue due qualità distintive e contrapposte: l’ineffabilità e la capacità di comunicare sensazioni, atmosfere, storie... more
An attempt to reconsider an area that has become semiotically unknown: musical notation in its twentieth-century developments. What this study proposes is an introductory reflection to semiotics of notation considered both as a reflection... more
In five steps this text tries to convey a semiotic analysis of the phenomenon of ‘live VR music concerts’.Through this paper it becomes clear that the meaning of live music and virtual live music is not always clear. Virtual does not... more
Resumo: Discussão sobre os conceitos de hibridismo, musicalidade, fricção e fusão de musicalidades e tópicas da musi-calidade brasileira. O objetivo é refletir sobre a questão da mudança e a transformação nos gêneros musicais, bem como a... more
The contributions to Iconic Investigations deal with linguistic or literary aspects of language. While some studies analyze the cognitive structures of language, others pay close attention to the sounds of spoken language and the visual... more
Felix Mendelssohn and Paul Hindemith, composing about one hundred years apart, integrated visual elements, including drawings and illustrated notations, into musical manuscripts they designed as gifts for women they admired. The two... more
Sylveline Bourion : Le style de Claude Debussy Duplication, répétition et dualité dans les stratégies de composition
This paper, which is a significantly revised version of one I gave at the Zurich IMS meeting in 2007, explores how the meaning of dance music changed during the early 19th century. As one index of this change, where dance topics were (as... more
Da Cage ai Pink Floyd, da Schaeffer e i suoi eredi ai Soft Machine, da Edgar Varèse a Iannis Xenakis, dai compositori acusmatici ai DJ contemporanei, la ricerca elettroacustica ed elettronica ha vissuto e continua a vivere una felicissima... more
L'articolo affronta con un approccio semiotico il ruolo della musica, e del sonoro in generale, all'interno degli spot, ovvero degli audiovisivi pubblicitari. In particolare affronta semioticamente: il ruolo del sonoro nel testo... more
"Carter's music poses struggles of opposition, for instance in timbre (Double Concerto), space (String Quartet No. 3) or pulse (String Quartet No. 5). His preference for the all-interval tetrachords, 4–Z15 [0, 1, 4, 6] and 4–Z29 [0, 1, 3,... more
El concepto de “hiperrealidad sonora” fue acuñado per el neuro-científico y músico Daniel Levitin en 2006 para definir aquellas “impresiones sensoriales que nunca tendríamos verdaderamente en el mundo real". Desde la perspectiva propuesta... more
Musica Speculativa and the Nexus of Music and Nature 2 Unpublished Paper of Raymond Monelle Recently Recovered IX The papers in these first two sections correspond to different aspects of Monelle's theories and reflect either critical... more
How does a musician's system of coding influence their sonic perception? As part of a greater research project involving Greek musicians (Athanasopoulos and Kitsios, 2015) we asked participants to depict a short excerpt of Western 'art'... more
‘Star Wars movies are basically silent movies, therefore the music has a very large role in carrying the story’ (George Lucas, 2002). For the music of Star Wars, John Williams employed the leitmotif as a structural, developmental and... more
Дипломната ми работа, защитена през 1999 г. в катедра "История и теория на културата", философски факултет, Софийски университет.
The object of the present proposal is a semiotic analysis of the song Leci liście z drzewa, op. 74 n.17 by Chopin. In particular, the analysis will focus on the relationship between four different plans: (I) the form of the expression... more
Il canto gregoriano, in quanto categoria storica, musicale ed epistemologica, è diventata una manifestazione performativa in cui l’interpretazione – intesa come tradizione e ricezione – si è evoluta in modi assai diversi sin dalle origini... more
This article examines the semantic properties of several characteristic triadic shifts in the film and ceremonial music of John Williams. These shifts result from particular modal inflections in major keys, which include the mixolydian... more
This article examines how the twentieth-century composer dealt with the paradox of communicating with the composer's own self and with other musicians, but not with the public at large.
This essay presents a philosophical account of musical performance within the tradition of European art music. Although the 19th and 20th century formulation of performance as reproduction has been critiqued in recent scholarly texts, I... more
Since the first musicological studies oriented to urban popular music, the main approach has been and continues to be that of sociology. This has become a key element in the renewal of the anthropological perspective of the musical event... more
Семиотика эзотеризма (черновой вариант статьи) Область изучения эзотеризма и мистицизма, довольно сложная для исследования дисциплина, требующая многогранного научного подхода. Такие срезы могут быть в областях истории эзотерических... more
Having found several erroneities, chimerae, lacunae, malaphors and their sequalae, or (at least generally considered) 'sub-literate' comments and notations in the work of renowned SuperPhysicist Albert Einstein, I have concluded that it... more
Fra i vari tipi di ‘materie’ che si prestano ad elaborazioni artistiche, quella sonora si rivela particolarmente effimera e sfuggente. Arte temporale per eccellenza, che muore nel momento stesso in cui nasce, la musica ha sempre... more
¿Constituye la música un lenguaje?. Si es así, ¿existe un lenguaje propio y único de la música cinematográfica? Durante más de un siglo, el cine y otros medios audiovisuales (la televisión, el vídeo o la multimedia) han ido... more
È estatico ogni discorso che, costruendosi nel linguaggio e col linguaggio, rappresenta nondimeno una fuoriuscita da esso, un bloccarsi della semiosi, un venir meno delle distinzioni che fondano il senso. Trattasi dunque di un’impostura?... more
This dissertation is an investigation of the percussion used to accompany Chinese martial arts and lion dancing at Toronto, Canada’s Hong Luck Kung Fu Club. It is based on six years of participant-observation and performance ethnography... more
Signatim è termine raro. Compare in un passo attribuito all’autore Caio, all’interno dei cosiddetti Gromatici veteres, una raccolta di testi di agrimensura compilata nel V secolo d.C. “Gromatico” è infatti tutto ciò che si riferisce alla... more
Introduzione alla semiologia della musica.
According to the theory of embodied cognition, gestures are at the very heart of human cognitive processes. The idea of embodied cognition is based on cognitive schemata and categories that emerge from the amassed experience of being and... more
This paper lays out the foundation for new semiotics of music - that is in line with the most up-to-date research on neurophysiology of emotion. It shows how the traditional before the 20th century view of music as a language of emotions... more
This is an overview of the available multi-disciplinary data on the history of “hemiolic” musical modes that use a melodic interval of the augmented second (e.g., Arabic and Turkish Hijaz). Such modes are extremely popular in... more
1. Piano dell’espressione e piano del contenuto
2. Processo e sistema
3. Prova di commutazione
4. Combinazione e rezione
5. (Non) conformità
2. Processo e sistema
3. Prova di commutazione
4. Combinazione e rezione
5. (Non) conformità
This essay relates part of Roland Barthes' theories to a quite unique contemporary cultural artifact - a music album which is in itself a criticism of the album format, by a controversial artist who is arguably one of the most polarizing... more
Parece exagerado desde el punto de vista del investigador, hablar de captura de audiencias de un medio como la radio mientras frente a nuestra vista desfilan oyentes con sus auriculares, mientras viajamos en automóviles y transportes... more
This study addresses the need for methodologies that can be used on the comprehension of musical works, with special reference to musical performance.
This comprehensive volume offers a wide-ranging perspective on the stories that art music has told since the start of the 20th century. Contributors challenge the broadly held opinion that the loss of tonality in some music after 1900... more
A leitmotif is a representative compositional tool which aids in storytelling. This compositional device was adopted by Richard Wagner in The Ring which premiered in 1876. A century later the leitmotif is used by John Williams in his... more
Contributo alla raccolta di saggi in onore del prof. Gino Stefani in occasione dei suoi 80 anni.
Theorists and musicologists have asked what particular musical works mean, what particular musical objects represent, what they narrate or disclose, and how those meanings got there. Recently, some thinkers have jettisoned music-language... more