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Product manuals have been virtually ignored in published research despite their relevance to consumer satisfaction and marketplace safety. This study examines self-efficacy (perceptions of capabilities related to operating a product) and... more
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      MarketingPsychologyEducational TechnologySemantic similarity
Resolving semantic heterogeneity across distinct data sources remains a highly relevant problem in the GIS domain requiring innovative solutions. Our approach, called GSim, semantically aligns tables from respective GIS databases by first... more
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      Information SystemsSemantic similarityWeb SemanticsSocial Science Research Network
A prevailing neurobiological theory of semantic memory proposes that part of our knowledge about concrete, highly imageable concepts is stored in the form of sensory -motor representations. While this theory predicts differential... more
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      Coding TheoryDecision MakingSemanticsPsycholinguistics
In this paper, we propose the Normalized Freebase Distance (NFD), a new measure for determing semantic concept relatedness that is based on similar principles as the Normalized Web Distance (NWD). We illustrate that the NFD is more... more
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      Semantic similaritySemantic WebSPARQLFreebase
A number of computational measures for determining semantic similarity between pairs of biomedical concepts have been developed using various standards and programming platforms. In this paper, we introduce two new open-source frameworks... more
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      Natural Language ProcessingSemanticsOpen Source SoftwareSemantic similarity
This study examines how the cross-linguistic similarity of translation equivalents affects bilingual word recognition. Performing one of three tasks, Dutch-English bilinguals processed cognates with varying degrees of form overlap between... more
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceSemanticsCognition
This research investigates the effects of syntactic, semantic, and morphophonemic similarity in the processing of center-embedding constructions in Japanese and Korean. Six Japanese experiments study the effects of syntactic and semantic... more
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      Working MemorySemantic similarity
Document (text) classification is a common method in e-business, facilitating users in the tasks such as document collection, analysis, categorization and storage. Semantic analysis can help to improve the performance of document... more
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      Machine LearningSemantic similarityCorrelation AnalysisSemantic Embedding
In education, the use of electronic (E) examination systems is not a novel idea, as E-examination systems have been used to conduct objective assessments for the last few years. This research deals with randomly designed E-examinations... more
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      Semantic similarityWordnetSubjective Assessments
The identity of protagonists in persuasive narratives was varied to test the impact of audience-character demographic similarity on identification. In Study 1, sex and nationality, both traits that were pretested to be important to... more
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      Semantic similarityIdentification with Characters, Narrative Persuasion, Feature Films
Web Services are modular, self-describing, self-contained and loosely coupled applications that can be published, located, and invoked across the web. With the increasing number of web services available on the web, the need for web... more
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      Semantic similaritySemantic Web ServicesWeb Services CompositionCompositional Techniques
... 3. Implementation. Back to Top. Two databases are used in the implementation of the proposed method of semantic similarity; they are WordNet [ 15 ] and the Brown Corpus [ 7 ]. Both databases are publicly available and widely used in... more
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      Semantic similarityComputational linguistic phylogeneticsArtificial IntelligentInformation Sources
Statistički pristupi obradi prirodnih jezika tipično zahtevaju značajne količine anotiranih podataka, a često i različite pomoćne jezičke alate, što ograničava njihovu primenu u resursno ograničenim situacijama. U ovoj disertaciji... more
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      Natural Language ProcessingMachine LearningResearch MethodologySemantics
This study explores Latent Semantic Analysis as a model of coherence relations in spoken discourse. Two studies were conducted on language data from six adult learners of English observed longitudinally for one year. The studies... more
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      Semantic similarityLatent Semantic AnalysisSecond LanguageCorpus linguistic
The virtual world overflowing with the digital items which make the searching, choosing and shopping hard tasks for users. The recommender system is a smart filtering tool for generate a list of potential favorite items for the user to... more
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      Recommender SystemsGenetic AlgorithmsSemantic similarityGenetic Algorithm
Language samples from matched groups of 80 autistic, mentally handicapped, and normally developing children were coded for the presence of neologisms and~or idiosyncratic language use. Cognitive, socia~ or linguistic factors that might... more
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The theory of inventive problem solving (TRIZ) Knowledge source Physical-chemical-geometrical effects Semantic similarity Ontology Ontology reasoning a b s t r a c t With the development of the Theory of Inventive Problem Solving (TRIZ),... more
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      OntologySemantic similarityKnowledge Based Systems
—Several attempts have already been made to automate the generation of assessment questions. These attempts were mainly technical and lacked a theoretical backing. We explore psychological and educational theories to support the... more
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      AssessmentSemantic similarityQuestion GenerationDifficulty
The inspiration for this research paper was the natural bias in university paper checking. When a paper is checked it is either checked by a professor who teaches the subject or someone who has no knowledge of the subject. When checked by... more
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      Natural Language ProcessingMeasurement and EvaluationSemantic similarityNeural Networks
Multiple choice questions (MCQs) are considered highly useful (being easy to take or mark) but quite difficult to create and large numbers are needed to form valid exams and associated practice materials. The idea of re-using an existing... more
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      Ontology (Computer Science)Semantic similaritySemantic Web technology - OntologiesMCQ-Creation
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      Plagiarism DetectionSemantic similarity
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      ChristianityHistoryAncient HistoryEuropean History
Measuring the similarity between words, sentences, paragraphs and documents is an important component in various tasks such as information retrieval, document clustering, word-sense disambiguation, automatic essay scoring, short answer... more
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      Natural Language ProcessingText MiningSemantic similarity
In two experiments Dutch-English bilinguals were tested with English words varying in their degree of orthographic, phonological, and semantic overlap with Dutch words. Thus, an English word target could be spelled the same as a Dutch... more
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      PsychologyCognitive SciencePhonologySemantics
Most automatic scoring systems use pattern based that requires a lot of hard and tedious work. These systems work in a supervised manner where predefined patterns and scoring rules are generated. This paper presents a different... more
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      Natural Language ProcessingText MiningSemantic similarity
Animals have been human's companions from ancient times until now. Humans have observed them, understood their characteristics and even domesticated some species to serve them. People have considered animals as friend, servant or as a... more
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      Translation StudiesPopular CultureProverbsEnglish language
Sentence similarity measures play an increasingly important role in text-related research and applications in areas such as text mining, Web page retrieval, and dialogue systems. Existing methods for computing sentence similarity have... more
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      Natural Language ProcessingText MiningSemantic similarityDialogue System
... the second line, ie 'as this someone wanted', indicates the controlled nature of the effect on thepatient. ... has to be performed with a tool other than a part of the agent's body... more
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      Cognitive SciencePhysical ActivitySemantic similarityLexical Semantics
"Como una medida para mejorar la competitividad en el mercado de las telecomunicaciones, actualmente las empresas del sector crean nuevos servicios de valor agregado, con el fin de ampliar su portafolio de servicios y garantizar bien sea... more
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      BusinessTelecommunications EngineeringSemantic Web TechnologiesSemantics
Linked Data allows structured data to be published in a standard manner so that datasets from diverse domains can be interlinked. By leveraging Semantic Web standards and technologies, a growing amount of semantic content has been... more
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      Recommender SystemsSemantic similarityLinked DataSemantic Web
This paper suggests that reference to phenomenal qualities is best understood as involving iconicity, that is, a passage from sign-vehicle to object that exploits a similarity between the two. This contrasts with a version of the... more
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      SemioticsLanguagesNeuroscienceCultural Studies
ii We would like to express our deepest gratitude to the hard-working members of the program committee. We'd also like to thank Mirella Lapata, Jason Eisner, Philipp Koehn, and Dragomir Radev for their organizational help.
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      Semantic similarityLexical Semantics
A new approach to numerically measure the semantic distances between lexical units (words and collocations) based on the geometric analogies and analytical calculations, is put forward. Having considered the cases of equal and different... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceSemantic Web TechnologiesSemanticsCognitive Semantics
14th International Conference on Web services & Semantic Technology (WeST 2022) will provide an excellent international forum for sharing knowledge and results in theory, methodology and applications of web & semantic technology. The... more
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      OntologyWeb 2.0SemanticsCognitive Semantics
WordNet proved that it is possible to construct a large-scale electronic lexical database on the principles of lexical semantics. It has been accepted and used extensively by computational linguists ever since it was released. Inspired by... more
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      Natural Language ProcessingEnglish languageSemantic similarityLexical Semantics
In recent years, a web phenomenon known as Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI) has produced large crowdsourced geographic data sets. OpenStreetMap (OSM), the leading VGI project, aims at building an open-content world map through... more
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      Semantic similarityVGIOpenstreetmap
Abstract. Enabling the Semantic Web requires solving the semantic heterogeneity problem, for which ontology matching methods have been proposed. These methods rely on similarity measures that are mainly focused on terminological,... more
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      Semantic similaritySemantic WebFormal LogicOntology Matching
Internet becomes the most popular surfing environment which increases the service oriented data size. As the data size grows, finding and retrieving the most similar data from the large volume of data would become more difficult task.... more
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      Semantic similarityPartitionsMap ReduceClustering
Most research in the automatic assessment of free text answers written by students address English language. This paper handles the assessment task in Arabic language. This research focuses on applying multiple similarity measures... more
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      Natural Language ProcessingSemantic similarityShort Answer Questions GradingText Similarity
This paper proposes a new feature selection method that uses a backward elimination procedure similar to that implemented in support vector machine recursive feature elimination (SVM-RFE). Unlike the SVM-RFE method, at each step, the... more
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      BioinformaticsAlgorithmsArtificial IntelligenceBiomedical Engineering
Composing existing Web services to deliver new functionality is a difficult problem as it involves resolving semantic, syntactic and structural differences among the interfaces of a large number of services. Unlike most planning problems,... more
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      Semantic similaritySemantic MatchingAI PlanningWeb service composition
This paper presents a new corpus-based method for calculating the semantic similarity of two target words. Our method, called Second Order Co-occurrence PMI (SOC-PMI), uses Pointwise Mutual Information to sort lists of important neighbor... more
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      Semantic similarityForeign LanguageSecond LanguageSecond Order
During the last decades, many cognitive architectures (CAs) have been realized adopting different assumptions about the organization and the representation of their knowledge level. Some of them (e.g. SOAR [35]) adopt a classical symbolic... more
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      RoboticsCognitive ScienceComputer ScienceArtificial Intelligence
A search results ranking method that uses semantic features and a cluster coherence measure is introduced in this paper. The quality of the returned search results is improved by grouping semantically related texts into clusters displayed... more
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      Data MiningSemantic similarityClustering AlgorithmsSearch Engines
Birden fazla kavram arasında kurulan benzerlik, yakınlık, yaklaşıklık, denklik ve özdeşlik ilişkileri; kavramların doğrudan ya da dolaylı olarak karşılaştırılmasını, birbirlerine göre konumlanmasını, bunlar hakkında kesin ya da tahminî... more
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      SemanticsSemantic similaritySimilarityTürkiye Türkçesi
Measuring the semantic similarity between words, sentences and concepts is an important task in information retrieval, document clustering, web mining and word sense disambiguation. Semantic similarity is basically a measure used to... more
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      Semantic similaritySemantic Relatedness
ii We would like to express our deepest gratitude to the hard-working members of the program committee. We'd also like to thank Mirella Lapata, Jason Eisner, Philipp Koehn, and Dragomir Radev for their organizational help.
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      Natural Language ProcessingSemantic similarityKnowledge baseSimilarity Metric
We propose a statistical measure for the degree of acceptability of light verb constructions, such as take a walk, based on their linguistic properties. Our measure shows good correlations with human ratings on unseen test data. Moreover,... more
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    • Semantic similarity