Semantic Web Service Composition

2,567 papers
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Semantic Web Service Composition refers to the automated integration and orchestration of web services using semantic technologies. It involves the use of ontologies and formal descriptions to enable machines to understand, discover, and combine services based on their functionalities and data semantics, facilitating interoperability and dynamic service provision.
We present SAscha, a web browser-based application for authoring semantic Web Service descriptions by the SAWSDL standard. Even though it was conceived in a specific real domain scenario, i.e. the Italian framework for service... more
Service-oriented architectures, and notably Web Services, are becoming an incontrovertible paradigm for the development of applications in pervasive computing environments, as they enable publishing and consuming heterogeneous networked... more
Pervasive computing environments are populated with networked software and hardware resources providing various functionalities that are abstracted, thanks to the Service Oriented Architecture paradigm, as services. Within these... more
A Service Orientated Architecture will allow organisations to enhance interoperability and encourage reuse of components and interfaces. In this paper, the application of semantic descriptions to services is advocated with the aim of... more
La composition automatique ou assistee de workflows est un domaine d'intense recherche avec des applications au "world wide web" et a la modelisation de processus metiers (BPM), traditionnellement envisagee en utilisant des... more
for dissemination) This deliverable is for internal usage of the consortium. It specifies a prototype of a tool for goal oriented SWS composition.
We present the SmartWeb Demonstrator for multimodal and mobile querying of semantic resources and the open WWW. The end-user interface consists of a Pocket Data Assistant which accepts written or spoken questions as input and delivers... more
The Web lacks support for explaining information provenance. When web applications return answers, many users do not know what information sources were used, when they were updated, how reliable the source was, or what information was... more
Nowadays, the evaluation of the accessibility of Enterprise Web Information Systems is based on the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG 2.0), created by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) in 2008 and adopted in 2012 by the... more
Existing approaches to Semantic Web Services (SWS) require a domain ontology and a semantic description of the service. In the case of lightweight SWS approaches, such as SAWSDL, service description is achieved by semantically annotating... more
Collaborative Filtering (CF) recommender systems use opinions of people for filtering relevant information. The accuracy of these applications depends on the mechanism used to filter and combine the opinions (the feedback) provided by... more
Existing work on workflow mining ignores the dataflow aspect of the problem. This is not acceptable for service-oriented applications that use Web services with typed inputs and outputs. We propose a novel algorithm WIT (Workflow... more
Pervasive computing environments are populated with networked software and hardware resources providing various functionalities that are abstracted, thanks to the Service Oriented Architecture paradigm, as services. Within these... more
Multimedia service providers on the web need their services to be well protected and easily accessible worldwide. This has initiated several lines of research to provide semantically rich policy-aware web services. However, the existence... more
Simplifying the discovery of web services on one hand and protecting them from misuse on the other hand has initiated several lines of research in the area of policyaware semantic web services. However, the diversity of approaches,... more
Recent technology developments in the area of services on the Web are marked by the proliferation of Web applications and APIs. The implementation and evolution of applications based on Web APIs is, however, hampered by the lack of... more
SweetDeal is a rule-based approach to representation of business contracts that enables software agents to create, evaluate, negotiate, and execute contracts with substantial automation and modularity. It builds upon the situated... more
This paper presents an ontology-based conceptual mapping framework that translates a formal and visually rich business process modeling (BPM) language, Fundamental Business Process Modelling Language (FBPML) to a Semantic Web-based... more
Recently there has been much interest in electronic commerce applications that use data mining techniques to explore datasets in the social media context. However, most of the applications have already been developed in an ad hoc manner,... more
We introduce CiteSeer-API, a public API to CiteSeer-like services. CiteSeer-API is SOAP/WSDL based and allows for easy programmatical access to all the specific functionalities offered by CiteSeer services, including full text search of... more
CiteSeer is currently a very large source of meta-data information on the World Wide Web (WWW). This meta-data is the key material for the Semantic Web. Still, CiteSeer is not yet a Semantic-enabled service and therefore its meta-data,... more
One of the challenges in Service Oriented Computing consists in supporting service discovery and composition according to the so-called non functional properties (NFP). In this paper we propose a linguistic framework to describe NFPs of... more
The Semantic Web Service Challenge is one of the major initiative dedicated to work on Semantic Web Service (SWS) discovery and selection. It represents an effective manner for evaluating the functionality of SWS technologies. In this... more
In this paper we present the architecture and design of an extended BPEL engine that implements the operational semantics of BPEL4SWS. BPEL4SWS is an extension of the BPEL language with support for Semantic Web Service concepts like... more
Armadillo is a tool that provides automatic annotation for the Semantic Web using unannotated resources like the existing Web for information harvesting, that is: combining a crawling mechanism with an extensible architecture for ontology... more
Developing a Service-Oriented Architecture to Harvest Information for the Semantic Web Barry Norton, Sam Chapman and Fabio Ciravegna Department of Computer Science, University of Sheffield Regent Court, 211 Portobello Street, Sheffield S1... more
Armadillo is a tool that provides automatic annotation for the Semantic Web using unannotated resources like the existing Web for information harvesting, that is: combining a crawling mechanism with an extensible architecture for ontology... more
The entities participating in a context-aware service platform need to establish and manage trust relationships in order to assert different trust aspects including identity provisioning, privacy enforcement, and context information... more
Recently, Semantic Web Services have been increasingly adopted to search, access and manipulate information made available from autonomous and heterogeneous systems interacting in a P2P environment. Platform independency is obtained and... more
Abstract. The paper presents the main results of the IST FP6 INFRAWEBS project. The project has developed an easy and effective way of constructing and using semantic descriptions for existing and new Web services. INFRAWEBS has adopted... more
The paper presents the main results of the IST FP6 INFRAWEBS project. The project has developed an easy and effective way of constructing and using semantic descriptions for existing and new Web services. INFRAWEBS has adopted the WSMO... more
Abstract: In the current Learning Management Systems the allocation of learning resources is done at design-time, relying on expertises of the institutional designer only, and there are not many capabilities to reuse existing blocks. A... more
The current INFRAWEBS European research project aims at developing ICT framework enabling software and service providers to generate and establish open and extensible development platforms for Web Service applications. One of the concrete... more
Geospatial Web services allow to access and to process Geospatial data. Despite significant standardisation efforts, severe heterogeneity and interoperability problems remain. The SWING environment 1 leverages the Semantic Web Services... more
The term "Web services" has been used very often nowadays. According to W3C, "A Web service is a software system identified by a URI (Berners-Lee, Fielding, and Masinter ,1998), whose public interfaces and bindings are defined and... more
Ontology is a building block of the semantic Web. Ontology building requires a detailed domain analysis, which in turn requires financial resources, intensive domain knowledge and time. Domain models in industry are frequently stored as... more
Bridging the semantic gap between business process models and semantic Web services becomes increasingly important in order to help automating business process integration in large organizations. Traditional workflow languages (such as... more
BPEL4WS is one of the most utilized business process development languages. It can be used to develop executable business processes as a combination of Web Services interactions in a specific sequence called process flow. But still... more
We present a prototype multi-agent system whose goal is to support a 3D application for e-retailing. The prototype demonstrates how the use of agent environments can be amongst the most promising and flexible approaches to engineer... more
Identity verification is now a days a crucial task for security applications. In the near future organizations dedicated to store individual biometric information will emerge in order to determine individual identity. Biometric... more
A Service Orientated Architecture will allow organisations to enhance interoperability and encourage reuse of components and interfaces. In this paper, the application of semantic descriptions to services is advocated with the aim of... more
Abstract. The paper presents the main results of the IST FP6 INFRAWEBS project. The project has developed an easy and effective way of constructing and using semantic descriptions for existing and new Web services. INFRAWEBS has adopted... more
Integrated e-government in the European Union requires good conceptual and technological foundations. Aligned with the European e-government strategy, we present how infrastructure for national as well as cross-country e-government... more
Word sense disambiguation (abbr. WSD) is very important to the semantic web/web 2.0. However, there is still no easy-to-use tool available. As a remedy, here a simple and very efficient tool called oWSD is demonstrated. It disambiguates... more
In a global context of sharing information, such as Big Data and cloud computing paradigms, researchers are developing many means to deal with new data models and algorithms. However, the development and reuse of these ones is complex... more
Despite much research into Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Intelligent Agents (IA) over the past few years little 'intelligent' behaviour is displayed by modern computer systems. AI planning and intelligent systems are failing to be... more