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This paper presents the results of the STASIS ( project and applies it to the area of semantic interoperability within technologyenhanced learning platforms. Within the paper an innovative approach for creating a... more
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      DocumentationXMLTechnology Enhanced LearningContent Management
Background • Approaches to IP integration of WSNs so far: Pure TCP/IP solutions: sensor nodes implement the TCP/IP stack (or a compatible set of protocols such as 6LoWPAN in 802.15.4 networks); and Gateway solutions: System Architecture... more
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      Computer ScienceChemistryWireless Sensor NetworksInteroperability
Existence of interoperability within the enterprises is essential for textile supply chain to efficiently face the challenges from contemporary competitors, to find new business opportunities and to render better customer service.... more
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      Textile TechnologySemantic InteroperabilityTextile Composites
To establish and implement a workable e-Government, all possible and relevant stakeholders' systems need to be interconnected in such away that the hardware, software and data are interoperable. Thus, interoperability is the key to... more
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      Computer ScienceInteroperabilitySemantic Interoperability
Ontology-based approaches may be tried in e-health scenario to solve some of the interoperability problems that are non-trivial, for e.g. 'Anemometer' and 'Sphygmomanometer' are two different terms but represent the blood pressure monitor... more
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      OntologyIT in healthcareDecision Support SystemsSemantic Web
This research proposes recommendations that could improve interoperability in the architecture, engineering, construction and operations (AECO) sector, by connecting domains, building lifecycles, and software systems with each other and... more
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      Civil EngineeringComputer ScienceInteroperabilitySemantic Interoperability
Over the last few years, the benefits of applying ontologies (semantic graph modelling) for Architecture, Engineering, Construction and Facility Management (AEC/FM) industry have been recognized by several researchers and industry... more
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      Building Information ModelingSemantic InteroperabilityRule-Based SystemsAEC
本研究旨在以互通性的視野,探究如何運用知識本體及國際圖像互通架構於數位人文學。以文字型圖像材料為對象,中國漢代簡牘文書「居延漢簡」的文字釋讀及簡冊復原研究為個案,結合人文學者的簡牘研究需求,探索並建構數位研究環境的工作任務,以及其涉及的學術原語及互通性機制。首先,採用訪談法建立史學研究者進行簡牘整理的主要流程,並識別出10項學術資訊活動的功能原語;接續提出由「簡牘知識本體」、「漢字知識本體」以及「標註知識本體」等三個知識本體整合而成「簡牘學知識本體」,彼此相互關聯以支援漢簡研... more
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      Ontology (Computer Science)Digital Cultural HeritageDigital LibraryInteroperability
Enterprise wide interoperability means distributed computing on heterogeneous hardware using heterogeneous implementation languages. Successful information exchange between interoperating systems today depends on data standardization.... more
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      Distributed ComputingSemantic InteroperabilityInformation ExchangeConceptual Model
The progress of information and communication technologies has greatly increased the quantity of data to process. Thus, managing data heterogeneity is a problem nowadays. In the 1980s, the concept of a Federated Database Architecture... more
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      SPARQL query processing and optimizationSemantic InteroperabilityRule-Based SystemsOntology Federation
The Ministry of Health and Social Services in Namibia under the division of epidemiology uses a manual paper-based approach to capture disease surveillance data through 5 levels of reporting which include the community level, the health... more
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      EpidemiologyInfectious disease epidemiologyInteroperabilitySemantic Interoperability
Este trabajo fin de máster es el resultado de una primera aproximación práctica al estándar ISO-CEN 13606 y al uso de terminologías clínicas como SNOMED CT; ambos relacionados con la interoperabilidad semántica, para la implementación... more
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      Semantic InteroperabilityeHealth
The amount of medical information has generated challenges for interoperability between health information systems (HIS). In the enterprise engineering context, is desirable the enterprise integration through interoperability of its... more
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    • Semantic Interoperability
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      Decision Support SystemsDecision support systemChronic disease managementSemantic Interoperability
Objectives: In the fieldofopenelectronic health records(EHRs), openEHRasanarchetype-based approach is beingincreasingly recognised. It is theobjectiveofthispapertoshortly describe this approach, andtoanalyse how openEHR archetypesimpacton... more
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      SemanticsBiological SciencesGermanyElectronic Health Record
This paper addresses issues arising from the first steps in mapping different (a) datasets and (b) vocabularies to the CIDOC CRM, within an RDF implementation. We first discuss practical implementation issues for mapping datasets to the... more
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    • Semantic Interoperability
The exchange and reusability of data used for research in the humanities is one of the goals of DARIAH. To increase the interoperability of data sets between disciplines we present an overview and recommendations of measures to achieve... more
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      Digital HumanitiesInteroperabilitySemantic InteroperabilityPersistent identifiers
Integrating clinical research data entry with patient care data entry is a challenging issue. At the G. Pompidou European Hospital (HEGP), pulmonary function testing reports are captured twice, first in the Electronic Health Record (EHR)... more
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      Clinical TrialElectronic Health RecordSemantic InteroperabilityClinical research
The geospatial domain is influenced by the Web developments; consequently, an increasing number of geospatial web services become available through Internet. A rich description of geospatial web services is required to resolve semantic... more
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      Computer ScienceWeb DevelopmentKnowledge RepresentationSemantic Interoperability
We propose a model for a Resource Description Format (RDF) database for interlinear glossed text (IGT) created from documents encoded in the Extensible Markup Language (XML) using markup metaschemas. A metaschema, constructed using the... more
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      XMLSemantic InteroperabilityDATABASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEMSearch Engine
Social media in general, and Facebook in particular, have used word 'metaverse extensively. Are you aware what it is? And When Facebook changed its corporate name to Meta, , people really were intrigued. The metaverse is a network of... more
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      Science FictionSocial MediaMetaverseInteroperability
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      Semantic Web technology - OntologiesSemantic Interoperability
NEW ITEM: linearity and convergence embedded in a nonlinear model 23022023 Entering the new world of distance learning PREAMBLE 1ère Partie: Pérennité d’une évolution architecturale INTRODUCTION Comment SPDF empêche la rupture... more
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      Software ArchitectureInteroperability (E-learning)XML data interoperabilitySemantic Interoperability
When making design and construction decisions, planners must consider information from different scales and domains. Currently, building and geospatial data are shared and exchanged through a common data format, such as industry... more
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      Semantic Web TechnologiesBuilding Information ModelingSemantic InteroperabilityGeographic Information Systems (GIS)
Since the early 2000s, building information modeling (BIM) has been used through the entire project life cycle to facilitate effective project collaboration and integration of data to support project activities. Despite the successful... more
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      Semantic Web TechnologiesBuilding Information ModelingSemantic InteroperabilityGeographic Information Systems (GIS)
Public sector entities face huge challenges, with a view to meet the objectives of a more competent, softer, effective and efficient Public Administration, regarding its services to citizens and firms The change resulting from public... more
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      European StudiesOrganizational CultureE-GovernmentInnovation and Creativity (Business)
A fundamental requirement for achieving continuity of care is commonly accepted to be the integration and interoperability of different clinical oriented systems towards the realization of a "longitudinal" Electronic Healthcare Record. To... more
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      Medical InformaticsHealth InformaticsElectronic Health RecordsE-Health
During the last decades, digital media have revolutionised media reproduction. The availability of cheap consumer electronic devices that allow the consumption and management of digital multimedia content (eg MP3 players, digital cameras,... more
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      Digital MediaSemantic WebFormal SemanticsSemantic Interoperability
This paper examines the development of a conceptual model that defines Shell’s information requirements - the Downstream Data Model (DDM). The model has its roots in a framework based on the notion of ontological commitment and the focus... more
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      Applied OntologySemantic InteroperabilityData ModelBORO Foundational Ontology
O livro aborda como as ontologias digitais leves podem ser criadas a partir de padrões descritivos e de preparação à interoperabilidade. Como a taxonomia e os metadados administrativos e descritivos operados pela Descrição Arquivística... more
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      Systematics (Taxonomy)OntologyMetadataSemantic Interoperability
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      Information TechnologyHealth InformaticsKnowledge Based SystemElectronic Health Record
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      Information SystemsMarketingeGovernmentXML Schema
El uso de sistemas informáticos en el área clínica permite que los profesionales de la salud manejen mayor cantidad y variedad de información de forma efectiva y eficiente, aumentando su capacidad de resolución de problemas de salud y la... more
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      Medical InformaticsKnowledge ManagementElectronic Medical RecordsElectronic Health Records
A b s t r a c t Health care provides many opportunities in which the sharing of data between independent sites is highly desirable. Several standards are required to produce the functional and semantic interoperability necessary to... more
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      EngineeringHealth CareSystems IntegrationSoftware
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      Semantic InteroperabilityTechnological DevelopmentUniversal Business LanguageElectronic Business
Interoperable enterprise systems (be they supply chains, extended enterprises, or any form of virtual organizations) must be designed, controlled, and appraised from a holistic and systemic point of view. Systems interoperability is a key... more
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      Enterprise ArchitectureService Oriented ArchitectureSupply ChainSemantic Interoperability
This paper suggests a new approach for the development of healthcare information standards, which is based on widely used and open frameworks. The paper attempts a review of existing standards for healthcare information, analyses their... more
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      Semantic InteroperabilityInformation NeedHealthcare Information System Market
Telemedicine is gaining popularity due to its high potential for cost savings and increased efficiency in healthcare delivery. However, most telemedicine systems available in the markets are limited to particular applications and lack... more
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      Information TechnologyCardiologyHealth CareSemantic Interoperability
Background: There are different approaches for repurposing clinical data collected in the Electronic Healthcare Record (EHR) for use in clinical research. Semantic integration of ''siloed'' applications across domain boundaries is the... more
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      Information SystemsBiomedical informaticsTranslational ResearchBiological Sciences
A major challenge of any product engineering project is to support the creation, exchange, management and archival of information about product, process, people and services across the networked and extended enterprise covering the entire... more
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      Supply ChainKnowledge ExchangeInformation FlowSemantic Interoperability
One of the key problems in healthcare informatics is the lack of interoperability among different healthcare information systems. Interoperability can be investigated in different categories in the eHealth domain, such as the... more
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      Semantic InteroperabilityBusiness ProcessElectronic healthcare recordHealthcare Information System Market
One of the key problems in healthcare informatics is the inability to share patient records across enterprises. To address this problem, an important industry initiative called "Integrating the Healthcare Enterprise (IHE)" specified the... more
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      EngineeringHealth CareXMLEuropean Union
Pervasive computing and Internet of Things (IoTs) paradigms have created a huge potential for new business. To fully realize this potential, there is a need for a common way to abstract the heterogeneity of devices so that their... more
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      Computer ScienceComputer ArchitectureSemanticsPervasive Computing
Integrated health care systems Systems analysis Software process engineering Model-Driven Architecture Semantic interoperability Unified process HL7 a b s t r a c t Background: Semantic interoperability is a basic challenge to be met for... more
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      EngineeringMedical InformaticsXMLSystems Analysis
The increasing availability of sensor devices has resulted in important volumes of sensor data, which has raised the issue of making these data fully discoverable and interpretable by applications and end-users. The idea of OGC Sensor Web... more
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      Semantic WebVolunteered Geographic InformationSemantic Interoperability
The GIIDA project aims to develop a digital infrastructure for the spatial information within CNR. It is foreseen to use semantic-oriented technologies to ease information modeling and connecting, according to international standards like... more
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      Information TechnologyKnowledge organizationSoftware DevelopmentSemantic Web
The diversity and availability of information sources on the World Wide Web has set the stage for integration and reuse at an unparalleled scale. There remain signi cant hurdles to exploiting the extent of the Web's resources in a... more
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      AlgebraSemistructured DataPharmaceuticalsSemantic Interoperability
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      Business NetworksIntelligent Manufacturing SystemsKnowledge RepresentationIntelligent Manufacturing
Within the archaeology domain, datasets frequently refer to time periods using a variety of textual or numeric formats. Traditionally controlled vocabularies of time periods have used classification notation and the collocation of terms... more
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      Semantic WebData StructureSemantic InteroperabilityConceptual Reference Model
The Web of Data is an open environment consisting of a great number of large inter-linked RDF datasets from various do-mains. In this environment, organizations and companies adopt the Linked Data practices utilizing Semantic Web (SW)... more
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      Information SystemsComputer ScienceDistributed ComputingInformation Science