Self Hate
Recent papers in Self Hate
The Afrocentric view concerning Jamaicans who bleach their skins is that they suffer from self-hate, a result of the lingering psychological scars of slavery. The self-hatred thesis is tested by comparing the self-esteem scores of a small... more
A review of two preliminary studies on skin bleaching in Jamaica revealed that the bleachers as a group do not suffer from low self-esteem or self hate. However, they have been miseducated about beauty in particular and Blackness in... more
Si l'historien peut étudier le discours de haine, il ne lui est pas possible de constituer un pareil corpus sans se positionner lui-même sur son objet. Aucune cité ne peut se bâtir sur la haine, même si aucune ne s’est manifestement bâtie... more
Victimization as a form of sacrificial ritual is discussed. It is understood as an inferior and archaic method of ego emancipation by which the transgressor's unconscious suffering is transferred to the victim. Transfer of sin and guilt... more
The article discusses the narrative structure and rhetorical devices of The Book of the Kahal (1869) – an influential pamphlet by the baptized Jew Jacob Brafman. The book breathes conspiracy theories and portrays the Jews as a state... more
The popular explanation for skin bleaching among Black Jamaicans is self-hate. The concept of complex personhood debunks the psychopathology explanation of skin bleaching. Complex personhood is an autonomous, multidimensional, nuanced and... more
The authors argue that the formation of self is at the heart of many addiction issues. Likewise issues of love (sought) and hate (found) are central to both the formation of a self vulnerable to addiction and to fostering recovery. So the... more
The explanations for skin bleaching in Jamaica are best pursued by using: a nested qualitative inquiry of the historical origins of the social meanings that influence the Jamaican skin bleachers; an examination of cultural artifacts in... more
This article theoretically integrates Nigrescence theory and the model of Black Identity Transactions by using them to explicate skin bleaching. Blacks including skin bleachers are at various stages of Nigrescence (pre-encounter,... more
The Afrocentric view concerning Jamaicans who bleach their skins is that they suffer from self-hate, a result of the lingering psychological scars of slavery. The self-hatred thesis is tested by comparing the self-esteem scores of a small... more
All the female narrators of the three stories examined here – So Long a Letter, The Color Purple, and Letters from France – suffer serious traumas attributable to their male counterparts. Thus as a healing process, letter-writing is an... more
En tant que mépris de soi-même, conscience réelle ou imaginaire de sa propre petitesse ou faiblesse, l'humilité représente dans les Passions de l'âme de Descartes une passion vertueuse ou vicieuse, l'inséparable compagne de la générosité... more
Contrary to what is widely believed, the Polish-Jewish anti-war activist was first and foremost a humanist, and both a victim and active opponent of anti-Semitism
Equanimity during mindfulness meditation is considered in relation to some examples of repetitive thinking, including rumination and worry. It may not always be possible to treat the content of the automatic stream of primary process... more
Gay individuals are homophobic, accustomed to rhetoric and attitudes, but what do they think and feel about homosexuality? Many may not understand the act of self-hatred and fear, but homophobic attitudes directed at them directly or... more
Black Minnesotans have been looked at in the eye by local and state political leaders and told that “glory was coming from that-there mountain top” to save the cold Negro of Minnesota and his counterparts that make up the lower... more
Nelle Passions de l'âme di Descartes l'umiltà poteva essere sia virtuosa che viziosa, costituire sia l'altra faccia della generosità che la maschera della superbia, e il pentimento (poenitentia nel latino di Desmarets) poteva... more
Content: Transculturation of the games; Militarization of the virtual environment; Hate speech; Game, science or art?; New era in game studies; A multi-billion dollar industry; Virtual societies; Anonymity and "des-individualization";... more
The Harder They Come brings to the jaded metropolitan taste a new exoticism: the black Caribbean, which has previously only figured as a passive backdrop in James Bond pictures-providing pot plantation, black gangster villains, or... more
The article discusses the narrative structure and rhetorical devices of The Book of the Kahal (1869)– an influential pamphlet by the baptized Jew Jacob Brafman. The book breathes conspiracy theories and portrays the Jews as a state within... more
A GREAT DEAL HAS BEEN WRITTEN ABOUT the resistances of borderline patients to ordinary analytic process. These patients present the analyst with a variety of therapeutic dilemmas because their ability to form a true working alliance is... more
Nonreferred adolescent samples for ages 12 to 18 from Jamaica and the United States were compared via syndromes, syndrome groupings, and total problem scores on the Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL), Teacher's Report Form, and Youth... more
An analysis of a collection of essays on the historical phenomenon of Jews who feel compelled to denounce their fellow Jews in public as proof of their superior morality. 21st century avatar: Anti-Zionism.
Societal factors influence the types of problems children of African descent exhibit and the steps adults take to ameliorate them. Cross-national research on children of African descent living in different nations can identify the... more
The Afrocentric view concerning Jamaicans who bleach their skins is that they suffer from self-hate, a result of the lingering psychological scars of slavery. The self-hatred thesis is tested by comparing the self-esteem scores of a small... more
En tant que mépris de soi même, conscience réelle ou imaginaire de sa propre petitesse ou faiblesse, l'humilité pouvait représente dans les Passions de l'âme de Descartes une passions vertueuse ou vicieuse, l'inséparable compagne de la... more
The purpose of this study was to adapt the self-hate scale (SHS; Turnell et al., 2019) into Turkish in a community sample, and test the validity and reliability of the measure. The study was conducted with 234 individuals. After the... more
The Afrocentric view concerning Jamaicans who bleach their skins is that they suffer from self-hate, a result of the lingering psychological scars of slavery. The self-hatred thesis is tested by comparing the self-esteem scores of a small... more
Power Point presentation:
Practicum 736 Client Case Presentation
Names and other identifying elements have been changed to protect the identity of the client.
Practicum 736 Client Case Presentation
Names and other identifying elements have been changed to protect the identity of the client.
The Afrocentric view concerning Jamaicans who bleach their skins is that they suffer from self-hate, a result of the lingering psychological scars of slavery. The self-hatred thesis is tested by comparing the self-esteem scores of a small... more
Societal factors influence the types of problems children of African descent exhibit and the steps adults take to ameliorate them. Cross-national research on children of African descent living in different nations can identify the... more
"Contenido: Transculturación de los juegos; Militarización del ambiente virtual; Discurso de odio; ¿Juego, ciencia o arte?; Nueva era en estudios de los juegos; Una industria multimillonaria; Las sociedades virtuales; Anonimato y... more
Abstract: A set of essays on the current strain of U.S Imperialism. Contributors include: Jacqui Alexander, Lisa Armstrong, Shampa Biswas, Hannah Britton, Monisha Das Gupta, Ayesha Khan, Himadeep Muppidi, and Vijay Prashad. With... more