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Self-Compacting Concrete (SCC) is a flowable concrete that exerts high pressure on formwork. SCC is the most commonly used concrete worldwide for construction applications due to its costeffectiveness. The high flow of SCC reduces both... more
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      Materials ScienceRheologySelf Compacting ConcretePumping
This study is focused on the behaviour of concrete at early-age in massive structures, in relation with the prediction of both cracking risk and residual stresses, which is still a challenging task. In this paper, a 3D... more
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      ModelingFinite element methodFinite ElementNumerical Simulation
The early-age hydration (B48 h) of a series of self-compacting concretes and corresponding mortars and one traditionally vibrated concrete and mortar is monitored in a continuous way using ultrasonic testing and isothermal calorimetry.... more
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      Civil EngineeringComposite Materials and StructuresKineticsSelf Compacting Concrete
Self- Compacting Concrete is a special type of concrete that is able to flow and compact under its own weight and can occupy all the spaces in the form without any vibration and at the same time it is cohesive enough to be handled without... more
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      ManagementMaterials ScienceBusiness ManagementFly Ash
To build high rise building by reducing column sizes and increasing available space, to built the super structure of long span bridges and to the durability of bridge decks a high strength is needed. High strength concrete was used in... more
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      Civil EngineeringMaterials ScienceDurabilityComposite Material
Ce papier présente les résultats d'une étude expérimentale sur l'influence de la rhéologie sur l'orientation des fibres métalliques et par suite sur le comportement en flexion et compression des bétons de fibres. Plus précisément, on... more
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      Compressive StrengthHigh Performance ConcreteSelf Compacting ConcreteExperimental Study
This study examines an attempt to produce self-compacting concrete (SCC) containing fly ash (FA), ground granulated blast furnace slag (S) and both (FA+S). The effects of these materials on the rheological properties of the SCC mixes were... more
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      Fly AshSelf Compacting ConcreteLignosulphonates
The current trend to decrease the clinker content in cements through the use of mineral additions in order to limit CO2 emissions into the atmosphere is of major concern for the precast industry as the resulting binders are generally not... more
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      Civil EngineeringMaterials ScienceCompressive StrengthBuilding
The paper presents a comparative performance of the models developed to predict 28 days compressive strengths using neural network techniques for data taken from literature (ANN-I) and data developed experimentally for SCC containing... more
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      EngineeringSoftware EngineeringPredictionNeural Network
The type and amount of filler are amongst the most important parameters influencing rheological, mechanical and durability characteristics of self consolidating concrete (SCC). Influence of using a limestone powder, the filler portion of... more
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      CompositesReologySelf Compacting ConcreteAlkali Silica Reaction
This paper presents a study on the use of different types of limestone and chalk powders as fillers in self-compacting concrete (SCC) and their effects on superplasticizer demand and the strength properties of concrete mixes. It was found... more
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      Civil EngineeringMaterials ScienceCompressive StrengthBuilding
Self compacting concrete (SCC) is one of the innovative construction material based on the performance in both fresh and hardened state. Due to over consumption of natural river sand deposits creating several environmental issues, as an... more
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      Civil EngineeringSelf Compacting ConcreteManufactured Sand
The aim of this paper is to assess the performance of self-compacting glass concrete (SCGC) after exposure to four elevated temperatures of 300 °C, 500 °C, 600 °C and 800 °C. The influence of curing conditions on the high temperature... more
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      Civil EngineeringCompressive StrengthBuildingHigh Temperature
The usage of an extensive group of industrial mineral residues (silica fume and fly ash) and other products significantly increases the rheological performance of concrete. This research is supposed to take a look at Rheology and... more
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      Mechanical propertiesSelf Compacting ConcreteRheological propertiesSilica Fume
Self-consolidating concrete, also known as self-compacting concrete (SCC), is an innovative concrete that does not require vibration for placing and compaction. The mixture qualification process of Self Compacting Concrete consists from a... more
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      Supplementary Cementitious MaterialsSelf Compacting ConcreteChemical Admixtures in ConcreteCement and Concrete Materials
Self-Compacting Concrete is a special type of concrete that is able to flow and compact under its own weight and can occupy all the spaces in the form without any vibration and at the same time it is cohesive enough to be handled without... more
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      ManagementBusiness ManagementFly AshSelf Compacting Concrete
Flowability, passing ability and stability are important properties to be considered while designing a robust self-compacting concrete (SCC). The simulation of SCC provides a useful tool for ensuring a robust SCC mix for construction and... more
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      Computational Fluid DynamicsSelf Compacting Concrete
Rheology can supply valuable and practical information regarding the properties of fresh concrete, how to reach an optimization of the product and how to attain it by the use of rheograph. Otherwise, the optimization is largely based on... more
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      Civil EngineeringBuildingSelf Compacting ConcreteCement and Concrete Materials
SCC Guide lines by EFNARC
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    • Self Compacting Concrete
This article addresses to the issue of durability related properties of self-compacting concrete (SCC) with the use of coarse recycled aggregates obtained from demolition of concrete structures. The objective was to verify the influence... more
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      Concrete TechnologySelf Compacting ConcreteWater AbsorptionCement and Concrete Materials
A robust self compacting concrete (SCC) is characterized by its flowability, passing ability and stability. Numerical simulation of SCC is a valuable tool, which can be used as a means to model and predict concrete workability and to... more
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      Computational Fluid DynamicsConferenceSelf Compacting Concrete
El shotcrete convencional, tal como lo conocemos, requiere una planta dosificadora, un equipo de transporte de la mezcla y un lanzador robótico. Este es el sistema de sostenimiento con shotcrete utilizado por la mayoría de las minas... more
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      ConcreteConcrete TechnologyGeopolymer ConcreteFIBRE REINFORCED CONCRETE
The present study investigates the performance of self-compacting concrete (SCC) and self-compacting sand concrete (SCSC) incorporating recycled concrete fines and aggregate under different sulphate environments. Similar mixtures... more
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      Civil EngineeringRecycled Construction MaterialsConcrete TechnologyDurability of Concrete
Cet article présente une étude expérimentale sur les performances de bétons autoplaçants (BAP), soumis à de hautes températures. Trois BAP et un béton vibré sont testés. Trois des formulations sont issues du Projet National B@P. Chaque... more
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      Image AnalysisCompressive StrengthHigh TemperatureSelf Compacting Concrete
Corrosion initiation time of embedded steel is an important service life parameter, which depends on concrete material make-up, exposure environment, and duration of exposure. Early and accurate determination of corrosion initiation time... more
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      Machine LearningCorrosion ScienceReinforced Concrete StructuresLimestone
Self-compacting concrete (SCC) is becoming a popular choice in concrete industry dye to ease of placement in congested reinforcements, reduced labor and equipment, no segregation character and smooth surface. Fly ash has been used in... more
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      Compressive StrengthSelf Compacting ConcreteSisal FiberSplit Tensile Strength
The cement and fine aggregate are the most commonly used materials for concreting, plastering and masonry work. The use of Metakaolin can be used as a partial replacement material for cement in the production of concrete where service... more
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    • Self Compacting Concrete
Les bétons autoplaçants (BAP) s'écoulent sous l'effet de leur poids propre sans recours à aucune vibration, cette propriété nécessite une très grande fluidité (sans risque de ségrégation) en incorporant dans le béton une quantité élevée... more
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      Compressive StrengthSelf Compacting ConcreteSand dunesWater Cement Ratio
This paper proposes a mix design procedure for self-compacting concrete (SCC) to achieve target mean compressive strength, in which mixes are designed on the basis of Indian Standards and suitable adjustments are done as per the previous... more
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    • Self Compacting Concrete
This paper proposes a new mix design method for self-compacting concrete (SCC). First, the amount of aggregates required is determined, and the paste of binders is then filled into the voids of aggregates to ensure that the concrete thus... more
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      Civil EngineeringDesign methodCompressive StrengthBuilding
Research findings have reported a behavioural relationship between the splitting tensile strength and compressive strength of concretes. This work studied both the experimental and analytical relationships that exist between splitting... more
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    • Self Compacting Concrete
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      Civil EngineeringReinforced Concrete StructuresMechanical propertiesSupplementary Cementitious Materials
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    • Self Compacting Concrete
There are only a few research results for predicting the relationship between deflection and the crack mouth opening displacement (CMOD) of self-compacting concrete (SCC) beams with and without fibers. A series of bending beam tests on... more
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      EngineeringStructural EngineeringComposite Materials and StructuresStructure
Steel fibers change the properties of hardened concrete significantly. However, addition of fibers to fresh concrete results in a loss of workability. Self-compacting concrete (SCC) is an innovative concrete that is able to flow under its... more
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      Materials EngineeringAnalytical ChemistryCompositeFly Ash
Fly ash released from the thermal power plants constitutes a major portion than bottom ash. As a major portion of the coal ash, fly ash has been recognized widely as a source material for geopolymers while the utilization of bottom ash... more
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      Geopolymer ConcreteSelf Compacting ConcretePervious Concrete
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      ConcreteSelf Compacting ConcreteHigh performanceNo-fines Concrete
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      Civil EngineeringReinforced Concrete StructuresMechanical propertiesSupplementary Cementitious Materials
The influence of mineral additions and chemical admixtures on the shear thickening flow behaviour of powder type self-compacting concrete (SCC) is studied by means of a wide-gap concentric cylinder rheometer. The Couette inverse problem... more
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      EngineeringCivil EngineeringMathematical SciencesBuilding
The study has conducted to determine the workability and compressive strength of the self –compacting concrete. The sand has replaced with quarry dust with the proportion of 10, 20, 30 and 40% and super plasticizer was added 0.9%. The... more
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      Compressive StrengthSelf Compacting Concrete
Concrete has high compressive strength, but is remarkably weak in tension (about one-tenth its compressive strength), and as such, is usually reinforced with materials that are strong in tension. In the presence of reinforcement, the... more
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      Civil EngineeringSelf Compacting ConcreteSisal Fibres
Study of Mechanical Properties - Compressive and tensile strength of SCC Concrete
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    • Self Compacting Concrete
Prezenta lucrare aduce contribuții legate de fenomenul de aderenţă dintre betonul autocompactant şi armătură. Principalul obiectiv al programului experimental a fost studierea fenomenului de aderenţă dintre betonul autocompactant şi... more
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    • Self Compacting Concrete
high flowability and resistance to segregation and bleeding. The use of fine materials such as silica fume and Viscosity Modified Agent (VMA) can ensure the required concrete properties for SCC. This study presents information regarding... more
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    • Self Compacting Concrete
An attempt was carried out to develop some properties of self-compacted concrete (SCC) by adding waste plastic fibers (WPF) resulting from cutting beverage bottles. Many tests were conducted to investigate the effect of adding WPF on the... more
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      Self Compacting ConcreteWaste Plastic Used In Concrete
Millions of tons of spent garnet, a by-product of surface treatment operations, are disposed of every year in landfills, oceans, rivers, and quarries, among others, thus causing environmental problems. The main objective of this study is... more
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      RecyclingGeopolymer ConcreteGarnetsGreen Building
The construction of modern structures alarming the attention of use of materials with improved properties in respect of strength, stiffness, toughness and durability. Concrete is one of the most widely used construction material having... more
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      ConcreteConcrete TechnologyReinforced Concrete StructuresRecycled aggregates
Self-Compacting concrete is a type of concrete that gets compacted under its self-weight. It’s commonly abbreviated as SCC and defined as the concrete which can placed and compacted into every corner of a formwork; purely means of its... more
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      ConcreteSelf Compacting ConcreteSteel Fibers
In this paper an attempt has been made to study the use of used foundry sand and waste tyre rubber on properties of Self-Compacting-Concrete (SCC) is carried out. Replacement of sand with used foundry sand as 10%, and 15% and replacement... more
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      Self Compacting ConcreteUsed Foundry SandWaste Tyre RubberRubberized Concrete
In this paper the properties of Self Compacting Concrete (SCC) was investigated using white cement and lime stone powder as fine aggregate instead of sand. All mixtures were proportioned with constant amount of (cement, lime stone powder,... more
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    • Self Compacting Concrete