Recent papers in Self-Study
This article points to characterize what self-study inquire about is, why self-study can be a great approach to educator educators' proficient advancement and improvements in practice and highlight a few challenges and opportunities in... more
Professional practice evolves as individuals reflect and theorise about their experiences, and consider their practice in new ways. The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate how self-study can be used as an approach to interrogate the... more
The professional development of English teachers is a significant area in language teaching and learning, as well as in teacher education. On the one hand, at least in theory, professional development initiatives respond to the teachers’... more
This self-study examines our use of video with a cohort of preservice teachers as a means to address the challenges we face as teacher educators who are working with candidates in extensive clinical practice. We came to video as a... more
This narrative self-study focuses on my experience as a sixth-grade teacher in Quebec, Canada making the pedagogical shift to student-centered assessment. Student-centered assessment is defined as one that decentralizes teacher authority,... more
Mobile learning (m-learning) is increasingly adopted in Higher Education (HE) given that almost all undergraduates own mobile devices with Wi-Fi and fast Internet connections. In HE, undergraduates are required to spend a significant... more
In this chapter we contribute to the conceptualization of self by engaging in a self-study of teacher education practices in which we distilled our perspectives on incorporating mindfulness in teacher education. Mindfulness is currently... more
In this article I relate how I studied grade 12 at home: Planning, study schelule, review, homework and study strategies.
This qualitative study examines how authority was negotiated in an undergraduate teacher education course. As the teacher of the course, I involved students in on-going processes of collaborative dialogue and deliberation about issues of... more
El presente estudio busca dar a conocer el patrimonio industrial que ha sido puesto en valor turístico en la provincia de Imbabura – Ecuador. Este patrimonio está constituido por el Tren de la Libertad, la Fábrica Textil Imbabura y el... more
The compulsory school act in Iceland states that schools should be inclusive. This entails that schools need to provide every pupil with quality education according to their needs and ability, and to remove barriers to participation in... more
С1 телевизийн мэдээний албанд орчуулагч болон гадаад харилцааны ажлын дадлага хийсэн тайлан. Уг тайлан нь үнэн бодит мэдээллээс зөрөх боломжтой тул өөрийн ажилдаа хэрэглэхдээ няхуур хандана уу.
Bu lisans, yazarın orijinal yaratıcı olarak atfedilmesi ve yeniden kullanımın ticari olmayan amaçlarla, yani araştırma veya eğitim amaçlı kullanımla sınırlı olması koşuluyla, kullanıcıların makaleyi kullanmasına, çoğaltmasına, yaymasına... more
This self-study presents an analysis of our recent efforts to teach teacher educators, our colleagues, how to support their pre-service students in reflective practice. This initiative originated in conceptual changes about teaching... more
Girona: GreTICE.
Like many teacher educators supervising teaching practice, we have spent countless hours in post-observation conferences (POCs) attempting to facilitate teacher candidates’ self-reflection, guided by the firm belief that through the... more
Learning essentially relies on the style of technique used in a context. Today's learners mostly prefer to process on their own thanks to the development on the technology and rising trend of accessible sources all around the world and it... more
Our chapter, based on a self-study, responds to the question, “What impact does international experience have for faculty and teacher candidates?” We have utilized a 5-step process: collection/recognition; recording; revisiting;... more
Several educational researchers have critiqued the increasing marginalization of foundations coursework in teacher education programs within the United States. Situated within a teacher certification program at a Predominately White... more
Self-study is an approach to the study of personal experience in a social context. What distinguishes self-study from many other methodologies for researching personal experience is that it focuses on the researcher’s own self and... more
Abstract Aboriginal/Indigenous education is being increasingly emphasized in Faculties of Education across Canada. Through self-study as an instructor of a mandatory course in Aboriginal education in a Faculty of Education, the author is... more
This chapter explores a pedagogy of vulnerability, the opening of self to the wider learning community, as a tool for promoting deep learning in the classroom. Contemplative pedagogies for deepening learning are explored.
How do we get at the meanings of everyday (and not so everyday) objects, and how might these meanings enrich educational research? The study of objects is well established in fields such as archaeology, art history, communications, fine... more
Many believe teacher leaders can play a central role in meeting the needs of students in schools, but it is presumptuous to think that teachers intuitively know how to lead their colleagues or schools without any focused support. This... more
This is an online, self-study workbook for listening to words in the Academic Word List; with a self-assessment guide.
When the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on the earth?
En el marco de los desafíos profesionales que plantea hoy la docencia universitaria, en este artículo caracterizamos los procesos reflexivos que vivenciamos didactas de las ciencias experimentales y de la matemática, cuando desarrollamos... more
The following text is a self-report of my illnesses and fasting. It consists of three parts written in English and Russian. The self-study case report The Impact of Prolonged Periodic Fasting on Health and Well-being is the first part.... more
In today’s rapidly changing world, educational leaders are swamped by competing priorities that make inordinate demands on their time, energy and focus. They are consumed with operational matters such as teaching and learning activities,... more
Resumen Las Grandes Ideas de la Ciencia son parte de los actuales cambios a los currículos de ciencia a nivel internacional y en Chile. Experiencias sobre clases usando Grandes Ideas de la ciencia provienen principalmente desde la... more
Polyvocal Professional Learning through Self-Study Research illustrates the power of “we” for innovative and authentic professional learning. The 33 contributors to this book include experienced and emerging self-study researchers,... more
This article questions some of the premises undergirding the discourse of self-study, particularly focusing on its treatment of "self". We examine the ontology, authority and ethics of self as they emerge from Oren's reading of self-study... more