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In this self-study, we, an instructional team of four teacher educators, inquired into the experience of teacher candidates as we adapted our work at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. The transition to remote learning led us to... more
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      Teacher EducationLearning and TeachingMiddle School/Level EducationSelf-regulated Learning
The use of learning strategies is crucial for students' academic performance and promoting deeper learning approaches. The self-regulated learning models offer comprehensive theoretical backgrounds. These enable more holistic approaches... more
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      Self-regulated LearningSelf-Regulated Learning (Education)Emotions And Self Regulated LearningSelf-regulation
Account of a failed behavioral self-intervention for my Advanced Human Learning and Behavior class. LOL
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      Behavioral SciencesBehavior ModificationSelf-regulated LearningBehavioral Decision Making
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      Health Professional EducationMedical EducationSimulation in healthcareSelf-regulated Learning
All articles in this collection are published under the Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0) licence. Under this licence, the contents are freely available online (as PDF files) for anybody to read,... more
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      Computer Assisted Language LearningComputer Assisted Language Learning/TeachingLanguage Learning TheoriesSelf-Regulated Learning (Education)
Resumen Durante los últimos años, el uso de la tecnología se ha vuelto más frecuente entre las personas por las ventajas y facilidades que ofrece. A través de ella se van adquiriendo conocimientos y desarrollando destrezas digitales que... more
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      ICT in EducationSelf-Regulated Learning (Education)
This paper aims to propose a possible solution to a real-world curriculum problem of how to foster learner autonomy in an English academic writing class at College of Foreign Languages-Vietnam National University where a generally low... more
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      Academic WritingLearner AutonomySelf-regulated LearningSelf-Regulated Learning (Education)
El presente trabajo muestra los avances de una investigación que se encuentra actualmente en curso en una escuela media de gestión privada de la Provincia de Buenos Aires. En el marco de la misma, se diseñó un dispositivo de evaluación... more
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      Formative AssessmentEducational evaluationEvaluationSelf-Regulated Learning (Education)
E-learning, virtual learning and mixed reality techniques are now a global integral part of the academic and educational systems. They provide easier access to educational opportunities to a very wide spectrum of individuals to pursue... more
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      E-learningEngineering EducationSelf-Regulated Learning (Education)Learning And Teaching In Higher Education
Online learning often requires learners to be self-directed and engaged. The present study examined students’ self-regulatory behaviors in online video-based learning environments. Using an experimental design, this study investigated the... more
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      Educational TechnologyE-learningDistance EducationSelf-regulated Learning
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    • Self-Regulated Learning (Education)
Laura is an 8 th grade student with a learning disability (LD). Her assignment today is to read a section from her Science textbook and then answer the questions at the end of the chapter. Laura has always struggled with reading so she... more
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      Teaching and LearningSpecial EducationEducational PsychologyLearning and Teaching
The study sought to explore whether interactional teacher characteristics such as social congruence, subject-matter expertise, and cognitive congruence increase situational interest in students. Correla- tional and path analyses were... more
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      Teacher EducationMotivation (Psychology)Educational PsychologyEducational Research
Although the focus on feedback and student involvement in Assessment for Learning (AfL) appears to align very well with theories of Self-Regulated Learning (SRL), and also seems to be the main reason for many researchers’ interest in... more
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      Peer AssessmentSelf-regulated LearningSelf-Regulated Learning (Education)Self and Peer Assessment
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      Self-Regulated Learning (Education)Self Efficacy
Resumen El aprendizaje y la enseñanza de habilidades y competencias necesarias para vivir y desarrollarse plenamente en la sociedad actual y de cara al futuro se han transformado en el motor de cambio en materia de educación a nivel... more
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      Self-Regulated Learning (Education)Learning Assessment Strategies
The aim of the present study was to investigate how situational interest develops over time and how it is related to academic achievement in an active-learning classroom. Five measures of situational interest were administered at critical... more
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      Motivation (Psychology)Educational PsychologyEducational ResearchStudent Motivation And Engagement
This quantitative descriptive-correlation study aims to explore the level of productivity of senior high school students in J.V. Ferriols National High School, particularly in implementing the new normal learning of self-learning modules... more
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      Public AdministrationSelf-Regulated Learning (Education)Modular Systems (Architecture)DELTA modules 2 and 3
(published in: SAGE, Encyclopedia of Educational Theory and Philosophy 2014) The American teacher Helen Parkhurst (1886-1973) developed at the beginning of the twentieth century the Dalton Plan to reform the then current pedagogics and... more
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      Teaching and LearningEducationInstructional DesignEducational Technology
أقدم للطلاب في هذا الكتاب مهارات التعلم الذاتي وهي عبارة عن محاضرات عامة قدمتها للطالبات بجامعة الملك سعود. تعريف التعلم الذاتي، لماذا نحتاج التعلم الذاتي، مبررات التعلم الذاتي، لماذا نحتاج مهارات التعلم الذاتي، مهارات التعليم الذاتي... more
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      Self-Regulated Learning (Education)Self-directed learningSelf StudyStudy Skills Training
The book supplies short grammar and vocabulary lessons on several topics with the expected Novice 1 level. The materials were collected from Sogang University Korean Language Program.
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      Second Language AcquisitionLanguages and LinguisticsKorean StudiesSelf-Efficacy
The concept of lifelong learning has been on the minds of many educators for several decades. In order to be a lifelong learner, one must possess the skills and competencies to pursue one’s own self-education. Such skills and competencies... more
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      Teacher EducationLifelong LearningAndragogySelf-Regulated Learning (Education)
"“My students don’t seem interested in what I teach and I can hardly get them to focus on the tasks in class. What can I do to make them more interested so that they engage more and learn more?” This is a common cry for help by many... more
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      Motivation (Psychology)Educational PsychologyEducational ResearchStudent Motivation And Engagement
The book supplies short grammar and vocabulary lessons on several topics with the expected Novice 2 level. The materials were collected from Sogang University Korean Language Program.
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      Second Language AcquisitionLanguages and LinguisticsKorean StudiesSelf-Efficacy
Socially shared regulation of learning (SSRL) has been recognized as a new and growing field in the framework of self-regulated learning theory in the past decade. In the present review, we examine the empirical evidence to support such a... more
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      Self-regulated LearningSelf-Regulated Learning (Education)Self-regulationSocial Regulation
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      Self-Regulated Learning (Education)Classroom ManagementSelf Regulation (Education)
The mainstream research on scoring rubrics has emphasized the summative aspect of assessment. In recent years, the use of rubrics for formative purposes has gained more attention. This research has, however, not been conclusive. The aim... more
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      Self-regulated LearningMeta-Analysis and Systematic ReviewSelf RegulationSelf-Regulated Learning (Education)
Self-assessment is one of the most customary activities in the classroom from all differ-ent educational levels. However a high percentage of teachers report not knowing how self-assessment influences students’ learning or how to... more
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      Self-regulated LearningSelf RegulationSelf-Regulated Learning (Education)Self-regulation
ABSTRACT Mathematics education experts elaborate that motivational, meta-cognitive, and behavioral processes are as important as cognitive processes of students’ mathematics learning. These processes embodied the students’... more
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      MathematicsMathematics EducationSelf-Regulated Learning (Education)Self-regulation
This was a presentation I did at ACCESS, a higher-ed conference for Christian Schools working in online education. The presentation was focused on strategies for promoting self-regulated learning in the online classroom. The attached link... more
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      Self RegulationSelf-Regulated Learning (Education)Self-regulation
This is a bibliography containing references that are about or related to the field of Metacognition research and scholarship. It contains over 1000 references in this, its first iteration. It also has a foreword in which I ask users to... more
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      MetacognitionSelf-Regulated Learning (Education)
The objective of the three studies presented here was to investigate how situational interest is related to knowledge acquisition. Situational interest is construed as a motivational response to a perceived knowledge deficit. It is... more
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      Cognitive PsychologyMotivation (Psychology)ConstructivismEducational Research
In this third volume of It’s All About Thinking, the authors focus their expertise on teaching and learning in the middle years, translating principles into practices and exploring questions such as: How can we help students develop... more
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      LiteracyTeaching and LearningEducationTeacher Education
In this modern world technology is expanding in each and every sector of society. And growth of technology in education system is important which has led to growth and more use of e-learning via different websites. E-learning helps... more
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      E-learningE-learning and healthSelf-Regulated Learning (Education)
"OBJECTIVES In this review, we portray the process of problem-based learning (PBL) as a cognitive endeavour whereby the learner constructs mental models relevant to problems. Two hypotheses are proposed to explain how learning is driven... more
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      Teaching and LearningLearning SciencesMotivation (Psychology)Educational Psychology
Persekitaran keluarga adalah salah satu persekitaran sosial yang mempengaruhi perkembangan konsep kendiri anak-anak khususnya remaja atau pelajar. Kajian ini bertujuan untuk mengenalpasti kepentingan pengaruh persekitaran keluarga... more
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      Self-Regulated Learning (Education)Self-EsteemParenting Style as correlates of self esteem and aggressive behaviours
DRAFT The ease, with which nonsense theories take root and flourish in education, is rather surprising and disquieting. A popular remedy is evidence-based or evidence-informed education: education should not be based on convictions or... more
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      PsychologyTeaching and LearningEducationInstructional Design
This research investigates the relationship between self‑regulated learning awareness, procrastination, and learning behaviors in a blended learning environment. Participants included 179 first‑grade university students attending a... more
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      E-learningBlended E-LearningSelf-regulated LearningSelf-Regulated Learning (Education)
This research aims to investigate the relationship among the awareness of self-regulated learning (SRL), procrastination, and learning behaviors in blended learning environment. One hundred seventy nine freshmen participated in this... more
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      E-learningSelf-regulated LearningSelf-Regulated Learning (Education)Technology Enhanced Learning
The Dalton Plan is often considered to be a version of the Montessori Method: as if the theory and practice of the Italian education reformer were the guiding force in Parkhurst’s educational reform. This is a misconception. As an... more
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      Developmental PsychologyTeaching and LearningEducationScholarship of Teaching and Learning
Self-regulated learning (SRL) includes the cognitive, metacognitive, behavioral, motivational, and emotional/affective aspects of learning. It is, therefore, an extraordinary umbrella under which a considerable number of variables that... more
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      Self-regulated LearningMetacognitionSelf-Regulated Learning (Education)Emotion Regulation
In this short film, we overview the potential of literacy centres and stations to empower children to self-regulate their learning, differentiate learning and teaching, and extend and deepen content areas learning. Link to film:... more
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      LiteracySelf-regulated LearningSelf-Regulated Learning (Education)Teachers' professional development
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      Higher EducationMotivation (Psychology)Student Achievement MotivationStudent Motivation And Engagement
El uso de las estrategias de aprendizaje explica de forma crucial los resultados académicos de los alumnos. Un buen uso de estas estrategias permite un aprendizaje profundo y transferible. Los modelos de autorregulación se basan en... more
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      Self-regulated LearningSelf-Regulated Learning (Education)Emotions And Self Regulated LearningSelf-regulation
The changing educational context and dynamic needs around increasing online learning at all education levels highlight the importance of self-directed learning. In this regard, self-directed learning, which involves both a process and... more
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      Self-Determination TheoryLearner AutonomySelf-Regulated Learning (Education)Self-directed learning
This meta-analytic review explores the effects of self-assessment on students' self-regulated learning (SRL) and self-efficacy. A total of 19 studies were included in the four different meta-analyses conducted with a total sample of 2305... more
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      Self-regulated LearningSelf-EfficacySelf-Regulated Learning (Education)Emotion Regulation
A systematic review of 38 primary research peer-reviewed articles, drawn from six databases and spanning from January 2007 to January 2019, was conducted to determine the principle information that they collectively offered on the... more
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      Distance EducationMobile LearningSelf-Regulated Learning (Education)Online Learning
This paper reviews current known issues in student self-assessment (SSA) and identifies five topics that need further research: (1) SSA typologies, (2) accuracy, (3) role of expertise, (4) SSA and teacher/curricular expectations, and (5)... more
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      Formative AssessmentMonitoring And EvaluationSelf-Regulated Learning (Education)Curriculum
The purpose of this chapter is, as a self-regulated learning tool, to focus on digital storytelling by uncovering relationship between digital storytelling and self-regulated learning process/based on research findings made in the its... more
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      Self-Regulated Learning (Education)Digital Storytelling