Seismology (Engineering)

40 papers
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Seismology (Engineering) is the study of seismic waves generated by earthquakes and other sources, focusing on their effects on structures and the design of buildings and infrastructure to withstand seismic forces. It integrates principles of geology, physics, and engineering to enhance safety and resilience in earthquake-prone areas.
Στη σημερινή εποχή ο σχεδιασμός και προγραμματισμός ενός ηλεκτρονικού συστήματος που διευκολύνει τον άνθρωπο σε κάποια από τις δραστηριότητές του αποτελεί το επόμενο μεγάλο βήμα στον χώρο της τεχνολογίας. Προφασιζόμενοι τα διάφορα... more
We review site parameters used in ground motion prediction equations (GMPEs) for various tectonic regimes and describe procedures for estimation of site parameters in the absence of site-specific data. Most modern GMPEs take as the... more
Archaeoseismology of the A.D. 1545 earthquake in Chiang Mai, northern Thailand): The A.D. 1545 Chiang Mai earthquake in northern Thailand was studied by historical and archaeological sources.The temple Wat Chedi Luang has lost about half... more
In the present study, we have estimated the coda Q (Q C) and the geometrical spreading factor (gamma) for the Saurashtra region that is located in the western part of the Deccan Volcanic Province, Gujarat, India. The waveform data from... more
Similar to Båth’s law, which points that the difference in magnitude between the main shock and its largest aftershock is generally about 1.2, the Panza- Rugarli law states that for MCE, the design magnitude Mdesign, can be set, given the... more
We computed broadband (0-5 Hz) ground motions from large earthquakes (magnitudes M 6.5 and 7.0) in the near-fault region (< 50 km) for engineering applications. Simulations were run with SW4, a summation-by-parts finite difference... more
Author(s): Ibrahim, Ahmed Mokhtar Nagy | Advisor(s): Eltawil, Ahmed | Abstract: Smart phones are an indispensable tool in modern day-to-day life. Their widespread use has spawned numerous applications targeting diverse domains such as... more
Pengumpulan data intensitas gempa bumi di indonesia telah dilakukan sejak tahun 1821 pada zaman pemerintahan kolonial Hindia-belanda hingga sekarang. Seiring kemajuan teknologi pengumpulan data intensitas telah berkembang menjadi sistem... more
Nowadays, low-cost accelerometers are getting more attention from civil engineers to make Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) applications affordable and applicable to a broader range of structures. The present accelerometers based on... more
The implementation of systems for Structural Health Monitoring and Earthquake Observation is increasing in the last years owing to the development of new technologies which enable low-cost and small-size devices to be installed in... more
A multiscale approach to the monitoring of earthquakes and their effects can represent an effective tool for the reduction of seismic risk. Devoted monitoring networks are essential to cope with the seismic emergency in urban areas, to... more
In this paper, we introduce a project for the realization of the first European real-time urban seismic network based on Micro Electro-Mechanical Systems (MEMS) technology. MEMS accelerometers are a highly enabling technology, and... more
Banat region is one of the most active zones in terms of crustal seismicity in Romania. Even though the active seismic monitoring started from early XXth century, the data sets got more performant with the development and expansion of the... more
Evidence of ancient seisms in Cusco, Peru and Tzintzuntzan, Mexico and their cultural relations) At first sight the ancient pre-Columbian cultures seem to have had no awareness of seisms. Purhepecha and Andean cultures nevertheless not... more
Earthquake Early Warning (EEW) network performance improves with the number and density of sensing stations, quality of the sites and of strong-motion instrumentation, degree of coverage near at-risk populated areas and potential fault... more
In seismic applications, the molecular-electronic transfer (MET) sensors are considered as ones of the most promising instruments for the measurements of seismic-associated signals. The subject of the presented study is the MET... more
The possibility to obtain a more complete and unbiased long-term history of seismic shakings over large territories than is explicitly reported from inhabited localities is discussed in the paper. An approach proposed for this purpose... more
This paper presents findings from ongoing research that explores the ability to use Micro-Electromechanical Systems (MEMS)-based technologies and various digital communication protocols for earthquake early warning (EEW). The paper... more
Telah dilakukan perhitungan nilai percepatan tanah Pulau Lombok yang divalidasi dengan nilai percepatan tanah di Stasiun Mataram.  Percepatan tanah dihitung dengan beberapa rumusan empiris, yaitu Mc. Guire, Fukushima-Tanaka, Esteva dan... more
The August 19, 1977 earthquake was one of the major earthquakes that ever occurred in the Nusa Tenggara region with an impact on the island of Lombok, one of which was in Kuta Village. The purpose of this research is to determine the... more
This document represents a compilation of recommendations for the USGS component of the Earthquake Hazard Reduction Program (EHRP) to be conducted during the next five years. These recommendations represent the proceedings of a workshop... more
Three-component digital datafrom a 12-station seismological network in the Garhwal Himalaya have been used estimate the site effectsfrom S-wave componentsof eight local earthquakes and microtremors. These earthquakes (2.0 ≤ M L ≤2.92)... more
A single-axis Microelectromechanical system gravimeter has recently been developed at the University of Glasgow. The sensitivity and stability of this device was demonstrated by measuring the Earth tides. The success of this device was... more
In this paper we look at an issue rarely approached: the economic efficiency of earthquake risk mitigation. The urban scale at which a natural hazard can impact leads to the importance of urban planning strategy in risk management.... more
The mapping of the seismic ground motion in Bucharest, due to the strong Vrancea earthquakes is carried out using a complex hybrid waveform modeling method which combines the modal summation technique, valid for laterally homogeneous... more
Objective: To investigate the dependence of maximum direction ground motions on magnitude, distance, and rupture directivity. Specifically, • Develop a non-parametric model of the ratio of the maximum direction (MD) to geometric mean... more
A method is derived for the calculation of ground acceleration from geophone data using a frequency-domain inverse filter and an empirical scaling constant. Acceleration-domain spectra from geophones and MEMS accelerometers from an... more
Earthquake Early Warning Systems (EEWS) are often challenged when the earthquakes occur outside the seismic network or where the station density is sparse. In these situations, poor locations and large alert delays are more common because... more
Digital Twins (DT) models are gaining special attention in the management and maintenance of facilities. The quality of data contained in these models may be enhanced by the use of processed information coming from long-term Structural... more
The paper presents (i) historical earthquake damage and lessons learned (ii) how to strengthen tall reinforced concrete fragile buildings in central Bucharest, (iii) international projects for seismic risk reduction in Romania and (iv)... more
Pulau Lombok berada di antara dua lempeng besar yaitu lempeng Asia dan lempeng Australia sehingga Pulau Lombok sangat rawan terhadap guncangan gempa bumi dan pergeseran tanah. Faktor yang mempengaruhi nilai percepatan tanah maksimum yaitu... more
Three-component digital datafrom a 12-station seismological network in the Garhwal Himalaya have been used estimate the site effectsfrom S-wave componentsof eight local earthquakes and microtremors. These earthquakes (2.0 ≤ M L ≤2.92)... more
ABSTRACTSince its deployment at the surface of Mars, the Seismic Experiment for Interior Structure (SEIS) instrument of the InSight mission has detected hundreds of small-magnitude seismic events. In this work, we highlight some features... more
In this paper, we have studied the seismic activity in relation with geology, and tectonics in order to highlight seismogenic processes recorded in Danubian area and Hateg-Strei Basin. The Danubian seismogene area presents a complex... more
This case study is about the foundation and the site geotechnical potential evaluation for the rehabilitation of an emergency hospital building, placed in Bucharest. This building was strongly damaged by the main earthquakes that occurred... more
The SM-ROM-GL database includes data obtained by the processing of records performed at ground level by the Romanian seismic networks, namely INCERC, NIEP, NCSRR and ISPH-GEOTEC, during recent seismic events with moment magnitude Mw ≥ 5... more
A high-precision angular accelerometer based on molecular-electronic transfer (MET) technology with a high dynamic range and a low level of self-noise has been developed. Its difference from the analogues is in the use of liquid... more
Abstract. Bucharest is one of the most affected cities by earthquakes in Europe. Situated at 150–170 km distance from the Vrancea epicentral zone, Bucharest has suffered many damages due to high energy Vrancea intermediate-depth... more
Structural engineering involves clear understanding of characteristics of ground motion used in the design of structures to identify the critical aspects of their behavior. Peak amplitude of response (a, v, or d), predominant frequency... more
During 2017–2018, the National Seismic Hazard Model for the conterminous United States was updated as follows: (1) an updated seismicity catalog was incorporated, which includes new earthquakes that occurred from 2013 to 2017; (2) in the... more
ANALISIS PERCEPATAN TANAH MAKSIMUM DENGAN MENGGUNAKAN RUMUSAN ESTEVA DAN DONOVAN (Studi Kasus Pada Semenanjung Utara Pulau Sulawesi) ABSTRAK Telah dilakukan analisis percepatan tanah maksimum di semenanjung utara Pulau Sulawesi dengan... more
Structural engineering involves clear understanding of characteristics of ground motion used in the design of structures to identify the critical aspects of their behavior. Peak amplitude of response (a, v, or d), predominant frequency... more
We describe the first dense real-time urban seismic–accelerometric network in Italy, named OSU-CT, located in the historic center of Catania. The city lies in the region with the greatest danger, vulnerability, and earthquake exposure in... more
Based on the earthquake event data accumulated by the Turkish National Seismic Network between 2007 and 2013, the local magnitude (Richter, Ml) scale is calibrated for Turkey and the close neighborhood. A total of 137 earthquakes (Mw >... more
The reference rock site condition is defined by the shear (S)-and compression (P)-wave velocities, as well as a site attenuation parameter (0 ). The significance of the reference rock is that it represents the site condition for which... more
Three-component digital datafrom a 12-station seismological network in the Garhwal Himalaya have been used estimate the site effectsfrom S-wave componentsof eight local earthquakes and microtremors. These earthquakes (2.0 ≤ M L ≤2.92)... more
1992). The 1985 M 6.9 Nahanni earthquake produced horizontal accelerations of 1.2 g and a peak vertical acceleration > 2 g (Weichert et al., 1986). The 1989 M 7.0 Loma Prieta, California, earthquake occurred on an unidentified... more
Recent years have shown that all manner of disasters have become increasingly damaging, dangerous and complex. Recent examples include the 2004 South Asian tsunami, Hurricane Katrina in 2005, and the Sichuan earthquake of 2008. Disasters... more