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It is well-known that the existing building stock is responsible for non-renewable resource depletion, energy and material consumption, and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Life cycle analysis (LCA) procedures have thus been developed, in... more
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      BusinessLife Cycle AssessmentEnvironmental Impact AssessmentLife Cycle Costing
The majority of existing buildings are in need of seismic retrofit. The main reasons are: the original design was not optimised with respect to the required safety level, poor construction quality, modifications or enlargements of... more
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      Seismic Retrofitting of Historical Masonry BuildingsSeismic Retrofit
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      Civil EngineeringHistorySocial SciencesArchitecture
The expected seismic losses of structures with Rotational Friction Dampers (RFDs) are assessed by the Endurance Time (ET) method considering the optimal frictional moment of the devices. A practical method is proposed to obtain the... more
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      Civil EngineeringStructural EngineeringEarthquake EngineeringNonlinear dynamics
There is a huge inventory of existing vulnerable buildings and only a little research has been done concerning the economic side of their retrofit. The study presented in this paper aims to show how further issues, for example costs, can... more
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      EngineeringArchitectureEarthquake EngineeringDatabase Systems
Groups of actors (architects, engineers, inhabitants, investors) put different priorities in interventions on heritage buildings. Seismic retrofit can be done at different levels, from avoiding collapse up to assuring immediate... more
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      Cultural HeritageSeismic RetrofitBuilding EconomicsReinforced Concrete Structures
This paper assesses the seismic performance of typical reinforced concrete (RC) existing framed structures designed for gravity loads only. The sample two-storey structural system exhibits high vulnerability, i.e. low lateral resistance... more
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      Structural EngineeringEarthquake EngineeringSeismic RetrofitSeismic Engineering
Este Sol, su nombre 4 movimiento, es Naollin, este es nuestro Sol, en el que vivimos ahora. Y aquí está su señal, como cayó en el fuego el Sol, en el Fogón divino, allá en Teotihuacán. Igualmente fue este el Sol de nuestro príncipe, en... more
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      Seismic HazardSeismic RetrofitSeismic EngineeringSeismic
Moderate and severe earthquakes have struck different places in the world, causing severe damage to reinforced concrete structures. Retrofitting the existing structures is one of the major challenges to face. One of the retrofit... more
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      EngineeringStructural RetrofiitingSeismic RetrofitRETROFITTING OF BUILDINGS
Earthquakes can cause considerable fatalities, injuries and financial loss. The forces of nature cannot be blamed, as the problem lies with the structures in seismic regions that may not have been designed or constructed to a sufficient... more
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      Earthquake EngineeringSeismic Retrofitting of Historical Masonry BuildingsEarthquake Geotechnical EngineeringSeismic Retrofit
RIASSUNTO Notizie di variazioni idrologiche, come aumento o diminuzione delle portate delle sorgenti o dei fiumi, innalzamento o abbassamento dei livelli dei pozzi, associate ad eventi sismici sono note almeno da 2000 anni; solo negli... more
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      GeologyHydrogeologyHydrologySeismic Hazard
ASEIZMICKO PPROJEKTOVANJE I ARHITEKTURA je prva knjiga kod nas, koja se bavi orginalnom temom uticaja arhitektonskih rešenja na seizmičko reagovanje objekata. Uloga arhitekture u seizmičkom regovanju objekata nikada nije ozbiljno... more
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      Architectural EngineeringArchitectureSeismic RetrofitSeismic Engineering
This paper represents the overall review about the change in structural behavior and strength of Reinforced concrete short columns when strengthened with ferrocement jackets. The installation of reinforcement in RC short columns using... more
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      Structural EngineeringSeismic RetrofitReinforced concreteStrengthening
The main goal of the present paper is to demonstrate an innovative method of indirect seismic retrofit of bridges for both horizontal seismic directions. Longitudinally a restraining system of struts-ties is applied, while transversely a... more
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      Structural EngineeringEarthquake EngineeringBridge EngineeringSoil-Structure Interaction
ARKITEKTURA SIZMIKE a book (in albanian) published in August 2012. Book explores the role of architecture and architects in seismic response of building structures.It has 362 pages in color and more than 400 photographs and drawings.... more
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      Architectural EngineeringArchitectureSeismic RetrofitSeismic Engineering
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      EngineeringCultural HeritageSeismic RetrofitBuilding Economics
This work is an elementary but comprehensive textbook which provides the latest updates in the fields of Earthquake Engineering, Dynamics of Structures, Seismology and Seismic Design, introducing relevant new topics to the fields such as... more
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      Earthquake EngineeringSeismic RetrofitSafety and reliability and risk managementGround Motion Selection and Modification
The main objective of the present study is the assessment and retrofit of an existing road bridge that is located in Cyprus over the river Kouris. In particular the study concerns in a road bridge with seven spans of 10.5 m + 5 * 12.6 m +... more
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      Bridge EngineeringSeismic Retrofitting of Historical Masonry BuildingsConcrete And Steel designStructural Retrofiiting
The objective of this paper is to compare and discuss effectiveness of different strengthening methods used to improve the performance of FRP wrapped rectangular columns. Fiber Reinforced Polymer (FRP) lamina are being used in structural... more
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      Structural RetrofiitingSeismic Retrofit
Este libro describe el riesgo sísmico al que están expuestos los edificios escolares del país y propone medidas para su reducción con la intención principal de promover la seguridad de niños, jóvenes y maestros durante la ocurrencia de... more
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      Earthquake EngineeringSeismic RetrofitSeismic RiskGestión De Riesgos
Structures constructed in developing world are typically RC frames with masonry infill. These structures have little resistance for lateral loads caused by earthquake and wind. Even for adequately designed structures also, due to... more
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      Sustainable DevelopmentSeismic Retrofitting of Historical Masonry BuildingsSustainable Water Resources ManagementSeismic Retrofit
Synopsis: Use of fiber reinforced polymer (FRP) material has served as a proper solution to overcome the weakness of concrete members caused by substandard design, changes in the load distribution, or to correct the weakness of concrete... more
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      Structural EngineeringSeismic Retrofit2. Strengthening of Concrete Structures by New TechniquesBeam-Column Joints
A state-of-art of traditional and modern retrofitting techniques emphasizing the advantage of the use of metallic materials. General issues of structural intervention starting from the mechanical causes of damage, the logical phases of... more
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      Seismic Base IsolationSeismic Retrofitting of Historical Masonry BuildingsSeismic RetrofitSeismic Rehabilitation of Steel, Concrete and Masonry Structures
Ujjayanta Palace, standing in the heart of Agartala city, in Tripura, a famous royal house, covering an area of 1 sq. km. and styled in Greek sculpture, was built by Maharaja Radhakishore Manikaya in 1901. The two-storeyed palace has a... more
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      Seismic Retrofitting of Historical Masonry BuildingsStructural RetrofiitingSeismic RetrofitRetrofitting and Strengthening of Structures
Sustainability has become a fundamental requirement for the future of our cities. This requirement is mostly associated with environmental issues, and a great effort has been made in the past years to build a low-carbon society. However,... more
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      Energy efficiencySeismic RetrofitSustainable Building RenovationEnergy Efficient Retrofitting
Post-occurrence consequences of catastrophic natural phenomena produced by a diversity of factors have a negative impact on the quality of life of the general population. Immediate recovery measures are needed to be taken in order to... more
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      Structural EngineeringSeismic HazardSeismic Base IsolationMaterials Science and Engineering
Monetary losses induced by earthquakes in Reinforced Concrete (RC) buildings are mainly due to damage to non-structural elements (infills, partitions, finishes, etc.). In this study, alternative retrofit strategies for reducing monetary... more
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      Seismic Base IsolationCost-Benefit AnalysisSeismic RetrofitSeismic Rehabilitation of Steel, Concrete and Masonry Structures
Many existing reinforced concrete structures were constructed with substandard characteristics. Low quality concrete, poor transverse reinforcement details and insufficient flexural strength are among the most common deficiencies. While... more
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      Structural EngineeringStructural RetrofiitingSeismic RetrofitSeismic Engineering
Seismic retrofit of concrete elements
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      Seismic RetrofitReinforced Concrete StructuresFiber Reinforced Polymer (FRP)
Analytical seismic responses of structures retrofitted using base isolation devices are investigated and the retrofit schemes are illustrated. The retrofitting of various important structures using seismic isolation technique by... more
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      Earthquake EngineeringStructural DynamicsSeismic Base IsolationSeismic Retrofitting of Historical Masonry Buildings
Le costruzioni in cemento armato rappresentano circa il 50% del patrimonio edilizio esistente, realizzato soprattutto durante la seconda metà del ventesimo secolo. Tali edifici hanno esaurito la loro vita utile (50-60 anni secondo gli... more
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      Structural EngineeringSeismic Retrofit
Probabilistic methods to evaluate the seismic vulnerability of reinforced concrete (RC)frames are largely used in the context of performance based design and assessment, often de-scribing the structural response using global engineering... more
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      Disaster ManagementPerformance Based Earthquake EngineeringSeismic RetrofitEarthquake
LUCRĂRILE SEMINARULUI Overview of the STEEL-EARTH project (Steel-based applications in earthquake-prone areas) - acad. Dan Dubina Performance based evaluation of structures in view of their consolidation - Adrian Dogariu Strengthening of... more
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      Civil EngineeringSeismic Retrofitting of Historical Masonry BuildingsPerformance Based Earthquake EngineeringSeismic Retrofit
The reinforced concrete constructions built after World War II represent almost half of the European building stock. Such buildings are characterized by low energy efficiency, living discomfort and may be inherently vulnerable to seismic... more
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      Seismic RetrofitEnergy efficient refurbishment
The mechanical characteristics of infill walls retrofitted with carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP) sheets are really important for the realistic prediction of seismic performance of the vulnerable reinforced concrete (RC) frames... more
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    • Seismic Retrofit
This paper reports on eight case studies of existing concrete dams that have been strengthened to improve their seismic performance. These seismic upgrades were based on the knowledge and analytical tools available at the time.... more
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    • Seismic Retrofit
Structural response control, with tuned sloshing water dampers (TSWD) may be adopted as seismic retrofitting measure for the existing structures (ES).The water tanks of designed geometry rigidly attached with the ES at strategic locations... more
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      Seismic RetrofitSeismic analysis and designSeismic resistant design of structuresSeismic response
This study aims at evaluating, by means of a probabilistic approach, the effectiveness of dissipative braces based on elasto-plastic devices in reducing the vulnerability of existing reinforced concrete buildings designed before the... more
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      Risk and VulnerabilitySeismic RetrofitSeismic EngineeringReinforced Concrete Structures
This paper reviews briefly traditional rehabilitation methods and provides a detailed discussion of design issues along with the advantages and the disadvantages of innovative strategies for seismic retrofitting of steel and composite... more
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      Structural EngineeringEarthquake EngineeringSeismic RetrofitSeismic Engineering
Buildings with historical value are regional cultural assets worth preserving. At times, they also represent a potential source of revenue and stimulus for the economical revitalization of their neighbourhoods. The building preservation... more
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      Seismic Retrofitting of Historical Masonry BuildingsSeismic Retrofit
The refurbishment of the existing building stock is nowadays becoming a priority in order to meet energy-saving and emission-control international targets and to foster safety and resilience of European communities. A new research... more
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      Seismic RetrofitArchitectural DesignDiagridsEnergy efficient refurbishment
One of the important requirements for earthquake resistant buildings associated with confinement is the use of seismic hook in hoop or confining reinforcement for r/c column elements. However, installation of confining reinforcement with... more
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      Earthquake EngineeringSeismic RetrofitRetrofitting and Strengthening of StructuresConfinement Reinforced Concrete
This paper presents research on a conventional but practical retrofitting method for masonry walls along with the numerical modelling of it under in-plane lateral shear-compression loading. The latter is capable of predicting the... more
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      Finite Element Analysis (Engineering)Masonry BuildingsSeismic RetrofitWalls
This paper assesses the seismic performance of typical reinforced concrete (RC) existing framed structures designed for gravity loads only. The sample two-storey structural system exhibits high vulnerability, i.e. low lateral resistance... more
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      Civil EngineeringGeophysicsStructural EngineeringEarthquake Engineering
The use of seismic isolation for the seismic rehabilitation of existing buildings is very attractive but often very tricky due to several aspects related to its implementation. In this paper, a case study of seismic rehabilitation of a... more
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      Seismic RetrofitSeismic Isolation
In Italy, over 75% of the building stock is not only highly energy-consuming, but also earthquake-prone. Hence, energy renovation actions should be combined with seismic retrofitting. However, a number of barriers (economic,... more
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      Seismic RetrofitEnergy Efficient RetrofittingPayback Period
The original structural design of this case study consisted of five basement floors and a 34-story hotel tower in Kaohsiung, Taiwan. The construction started in 1993, and the erection of the entire steel frame and the pouring of concrete... more
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      Civil EngineeringEarthquake EngineeringCase StudiesPerformance
A seismic retrofit technique for existing reinforced concrete beam-column connections using planar joint expansion is proposed. The method is based on a two-dimensional expansion of beamcolumn joint using cast in-situ concrete and dowel... more
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      Civil EngineeringDesignEarthquake EngineeringComposite Materials and Structures
The paper presents the vulnerability assessment of the Hassan Bey's Mansion, located in the Medieval City of Rhodes in Greece. To this aim, the procedure developed in PERPETUATE project for the seismic assessment at scale of a single... more
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      Structural EngineeringEarthquake EngineeringStructural DynamicsSeismic Retrofitting of Historical Masonry Buildings
All around the world, a huge amount of buildings have been built before the enforcement of specific codes for seismic resistance and energy efficiency. Particularly in Italy, over 74% of residential buildings were constructed before 1980,... more
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      Energy efficiencySeismic RetrofitSustainable Building RenovationEnergy Efficient Retrofitting