Recent papers in Segmentation
South Florida's watersheds have endured a century of urban and agricultural development and disruption of their hydrology. Spatial characterization of South Florida's estuarine and coastal waters is important to Everglades' restoration... more
Quality of life (QOL) has become a central issue of concern in peoples’ lives and the research on this topic has largely increased in the past decades. However, some studies on QOL only adopted objective indicators and QOL research is... more
In this paper, we propose a novel system for beard and mustache detection and segmentation in challenging facial images. Our system first eliminates illumination artifacts using the self-quotient algorithm. A sparse classifier is then... more
Image registration (or alignment) is a useful preprocessing tool for assisting in manual data extraction from handwritten forms, as well as for preparing documents for batch OCR of specific page regions. A new technique is presented for... more
This paper describe the one of the method of text extraction from visiting card images with fanciful design containing complicated color background and reverse contrast regions. The proposed method is based on edge detection followed by... more
It is common practice to utilize evidence from biological and psychological vision experiments to develop computational models for low-level feature extraction. The receptive profiles of simple cells in mammalian visual systems have been... more
With increasingly higher numbers of non-English language web searchers the problems of efficient handling of non-English Web documents and user queries are becoming major issues for search engines. The main aim of this review paper is to... more
In this paper, we describe an intelligent signal analysis system employing the wavelet transformation towards solving vehicle engine diagnosis problems. Vehicle engine diagnosis often involves multiple signal analysis. The developed... more
In a chamber of the heart, large-scale vortices are shown to exist as the result of the dynamic blood flow and unique morphological changes of the chamber wall. As the cardiovascular flow varies over a cardiac cycle, there is a need for a... more
Combining both spatial and intensity information in image, we present an MRI brain image segmentation approach based on multiresolution edge detection, region selection, and intensity threshold methods. The detection of white matter... more
Texture segmentation is one of the early steps towards identifying surfaces and objects in an image. Textures considered here are de ned in terms of primitives called tokens. In this paper we h a ve developed a texture segmentation... more
Many desirable properties make fractals a powerful mathematic model applyied in several image processing and pattern recognition tasks: image coding, segmentation, feature extraction and indexing, just to cite some of them. Unfortunately,... more
We present an approach for separating two speech signals when only one single recording of their linear mixture is available. For this purpose, we derive a filter, which we call the soft mask filter, using minimum mean square error (MMSE)... more
In this paper, we propose a novel region-based active contour model for image segmentation. Our model incorporates the global and local information in the energy function, enabling efficient segmentation of images while accounting for... more
This article surveys deformable models, a promising and vigorously researched computer-assisted medical image analysis technique. Among model-based techniques, deformable models offer a unique and powerful approach to image analysis that... more
Abstrak Kemampuan manusia untuk membedakan tekstur-tekstur yang berbeda secara perceptual merupakan permasalahan utama dalam visi mesin (machine vision) yang mengacu pada banyak pola tekstural dan kondisi iluminasi. Sehingga dalam... more
Recently, autonomous driving becomes a hot topic in research and industry area. Autonomous driving technology needs to perceive the semantic information of road scenes in the all-day and open environment. In this article, the semantic... more
Quantitative content analysis is increasingly used to surpass surface level analyses in computer-supported collaborative learning (eg, counting messages), but critical reflection on accepted practice has generally not been reported. A... more
This paper presents a new enhanced text extraction algorithm from degraded document images on the basis of the probabilistic models. The observed document image is considered as a mixture of Gaussian densities which represents the... more
Oil spill pollution plays a significant role in damaging marine ecosystem. Discharge of oil due to tanker accidents has the most dangerous effects on marine environment. The main waste source is the ship based operational discharges.... more
This paper presents a study highlighting the predictive performance of a radial basis function (RBF) network in estimating the grade of an offshore placer gold deposit. In applying the radial basis function network to grade estimation of... more
This paper presents a color object recognition scheme which proceeds in three sequential steps: segmentation, features extraction and classification. We mainly focus on the first and the third steps here. A color watershed using global... more
This paper presents a system for spoken term detection in a continuousspeech stream. Spoken terms are predefined through a set of acoustic examples provided by the users. Spoken term detection proceeds in two steps: speech segmentation... more
This paper sketches the author's research in nine areas related to speech translation: interactive disambiguation (two demonstrations of highly-interactive, broad-coverage speech translation are reported); system architecture;... more
This paper addresses the problem of parametric representation and estimation of complex planar curves in 2-D, surfaces in 3-D and nonplanar space curves in 3-D. Curves and surfaces can be defined either parametrically or implicitly, and... more
The mammography is the most effective procedure for an early diagnosis of the breast cancer. The goal of segmentation is to detect abnormalities and to extract the entire suspicious mass region from mammograms. In this paper we have... more
Segmentation of brain tumor from medical images is an interesting topic which is investigated by many researchers. It is important to locate tumor at an early stage so that it can be easily healed and can be used for further diagnosis.... more
Although it is well established in the academic literature that entrepreneurs share common traits, there has been limited research dedicated to evaluating psychographic profiles of the self-employed. Using the Nominal Group Technique, the... more
After collecting a data base of fingerprint images, we design a neural network algorithm for fingerprint recognition. When presented with a pair of fingerprint images, the algorithm outputs an estimate of the probability that the two... more
In this paper we present an instance based machine learning algorithm and system for real-time object classification and human action recognition which can help to build intelligent surveillance systems. The proposed method makes use of... more
The detection, recognition and classification of features in a digital image is an important component of quality control systems in production and process engineering and industrial systems monitoring, in general. In this paper, a new... more
The segmentation of an image can be considered as a preprocessing step for many of the algorithms such as object detection and identification. Many algorithms exist in the field of remote sensing for segmentation, in every case the... more
Clustering is a division of data into groups of similar objects. Representing the data by fewer clusters necessarily loses certain fine details, but achieves simplification. It models data by its clusters. Data modeling puts clustering in... more