Security in Web Services
Recent papers in Security in Web Services
Services. Security is a major concern when implementing mission-critical business transactions and such concern motivated the development of Web Services Security (WS-Security). However, the existing tools for configuring the security... more
In this article, we will discuss keylogger attacks with xss.
Web Services are substantially growing and become vital for businesses and organizations. A major concern, especially for mission-critical applications is Security. This study focuses on developing Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) as Web... more
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Remote File Inclusion / Local File Inclusion [Attack and Defense Techniques]
The web is absolutely necessary part of our lives. It is wide platform which is used for information sharing and service over internet. They are used for the financial, government, healthcare, education and many critical services.... more
Convergence and ubiquity are the key characteristics of tomorrows service provision infrastructures. Cloud architectures will constitute cost-efficient backbones that will support the transmission, storage, and computing of the... more
The 21st century has witnessed an integration of enterprise business process with emerging techniques in a quest to maximize opportunities and organisational strength. In spite of these, vulnerabilities and risks still abound due to the... more
Web service architectures have gained popularity in recent years within the scientific grid research community. One reason for this is that web services allow software and services from various organizations to be combined easily to... more
WS-Security describes enhancements to SOAP messaging to provide quality of protection through message integrity, message confidentiality, and single message authentication. These mechanisms can be used to accommodate a wide variety of... more
CDG is a leading provider of Cyber Security Managed Services- protection against data breach which is sensitive, protected or confidential data is potentially viewed, stolen or used by an individual unauthorized to do so.
Although web services are becoming businesscritical components, they are often deployed with critical software bugs that can be maliciously explored. Web vulnerability scanners allow detecting security vulnerabilities in web services by... more
Security is considered one of the main challenges for software oriented architectures (SOA). For this reason, several standards have been developed around WS-Security. However, these security standards usually hinder interoperability, one... more
This work concentrates on proposing a framework to implement the PKI which enables security in XML documents, by defining a common framework and processing rules that can be shared across applications using common tools, avoiding the need... more
Although web services are becoming businesscritical components, they are often deployed with critical software bugs that can be maliciously explored. Web vulnerability scanners allow detecting security vulnerabilities in web services by... more
In this paper particular stages are analyzed present in the iris recognition process. First, we shortly describe available acquisition systems and databases of iris images, which can be used for tests. Next, we concentrate on features... more
Instrumentation Grids aim at controlling and managing heterogeneous resources & instruments securely, reliably and in near real-time. Within this context, we present a Web Services based Security Architecture that aims at improving... more
Wireless Ad-hoc network has become unavoidable for today's communication world. Most of the wireless ad-hoc networks are prone to potential attacks such as sneak attacks, wormhole attack, sink replication attack etc. This paper aims in... more
Due to these immediate benefits, most IT departments are implementing this technol-ogy with the high-priority objective of mak-ing them operable leaving aside, at least ... MAIN WEB SERVICES SECURITY ISSUES The following section describes... more
Contemporary e-Business applications comprise of dynamic extensible and interoperable collection of services, Web Services and information shared by collaborating entities performing various transactional tasks. Securing these services... more
Mobile Ad Hoc Network (MANET) is a collection of wireless mobile nodes with restricted transmission range and resources, no fixed infrastructure and quick and easy setup. Because of special characteristics, wide-spread deployment of MANET... more
RapidSSL updated their website with new RapidSSL brown, orange and yellow and a sleek new look and feel the significance of a brand that embodies SSL super fast and easy. RapidSSL also migrated their roots to the key sizes of 2048 bits to... more
Smart grid utility provider collects consumers' power consumption data for three main reasons: billing, analysis, and operation. Billing needs coarse-grained data where there are no, or minimal, privacy concerns. While analysis and... more
In this paper brightness correction and stereovision impression based methods of the perceived quality improvement of CCTV video sequences are presented. These methods are helpful for the monitoring operator in order to evoke attention... more
Web Services technologies have introduced a new challenge for security protocols. Traditional security protocols cannot handle intermediaries and the flexibility of Web Services bindings. Thus, several proposals for introducing security... more
In this paper, we investigate the authorisation service provided by Microsoft ® .NET MyServices [1]. We propose modifications and extensions to eXtensible Markup Language (XML) [2] based data structures' schemas to support a range of... more
E-commerce is known as the purchasing and offering of items or administrations over electronic media, for example, the Internet and other PC systems. It is for the most part known as the deals and business capacity of e-business. There... more
The paper provides an overview of available web applications and Web Services security vulnerability models and proposes a classification of the potential Grid and Web Services attacks and vulnerabilities. This is further used to... more
WS-Security describes enhancements to SOAP messaging to provide quality of protection through message integrity, message confidentiality, and single message authentication. These mechanisms can be used to accommodate a wide variety of... more
Extended Validation (EV) SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) from True BusinessID is an encryption protocol that ensures that traffic, both to and from your website, is secure from prying eyes and hackers. The True BusinessID EV SSL assures the... more
Web Services are widely used to provide services and exchange data among business units, customers, partners and suppliers for enterprises. Although Web Services signiflcantly improve the interaction and development of processes in the... more
ABTRACT MANET is a kind of Adhoc network with mobile, and wireless nodes. Because of its distinct features like dynamic topology, hop-by-hop communications and easy and quick setup, MANETs encountered lots of challenges allegorically... more
The majority of key management techniques ignore the adversary's attacking behaviour, making them less practical in the real world. The defender/network designer can effectively and efficiently construct many countermeasures against... more
This paper concentrates on proposing a framework to implement the PKI enables security in XML documents, by defining a common framework and processing rules that can be shared across applications using common tools, avoiding the need for... more
International Journal on Cryptography and Information Security ( IJCIS) is an open access peer reviewed journal that focuses on cutting-edge results in applied cryptography and Information security. It aims to bring together scientists,... more