Security Requirements

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Security requirements refer to the specifications and conditions that a system, application, or process must meet to protect against unauthorized access, data breaches, and other security threats. These requirements guide the design, implementation, and evaluation of security measures to ensure confidentiality, integrity, and availability of information.
The Java Cryptography Architecture, JCA in short, was created to allow JCA-compliant cryptography providers to be plugged into a JCA-aware application at run time. This configurable feature makes JCA widely used and assures its success.... more
The notion of Zero Knowledge introduced by Goldwasser, Micali and Rackoff in STOC 1985 is fundamental in Cryptography. Motivated by conceptual and practical reasons, this notion has been explored under stronger definitions. We will... more
the AuThoRs Ana Isabel González-Tablas Ferreres is an assistant professor in the Computer Science Department at universidad Carlos III de madrid. Her main research interests are security and privacy for location-based services and digital... more
Over decades quantum cryptography has been intensively studied for unconditionally secured data transmission in a quantum regime. Due to the quantum loopholes caused by imperfect single photon detectors and/or lossy quantum channels,... more
There has been a growing interest in investigating methodologies to support the development of secure systems in the software engineering research community. Recently, much attention has been focused on the modelling and analysis of... more
The vision of nomadic computing with its ubiquitous access has stimulated much interest in the Mobile Ad Hoc Networking (MANET) technology. Those infrastructureless, self-organized networks that either operate autonomously or as an... more
The vision of nomadic computing with its ubiquitous access has stimulated much interest in the Mobile Ad Hoc Networking (MANET) technology. Those infrastructureless, self-organized networks that either operate autonomously or as an... more
The vision of nomadic computing with its ubiquitous access has stimulated much interest in the Mobile Ad Hoc Networking (MANET) technology. Those infrastructureless, self-organized networks that either operate autonomously or as an... more
The vision of nomadic computing with its ubiquitous access has stimulated much interest in the Mobile Ad Hoc Networking (MANET) technology. Those infrastructureless, self-organized networks that either operate autonomously or as an... more
In this article we present a survey of secure ad hoc routing protocols for mobile wireless networks. A mobile ad hoc network is a collection of nodes that is connected through a wireless medium forming rapidly changing topologies. The... more
by H. Ziv
Despite the availability of approaches to specifying security requirements, we have identified a lack of comparative studies of those approaches and, subsequently, lack of guidance and useful tools to determine the most appropriate... more
Trustworthiness in services provided by the Critical Infrastructure (CI) is essentially dependent on the quality of underlying software, systems, practice and environment, as which the software information infrastructures are becoming... more
Establishing secure systems assurance based on Certification and Accreditation (C&A) activities, requires effective ways to understand the enforced security requirements, gather relevant evidences, perceive related risks in the... more
The rapid development in electronic commerce and information technology drives the traditional physical product trading evolved to digital product trading. With the effect of the multi-agents system in the Internet environment and the... more
Cryptography is one way to transfer secure information over unsecure network such as Internet. In this paper we are proposing a safe method to transmit data over Internet. In our application, the data sent to a remote host is encrypted... more
Cross domain resource sharing and collaborations have become pervasive in today's service oriented organizations. Existing approaches for the realization of cross domain access control are either focused on the model level only without... more
A Distributed Key Generation (DKG) protocol is an essential component of threshold cryptosystems required to initialize the cryptosystem securely and generate its private and public keys. In the case of discrete-log-based (dlog-based)... more
Abstract—Already announced in 2007 for Sun’s Rock proces-sor but later canceled, hardware transactional memory (HTM) finally found its way into general-purpose desktop and server systems and is soon to be expected for embedded and... more
An effective security and resource management is required for the provisioning and sharing of resources while keeping autonomy and stability of their environments. The models for security control and resource provisioning and sharing are... more
Nowadays, more and more security-relevant data are stored on computer systems; security-critical business processes are mapped to their digital pendants. This situation applies to various critical infrastructures requiring that different... more
Nowadays, more and more security-relevant data are stored on computer systems; security-critical business processes are mapped to their digital pendants. This situation applies to various critical infrastructures requiring that different... more
The adoption of positioning technologies to supplement, complement and function as defense intelligence applications has become widely accepted within homeland security and military circles. At the core of advancement are four main... more
One-third of India's urban population resides in extreme poverty, in slums and squatters. Food insecurity remains a visible reality among this segment. Yet, it is scarcely documented. This paper describes levels and determinants of... more
Universal designated verifier signatures (UDVS) were introduced in 2003 by Steinfeld et al. to allow signature holders to monitor the verification of a given signature in the sense that any plain signature can be publicly turned into a... more
The paper proposes a comprehensive information security maturity model (ISMM) that addresses both technical and socio/nontechnical security aspects. The model is intended for securing e-government services (implementation and service... more
e-Government maturity models (eGMMs) lack security services (technical and socio/non-technical) in its critical maturity stages. The paper proposes a comprehensive framework for integrating IT security services into eGMM critical stages.... more
Distributed s ystems usually contain objects with heterogeneous security requirements that pose important challenges on the underlying security mechanisms and especially in access control systems. Access control in distributed systems... more
DRM technologies include a range of functions to support the management of intellectual property for digital resources, such as expression of rights and obligations, description, identification, trading, protection, monitoring and... more
Balancing competing dependability concerns related to security, fault tolerance and performance is a challenge during software development. Addressing these concerns early on in the development lifecycle can reduce the need for extensive... more
Efficiency of asynchronous optimistic fair exchange using trusted devices is studied. It is shown that three messages in the optimistic subprotocol are sufficient and necessary for exchanging idempotent items. When exchanging... more
Many authentication and key agreement protocols were proposed for protecting communicated messages. In previous protocols, if the user's identity is transmitted in plaintext, an adversary can tap the communications and employ it to launch... more
The Common Criteria is often too confusing and technical for non-security specialists to understand and therefore properly use. At the same time, it is essential that security critical IT products under development be validated according... more
Component-based software engineering often relies on libraries of trusted components that are combined to build dependable and secure software systems. Resource dependences, constraint conflicts, and information flow interferences arising... more
One of the challenges in the designing of pairing-based cryptographic protocols is to construct suitable pairing-friendly curves: Curves which would provide efficient implementation without compromising the security of the protocols.... more
This paper presents an analysis of security requirements of large-scale distributed file systems. Our objective is to identify their generic as well as specific security requirements and to propose potential solutions that can be employed... more
In this paper, we present our ongoing work of a policy-driven approach to security requirements of grid data management systems (GDMS). We analyse the security functionalities of existing GDMS to determine their shortcomings that should... more
The Transportation Informatics and Telematics Knowledge Centre (after the abbreviation of its name in Hungarian: 'KITT') of Budapest Tech initiated its operation in the Autumn of 2006 thank to the financial support provided by the... more
The software industry still struggles with adverse effects of a weak alignment between requirements and testing. The Software Pattern Metamodel (SoPaMM) aligns requirements and test patterns under the influence of agile practices.... more
In Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) environment, a software application is a composition of services, which are scattered across enterprises and architectures. Security plays a vital role during the design, development and operation of... more
Risk of a given threat is a function of the likelihood of exercising the threat and the severity of its impacts. This paper proposes incorporating attacker capabilities and motivations in estimating the likelihood of exercising threats.... more
In this position paper, we motivate and summarize our work on repeatably generating cryptographic keys from spoken user input. The goal of this work is to enable a device to generate a key (e.g., for encrypting files) upon its user... more
Pervasive computing envisions an environment in which we are surrounded by many embedded computer devices. Those networked devices provide us with a mobile, spontaneous and dynamic way to access various resources provided by domains with... more
Graphical conceptual models for On-Line Analytical Processing (OLAP) applications should semiautomatically generate the database schema and the corresponding multidimensional (MD) model for a specific target commercial OLAP tool. However,... more
Global connectivity of computing and storage resources opens up the possibility of sabotaging and misusing information to a degree never seen before. The exponential growth in the scale of distributed data management systems and... more
In this work, we propose a first version of an e-voting scheme that achieves end-to-end verifiability, everlasting privacy and efficient coercion resistance in the JCJ setting. Everlasting privacy is achieved assuming an anonymous... more
This paper aims to apply the Bees Algorithm for solving system of equations. The solving System of Equations may be linear or nonlinear for a number of unknowns. As an application of System of Equations, we can implement cryptanalysis... more
SOA is a Buzzword today and much is said about it, the actual goal of SOA is to help align IT capabilities with business goals .Another important goal of SOA is to provide an agile technical infrastructure that can be quickly and easily... more