Initially targeted at residential voters only, Swiss internet voting trials have recently been extended to expatriates. In this paper, we review the Swiss experience with internet voting systems for expatriates. After a short overview of... more
Blockchain is a peer-to-peer distributed ledger technology that makes the records of any digital asset transparent and immutable and works without involving a third party. Hence, it is independent of a third party and termed as... more
This assignment report explores the integration of biometric security measures into e-voting systems, highlighting their potential to enhance vote privacy, accuracy, cost-efficiency, and voter participation compared to traditional voting... more
Artificial intelligence's (AI) influence on democracy is evident in its impacts on civic engagement, decision-making, and political processes. The majority of African countries are still acclimating to the integration of technology in... more
The growth of electronic services on the web, lead to the development of premier web applications that try to offer means of electronic democracy. Such aspects are: electronic elections, electronic debates, electronic pre-election... more
Election integrity is fundamental to democratic systems, but many national election processes are still vulnerable to voter fraud, vote tampering, and political corruption. Blockchain technology offers an innovative solution to these... more
This note is a response to, and critique of, recent work by Acemyan, Kortum, Bryne, and Wallach regarding the usability of end-to-end verifiable voting systems, and in particular, to their analysis of the usability of the Scantegrity II... more
This paper describes an on-line e-voting system security implementation to reduce attacks with the help of time stamping and hash function. E-voting is electronically voting process via Internet, it gaining popularity in applications that... more
Traditional polling methods are vulnerable to manipulation and fraud. In this project, we develop a secure and transparent polling system by integrating blockchain technology and AI-based fingerprint authentication. The immutable nature... more
This is a PDF file of an article that has undergone enhancements after acceptance, such as the addition of a cover page and metadata, and formatting for readability, but it is not yet the definitive version of record. This version will... more
Implementation of Blockchain technologies in online voting system is becoming increasingly popular in modern society and has significantly efficiency in governance. This article explores how Blockchain technologies can boost government... more
With the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic and the succession of its waves, the transmission of this disease and the number of deaths caused by it have been increasing. Despite the various vaccines, the COVID-19 virus is still contagious and... more
Two issues which have signifcantly impeded the widespread adoption and acceptance of modern e-voting solutions are the lack of an intuitive user interface and the inability to verify the results. In recent years there have been efforts... more
Voter Fraud without a doubt has been catastrophic at so many levels. The wrong leader makes a wrong decision which starts a domino effect of bad decisions thereby affecting the nation. The aim here is to establish trust between the... more
This paper presents the Voting System using Blockchain Technology. It mainly focuses on the decentralized way of voting system for the corporate elections and can be expanded further for the democratic countries like India for a... more
Security of electronic transaction over insecure communication channel is a challenging task that includes many critical areas as secure communication channel, strong data encryption technique and trusted third party to maintain the... more
Technology integration has called for increased debates regarding data information security, especially around digital voting and the overall electronic electoral process. Most voters are concerned about election security attributed to... more
Increasing digital technology has revolutionized the life of people. Unlike the electoral system, there are many conventional uses of paper in its implementation. The aspect of security and transparency is a threat from still widespread... more
The objective of this study is twofold; one, is to assess the impact of Technological Decentralization on Livestock Data Management and two, is to test the moderating effect of Blockchain Technology between Technological Decentralization... more
We propose a secure mobile Internet voting architecture based on the Sensus reference architecture and report the experiments carried out using short-term spectral features for realizing the voice biometric based authentication module of... more
Blockchain technology, originating with Nakamoto's seminal whitepaper in 2008, has evolved into a transformative force, promising decentralized, transparent, and secure digital transactions. H impact of blockchain is accompanied by... more
This paper illustrates the way a proposed quantum voting scheme can be designed in combination with a steganography technique called Least Significant Bit (LSB), by modifying a small number of pixels in multiple grayscale images. It... more
We propose a secure mobile Internet voting architecture based on the Sensus reference architecture and report the experiments carried out using short-term spectral features for realizing the voice biometric based authentication module of... more
A key component of democratic governance in modern countries is the election process. But due to worries about things like polling booth capturing, data manipulation, and vote rigging, a general mistrust in the electoral process has... more
The implementation of a dependable and equitable decision-making process is of paramount importance and carries substantial influence within any organizational context. At present, decision-making procedures frequently depend on either... more
Traditional elections satisfy neither citizens nor political authorities in recent years. They are not fully secure since it is easy to attack votes. It threatens also privacy and transparency of voters. Additionally, it takes too much... more
One of the principal components for democracy government is election. It is the best approach to collect the public opinions to make a democratic government. The conventional process of election is truly complex, time consuming and has a... more
With the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic and the succession of its waves, the transmission of this disease and the number of deaths caused by it have been increasing. Despite the various vaccines, the COVID-19 virus is still contagious and... more
RESUMO: O presente artigo analisa o contexto atual do voto eletrônico no sistema eleitoral brasileiro e seus principais avanços e desafios. O trabalho destaca aspectos técnicos e operacionais, no que se refere à segurança dos equipamentos... more
Public Key-Kryptographie (oder asymmetrische Kryptographie) steht für Kryptosysteme (Verschlüsselung, Authentifizierung oder digitale Signaturen), bei denen die kommunizierenden Parteien zunächst keinen gemeinsamen geheimen Schlüssel... more
E lections in a Western democracy are a very important case, but vast parts of citizens across the globe have no confidence in their democratic systems, this is a massive problem for democracy. Also the biggest economies in the world,... more
Several countries have been researching digital voting methods in order to overcome the challenges of paper balloting and physical voting. The recent coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) epidemic has compelled the remote implementation of... more
Smart contracts allow untrusting parties to arrange agreements encoded as code deployed on a blockchain platform. To release their potential, it is necessary to connect the contracts with the outside world, such that they can understand... more
muestreo virtual en línea. Para este fin se utilizó la red social Facebook y se empleó como la herramienta metodológica denominada bola de nieve virtual, se aplicaron algunas pruebas piloto y dos campañas abiertas restringidas a la... more
Increasing digital technology has revolutionized the life of people. Unlike the electoral system, there are many conventional uses of paper in its implementation. The aspect of security and transparency is a threat from still widespread... more
The study sought to discover the experiences of the thirty-five school young leaders of East Bayugan District who attended the capacity development activity. The research used descriptive qualitative design. Data were processed using... more
This article explores how technology has reduced electoral malpractices such as ballot stuffing, voting by proxy, result collation manipulations and over-voting in Nigeria's 2019 and 2023 elections. It further highlights the strength,... more
Allowin Toffel in his book 'Third Wave' had described the third revolutions that have witnessed namely the agrarian revolution, industrial revolution and the computer revolution. But now we are in the age of convergence which emphasizes... more
The European Union Democracy Observatory (EUDO, is an independent and interdisciplinary organisation fully-integrated within the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies (RSCAS) at the European University Institute. Its... more
Classical cryptography with complex computations has recently been utilized in the latest computing systems to create secret keys. However, systems can be breached by fast-measuring methods of the secret key; this approach does not offer... more
We study the liquid democracy problem, where each voter can either directly vote to a candidate or delegate his voting power to a proxy. We consider the implementation of liquid democracy on the blockchain through Ethereum smart contract... more
Blockchain technology can be used in all areas of our lives because it is a transparent and reliable database. On the other hand, electronic voting systems are becoming an electoral system that has become widespread worldwide. As a result... more
Democracy depends on a large portion of voter’s trust in the integrity of the process of electing their representatives. Thus, voting schemes need to be transparent and still guarantee the secrecy of the vote to ensure the integrity of... more
Mesmo após anos de implantação e evolução do voto eletrônico, as urnas eletrônicas continuam sendo alvo crescente de críticas, tanto por parte de especialistas em segurança da informação quanto pela sociedade. Os principais desa os no uso... more
The implementation of advanced technologies in elections becomes more effective, beneficial and valuable to eliminate the fraud attempts in voting, to get accurate voting results and to raise the voter turnout. This is a project proposal... more
Advances in Information and Communications Technology (ICT) have impacted the society in many ways. Be it education, healthcare, media or governance, the transformation is visible. As individual entities like education or healthcare... more