2006 Tatiana López Romero INTERNET SERVICE PROVIDERS' LIABILITY FOR ONLINE COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT: THE US APPROACH Vniversitas, julio-diciembre, número 112 Pontificia Universidad Javeriana Bogotá, Colombia pp. 193-214 ... Red de... more
arguments, but any ground they gained was lost when Congress enacted the Digital Millennium Copyright Act ("DMCA") on October 28, 1998. Congress felt ISPs had little defense against an owner claiming copyright infringement, and enacted... more
Some have proposed "alternative compensation schemes" as a means of compensating copyright owners and creators for P2P activity while avoiding litigation. Some have proposed a streamlined dispute resolution system that would... more
The method to combating online infringement and digital piracy is comprehensive, encompassing legal, technological, and instructional initiatives. With the help of international cooperation, legislative efforts are concentrated on... more
The Internet has become a part of our everyday life. It has enhanced and enriched our lives making it possible for us to access information from anywhere in the world in the blink of an eye. However, it has also been used for illegal... more
Well-defined, secure and properly enforced property rights ensure that economic agents have security in their ownership of property and in their ability to take decisions with respect to that property 6. These rights enhance the workings... more
Information Technology is growing faster than any other communication vehicle in the history mankind. Invention of digital technology was the most important revolution in the last century. The influence of digital technology on... more
As we leave the Industrial Age behind us and move into the Information Age, the transition from "bricks and mortar" commerce to electronic commerce and from paper to electronic publishing pose major challenges for international... more
Yes. The author’s making available right according to Article 8 of the WIPO Copyright Treaty (WCT) was adopted into the Swiss legislation in 2008 by virtue of Article 10(2)(c) of the Federal Act on Copyright and Related Rights (Copyright... more
The debate over the degree of flexibility at the disposal of national courts in Europe to grant, deny, or tailor, injunctive relief in patent litigation seems to be a never-ending story. In most jurisdictions, absent exceptional... more
Copyright law, by virtue of its protection of intellectual capital and especially particular forms of expression, is in a constant state of flux.' Technological advances in two disparate areas continue to redefine copyright law while... more
The advent of the Internet has posed unprecedented challenges on enforcing copyright. Online copyright infringements are pervasive, while it is not easy to impose liability on direct infringers, i.e., Internet users. This leads to a... more
In Hong Kong, online auctions and market places 3 providers are well established. Yahoo! Auction, launched in 1999, boasts 1.5 million monthly unique visitors and 5.5 transactions every minute of an average value of HKD 424. 4 Similarly,... more
The evolution of social media encouraged a parallel evolution of blogging, sprouting a million-dollar industry that rivals magazines in content and influence. The rise of the blogging phenomenon created multiple niches for companies to... more
JIPITEC 11 (2020) 1 - The debate over the degree of flexibility at the disposal of national courts in Europe to grant, deny, or tailor, injunctive relief in patent litigation seems to be a never-ending story. In most jurisdictions, absent... more
Prior to joining the NBS, he spent three years at the Dickson Poon School of Law at King's College London, where he completed his Doctoral research investigating approaches to, and challenges in, holding internet intermediaries... more
The ACTA agreement (anti-counterfeiting trade agreement) is a new international instrument in which there would be arranged for problems related to the enforcement of intellectual property, which would arrange the furniture and some... more
billion downloads globally." 2 TikTok features, among other things, users lip-syncing and dancing to popular music. 3 Due to TikTok users' ability to upload allegedly unlicensed music on the platform, major music labels are seeking... more
In recent years, intellectual property law has paid increasing attention to issues of private international law. The American Law Institute promulgated Intellectual Property: Principles Governing Jurisdiction, Choice of Law, and Judgments... more
This brief Article, written in connection with a Symposium hosted by the Vanderbilt Journal of Entertainment and Technology Law, addresses nascent criminal enforcement against contributory copyright infringement in connection with P2P... more
Are search engines liable for trademark infringement for offering trademarks as 'keywords' to others than the trademark owner? Is the act of displaying or arranging the display of an advertisement for identical or similar goods to that of... more
In the wake of the millennium and the rise of the internet, legislative action was taken to shelter internet service providers (ISPs) from various forms of legal action. In the turmoil of chartering new and unregulated territory, such a... more
JIPITEC 3 (2012) 2 - On 3 April 2012, the Spanish Supreme Court issued a major ruling in favour of the Google search engine, including its ‘cache copy’ service: Sentencia n.172/2012, of 3 April 2012, Supreme Court, Civil Chamber.* The... more
Internet platform providers (IPPs) have the potential of reaching every online user of copyrighted works and of enhancing the licensing efficiency of copyrighted works. This chapter explores legal mechanisms to transform this potential... more
Kenya's Copyright (Amendment) Bill, 2017, is nearing its final stage of consideration by Parliament. In this article, we provide a review of the Bill's provisions in respect of its treatment of internet intermediaries, specifically... more
The past 25 years have seen a ‘turn to culture’ in copyright scholarship. This cultural turn has produced an expansive account of copyright’s disadvantages with respect to qualitative cultural and political goals such as: promoting... more
, Megaupload, the now-defunct New Zealand-based file sharing and storage site, released a video for their tune "Megasong" (YouTube 2011), featuring appearances by artists and pop music icons such as will.i.am, Macy Gray, Kanye West, Mary... more
The Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) has shaped the Internet as we know it. This legislation shields online service providers from secondary copyright infringement liability in exchange for takedown of infringing content of their... more
an attorney admitted in Italy, Argentina and in the State of Illinois, currently practicing in Chicago. I graduated with an LLM in International Intellectual Property at Chicago-Kent College of Law in May 2019 with honors. I express... more
Directive 2000/31/EC on electronic commerce (hereinafter referred to as: "the directive") aims to remove obstacles to cross-border provision of on-line services in the Internal Market and to provide legal certainty to businesses and... more
Los intermediarios de Internet, comprendidos en sentido amplio, están integrando diversas actividades que hacen que, mediante la expansión de sus capacidades de regulación por código o diseño, trasciendan su rol clásico de neutralidad... more
This talk proposal is about part of the work carried out in the context of the EU project MediaMixer. This project aim was to promote adoption of semantic technologies by the media industry. The proposal was based on a workflow enhanced... more
YouTube is the world's largest video sharing platform where both professional and non-professional users participate in creating, uploading, and viewing content. In this work, we analyze content in the music category created by the... more
improperly, and in that situation the wronged party can recover for "wrongful seizure." 8 Even less well known is that punitive damages are available "in instances where the seizure was sought in bad faith." 9 Since the seizure statute... more
Copyright enforcement was one of the early challenges to the rule of law on the internet and has shaped its development since the early 1990s. The Notice and Takedown (N&TD) regime, enacted in the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, offered... more
Copyright enforcement was one of the early challenges to the rule of law on the internet and has shaped its development since the early 1990s. The Notice and Takedown (N&TD) regime, enacted in the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, offered... more
More than fifteen years have passed since the two major U.S. statutes concerning the secondary liability of Internet service providers were adopted-the Communications Decency Act and the Digital Millennium Copyright Act. The statutes have... more
The emergence of platforms has transformed the digital economy, reshaping and recasting online transactions within the service industry. This transformation, as many have argued, has created new and unimagined challenges for policymakers... more
The Internet has become a crucial advertising tool for modern-day businesses. Increasingly, business enterprises are opting for online presence, and this phenomenon has significantly transformed advertising techniques. Consumers wish to... more
This paper briefly examines the current regime of copyright law in Morocco and seeks to examine the status of orphan works in Morocco, in lieu its membership as the sole African country in the recently signed Anti-Counterfeiting Trade... more
The advent of the Internet has changed how information and content were created, accessed, used, and distributed digitally. The Internet provides diverse opportunities for subscribers, users, private or business operators, and the public... more
The first part of the workflow is about automatic fragmentation of media assets to facilitate their reuse and repurposing, using the Media Fragments URI specification. These fragments are then semantically annotated during the second step... more
Extraterritorial application of U.S. law, as Professor Curtis Bradley demonstrates, is highly suspect, if not illegitimate, unless clearly authorized by Congress." The apparently "extraterritorial" character of much recent copyright... more
This book examines alternative ways of protecting patent rights using the law and economics framework of property and liability rules. Traditional compulsory licenses are compared with the most recent discussions on the choice between... more