Resumen: In this work we deal with global stability properties of two host-vector disease models using the Poicare-Bendixson Theorem and Second Method of Lyapunov. We construct a Lyapunov function for each Vector-Host model. We proved... more
In this paper, we introduce and analyze two structured models for the transmission of a vector-borne infectious disease. The first of these models assumes that the level of contagiousness and the rate of removal (recovery) of infected... more
In this paper, we study a virus dynamics model with logistic mitosis, cure rate, and intracellular delay. By means of construction of a suitable Lyapunov functionals, obtained by linear combinations of Volterra-type functions, composite... more
The purpose of this paper is to study the global stability properties of equilibria for age-dependent epidemiological models in presence of recurrence phenomenon. In these systems, the recurrence rate depends on asymptomatic-infectionage.... more
We formulate a susceptible-vaccinated-infected-recovered (SVIR) model by incorporating the vaccination of newborns, vaccineage, and mortality induced by the disease into the SIR epidemic model. It is assumed that the period of immunity... more
In epidemic modeling, the term infection strength indicates the ratio of infection rate and cure rate. If the infection strength is higher than a certain threshold-which we define as the epidemic threshold-then the epidemic spreads... more
In this study, a new SIVS epidemic model for human papillomavirus (HPV) is proposed. The global dynamics of the proposed model are analyzed under pulse vaccination for the susceptible unvaccinated females and males. The threshold value... more
In epidemic modeling, the term infection strength indicates the ratio of infection rate and cure rate. If the infection strength is higher than a certain threshold-which we define as the epidemic threshold-then the epidemic spreads... more
In this study, a new SIVS epidemic model for human papillomavirus (HPV) is proposed. The global dynamics of the proposed model are analyzed under pulse vaccination for the susceptible unvaccinated females and males. The threshold value... more
We propose an SEIR epidemic model with latent period and a modified saturated incidence rate. This work investigates the fundamental role of the vaccination strategies to reduce the number of susceptible, exposed, and infected individuals... more
This study presents a family of stochastic models for the dynamics of influenza in a closed human population. We consider treatment for the disease in the form of vaccination and incorporate the periods of effectiveness of the vaccine and... more
This study presents a family of stochastic models for the dynamics of influenza in a closed human population. We consider treatment for the disease in the form of vaccination, and incorporate the periods of effectiveness of the vaccine... more
A mathematical or computational model in evolutionary biology should necessary combine several comparatively fast processes, which actually drive natural selection and evolution, with a very slow process of evolution. As a result, several... more
We formulate a susceptible-vaccinated-infected-recovered (SVIR) model by incorporating the vaccination of newborns, vaccine-age, and mortality induced by the disease into the SIR epidemic model. It is assumed that the period of immunity... more
Introduction: The risk of contact infection among susceptible individuals in a randomly mixed population can be reduced by the presence of immune individuals and this concept is referred as herd immunity. Although herd immunity is... more
The present study considers a deterministic compartmental model for obesity dynamics. The model exhibits forward bifurcation at basic reproduction number,R0=1, that is; forR0<1, obesity is not sustained. However forR0>1the model... more
Pulse vaccination, the repeated application of vaccine over a defined age range, is gaining prominence as an effective strategy for the elimination of infectious diseases. An SIR epidemic model with pulse vaccination and distributed time... more
In this paper, we consider a mathematical model of leptospirosis disease which is an infectious disease. The model we are considering is a system of nonlinear ordinary differential equations and it is difficult to find exact solution. In... more
The Ebola virus is currently one of the most virulent pathogens for humans. The latest major outbreak occurred in Guinea, Sierra Leone, and Liberia in 2014. With the aim of understanding the spread of infection in the affected countries,... more
In this paper, we consider a mathematical model of leptospirosis disease which is an infectious disease. The model we are considering is a system of nonlinear ordinary differential equations and it is difficult to find exact solution. In... more
We derive and analyze a mathematical model of smoking in which the population is divided into four classes: potential smokers, smokers, temporary quitters, and permanent quitters. In this model we study the effect of smokers on temporary... more
Theoretical description of the metastable phase decay kinetics in the presence of specific connections between the embryos of small sizes has been given. The theory of the decay kinetics in the presence of relaxation processes is... more
We formulate a susceptible-vaccinated-infected-recovered (SVIR) model by incorporating the vaccination of newborns, vaccine-age, and mortality induced by the disease into the SIR epidemic model. It is assumed that the period of immunity... more
We develop and analyze an age-structured SVIRS epidemic model with ages of vaccination [1] and recovery which allows for variations in the exit rate of the removed as a function of age (time since recovery) and variations in the vaccine... more
We discuss a stochastic SIR epidemic model with vaccination. We investigate the asymptotic behavior according to the perturbation and the reproduction numberR0. We deduce the globally asymptotic stability of the disease-free equilibrium... more
We investigate a stochastic SIS model with nonlinear incidence rate. We show that there exists a unique nonnegative solution to the system, and condition for the infectious individualsI(t)to be extinct is given. Moreover, we prove that... more
In this work we deal with global stability properties of two host - vector disease models using the Poicare-Bendixson Theorem and Second Method of Lyapunov. We construct a Lyapunov function for each Vector- Host model. We proved that the... more
The Ebola virus is currently one of the most virulent pathogens for humans. The latest major outbreak occurred in Guinea, Sierra Leone, and Liberia in 2014. With the aim of understanding the spread of infection in the affected countries,... more
A classical epidemiological framework is used to qualitatively assess the impact of early detection and treatment on the dynamics of HIV/AIDS. Within this theoretical framework, two classes of infected populations: those infected but... more
We derive and analyze a mathematical model of smoking in which the population is divided into four classes: potential smokers, smokers, temporary quitters, and permanent quitters. In this model we study the effect of smokers on temporary... more
We examine possible approximate solutions of both integer and noninteger systems of nonlinear differential equations describing tuberculosis disease population dynamics. The approximate solutions are obtained via the relatively new... more
We derive and analyze a mathematical model of smoking in which the population is divided into four classes: potential smokers, smokers, temporary quitters, and permanent quitters. In this model we study the effect of smokers on temporary... more
The stability of the SIR epidemic model with information variable and limited medical resources was studied. When the basic reproduction ratio R 0 < 1, there exists the disease-free equilibrium and when the basic reproduction ratio R 0 >... more
Most of the current epidemic models assume that the infectious period follows an exponential distribution. However, due to individual heterogeneity and epidemic diversity, these models fail to describe the distribution of infectious... more
Computers and Mathematics with Applications Dynamical aspects of an age-structured SIR endemic model
The main idea of this work is to present and study the dynamical behavior of an age-dependent SIR endemic model. First, the age-dependent SIR endemic model is formulated from existing SIR epidemic models by adding age-dependent... more
Computers and Mathematics with Applications Dynamical aspects of an age-structured SIR endemic model
The main idea of this work is to present and study the dynamical behavior of an age-dependent SIR endemic model. First, the age-dependent SIR endemic model is formulated from existing SIR epidemic models by adding age-dependent... more
The Ebola virus is currently one of the most virulent pathogens for humans. The latest major outbreak occurred in Guinea, Sierra Leone, and Liberia in 2014. With the aim of understanding the spread of infection in the affected countries,... more
In this work we deal with global stability properties of classic SIS, SIR and SIRS epidemic models with constant recruitment rate, mass action incidence and variable population size. The usual approach to determine global stability of... more
This paper is aimed at designing a robust vaccination strategy capable of eradicating an infectious disease from a population regardless of the potential uncertainty in the parameters defining the disease. For this purpose, a control... more
This paper presents a deterministic model for monitoring the impact of drug resistance on the transmission dynamics of malaria in a human population. The model has a diseasefree equilibrium, which is shown to be globally-asymptotically... more
This paper presents a deterministic model for monitoring the impact of drug resistance on the transmission dynamics of malaria in a human population. The model has a diseasefree equilibrium, which is shown to be globally-asymptotically... more
We analytically study the dynamical behavior of a two-neuron network with a timedelayed self-connection. The effect of the time delay on the stability of the trivial solution and on the existence of self-sustained periodic solution are... more
This paper presents a deterministic model for monitoring the impact of drug resistance on the transmission dynamics of malaria in a human population. The model has a diseasefree equilibrium, which is shown to be globally-asymptotically... more
We present in this paper an SIRS epidemic model with saturated incidence rate and disease-inflicted mortality. The Global stability of the endemic equilibrium state is proved by constructing a Lyapunov function. For the stochastic... more
Lyapunov functionals for global stability of Lotka-Volterra cooperative systems with discrete delays
This paper addresses the global stability of a two-species Lotka-Volterra cooperative system with four discrete delays via the method of Lyapunov functionals. We apply our Lyapunov functional techniques to prove stability of... more
We formulate a susceptible-vaccinated-infected-recovered (SVIR) model by incorporating the vaccination of newborns, vaccineage, and mortality induced by the disease into the SIR epidemic model. It is assumed that the period of immunity... more
In this paper, we formulate a susceptible-vaccinated-infected-recovered (SVIR) model by incorporating the vaccination of newborns, vaccine-age and mortality induced by the disease into the SIR epidemic model. It is assumed that the... more
"In this paper, we study the global stability conditions of two epidemiological model with relapse, and bilinear and standard incidence rates, respectively, that includes recruitment rate of susceptible individuals into the community and... more
"""Lyapunov functions for some mathematical models of ecological commensalism between two species are introduced. Global stability of the unique positive equilibrium is thereby established. Keyword: Models of ecological commensalism;... more
""By means of Lyapunov functions, we have established the global stability of the steady state of two models that include latent infected cells, a linear immune response and a generalized immune attack term. Keywords. Virus dynamics... more