I also want to thank all people working at Chyn for creating such a pleasant and amusing working environment, which makes it almost the 'second home'. In particular, I would like to thank Daniel Hunkeler, Heinz Surbeck and Pierre Schnegg... more
For the extension of the harbour of Antwerp (Belgium), excavation is needed for a new dock. Appropriate measures need to be taken for the monitoring of the possible disturbance of the salt/fresh water distribution in the phreatic aquifer.... more
Hydrogeochemical analyses were carried out to identify geochemical processes occurring in the low-lying coastal aquifer of Ravenna, North Adriatic Sea (Italy). The area is characterized by a complex coexistence of several environments:... more
Ground-and surface water chemistry and stable isotope data from the coastal zone near Ravenna (Italy) have been examined to determine the geochemical conditions and processes that occur and their implications for fresh water availability... more
Subsurface physical barriers have been effectively used to mitigate seawater intrusion (SWI). Traditionally, the primary emphasis in both numerical studies and practical implementations has been on vertical barriers. The current research... more
Saltwater intrusion (SWI) is a widespread environmental problem that poses a threat to coastal aquifers. To address this issue, this research employs both numerical and experimental methods to study saltwater intrusion under the impact of... more
Groundwater field pumping out and tracer injection test had been carried out at Nghiem Xuyen commune, Thuong Tin district, Hanoi where salinized and fresh groundwater boundary exist in the Pleistocene aquifer. The test was executed with... more
This paper demonstrates the application of a recently developed free and open-source GIS-integrated hydrochemical-hydrogeological analysis tool (named AkvaGIS) for the management and interpretation of hydrogeological data with respect to... more
In arid and semiarid zones, groundwater plays a key role in the ecology and availability of freshwater. Coastal lagoons in arid zones have great importance as a refuge for species of flora and fauna, as a source of freshwater, and for... more
The island of Susak differs from other Croatian islands in its geological and hydrogeological properties, because it is, for the most part, covered with fine-grained loess-type sands. At the outset of the research it was unclear whether... more
ABSTRACTGeophysical surveys are carried out in the coastal area of Petrosino (south‐western Sicily) to study the time evolution of seawater contamination of the coastal aquifer, probably increased due to human impact. The overexploitation... more
This chapter describes the occurrence of saltwater/freshwater interface in coastal aquifers. It has a brief description of the physics, hydraulics, and mathematics behind the theory of saltwater intrusion and the saltwater/freshwater... more
Quaternary sea level fluctuations have led to the development of beach ridges on many South Atlantic coasts. The objective of this paper was to asses from lithological, hydrochemical, isotopic, and geophysical studies the salinization... more
Managed aquifer recharge (MAR) is increasingly used to secure drinking water supply worldwide. The city of Amsterdam (The Netherlands) depends largely on the MAR in coastal dunes for water supply. A new MAR scheme is proposed for the... more
With the growing population and the adverse effects of climate change, the pressure on coastal aquifers is increasing, leading to a larger risk of saltwater intrusion (SI). SI is often complex and difficult to characterize from well data... more
The research of saltwater upconing is crucial for the development and utilization of island freshwater resources. In this paper, a laboratory physical experiment device was developed, and the saltwater upconing and recovery of island... more
Spatial and Temporal Patterns of Pore Water Chemistry in the Inter-Tidal Zone of a High Energy Beach
Patterns of Pore Water Chemistry which produced non-uniform groundwater flow conditions. We conclude that on mesotidal high energy beaches, the rapidly changing beach morphology produces zones with different approximations to steady-state... more
We report first results from a study on water and element exchange across the land-ocean boundary at the southern Baltic Sea. The focus is set on ferruginous fresh ground waters escaping at the shore line, flowing in air contact before... more
We report first results from a study on water and element exchange across the land-ocean boundary at the southern Baltic Sea. The focus is set on ferruginous fresh ground waters escaping at the shore line, flowing in air contact before... more
In this note, the Water Budget Method (WBM) is applied to estimate local values of the specific yield of the deep karst aquifer of Salento peninsula. A selection in a period of two years of relevant short precipitation events has been... more
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Most of the coastal ecosystems face double whammy problems in terms of excess water congestion during the monsoon period and non availability of freshwater during the post monsoon period. Ingression of saline water due to high tide is a... more
Water flow and solute transport through a fractured vadose zone underneath an industrial contaminated site in Belgium were studied with a new methodological concept. The Vadose Zone Experimental Setup (VZES) combines a vadose zone... more
Groundwater levels and water samples were collected from 20 drinking water pumping and piezometer wells in the urban area of Dakar coastal region in the year 2019. The pH-value, electrical conductivity, as well as calcium, magnesium,... more
The temperature distribution of shallow sectors of coastal aquifers are highly influenced by the atmospheric temperature and recharge. However, geothermal heat or vertical fluxes due to the presence of the saline wedge have more influence... more
Coastal freshwater resources are commonly under high risk of being contaminated from seawater. The main processes that affect seawater intrusion are groundwater overexploitation, land use change, and climate change effects. In this... more
Introduction. A case study of heat transport modeling in the shallow aquifer of the Turin City (NW Italy) with finite-difference computer code is here reported. A detailed geological characterization of the subsoil and the estimation of... more
D h% Publication #45127 DECLAIMER Portions of this document may be illegible in electronic image products Images are produced from the best available original dOCUment.
Integrating Surface and Borehole Geophysics in the Characterization of Salinity in a Coastal Aquifer
A combination of geologic descriptions of cores, borehole geophysics, surfacegeophysical soundings and water-sample analyses was used to characterize flow in the surficial aquifer in the vicinity of Big Cypress National Preserve, Collier... more
The study presents simulations of seawater intrusion (SWI) in the coastal aquifers of Amol-Ghaemshahr, Northern Iran in response to oscillations of sea level and groundwater extraction and incorporates the assessment of the impacts of... more
This article appeared in a journal published by Elsevier. The attached copy is furnished to the author for internal non-commercial research and education use, including for instruction at the authors institution and sharing with... more
The knowledge of the time to reach a new equilibrium after a hydraulic perturbation is crucial to model accurately the groundwater system. A hypothetical numerical model loosely based on the western margin of the Great Artesian Basin in... more
Saltwater intrusion (SWI) is a widespread environmental problem that poses a threat to coastal aquifers. To address this issue, this research employs both numerical and experimental methods to study saltwater intrusion under the impact of... more
Subsurface physical barriers have been effectively used to mitigate seawater intrusion (SWI). Traditionally, the primary emphasis in both numerical studies and practical implementations has been on vertical barriers. The current research... more
Submarine groundwater discharge is an important part of the hydrological cycle, but remains under-investigated for confined aquifers with no surface outcrop at the beach. This paper considers the offshore directed flow of fresh... more
Gravel pit lakes offer a variety of uses after excavation has ceased. One of those uses is the storage, infiltration, aquifer passage, and production of drinking water. We have investigated such a gravel pit lake in The Netherlands that... more
Multi-isotope composition of freshwater sources for the southern North and Baltic Sea Michael E. Böttcher-p. P-18 Airborne clay mapping at the East Frisian coast Bernhard Siemon-p. 371 P-19 Impact of tourism on groundwater extraction on... more
In most coastal areas in Mexico, there is an increase in housing development and facilities for tourism, consequently resulting in a negative impact on the environment. Due to this, an awareness of the critical role of groundwater in... more
With the growing population and the adverse effects of climate change, the pressure on coastal aquifers is increasing, leading to a larger risk of saltwater intrusion (SI). SI is often complex and difficult to characterize from well data... more
The Indus Delta is an endangered wetland on the Ramsar list due to a continued decrease of river flow toward the delta, resulting in seawater intrusion into the inland areas and deteriorating the potable patches of shallow groundwater and... more
Many coastal aquifers have experienced seawater intrusion (SWI) into fresh groundwater aquifers. The principal causes of SWI include over-pumping and events such as climate change (CC) and rising sea levels. In northern Morocco, the... more
With the growing population and the adverse effects of climate change, the pressure on coastal aquifers is increasing, leading to a larger risk of saltwater intrusion (SI). SI is often complex and difficult to characterize from well data... more
This article appeared in a journal published by Elsevier. The attached copy is furnished to the author for internal non-commercial research and education use, including for instruction at the authors institution and sharing with... more