Numerical modeling of land subsidence induced by groundwater extraction considering unsaturated effects and using element-free Galerkin (EFG) method Document Type : Article Authors A. Tourei 1 A. Pak 2 M. A. Iranmanesh 3 1 Civil... more
The hydrogeochemical characterization of groundwater helps to assess the trend of salinization and freshening of the groundwater. The present study was carried out to understand the lateral and vertical variation of groundwater salinity... more
This paper addresses the sustainable abstraction rate and depth, and the corresponding salinity, in a coastal aquifer as a result of abstraction from beach wells, which is applied on the coastal Nile Delta aquifer as a case study. The... more
Seawater Intrusion (SI) is a critical problem as a consequence of climate change. The progression of the salt wedge inland compromises the quality and quantity of groundwater, seriously damaging agriculture and gradually desertifying the... more
Multisecular land use change and difficulties in water management lead to changes in soil properties, but the slow kinetics, the spatio-temporal variability of soils, land use and water quality makes these changes difficult to decipher.... more
Studies on lymphatic filariasis (LF) in Indonesia have mostly focused on the disease determinants with limited focus on spatial-based and the determinants of implementing ivermectin, diethylcarbamazine citrate, and albendazole (IDA). This... more
Statistical and geochemical methods validate each other, showing comparable results. • Both methods outline recharge areas and those subject to salinization processes. • The proposed approach enabled to outline areas with different... more
Seawater intrusion is the primary cause of groundwater salinisation in coastal aquifers. However, attributing salinisation solely to seawater intrusion may not always be accurate, given the likely presence of other sources. To understand... more
This study aims to identify groundwater salinization origin and to determine seawater intrusion extension toward the inland in Chaouia, Morocco. To reach these objectives, firstly, 46 groundwater samples were analyzed for major chemical... more
This study presents the differences and similarities between the MODFLOW-USG (Unstructured Grid version of MODFLOW) and traditional structured versions of MODFLOW 2005 in simulating a three-dimensional multilayer groundwater flow model in... more
This study focuses on the application of the new method, GALDIT, for the cartography of aquifer vulnerability due to seawater intrusion in the area of Chaouia coast (Morocco) which is characterized by intense agricultural activity and low... more
This study investigates the replacement of traditional surface irrigation methods with modern irrigation systems (MIS) including horizontal sprinkler, central pivot, surface drip, and subsurface drip aimed at improving water efficiency in... more
This study has investigated the potential impact of human activities and climate change on the groundwater budget, water levels, and seawater intrusion in the coastal aquifer of the Gaza Strip (State of Palestine) over the next two... more
Sumur resapan merupakan bangunan rekayasa yang dibuat untuk konservasi air sebagai tempat menampung dan meresapkan air permukaan. Konservasi air diperlukan untuk mengurangi intrusi air laut di daerah pesisir. Air tanah dangkal di... more
This paper aims to understand the general background of groundwater quality that must be considered for the 'smart city' planning of Surat city. Twenty-Six water samples collected from bore wells of the city were analyzed. The results... more
Thirty-one groundwater samples were collected from Jiwani, Ganz, Pishukan, Gwadar and Sur Bander, coastal towns of Gwadar District, Balochistan Province, Pakistan. The overall average trend of cationic and anionic distributions is found... more
PIER LUIGI VERCESI * ASPETTI QUALI-QUANTITATIVI DELLE RISORSE IDRICHE SOTTERRANEE DEL BRESCIANO** RIASSUNTO-Vengono compendiati gli aspetti idrogeologici della provincia di Brescia attraverso l'analisi sintetica delle sue principali... more
PurposeThis paper aims to define the current and potential extent of seawater intrusion in Manukan Island under different scenarios of varying recharge and pumping rates. The calibrated model was also used to predict the extent of... more
This study aimed to analyze seawater intrusion by measuring TDS, DHL and Salinity in dug well water on the coast of Pasir Nan Tigo Village. Sampling was carried out in December on the third week. TDS concentration measurements showed that... more
Marine intrusion phenomenon is the main phenomenon threatening the groundwater quality in coastal aquifers around the world. This phenomenon is generally caused by the overexploitation of aquifers, decline in the piezometric level and the... more
La complejidad de los medios geológicos, así como el que cada vez más se requieran estudios de mayor detalle, ha provocado un gran auge en el empleo de modelos numéricos en hidrogeología, fundamentalmente de flujo de agua, pero también de... more
Minecraft, sonsuz olasılıkları ve yaratıcı özgürlüğü ile bilinen küresel bir sansasyon haline geldi. Orijinal PC ve konsol sürümleri efsanevi olsa da, mobil sürüm olan Minecraft APK, tüm bloklu evreni avucunuzun içine getiriyor. İster... more
Increasing usage of ground water tends to cause sea water intrusion. Sea water intrusion often happens in coastal areas. This study was conducted to determine the spread, levels of intrusion and factors that affect sea water intrusion in... more
Many coastal agricultural regions are at risk of sea-level rise and groundwater overdraft, which lead to saltwater intrusion of underlying aquifers. Increased salinity levels in irrigation water can lead to crop yield reductions and... more
Reverse osmosis (RO) seawater desalination is a widely applied technological process to supply potable water worldwide. Recently, saline groundwater (SGW) pumped from beach wells in coastal aquifers that penetrate beneath the... more
This is a PDF file of an article that has undergone enhancements after acceptance, such as the addition of a cover page and metadata, and formatting for readability, but it is not yet the definitive version of record. This version will... more
Water availability is a fundamental concern for coastal areas in arid and semiarid regions such as Jerba Island, southeastern Tunisia. In these areas, the water demand is steadily increasing and putting pressure on water resources. These... more
Highlights Seawater intrusion is the mechanism controlling the interaction between groundwater and aquifer materials. Lithium content and groundwater abnormal salinizationAre highly correlated. Lithium is a tracer for the processes... more
Highlights Seawater intrusion is the mechanism controlling the interaction between groundwater and aquifer materials. Lithium content and groundwater abnormal salinizationAre highly correlated. Lithium is a tracer for the processes... more
Saltwater intrusion is generally related to seawater-level rise or induced intrusion due to excessive groundwater extraction in coastal aquifers. However, the hydrogeological heterogeneity of the subsurface plays an important role in... more
In coastal aquifers which are exploited for agricultural purposes, salinisation by salt recycling from irrigation is superimposed on the effects of seawater intrusion. Water quality degradation of irrigation pumping wells caused by... more
A framework for a process-based salinisation risk assessment methodology is proposed that allows separation and mapping of areas prone to primary salinisation, such as seawater intrusion, agrochemical pollution or geogenic contamination... more
A framework for a process-based salinisation risk assessment methodology is proposed that allows separation and mapping of areas prone to primary salinisation, such as seawater intrusion, agrochemical pollution or geogenic contamination... more
In coastal aquifers which are exploited for agricultural purposes, salinisation by salt recycling from irrigation is superimposed on the effects of seawater intrusion. Water quality degradation of irrigation pumping wells caused by... more
Demand for freshwater is rising with factors, such as population growth, land use change and climate variations, rendering water availability in the future uncertain. Groundwater resources are being increasingly exploited to meet this... more
In coastal groundwater aquifer, seawater intrusion is seen as a significant issue. Increasing the groundwater pumping rate enhances seawater intrusion into groundwater in the coastal aquifers. In Egypt, the Nile Delta aquifer (NDA) is... more
Groundwater quality is an essential factor restricting regional sustainable development owing to water resource scarcity, especially in coastal regions. Coastal groundwater is affected by natural conditions and strong human activities,... more
Resumen-El problema inverso en hidrología subterránea consiste en la estimación de los parámetros de un modelo, a partir de las respuestas del sistema (niveles, concentraciones, etc.) y de información previa sobre los propios parámetros,... more
School of Water Resources Engineering, Jadavpur University, Kolkata-700 032, India Department of Civil Engineering, Dr. Sudhir Chandra Sur Degree Engineering College, Kolkata-700 074, India <em>E-mail</em>:... more
The mechanism governing salinization of ground water discharging into the Sea of Galilee in Israel has been the subject of debate for several decades. Because the lake provides 25% of the water consumed annually in Israel, correct... more
In coastal areas, obtaining groundwater is not easy due to the lack of geological support conditions that cause water in the area to have poor quality such as groundwater that becomes salty. The coastal area of Sayung Subdistrict has... more
The detailed characterization of salt water intrusion is a key to understand both submarine groundwater discharge and manage often intensively exploited groundwater resources in coastal areas. With the objective to study the response of a... more
We study the effect of heterogeneity in the hydraulic conductivity field on the three-dimensional dynamics of seawater intrusion in a coastal aquifer with a pumping well. In order to test whether the mean behavior of this setup can be... more
Salinity intrusion is a problem in many coastal estuarine and waterways in various parts of the world. Brisbane is a river city close to the coast and as such the condition of the river influences the surrounding groundwater quality. The... more
Semi-arid coastal zones often suffer water-stress, as water demand is high and markedly seasonal, due to agriculture and tourism. Driven by scarcity of surface water, the communities in semi-arid coastal regions turn to aquifers as prime... more
The increased use of reclaimed water for artificial groundwater recharge purposes has led to concerns about future groundwater quality, particularly as it relates to the introduction of new organic and inorganic contaminants into the... more